533 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
533 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
from os.path import dirname, join, isfile, realpath, relpath, split, exists
from zipfile import ZipFile
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'buildlib/jinja2.egg')
sys.path.insert(0, 'buildlib')
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import tarfile
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import jinja2
# The extension of the android and ant commands.
if os.name == 'nt':
ANDROID = 'android.bat'
ANT = 'ant.bat'
ANDROID = 'android'
ANT = 'ant'
# if ANDROIDSDK is on path, use android from this path
ANDROIDSDK = os.environ.get('ANDROIDSDK')
ANDROID = os.path.join(ANDROIDSDK, 'tools', ANDROID)
curdir = dirname(__file__)
# Try to find a host version of Python that matches our ARM version.
PYTHON = join(curdir, 'python-install', 'bin', 'python.host')
# code versionning
# pyc/py
# temp files
python_files = []
# Used by render.
environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(
join(curdir, 'templates')))
def render(template, dest, **kwargs):
'''Using jinja2, render `template` to the filename `dest`, supplying the
keyword arguments as template parameters.
template = environment.get_template(template)
text = template.render(**kwargs)
f = open(dest, 'wb')
def compile_dir(dfn):
Compile *.py in directory `dfn` to *.pyo
# -OO = strip docstrings
subprocess.call([PYTHON, '-OO', '-m', 'compileall', '-f', dfn])
def is_whitelist(name):
return match_filename(WHITELIST_PATTERNS, name)
def is_blacklist(name):
if is_whitelist(name):
return False
return match_filename(BLACKLIST_PATTERNS, name)
def match_filename(pattern_list, name):
for pattern in pattern_list:
if pattern.startswith('^'):
pattern = pattern[1:]
pattern = '*/' + pattern
if fnmatch(name, pattern):
return True
def listfiles(d):
basedir = d
subdirlist = []
for item in os.listdir(d):
fn = join(d, item)
if isfile(fn):
yield fn
subdirlist.append(os.path.join(basedir, item))
for subdir in subdirlist:
for fn in listfiles(subdir):
yield fn
def make_pythonzip():
Search for all the python related files, and construct the pythonXX.zip
According to
# http://randomsplat.com/id5-cross-compiling-python-for-embedded-linux.html
site-packages, config and lib-dynload will be not included.
global python_files
d = realpath(join('private', 'lib', 'python2.7'))
# selector function
def select(fn):
if is_blacklist(fn):
return False
fn = realpath(fn)
fn = fn[len(d):]
if (fn.startswith('/site-packages/') or
fn.startswith('/config/') or
fn.startswith('/lib-dynload/') or
return False
return fn
# get a list of all python file
python_files = [x for x in listfiles(d) if select(x)]
# create the final zipfile
zfn = join('private', 'lib', 'python27.zip')
zf = ZipFile(zfn, 'w')
# put all the python files in it
for fn in python_files:
afn = fn[len(d):]
zf.write(fn, afn)
def make_tar(tfn, source_dirs, ignore_path=[]):
Make a zip file `fn` from the contents of source_dis.
# selector function
def select(fn):
rfn = realpath(fn)
for p in ignore_path:
if p.endswith('/'):
p = p[:-1]
if rfn.startswith(p):
return False
if rfn in python_files:
return False
return not is_blacklist(fn)
# get the files and relpath file of all the directory we asked for
files = []
for sd in source_dirs:
sd = realpath(sd)
files += [(x, relpath(realpath(x), sd)) for x in listfiles(sd)
if select(x)]
# create tar.gz of thoses files
tf = tarfile.open(tfn, 'w:gz', format=tarfile.USTAR_FORMAT)
dirs = []
for fn, afn in files:
# print('%s: %s' % (tfn, fn))
dn = dirname(afn)
if dn not in dirs:
# create every dirs first if not exist yet
d = ''
for component in split(dn):
d = join(d, component)
if d.startswith('/'):
d = d[1:]
if d == '' or d in dirs:
tinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(d)
tinfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE
# put the file
tf.add(fn, afn)
def make_package(args):
version_code = 0
manifest_extra = ['<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" />']
for filename in args.manifest_extra:
with open(filename, "r") as fd:
content = fd.read()
manifest_extra = '\n'.join(manifest_extra)
url_scheme = 'kivy'
default_icon = 'templates/kivy-icon.png'
default_presplash = 'templates/kivy-presplash.jpg'
default_ouya_icon = 'templates/kivy-ouya-icon.png'
# Figure out the version code, if necessary.
if not args.numeric_version:
for i in args.version.split('.'):
version_code *= 100
version_code += int(i)
args.numeric_version = str(version_code)
# args.name = args.name.decode('utf-8')
# if args.icon_name:
# args.icon_name = args.icon_name.decode('utf-8')
versioned_name = (args.name.replace(' ', '').replace('\'', '') +
'-' + args.version)
# Android SDK rev14 needs two ant execs (ex: debug installd) and
# new build.xml
build_tpl = 'build.xml'
if not args.icon_name:
args.icon_name = args.name
# Annoying fixups.
args.name = args.name.replace('\'', '\\\'')
args.icon_name = args.icon_name.replace('\'', '\\\'')
# Figure out versions of the private and public data.
private_version = str(time.time())
if args.dir:
public_version = private_version
public_version = None
if args.intent_filters:
intent_filters = open(args.intent_filters).read()
intent_filters = ''
directory = args.dir if public_version else args.private
# Ignore warning if the launcher is in args
if not args.launcher:
if not (exists(join(realpath(directory), 'main.py')) or
exists(join(realpath(directory), 'main.pyo'))):
print('''BUILD FAILURE: No main.py(o) found in your app directory.
This file must exist to act as the entry point for you app. If your app is
started by a file with a different name, rename it to main.py or add a
main.py that loads it.''')
# Figure out if application has service part
service = False
if directory:
service_main = join(realpath(directory), 'service', 'main.py')
if os.path.exists(service_main) or os.path.exists(service_main + 'o'):
service = True
# Check if OUYA support is enabled
if args.ouya_category:
args.ouya_category = args.ouya_category.upper()
if args.ouya_category not in ('GAME', 'APP'):
print('Invalid --ouya-category argument. should be one of'
'GAME or APP')
# Render the various templates into control files.
# Update the project to a recent version.
subprocess.call([ANDROID, 'update', 'project', '-p', '.', '-t',
except (OSError, IOError):
print('An error occured while calling', ANDROID, 'update')
print('Your PATH must include android tools.')
# Delete the old assets.
if os.path.exists('assets/public.mp3'):
if os.path.exists('assets/private.mp3'):
# In order to speedup import and initial depack,
# construct a python27.zip
# Package up the private and public data.
if args.private:
make_tar('assets/private.mp3', ['private', args.private], args.ignore_path)
make_tar('assets/private.mp3', ['private'])
if args.dir:
make_tar('assets/public.mp3', [args.dir], args.ignore_path)
# Copy over the icon and presplash files.
shutil.copy(args.icon or default_icon, 'res/drawable/icon.png')
shutil.copy(args.presplash or default_presplash,
# If OUYA support was requested, copy over the OUYA icon
if args.ouya_category:
if not os.path.isdir('res/drawable-xhdpi'):
shutil.copy(args.ouya_icon or default_ouya_icon,
# If extra Java jars were requested, copy them into the libs directory
if args.add_jar:
for jarname in args.add_jar:
if not os.path.exists(jarname):
print('Requested jar does not exist: {}'.format(jarname))
shutil.copy(jarname, 'libs')
# Build.
for arg in args.command:
subprocess.check_call([ANT, arg])
except (OSError, IOError):
print('An error occured while calling', ANT)
print('Did you install ant on your system ?')
def parse_args(args=None):
import argparse
# get default SDK version from environment
android_api = os.environ.get('ANDROIDAPI', 8)
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''\
Package a Python application for Android.
For this to work, Java and Ant need to be in your path, as does the
tools directory of the Android SDK.
ap.add_argument('--package', dest='package',
help=('The name of the java package the project will be'
' packaged under.'),
ap.add_argument('--name', dest='name',
help=('The human-readable name of the project.'),
ap.add_argument('--version', dest='version',
help=('The version number of the project. This should '
'consist of numbers and dots, and should have the '
'same number of groups of numbers as previous '
ap.add_argument('--numeric-version', dest='numeric_version',
help=('The numeric version number of the project. If not '
'given, this is automatically computed from the '
ap.add_argument('--dir', dest='dir',
help=('The directory containing public files for the '
ap.add_argument('--private', dest='private',
help=('The directory containing additional private files '
'for the project.'))
ap.add_argument('--launcher', dest='launcher', action='store_true',
help=('Provide this argument to build a multi-app '
'launcher, rather than a single app.'))
ap.add_argument('--icon-name', dest='icon_name',
help='The name of the project\'s launcher icon.')
ap.add_argument('--orientation', dest='orientation', default='landscape',
help=('The orientation that the game will display in. '
'Usually one of "landscape", "portrait" or '
ap.add_argument('--permission', dest='permissions', action='append',
help='The permissions to give this app.', nargs='+')
ap.add_argument('--ignore-path', dest='ignore_path', action='append',
help='Ignore path when building the app')
ap.add_argument('--icon', dest='icon',
help='A png file to use as the icon for the application.')
ap.add_argument('--presplash', dest='presplash',
help=('A jpeg file to use as a screen while the '
'application is loading.'))
ap.add_argument('--ouya-category', dest='ouya_category',
help=('Valid values are GAME and APP. This must be '
'specified to enable OUYA console support.'))
ap.add_argument('--ouya-icon', dest='ouya_icon',
help=('A png file to use as the icon for the application '
'if it is installed on an OUYA console.'))
ap.add_argument('--install-location', dest='install_location',
help=('The default install location. Should be "auto", '
'"preferExternal" or "internalOnly".'))
ap.add_argument('--compile-pyo', dest='compile_pyo', action='store_true',
help=('Compile all .py files to .pyo, and only distribute '
'the compiled bytecode.'))
ap.add_argument('--intent-filters', dest='intent_filters',
help=('Add intent-filters xml rules to the '
'AndroidManifest.xml file. The argument is a '
'filename containing xml. The filename should be '
'located relative to the python-for-android '
ap.add_argument('--with-billing', dest='billing_pubkey',
help='If set, the billing service will be added')
ap.add_argument('--blacklist', dest='blacklist',
default=join(curdir, 'blacklist.txt'),
help=('Use a blacklist file to match unwanted file in '
'the final APK'))
ap.add_argument('--whitelist', dest='whitelist',
default=join(curdir, 'whitelist.txt'),
help=('Use a whitelist file to prevent blacklisting of '
'file in the final APK'))
ap.add_argument('--sdk', dest='sdk_version', default=android_api,
help='Android SDK version to use. Default to 8')
ap.add_argument('--minsdk', dest='min_sdk_version', default=android_api,
help='Minimum Android SDK version to use. Default to 8')
ap.add_argument('--window', dest='window', action='store_true',
help='Indicate if the application will be windowed')
ap.add_argument('--wakelock', dest='wakelock', action='store_true',
help=('Indicate if the application needs the device '
'to stay on'))
ap.add_argument('command', nargs='*',
help=('The command to pass to ant (debug, release, '
'installd, installr)'))
ap.add_argument('--add-jar', dest='add_jar', action='append',
help=('Add a Java .jar to the libs, so you can access its '
'classes with pyjnius. You can specify this '
'argument more than once to include multiple jars'))
ap.add_argument('--meta-data', dest='meta_data', action='append',
help='Custom key=value to add in application metadata')
ap.add_argument('--resource', dest='resource', action='append',
help='Custom key=value to add in strings.xml resource file')
ap.add_argument('--manifest-extra', dest='manifest_extra', action='append',
help='Custom file to add at the end of the manifest')
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
args = ap.parse_args(args)
if args.name and args.name[0] == '"' and args.name[-1] == '"':
args.name = args.name[1:-1]
if not args.dir and not args.private and not args.launcher:
ap.error('One of --dir, --private, or --launcher must be supplied.')
if args.permissions is None:
args.permissions = []
elif args.permissions:
if isinstance(args.permissions[0], list):
args.permissions = [p for perm in args.permissions for p in perm]
if args.ignore_path is None:
args.ignore_path = []
if args.meta_data is None:
args.meta_data = []
if args.resource is None:
args.resource = []
if args.manifest_extra is None:
args.manifest_extra = []
if args.compile_pyo:
if PYTHON is None:
ap.error('To use --compile-pyo, you need Python 2.7.1 installed '
'and in your PATH.')
BLACKLIST_PATTERNS += ['*.py', '*.pyc']
if args.blacklist:
with open(args.blacklist) as fd:
patterns = [x.strip() for x in fd.read().splitlines() if x.strip()
and not x.startswith('#')]
if args.whitelist:
with open(args.whitelist) as fd:
patterns = [x.strip() for x in fd.read().splitlines() if x.strip()
and not x.startswith('#')]
return args
if __name__ == '__main__':