170 lines
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170 lines
6 KiB
import io
import os
import sys
import pytest
from unittest import mock
from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe
from pythonforandroid.toolchain import ToolchainCL
from pythonforandroid.util import BuildInterruptingException
def patch_sys_argv(argv):
return mock.patch('sys.argv', argv)
def patch_argparse_print_help():
return mock.patch('argparse.ArgumentParser.print_help')
def patch_sys_stdout():
return mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=io.StringIO)
def raises_system_exit():
return pytest.raises(SystemExit)
class TestToolchainCL:
def test_help(self):
Calling with `--help` should print help and exit 0.
argv = ['toolchain.py', '--help', '--storage-dir=/tmp']
with patch_sys_argv(argv), raises_system_exit(
) as ex_info, patch_argparse_print_help() as m_print_help:
assert ex_info.value.code == 0
assert m_print_help.call_args_list == [mock.call()]
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 0), reason="requires python3")
def test_unknown(self):
Calling with unknown args should print help and exit 1.
argv = ['toolchain.py', '--unknown']
with patch_sys_argv(argv), raises_system_exit(
) as ex_info, patch_argparse_print_help() as m_print_help:
assert ex_info.value.code == 1
assert m_print_help.call_args_list == [mock.call()]
def test_create(self):
Basic `create` distribution test.
argv = [
with patch_sys_argv(argv), mock.patch(
) as m_get_available_apis, mock.patch(
) as m_build_recipes, mock.patch(
) as m_run_distribute:
m_get_available_apis.return_value = [33]
tchain = ToolchainCL()
assert tchain.ctx.activity_class_name == 'abc.myapp.android.CustomPythonActivity'
assert tchain.ctx.service_class_name == 'xyz.myapp.android.CustomPythonService'
assert m_get_available_apis.call_args_list in [
[mock.call('/tmp/android-sdk')], # linux case
[mock.call('/private/tmp/android-sdk')] # macos case
build_order = [
'hostpython3', 'libffi', 'openssl', 'sqlite3', 'python3',
'genericndkbuild', 'setuptools', 'six', 'pyjnius', 'android',
python_modules = []
context = mock.ANY
project_dir = None
assert m_build_recipes.call_args_list == [
assert m_run_distribute.call_args_list == [mock.call()]
# Make sure that no environ variable modifies `sdk_dir`
def test_create_no_sdk_dir(self):
The `--sdk-dir` is mandatory to `create` a distribution.
argv = ['toolchain.py', 'create', '--arch=arm64-v8a', '--arch=armeabi-v7a']
with patch_sys_argv(argv), pytest.raises(
) as ex_info:
assert ex_info.value.message == (
'Android SDK dir was not specified, exiting.')
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 0), reason="requires python3")
def test_recipes(self):
Checks the `recipes` command prints out recipes information without crashing.
argv = ['toolchain.py', 'recipes']
with patch_sys_argv(argv), patch_sys_stdout() as m_stdout:
# check if we have common patterns in the output
expected_strings = (
'optional depends:',
for expected_string in expected_strings:
assert expected_string in m_stdout.getvalue()
# deletes static attribute to not mess with other tests
del Recipe.recipes
def test_local_recipes_dir(self):
Checks the `local_recipes` attribute in the Context is absolute.
cwd = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
common_args = [
# Check the default ./p4a-recipes becomes absolute.
argv = common_args
with patch_sys_argv(argv):
toolchain = ToolchainCL()
expected_local_recipes = os.path.join(cwd, 'p4a-recipes')
assert toolchain.ctx.local_recipes == expected_local_recipes
# Check a supplied relative directory becomes absolute.
argv = common_args + ['--local-recipes=foo']
with patch_sys_argv(argv):
toolchain = ToolchainCL()
expected_local_recipes = os.path.join(cwd, 'foo')
assert toolchain.ctx.local_recipes == expected_local_recipes
# An absolute directory should remain unchanged.
local_recipes = os.path.join(cwd, 'foo')
argv = common_args + ['--local-recipes={}'.format(local_recipes)]
with patch_sys_argv(argv):
toolchain = ToolchainCL()
assert toolchain.ctx.local_recipes == local_recipes