2017-08-13 03:24:00 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
from __future__ import print_function
from os.path import dirname, join, isfile, realpath, relpath, split, exists
from os import makedirs
import os
import tarfile
import time
import subprocess
import shutil
from zipfile import ZipFile
import sys
import re
import shlex
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import jinja2
if os.name == 'nt':
ANDROID = 'android.bat'
ANT = 'ant.bat'
ANDROID = 'android'
ANT = 'ant'
curdir = dirname(__file__)
# Try to find a host version of Python that matches our ARM version.
PYTHON = join(curdir, 'python-install', 'bin', 'python.host')
# code versionning
# pyc/py
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
# '*.py',
2017-08-13 03:24:00 +02:00
# temp files
python_files = []
environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(
join(curdir, 'templates')))
def render(template, dest, **kwargs):
'''Using jinja2, render `template` to the filename `dest`, supplying the
keyword arguments as template parameters.
dest_dir = dirname(dest)
if dest_dir and not exists(dest_dir):
template = environment.get_template(template)
text = template.render(**kwargs)
f = open(dest, 'wb')
def is_whitelist(name):
return match_filename(WHITELIST_PATTERNS, name)
def is_blacklist(name):
if is_whitelist(name):
return False
return match_filename(BLACKLIST_PATTERNS, name)
def match_filename(pattern_list, name):
for pattern in pattern_list:
if pattern.startswith('^'):
pattern = pattern[1:]
pattern = '*/' + pattern
if fnmatch(name, pattern):
return True
def listfiles(d):
basedir = d
subdirlist = []
for item in os.listdir(d):
fn = join(d, item)
if isfile(fn):
yield fn
subdirlist.append(join(basedir, item))
for subdir in subdirlist:
for fn in listfiles(subdir):
yield fn
def make_python_zip():
Search for all the python related files, and construct the pythonXX.zip
According to
# http://randomsplat.com/id5-cross-compiling-python-for-embedded-linux.html
site-packages, config and lib-dynload will be not included.
if not exists('private'):
print('No compiled python is present to zip, skipping.')
print('this should only be the case if you are using the CrystaX python')
global python_files
d = realpath(join('private', 'lib', 'python2.7'))
def select(fn):
if is_blacklist(fn):
return False
fn = realpath(fn)
fn = fn[len(d):]
if (fn.startswith('/site-packages/') or
fn.startswith('/config/') or
fn.startswith('/lib-dynload/') or
return False
return fn
# get a list of all python file
python_files = [x for x in listfiles(d) if select(x)]
# create the final zipfile
zfn = join('private', 'lib', 'python27.zip')
zf = ZipFile(zfn, 'w')
# put all the python files in it
for fn in python_files:
afn = fn[len(d):]
zf.write(fn, afn)
def make_tar(tfn, source_dirs, ignore_path=[]):
Make a zip file `fn` from the contents of source_dis.
# selector function
def select(fn):
rfn = realpath(fn)
for p in ignore_path:
if p.endswith('/'):
p = p[:-1]
if rfn.startswith(p):
return False
if rfn in python_files:
return False
return not is_blacklist(fn)
# get the files and relpath file of all the directory we asked for
files = []
for sd in source_dirs:
sd = realpath(sd)
files += [(x, relpath(realpath(x), sd)) for x in listfiles(sd)
if select(x)]
# create tar.gz of thoses files
tf = tarfile.open(tfn, 'w:gz', format=tarfile.USTAR_FORMAT)
dirs = []
for fn, afn in files:
# print('%s: %s' % (tfn, fn))
dn = dirname(afn)
if dn not in dirs:
# create every dirs first if not exist yet
d = ''
for component in split(dn):
d = join(d, component)
if d.startswith('/'):
d = d[1:]
if d == '' or d in dirs:
tinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(d)
tinfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE
# put the file
tf.add(fn, afn)
def compile_dir(dfn):
Compile *.py in directory `dfn` to *.pyo
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
return # Currently leaving out the compile to pyo step because it's somehow broken
2017-08-13 03:24:00 +02:00
# -OO = strip docstrings
subprocess.call([PYTHON, '-OO', '-m', 'compileall', '-f', dfn])
def make_package(args):
# # Update the project to a recent version.
# try:
# subprocess.call([ANDROID, 'update', 'project', '-p', '.', '-t',
# 'android-{}'.format(args.sdk_version)])
# except (OSError, IOError):
# print('An error occured while calling', ANDROID, 'update')
# print('Your PATH must include android tools.')
# sys.exit(-1)
# Delete the old assets.
if exists('assets/public.mp3'):
if exists('assets/private.mp3'):
# In order to speedup import and initial depack,
# construct a python27.zip
2017-12-21 08:24:31 +01:00
# Package up the private data (public not supported).
2017-08-13 03:24:00 +02:00
tar_dirs = [args.private]
if exists('private'):
if exists('crystax_python'):
if args.private:
make_tar('assets/private.mp3', tar_dirs, args.ignore_path)
# else:
# make_tar('assets/private.mp3', ['private'])
# if args.dir:
# make_tar('assets/public.mp3', [args.dir], args.ignore_path)
# # Build.
# try:
# for arg in args.command:
# subprocess.check_call([ANT, arg])
# except (OSError, IOError):
# print 'An error occured while calling', ANT
# print 'Did you install ant on your system ?'
# sys.exit(-1)
# Prepare some variables for templating process
# default_icon = 'templates/kivy-icon.png'
# shutil.copy(args.icon or default_icon, 'res/drawable/icon.png')
# default_presplash = 'templates/kivy-presplash.jpg'
# shutil.copy(args.presplash or default_presplash,
# 'res/drawable/presplash.jpg')
# If extra Java jars were requested, copy them into the libs directory
if args.add_jar:
for jarname in args.add_jar:
if not exists(jarname):
print('Requested jar does not exist: {}'.format(jarname))
shutil.copy(jarname, 'libs')
# versioned_name = (args.name.replace(' ', '').replace('\'', '') +
# '-' + args.version)
# version_code = 0
# if not args.numeric_version:
# for i in args.version.split('.'):
# version_code *= 100
# version_code += int(i)
# args.numeric_version = str(version_code)
# if args.intent_filters:
# with open(args.intent_filters) as fd:
# args.intent_filters = fd.read()
if args.extra_source_dirs:
esd = []
for spec in args.extra_source_dirs:
if ':' in spec:
specdir, specincludes = spec.split(':')
specdir = spec
specincludes = '**'
esd.append((realpath(specdir), specincludes))
args.extra_source_dirs = esd
args.extra_source_dirs = []
service = False
service_main = join(realpath(args.private), 'service', 'main.py')
if exists(service_main) or exists(service_main + 'o'):
service = True
service_names = []
for sid, spec in enumerate(args.services):
spec = spec.split(':')
name = spec[0]
entrypoint = spec[1]
options = spec[2:]
foreground = 'foreground' in options
sticky = 'sticky' in options
'src/{}/Service{}.java'.format(args.package.replace(".", "/"), name.capitalize()),
service_id=sid + 1,
# render(
# 'build.tmpl.xml',
# 'build.xml',
# args=args,
# versioned_name=versioned_name)
# render(
# 'strings.tmpl.xml',
# 'res/values/strings.xml',
# args=args)
# render(
# 'custom_rules.tmpl.xml',
# 'custom_rules.xml',
# args=args)
# with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'res',
# 'values', 'strings.xml')) as fileh:
# lines = fileh.read()
# with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'res',
# 'values', 'strings.xml'), 'w') as fileh:
# fileh.write(re.sub(r'"private_version">[0-9\.]*<',
# '"private_version">{}<'.format(
# str(time.time())), lines))
def parse_args(args=None):
default_android_api = 12
import argparse
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''\
Package a Python application for Android.
For this to work, Java and Ant need to be in your path, as does the
tools directory of the Android SDK.
ap.add_argument('--private', dest='private',
help='the dir of user files',
ap.add_argument('--package', dest='package',
help=('The name of the java package the project will be'
' packaged under.'),
# ap.add_argument('--name', dest='name',
# help=('The human-readable name of the project.'),
# required=True)
# ap.add_argument('--numeric-version', dest='numeric_version',
# help=('The numeric version number of the project. If not '
# 'given, this is automatically computed from the '
# 'version.'))
# ap.add_argument('--version', dest='version',
# help=('The version number of the project. This should '
# 'consist of numbers and dots, and should have the '
# 'same number of groups of numbers as previous '
# 'versions.'),
# required=True)
# ap.add_argument('--orientation', dest='orientation', default='portrait',
# help=('The orientation that the game will display in. '
# 'Usually one of "landscape", "portrait" or '
# '"sensor"'))
# ap.add_argument('--icon', dest='icon',
# help='A png file to use as the icon for the application.')
# ap.add_argument('--permission', dest='permissions', action='append',
# help='The permissions to give this app.')
ap.add_argument('--meta-data', dest='meta_data', action='append',
help='Custom key=value to add in application metadata')
# ap.add_argument('--presplash', dest='presplash',
# help=('A jpeg file to use as a screen while the '
# 'application is loading.'))
ap.add_argument('--wakelock', dest='wakelock', action='store_true',
help=('Indicate if the application needs the device '
'to stay on'))
ap.add_argument('--window', dest='window', action='store_false',
help='Indicate if the application will be windowed')
ap.add_argument('--blacklist', dest='blacklist',
default=join(curdir, 'blacklist.txt'),
help=('Use a blacklist file to match unwanted file in '
'the final APK'))
ap.add_argument('--whitelist', dest='whitelist',
default=join(curdir, 'whitelist.txt'),
help=('Use a whitelist file to prevent blacklisting of '
'file in the final APK'))
ap.add_argument('--add-jar', dest='add_jar', action='append',
help=('Add a Java .jar to the libs, so you can access its '
'classes with pyjnius. You can specify this '
'argument more than once to include multiple jars'))
ap.add_argument('--sdk', dest='sdk_version', default=-1,
type=int, help=('Android SDK version to use. Default to '
'the value of minsdk'))
ap.add_argument('--minsdk', dest='min_sdk_version',
default=default_android_api, type=int,
help=('Minimum Android SDK version to use. Default to '
'the value of ANDROIDAPI, or {} if not set'
# ap.add_argument('--intent-filters', dest='intent_filters',
# help=('Add intent-filters xml rules to the '
# 'AndroidManifest.xml file. The argument is a '
# 'filename containing xml. The filename should be '
# 'located relative to the python-for-android '
# 'directory'))
# ap.add_argument('--with-billing', dest='billing_pubkey',
# help='If set, the billing service will be added (not implemented)')
ap.add_argument('--service', dest='services', action='append',
help='Declare a new service entrypoint: '
ap.add_argument('--add-source', dest='extra_source_dirs', action='append',
help='Include additional source dirs in Java build')
def _read_configuration():
# search for a .p4a configuration file in the current directory
if not exists(".p4a"):
print("Reading .p4a configuration")
with open(".p4a") as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
lines = [shlex.split(line)
for line in lines if not line.startswith("#")]
for line in lines:
for arg in line:
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
args = ap.parse_args(args)
args.ignore_path = []
# if args.billing_pubkey:
# print('Billing not yet supported in sdl2 bootstrap!')
# exit(1)
if args.sdk_version == -1:
args.sdk_version = args.min_sdk_version
# if args.permissions is None:
# args.permissions = []
if args.meta_data is None:
args.meta_data = []
if args.services is None:
args.services = []
if args.blacklist:
with open(args.blacklist) as fd:
patterns = [x.strip() for x in fd.read().splitlines()
if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')]
if args.whitelist:
with open(args.whitelist) as fd:
patterns = [x.strip() for x in fd.read().splitlines()
if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')]
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":