2022-12-02 18:51:57 -05:00
from pythonforandroid.toolchain import (
Bootstrap, shprint, current_directory, info, info_main)
from pythonforandroid.util import ensure_dir
from os.path import join, exists, curdir, abspath
from os import walk
import glob
import sh
EXCLUDE_EXTS = (".py", ".pyc", ".so.o", ".so.a", ".so.libs", ".pyx")
class LbryBootstrap(Bootstrap):
name = 'lbry'
recipe_depends = ['genericndkbuild', ('python2', 'python3')]
def run_distribute(self):
info_main("# Creating Android project ({})".format(self.name))
arch = self.ctx.archs[0]
2022-12-02 22:23:33 -05:00
python_install_dir = self.ctx.get_python_install_dir(arch.arch)
2022-12-02 18:51:57 -05:00
#from_crystax = self.ctx.python_recipe.from_crystax
#crystax_python_dir = join("crystax_python", "crystax_python")
if len(self.ctx.archs) > 1:
raise ValueError("LBRY/gradle support only one arch")
info("Copying LBRY/gradle build for {}".format(arch))
shprint(sh.rm, "-rf", self.dist_dir)
shprint(sh.cp, "-r", self.build_dir, self.dist_dir)
# either the build use environemnt variable (ANDROID_HOME)
# or the local.properties if exists
with current_directory(self.dist_dir):
with open('local.properties', 'w') as fileh:
with current_directory(self.dist_dir):
info("Copying Python distribution")
if not exists("private"):
hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython)
# if not from_crystax:
shprint(hostpython, '-OO', '-m', 'compileall',
_tail=10, _filterout="^Listing")
except sh.ErrorReturnCode:
if not exists('python-install'):
sh.cp, '-a', python_install_dir, './python-install')
self.distribute_libs(arch, [self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch)])
dest_dir=join("src", "main", "java"))
# if not from_crystax:
info("Filling private directory")
if not exists(join("private", "lib")):
info("private/lib does not exist, making")
shprint(sh.cp, "-a",
join("python-install", "lib"), "private")
shprint(sh.mkdir, "-p",
join("private", "include", "python2.7"))
libpymodules_fn = join("libs", arch.arch, "libpymodules.so")
if exists(libpymodules_fn):
shprint(sh.mv, libpymodules_fn, 'private/')
join('python-install', 'include',
'python2.7', 'pyconfig.h'),
join('private', 'include', 'python2.7/'))
info('Removing some unwanted files')
shprint(sh.rm, '-f', join('private', 'lib', 'libpython2.7.so'))
shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', join('private', 'lib', 'pkgconfig'))
libdir = join(self.dist_dir, 'private', 'lib', 'python2.7')
site_packages_dir = join(libdir, 'site-packages')
with current_directory(libdir):
removes = []
for dirname, root, filenames in walk("."):
for filename in filenames:
for suffix in EXCLUDE_EXTS:
if filename.endswith(suffix):
shprint(sh.rm, '-f', *removes)
info('Deleting some other stuff not used on android')
# To quote the original distribute.sh, 'well...'
shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', 'lib2to3')
shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', 'idlelib')
for filename in glob.glob('config/libpython*.a'):
shprint(sh.rm, '-f', filename)
shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', 'config/python.o')
# else: # Python *is* loaded from crystax
# ndk_dir = self.ctx.ndk_dir
# py_recipe = self.ctx.python_recipe
# python_dir = join(ndk_dir, 'sources', 'python',
# py_recipe.version, 'libs', arch.arch)
# shprint(sh.cp, '-r', join(python_dir,
# 'stdlib.zip'), crystax_python_dir)
# shprint(sh.cp, '-r', join(python_dir,
# 'modules'), crystax_python_dir)
# shprint(sh.cp, '-r', self.ctx.get_python_install_dir(),
# join(crystax_python_dir, 'site-packages'))
# info('Renaming .so files to reflect cross-compile')
# site_packages_dir = join(crystax_python_dir, "site-packages")
# find_ret = shprint(
# sh.find, site_packages_dir, '-iname', '*.so')
# filenames = find_ret.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')[:-1]
# for filename in filenames:
# parts = filename.split('.')
# if len(parts) <= 2:
# continue
# shprint(sh.mv, filename, filename.split('.')[0] + '.so')
# site_packages_dir = join(abspath(curdir),
# site_packages_dir)
if 'sqlite3' not in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
with open('blacklist.txt', 'a') as fileh:
super(LbryBootstrap, self).run_distribute()
bootstrap = LbryBootstrap()