115 lines
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115 lines
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"""A Python specification is an abstract requirement definition of an interpreter"""
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from virtualenv.info import fs_is_case_sensitive
PATTERN = re.compile(r"^(?P<impl>[a-zA-Z]+)?(?P<version>[0-9.]+)?(?:-(?P<arch>32|64))?$")
class PythonSpec:
"""Contains specification about a Python Interpreter"""
def __init__(self, str_spec, implementation, major, minor, micro, architecture, path):
self.str_spec = str_spec
self.implementation = implementation
self.major = major
self.minor = minor
self.micro = micro
self.architecture = architecture
self.path = path
def from_string_spec(cls, string_spec):
impl, major, minor, micro, arch, path = None, None, None, None, None, None
if os.path.isabs(string_spec):
path = string_spec
ok = False
match = re.match(PATTERN, string_spec)
if match:
def _int_or_none(val):
return None if val is None else int(val)
groups = match.groupdict()
version = groups["version"]
if version is not None:
versions = tuple(int(i) for i in version.split(".") if i)
if len(versions) > 3:
raise ValueError
if len(versions) == 3:
major, minor, micro = versions
elif len(versions) == 2:
major, minor = versions
elif len(versions) == 1:
version_data = versions[0]
major = int(str(version_data)[0]) # first digit major
if version_data > 9:
minor = int(str(version_data)[1:])
ok = True
except ValueError:
impl = groups["impl"]
if impl == "py" or impl == "python":
impl = "CPython"
arch = _int_or_none(groups["arch"])
if not ok:
path = string_spec
return cls(string_spec, impl, major, minor, micro, arch, path)
def generate_names(self):
impls = OrderedDict()
if self.implementation:
# first consider implementation as it is
impls[self.implementation] = False
if fs_is_case_sensitive():
# for case sensitive file systems consider lower and upper case versions too
# trivia: MacBooks and all pre 2018 Windows-es were case insensitive by default
impls[self.implementation.lower()] = False
impls[self.implementation.upper()] = False
impls["python"] = True # finally consider python as alias, implementation must match now
version = self.major, self.minor, self.micro
version = version[: version.index(None)]
except ValueError:
for impl, match in impls.items():
for at in range(len(version), -1, -1):
cur_ver = version[0:at]
spec = f"{impl}{'.'.join(str(i) for i in cur_ver)}"
yield spec, match
def is_abs(self):
return self.path is not None and os.path.isabs(self.path)
def satisfies(self, spec):
"""called when there's a candidate metadata spec to see if compatible - e.g. PEP-514 on Windows"""
if spec.is_abs and self.is_abs and self.path != spec.path:
return False
if spec.implementation is not None and spec.implementation.lower() != self.implementation.lower():
return False
if spec.architecture is not None and spec.architecture != self.architecture:
return False
for our, req in zip((self.major, self.minor, self.micro), (spec.major, spec.minor, spec.micro)):
if req is not None and our is not None and our != req:
return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
name = type(self).__name__
params = "implementation", "major", "minor", "micro", "architecture", "path"
return f"{name}({', '.join(f'{k}={getattr(self, k)}' for k in params if getattr(self, k) is not None)})"
__all__ = [