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from os.path import (join, dirname, isdir, normpath, splitext, basename)
from os import listdir, walk, sep
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
import sh
import shlex
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
import glob
import importlib
import os
import shutil
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
from pythonforandroid.logger import (warning, shprint, info, logger,
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
from pythonforandroid.util import (current_directory, ensure_dir,
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe
def copy_files(src_root, dest_root, override=True):
for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(src_root):
for filename in filenames:
subdir = normpath(root.replace(src_root, ""))
if subdir.startswith(sep): # ensure it is relative
subdir = subdir[1:]
dest_dir = join(dest_root, subdir)
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
src_file = join(root, filename)
dest_file = join(dest_dir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(src_file):
if override and os.path.exists(dest_file):
if not os.path.exists(dest_file):
shutil.copy(src_file, dest_file)
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
class Bootstrap(object):
'''An Android project template, containing recipe stuff for
compilation and templated fields for APK info.
name = ''
jni_subdir = '/jni'
ctx = None
bootstrap_dir = None
build_dir = None
dist_dir = None
dist_name = None
distribution = None
# All bootstraps should include Python in some way:
recipe_depends = [
("python2", "python2legacy", "python3", "python3crystax"),
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
can_be_chosen_automatically = True
'''Determines whether the bootstrap can be chosen as one that
satisfies user requirements. If False, it will not be returned
from Bootstrap.get_bootstrap_from_recipes.
# Other things a Bootstrap might need to track (maybe separately):
# ndk_main.c
# whitelist.txt
# blacklist.txt
def dist_dir(self):
'''The dist dir at which to place the finished distribution.'''
if self.distribution is None:
warning('Tried to access {}.dist_dir, but {}.distribution '
'is None'.format(self, self))
return self.distribution.dist_dir
def jni_dir(self):
return + self.jni_subdir
def check_recipe_choices(self):
'''Checks what recipes are being built to see which of the alternative
and optional dependencies are being used,
and returns a list of these.'''
recipes = []
built_recipes = self.ctx.recipe_build_order
for recipe in self.recipe_depends:
if isinstance(recipe, (tuple, list)):
for alternative in recipe:
if alternative in built_recipes:
return sorted(recipes)
def get_build_dir_name(self):
choices = self.check_recipe_choices()
dir_name = '-'.join([] + choices)
return dir_name
def get_build_dir(self):
return join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'bootstrap_builds', self.get_build_dir_name())
def get_dist_dir(self, name):
return join(self.ctx.dist_dir, name)
def get_common_dir(self):
return os.path.abspath(join(self.bootstrap_dir, "..", 'common'))
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
def name(self):
modname = self.__class__.__module__
return modname.split(".", 2)[-1]
def prepare_build_dir(self):
'''Ensure that a build dir exists for the recipe. This same single
dir will be used for building all different archs.'''
self.build_dir = self.get_build_dir()
self.common_dir = self.get_common_dir()
copy_files(join(self.bootstrap_dir, 'build'), self.build_dir)
copy_files(join(self.common_dir, 'build'), self.build_dir,
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
if self.ctx.symlink_java_src:
info('Symlinking java src instead of copying')
shprint(sh.rm, '-r', join(self.build_dir, 'src'))
shprint(sh.mkdir, join(self.build_dir, 'src'))
for dirn in listdir(join(self.bootstrap_dir, 'build', 'src')):
shprint(sh.ln, '-s', join(self.bootstrap_dir, 'build', 'src', dirn),
join(self.build_dir, 'src'))
with current_directory(self.build_dir):
with open('', 'w') as fileh:
def prepare_dist_dir(self, name):
def run_distribute(self):
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
def list_bootstraps(cls):
'''Find all the available bootstraps and return them.'''
forbidden_dirs = ('__pycache__', 'common')
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
bootstraps_dir = join(dirname(__file__), 'bootstraps')
for name in listdir(bootstraps_dir):
if name in forbidden_dirs:
filen = join(bootstraps_dir, name)
if isdir(filen):
yield name
def get_bootstrap_from_recipes(cls, recipes, ctx):
'''Returns a bootstrap whose recipe requirements do not conflict with
the given recipes.'''
info('Trying to find a bootstrap that matches the given recipes.')
bootstraps = [cls.get_bootstrap(name, ctx)
for name in cls.list_bootstraps()]
acceptable_bootstraps = []
for bs in bootstraps:
if not bs.can_be_chosen_automatically:
possible_dependency_lists = expand_dependencies(bs.recipe_depends)
for possible_dependencies in possible_dependency_lists:
ok = True
for recipe in possible_dependencies:
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx)
if any([conflict in recipes for conflict in recipe.conflicts]):
ok = False
for recipe in recipes:
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx)
except ValueError:
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
conflicts = []
conflicts = recipe.conflicts
if any([conflict in possible_dependencies
for conflict in conflicts]):
ok = False
if ok and bs not in acceptable_bootstraps:
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
info('Found {} acceptable bootstraps: {}'.format(
[ for bs in acceptable_bootstraps]))
if acceptable_bootstraps:
info('Using the first of these: {}'
return acceptable_bootstraps[0]
return None
def get_bootstrap(cls, name, ctx):
'''Returns an instance of a bootstrap with the given name.
This is the only way you should access a bootstrap class, as
it sets the bootstrap directory correctly.
if name is None:
return None
if not hasattr(cls, 'bootstraps'):
cls.bootstraps = {}
if name in cls.bootstraps:
return cls.bootstraps[name]
mod = importlib.import_module('pythonforandroid.bootstraps.{}'
if len(logger.handlers) > 1:
bootstrap = mod.bootstrap
bootstrap.bootstrap_dir = join(ctx.root_dir, 'bootstraps', name)
bootstrap.ctx = ctx
return bootstrap
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
def distribute_libs(self, arch, src_dirs, wildcard='*', dest_dir="libs"):
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
'''Copy existing arch libs from build dirs to current dist dir.'''
info('Copying libs')
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
tgt_dir = join(dest_dir, arch.arch)
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
for src_dir in src_dirs:
for lib in glob.glob(join(src_dir, wildcard)):
shprint(sh.cp, '-a', lib, tgt_dir)
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
def distribute_javaclasses(self, javaclass_dir, dest_dir="src"):
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
'''Copy existing javaclasses from build dir to current dist dir.'''
info('Copying java files')
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
for filename in glob.glob(javaclass_dir):
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
shprint(sh.cp, '-a', filename, dest_dir)
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
def distribute_aars(self, arch):
'''Process existing .aar bundles and copy to current dist dir.'''
info('Unpacking aars')
for aar in glob.glob(join(self.ctx.aars_dir, '*.aar')):
self._unpack_aar(aar, arch)
def _unpack_aar(self, aar, arch):
'''Unpack content of .aar bundle and copy to current dist dir.'''
with temp_directory() as temp_dir:
name = splitext(basename(aar))[0]
jar_name = name + '.jar'
info("unpack {} aar".format(name))
debug(" from {}".format(aar))
debug(" to {}".format(temp_dir))
shprint(sh.unzip, '-o', aar, '-d', temp_dir)
jar_src = join(temp_dir, 'classes.jar')
jar_tgt = join('libs', jar_name)
debug("copy {} jar".format(name))
debug(" from {}".format(jar_src))
debug(" to {}".format(jar_tgt))
shprint(sh.cp, '-a', jar_src, jar_tgt)
so_src_dir = join(temp_dir, 'jni', arch.arch)
so_tgt_dir = join('libs', arch.arch)
debug("copy {} .so".format(name))
debug(" from {}".format(so_src_dir))
debug(" to {}".format(so_tgt_dir))
so_files = glob.glob(join(so_src_dir, '*.so'))
for f in so_files:
shprint(sh.cp, '-a', f, so_tgt_dir)
def strip_libraries(self, arch):
info('Stripping libraries')
if self.ctx.python_recipe.from_crystax:
info('Python was loaded from CrystaX, skipping strip')
env = arch.get_env()
tokens = shlex.split(env['STRIP'])
strip = sh.Command(tokens[0])
if len(tokens) > 1:
strip = strip.bake(tokens[1:])
libs_dir = join(self.dist_dir, '_python_bundle',
'_python_bundle', 'modules')
if == 'python2legacy':
libs_dir = join(self.dist_dir, 'private')
filens = shprint(sh.find, libs_dir, join(self.dist_dir, 'libs'),
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
'-iname', '*.so', _env=env).stdout.decode('utf-8')
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00'Stripping libraries in private dir')
for filen in filens.split('\n'):
if not filen:
continue # skip the last ''
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
strip(filen, _env=env)
except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
logger.debug('Failed to strip ' + filen)
def fry_eggs(self, sitepackages):
info('Frying eggs in {}'.format(sitepackages))
for d in listdir(sitepackages):
rd = join(sitepackages, d)
if isdir(rd) and d.endswith('.egg'):
info(' ' + d)
files = [join(rd, f) for f in listdir(rd) if f != 'EGG-INFO']
if files:
shprint(, '-t', sitepackages, *files)
shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', d)
def expand_dependencies(recipes):
recipe_lists = [[]]
for recipe in recipes:
if isinstance(recipe, (tuple, list)):
new_recipe_lists = []
for alternative in recipe:
for old_list in recipe_lists:
new_list = [i for i in old_list]
recipe_lists = new_recipe_lists
for old_list in recipe_lists:
return recipe_lists