Akinwale Ariwodola 8b2694efb7
New build ()
* fix build for openssl 1.1.1b required for sdk
(cherry picked from commit aa49e3b2755b97b6331cdbbb89efc954de8d5977)

* use js code from master

* fix openssl recipe and tweak build
(cherry picked from commit 6e94c27021c7bd7b1e880c2fc314850e36a5a38e)

* remove unused build recipes
(cherry picked from commit f5c0577bdb175bfc0990602936bbc9e2052e1f25)
2019-03-30 21:58:45 +01:00

437 lines
18 KiB
Executable file

This module is kind of special because it contains the base classes used to
build our python3 and python2 recipes and his corresponding hostpython recipes.
from os.path import dirname, exists, join
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from shutil import copy2
from os import environ
import subprocess
import glob
import sh
from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe, TargetPythonRecipe
from pythonforandroid.logger import logger, info, shprint
from pythonforandroid.util import (
current_directory, ensure_dir, walk_valid_filens,
BuildInterruptingException, build_platform)
class GuestPythonRecipe(TargetPythonRecipe):
Class for target python recipes. Sets ctx.python_recipe to point to itself,
so as to know later what kind of Python was built or used.
This base class is used for our main python recipes (python2 and python3)
which shares most of the build process.
.. versionadded:: 0.6.0
Refactored from the inclement's python3 recipe with a few changes:
- Splits the python's build process several methods: :meth:`build_arch`
and :meth:`get_recipe_env`.
- Adds the attribute :attr:`configure_args`, which has been moved from
the method :meth:`build_arch` into a static class variable.
- Adds some static class variables used to create the python bundle and
modifies the method :meth:`create_python_bundle`, to adapt to the new
situation. The added static class variables are:
:attr:`stdlib_dir_blacklist`, :attr:`stdlib_filen_blacklist`,
'''Sets the minimal ndk api number needed to use the recipe.
.. warning:: This recipe can be built only against API 21+, so it means
that any class which inherits from class:`GuestPythonRecipe` will have
this limitation.
from_crystax = False
'''True if the python is used from CrystaX, False otherwise (i.e. if
it is built by p4a).'''
configure_args = ()
'''The configure arguments needed to build the python recipe. Those are
used in method :meth:`build_arch` (if not overwritten like python3crystax's
recipe does).
.. note:: This variable should be properly set in subclass.
stdlib_dir_blacklist = {
'''The directories that we want to omit for our python bundle'''
stdlib_filen_blacklist = [
'''The file extensions that we want to blacklist for our python bundle'''
site_packages_dir_blacklist = {
'''The directories from site packages dir that we don't want to be included
in our python bundle.'''
site_packages_filen_blacklist = [
'''The file extensions from site packages dir that we don't want to be
included in our python bundle.'''
opt_depends = ['sqlite3', 'libffi', 'openssl']
'''The optional libraries which we would like to get our python linked'''
compiled_extension = '.pyc'
'''the default extension for compiled python files.
.. note:: the default extension for compiled python files has been .pyo for
python 2.x-3.4 but as of Python 3.5, the .pyo filename extension is no
longer used and has been removed in favour of extension .pyc
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._ctx = None
super(GuestPythonRecipe, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None, with_flags_in_cc=True):
if self.from_crystax:
return super(GuestPythonRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(
arch=arch, with_flags_in_cc=with_flags_in_cc)
env = environ.copy()
android_host = env['HOSTARCH'] = arch.command_prefix
toolchain = '{toolchain_prefix}-{toolchain_version}'.format(
toolchain = join(self.ctx.ndk_dir, 'toolchains',
toolchain, 'prebuilt', build_platform)
env['CC'] = (
'{clang} -target {target} -gcc-toolchain {toolchain}').format(
clang=join(self.ctx.ndk_dir, 'toolchains', 'llvm', 'prebuilt',
build_platform, 'bin', 'clang'),,
env['AR'] = join(toolchain, 'bin', android_host) + '-ar'
env['LD'] = join(toolchain, 'bin', android_host) + '-ld'
env['RANLIB'] = join(toolchain, 'bin', android_host) + '-ranlib'
env['READELF'] = join(toolchain, 'bin', android_host) + '-readelf'
env['STRIP'] = join(toolchain, 'bin', android_host) + '-strip'
env['STRIP'] += ' --strip-debug --strip-unneeded'
env['PATH'] = (
'host' +, self.ctx).get_path_to_python(),
ndk_flags = (
'-fPIC --sysroot={ndk_sysroot} -D__ANDROID_API__={android_api} '
'-isystem {ndk_android_host} -I{ndk_include}').format(
ndk_sysroot=join(self.ctx.ndk_dir, 'sysroot'),
self.ctx.ndk_dir, 'sysroot', 'usr', 'include', android_host),
ndk_include=join(self.ctx.ndk_dir, 'sysroot', 'usr', 'include'))
sysroot = self.ctx.ndk_platform
env['CFLAGS'] = env.get('CFLAGS', '') + ' ' + ndk_flags
env['CPPFLAGS'] = env.get('CPPFLAGS', '') + ' ' + ndk_flags
env['LDFLAGS'] = env.get('LDFLAGS', '') + ' --sysroot={} -L{}'.format(
sysroot, join(sysroot, 'usr', 'lib'))
# Manually add the libs directory, and copy some object
# files to the current directory otherwise they aren't
# picked up. This seems necessary because the --sysroot
# setting in LDFLAGS is overridden by the other flags.
# TODO: Work out why this doesn't happen in the original
# bpo-30386 Makefile system.
logger.warning('Doing some hacky stuff to link properly')
lib_dir = join(sysroot, 'usr', 'lib')
if arch.arch == 'x86_64':
lib_dir = join(sysroot, 'usr', 'lib64')
env['LDFLAGS'] += ' -L{}'.format(lib_dir)
shprint(sh.cp, join(lib_dir, 'crtbegin_so.o'), './')
shprint(sh.cp, join(lib_dir, 'crtend_so.o'), './')
env['SYSROOT'] = sysroot
if sh.which('lld') is not None:
# Note: The -L. is to fix a bug in python 3.7.
env["LDFLAGS"] += ' -L. -fuse-ld=lld'
logger.warning('lld not found, linking without it. ' +
'Consider installing lld if linker errors occur.')
return env
def set_libs_flags(self, env, arch):
'''Takes care to properly link libraries with python depending on our
requirements and the attribute :attr:`opt_depends`.
def add_flags(include_flags, link_dirs, link_libs):
env['CPPFLAGS'] = env.get('CPPFLAGS', '') + include_flags
env['LDFLAGS'] = env.get('LDFLAGS', '') + link_dirs
env['LIBS'] = env.get('LIBS', '') + link_libs
if 'sqlite3' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
info('Activating flags for sqlite3')
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('sqlite3', self.ctx)
add_flags(' -I' + recipe.get_build_dir(arch.arch),
' -L' + recipe.get_lib_dir(arch), ' -lsqlite3')
if 'libffi' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
info('Activating flags for libffi')
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('libffi', self.ctx)
# In order to force the correct linkage for our libffi library, we
# set the following variable to point where is our libffi.pc file,
# because the python build system uses pkg-config to configure it.
env['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = recipe.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
add_flags(' -I' + ' -I'.join(recipe.get_include_dirs(arch)),
' -L' + join(recipe.get_build_dir(arch.arch), '.libs'),
' -lffi')
if 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
info('Activating flags for openssl')
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('openssl', self.ctx)
recipe.link_dirs_flags(arch), recipe.link_libs_flags())
return env
def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
super(TargetPythonRecipe, self).prebuild_arch(arch)
if self.from_crystax and self.ctx.ndk != 'crystax':
raise BuildInterruptingException(
'The {} recipe can only be built when using the CrystaX NDK. '
self.ctx.python_recipe = self
def build_arch(self, arch):
if self.ctx.ndk_api < self.MIN_NDK_API:
raise BuildInterruptingException(
'Target ndk-api is {}, but the python3 recipe supports only'
' {}+'.format(self.ctx.ndk_api, self.MIN_NDK_API))
recipe_build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
# Create a subdirectory to actually perform the build
build_dir = join(recipe_build_dir, 'android-build')
# TODO: Get these dynamically, like bpo-30386 does
sys_prefix = '/usr/local'
sys_exec_prefix = '/usr/local'
with current_directory(build_dir):
env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
env = self.set_libs_flags(env, arch)
android_build = sh.Command(
if not exists('config.status'):
sh.Command(join(recipe_build_dir, 'configure')),
*(' '.join(self.configure_args).format(
exec_prefix=sys_exec_prefix)).split(' '),
if not exists('python'):
py_version = self.major_minor_version_string
if self.major_minor_version_string[0] == '3':
py_version += 'm'
shprint(sh.make, 'all', '-j', str(cpu_count()),
version=py_version), _env=env)
# TODO: Look into passing the path to pyconfig.h in a
# better way, although this is probably acceptable
sh.cp('pyconfig.h', join(recipe_build_dir, 'Include'))
def include_root(self, arch_name):
return join(self.get_build_dir(arch_name), 'Include')
def link_root(self, arch_name):
return join(self.get_build_dir(arch_name), 'android-build')
def compile_python_files(self, dir):
Compile the python files (recursively) for the python files inside
a given folder.
.. note:: python2 compiles the files into extension .pyo, but in
python3, and as of Python 3.5, the .pyo filename extension is no
longer used...uses .pyc (
args = [self.ctx.hostpython]
if == 'python3':
args += ['-OO', '-m', 'compileall', '-b', '-f', dir]
args += ['-OO', '-m', 'compileall', '-f', dir]
def create_python_bundle(self, dirn, arch):
Create a packaged python bundle in the target directory, by
copying all the modules and standard library to the right
# Todo: find a better way to find the build libs folder
modules_build_dir = join(
'2' if self.version[0] == '2' else '',
# Compile to *.pyc/*.pyo the python modules
# Compile to *.pyc/*.pyo the standard python library
self.compile_python_files(join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'Lib'))
# Compile to *.pyc/*.pyo the other python packages (site-packages)
# Bundle compiled python modules to a folder
modules_dir = join(dirn, 'modules')
c_ext = self.compiled_extension
module_filens = (glob.glob(join(modules_build_dir, '*.so')) +
glob.glob(join(modules_build_dir, '*' + c_ext)))
info("Copy {} files into the bundle".format(len(module_filens)))
for filen in module_filens:
info(" - copy {}".format(filen))
copy2(filen, modules_dir)
# zip up the standard library
stdlib_zip = join(dirn, '')
with current_directory(join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'Lib')):
stdlib_filens = list(walk_valid_filens(
'.', self.stdlib_dir_blacklist, self.stdlib_filen_blacklist))
info("Zip {} files into the bundle".format(len(stdlib_filens)))
shprint(, stdlib_zip, *stdlib_filens)
# copy the site-packages into place
ensure_dir(join(dirn, 'site-packages'))
# TODO: Improve the API around walking and copying the files
with current_directory(self.ctx.get_python_install_dir()):
filens = list(walk_valid_filens(
'.', self.site_packages_dir_blacklist,
info("Copy {} files into the site-packages".format(len(filens)))
for filen in filens:
info(" - copy {}".format(filen))
ensure_dir(join(dirn, 'site-packages', dirname(filen)))
copy2(filen, join(dirn, 'site-packages', filen))
# copy the python .so files into place
python_build_dir = join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch),
python_lib_name = 'libpython' + self.major_minor_version_string
if self.major_minor_version_string[0] == '3':
python_lib_name += 'm'
shprint(sh.cp, join(python_build_dir, python_lib_name + '.so'),
join(self.ctx.dist_dir, self.ctx.dist_name, 'libs', arch.arch))
info('Renaming .so files to reflect cross-compile')
self.reduce_object_file_names(join(dirn, 'site-packages'))
return join(dirn, 'site-packages')
class HostPythonRecipe(Recipe):
This is the base class for hostpython3 and hostpython2 recipes. This class
will take care to do all the work to build a hostpython recipe but, be
careful, it is intended to be subclassed because some of the vars needs to
be set:
- :attr:`name`
- :attr:`version`
.. versionadded:: 0.6.0
Refactored from the hostpython3's recipe by inclement
name = ''
'''The hostpython's recipe name. This should be ``hostpython2`` or
.. warning:: This must be set in inherited class.'''
version = ''
'''The hostpython's recipe version.
.. warning:: This must be set in inherited class.'''
build_subdir = 'native-build'
'''Specify the sub build directory for the hostpython recipe. Defaults
to ``native-build``.'''
url = '{version}/Python-{version}.tgz'
'''The default url to download our host python recipe. This url will
change depending on the python version set in attribute :attr:`version`.'''
def get_build_container_dir(self, arch=None):
choices = self.check_recipe_choices()
dir_name = '-'.join([] + choices)
return join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'other_builds', dir_name, 'desktop')
def get_build_dir(self, arch=None):
.. note:: Unlike other recipes, the hostpython build dir doesn't
depend on the target arch
return join(self.get_build_container_dir(),
def get_path_to_python(self):
return join(self.get_build_dir(), self.build_subdir)
def build_arch(self, arch):
recipe_build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
# Create a subdirectory to actually perform the build
build_dir = join(recipe_build_dir, self.build_subdir)
if not exists(join(build_dir, 'python')):
with current_directory(recipe_build_dir):
# Configure the build
with current_directory(build_dir):
if not exists('config.status'):
sh.Command(join(recipe_build_dir, 'configure')))
# Create the Setup file. This copying from Setup.dist
# seems to be the normal and expected procedure.
shprint(sh.cp, join('Modules', 'Setup.dist'),
join(build_dir, 'Modules', 'Setup'))
shprint(sh.make, '-j', str(cpu_count()), '-C', build_dir)
info('Skipping {name} ({version}) build, as it has already '
'been completed'.format(, version=self.version))
self.ctx.hostpython = join(build_dir, 'python')