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2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
from __future__ import print_function
from os.path import (join, realpath, dirname, expanduser, exists,
split, isdir)
from os import environ, listdir
import os
import glob
import sys
import re
import sh
from pythonforandroid.util import (ensure_dir, current_directory)
from pythonforandroid.logger import (info, warning, error, info_notify,
Err_Fore, Err_Style, info_main,
from pythonforandroid.archs import ArchARM, ArchARMv7_a, Archx86, Archx86_64, ArchAarch_64
from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe
class Context(object):
'''A build context. If anything will be built, an instance this class
will be instantiated and used to hold all the build state.'''
env = environ.copy()
root_dir = None # the filepath of
storage_dir = None # the root dir where builds and dists will be stored
build_dir = None # in which bootstraps are copied for building
# and recipes are built
dist_dir = None # the Android project folder where everything ends up
libs_dir = None # where Android libs are cached after build but
# before being placed in dists
aars_dir = None
ccache = None # whether to use ccache
cython = None # the cython interpreter name
ndk_platform = None # the ndk platform directory
dist_name = None # should be deprecated in favour of self.dist.dist_name
bootstrap = None
bootstrap_build_dir = None
recipe_build_order = None # Will hold the list of all built recipes
symlink_java_src = False # If True, will symlink instead of copying during build
java_build_tool = 'auto'
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
def packages_path(self):
'''Where packages are downloaded before being unpacked'''
return join(self.storage_dir, 'packages')
def templates_dir(self):
return join(self.root_dir, 'templates')
def libs_dir(self):
# Was previously hardcoded as self.build_dir/libs
dir = join(self.build_dir, 'libs_collections',
return dir
def javaclass_dir(self):
# Was previously hardcoded as self.build_dir/java
dir = join(self.build_dir, 'javaclasses',
return dir
def aars_dir(self):
dir = join(self.build_dir, 'aars',
return dir
def python_installs_dir(self):
dir = join(self.build_dir, 'python-installs')
return dir
def get_python_install_dir(self):
dir = join(self.python_installs_dir,
return dir
def setup_dirs(self, storage_dir):
'''Calculates all the storage and build dirs, and makes sure
the directories exist where necessary.'''
self.storage_dir = expanduser(storage_dir)
if ' ' in self.storage_dir:
raise ValueError('storage dir path cannot contain spaces, please '
'specify a path with --storage-dir')
self.build_dir = join(self.storage_dir, 'build')
self.dist_dir = join(self.storage_dir, 'dists')
def ensure_dirs(self):
ensure_dir(join(self.build_dir, 'bootstrap_builds'))
ensure_dir(join(self.build_dir, 'other_builds'))
def android_api(self):
'''The Android API being targeted.'''
if self._android_api is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access android_api but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._android_api
def android_api(self, value):
self._android_api = value
def ndk_ver(self):
'''The version of the NDK being used for compilation.'''
if self._ndk_ver is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access ndk_ver but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._ndk_ver
def ndk_ver(self, value):
self._ndk_ver = value
def sdk_dir(self):
'''The path to the Android SDK.'''
if self._sdk_dir is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access sdk_dir but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._sdk_dir
def sdk_dir(self, value):
self._sdk_dir = value
def ndk_dir(self):
'''The path to the Android NDK.'''
if self._ndk_dir is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access ndk_dir but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._ndk_dir
def ndk_dir(self, value):
self._ndk_dir = value
def prepare_build_environment(self, user_sdk_dir, user_ndk_dir,
user_android_api, user_android_min_api,
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
'''Checks that build dependencies exist and sets internal variables
for the Android SDK etc.
..warning:: This *must* be called before trying any build stuff
if self._build_env_prepared:
ok = True
# Work out where the Android SDK is
sdk_dir = None
if user_sdk_dir:
sdk_dir = user_sdk_dir
if sdk_dir is None: # This is the old P4A-specific var
sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDSDK', None)
if sdk_dir is None: # This seems used more conventionally
sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_HOME', None)
if sdk_dir is None: # Checks in the buildozer SDK dir, useful
# for debug tests of p4a
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join(
'~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-sdk-*')))
possible_dirs = [d for d in possible_dirs if not
(d.endswith('.bz2') or d.endswith('.gz'))]
if possible_dirs:
info('Found possible SDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
info('Will attempt to use SDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
warning('This SDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
'use python-for-android much you should probably '
'maintain your own SDK download.')
sdk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
if sdk_dir is None:
warning('Android SDK dir was not specified, exiting.')
self.sdk_dir = realpath(sdk_dir)
# Check what Android API we're using
android_api = None
if user_android_api:
android_api = user_android_api
if android_api is not None:
info('Getting Android API version from user argument')
if android_api is None:
android_api = environ.get('ANDROIDAPI', None)
if android_api is not None:
info('Found Android API target in $ANDROIDAPI')
if android_api is None:
info('Android API target was not set manually, using '
'the default of {}'.format(DEFAULT_ANDROID_API))
android_api = int(android_api)
self.android_api = android_api
if self.android_api >= 21 and self.archs[0].arch == 'armeabi':
error('Asked to build for armeabi architecture with API '
'{}, but API 21 or greater does not support armeabi'.format(
error('You probably want to build with --arch=armeabi-v7a instead')
# try to determinate min_api
android_min_api = None
if user_android_min_api:
android_min_api = user_android_min_api
if android_min_api is not None:
info('Getting Minimum Android API version from user argument')
if android_min_api is None:
android_min_api = environ.get("ANDROIDMINAPI", None)
if android_min_api is not None:
info('Found Android minimum api in $ANDROIDMINAPI')
if android_min_api is None:
info('Minimum Android API was not set, using current Android API '
android_min_api = android_api
android_min_api = int(android_min_api)
self.android_min_api = android_min_api
info("Requested API {} (minimum {})".format(
self.android_api, self.android_min_api))
if self.android_min_api > android_api:
error('Android minimum api cannot be higher than Android api')
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
if exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager')):
avdmanager = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager'))
targets = avdmanager('list', 'target').stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
elif exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android')):
android = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android'))
targets = android('list').stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
error('Could not find `android` or `sdkmanager` binaries in '
'Android SDK. Exiting.')
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
apis = [s for s in targets if re.match(r'^ *API level: ', s)]
apis = [re.findall(r'[0-9]+', s) for s in apis]
apis = [int(s[0]) for s in apis if s]
info('Available Android APIs are ({})'.format(
', '.join(map(str, apis))))
if android_api in apis:
info(('Requested API target {} is available, '
warning(('Requested API target {} is not available, install '
'it with the SDK android tool.').format(android_api))
# Find the Android NDK
# Could also use ANDROID_NDK, but doesn't look like many tools use this
ndk_dir = None
if user_ndk_dir:
ndk_dir = user_ndk_dir
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Getting NDK dir from from user argument')
if ndk_dir is None: # The old P4A-specific dir
ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDNDK', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROIDNDK')
if ndk_dir is None: # Apparently the most common convention
ndk_dir = environ.get('NDK_HOME', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Found NDK dir in $NDK_HOME')
if ndk_dir is None: # Another convention (with maven?)
ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_NDK_HOME', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROID_NDK_HOME')
if ndk_dir is None: # Checks in the buildozer NDK dir, useful
# # for debug tests of p4a
possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join(
'~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-ndk-r*')))
if possible_dirs:
info('Found possible NDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
info('Will attempt to use NDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
warning('This NDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
'use python-for-android much you should probably '
'maintain your own NDK download.')
ndk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
if ndk_dir is None:
warning('Android NDK dir was not specified, exiting.')
self.ndk_dir = realpath(ndk_dir)
# Find the NDK version, and check it against what the NDK dir
# seems to report
ndk_ver = None
if user_ndk_ver:
ndk_ver = user_ndk_ver
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Got NDK version from from user argument')
if ndk_ver is None:
ndk_ver = environ.get('ANDROIDNDKVER', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Got NDK version from $ANDROIDNDKVER')
self.ndk = 'google'
with open(join(ndk_dir, 'RELEASE.TXT')) as fileh:
reported_ndk_ver =' ')[0].strip()
except IOError:
if reported_ndk_ver.startswith('crystax-ndk-'):
reported_ndk_ver = reported_ndk_ver[12:]
self.ndk = 'crystax'
if ndk_ver is None:
ndk_ver = reported_ndk_ver
info(('Got Android NDK version from the NDK dir: '
'it is {}').format(ndk_ver))
if ndk_ver != reported_ndk_ver:
warning('NDK version was set as {}, but checking '
'the NDK dir claims it is {}.'.format(
ndk_ver, reported_ndk_ver))
warning('The build will try to continue, but it may '
'fail and you should check '
'that your setting is correct.')
warning('If the NDK dir result is correct, you don\'t '
'need to manually set the NDK ver.')
if ndk_ver is None:
warning('Android NDK version could not be found. This probably'
'won\'t cause any problems, but if necessary you can'
'set it with `--ndk-version=...`.')
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
self.ndk_ver = ndk_ver
info('Using {} NDK {}'.format(self.ndk.capitalize(), self.ndk_ver))
virtualenv = None
if virtualenv is None:
virtualenv = sh.which('virtualenv2')
if virtualenv is None:
virtualenv = sh.which('virtualenv-2.7')
if virtualenv is None:
virtualenv = sh.which('virtualenv')
if virtualenv is None:
raise IOError('Couldn\'t find a virtualenv executable, '
'you must install this to use p4a.')
self.virtualenv = virtualenv
info('Found virtualenv at {}'.format(virtualenv))
# path to some tools
self.ccache = sh.which("ccache")
if not self.ccache:
info('ccache is missing, the build will not be optimized in the '
for cython_fn in ("cython2", "cython-2.7", "cython"):
cython = sh.which(cython_fn)
if cython:
self.cython = cython
error('No cython binary found. Exiting.')
if not self.cython:
ok = False
warning("Missing requirement: cython is not installed")
# This would need to be changed if supporting multiarch APKs
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
arch = self.archs[0]
platform_dir = arch.platform_dir
toolchain_prefix = arch.toolchain_prefix
toolchain_version = None
self.ndk_platform = join(
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
if not exists(self.ndk_platform):
warning('ndk_platform doesn\'t exist: {}'.format(
ok = False
py_platform = sys.platform
if py_platform in ['linux2', 'linux3']:
py_platform = 'linux'
toolchain_versions = []
toolchain_path = join(self.ndk_dir, 'toolchains')
if os.path.isdir(toolchain_path):
toolchain_contents = glob.glob('{}/{}-*'.format(toolchain_path,
toolchain_versions = [split(path)[-1][len(toolchain_prefix) + 1:]
for path in toolchain_contents]
warning('Could not find toolchain subdirectory!')
ok = False
toolchain_versions_gcc = []
for toolchain_version in toolchain_versions:
if toolchain_version[0].isdigit():
# GCC toolchains begin with a number
if toolchain_versions:
info('Found the following toolchain versions: {}'.format(
info('Picking the latest gcc toolchain, here {}'.format(
toolchain_version = toolchain_versions_gcc[-1]
warning('Could not find any toolchain for {}!'.format(
ok = False
self.toolchain_prefix = toolchain_prefix
self.toolchain_version = toolchain_version
# Modify the path so that sh finds modules appropriately
environ['PATH'] = (
sdk_dir=self.sdk_dir, ndk_dir=self.ndk_dir,
py_platform=py_platform, path=environ.get('PATH'))
for executable in ("pkg-config", "autoconf", "automake", "libtoolize",
"tar", "bzip2", "unzip", "make", "gcc", "g++"):
if not sh.which(executable):
warning("Missing executable: {} is not installed".format(
if not ok:
error('{}python-for-android cannot continue; aborting{}'.format(
Err_Fore.RED, Err_Fore.RESET))
def __init__(self):
super(Context, self).__init__()
self.include_dirs = []
self._build_env_prepared = False
self._sdk_dir = None
self._ndk_dir = None
self._android_api = None
self._ndk_ver = None
self.ndk = None
self.toolchain_prefix = None
self.toolchain_version = None
self.local_recipes = None
self.copy_libs = False
# this list should contain all Archs, it is pruned later
self.archs = (
self.root_dir = realpath(dirname(__file__))
# remove the most obvious flags that can break the compilation
self.env.pop("LDFLAGS", None)
self.env.pop("ARCHFLAGS", None)
self.env.pop("CFLAGS", None)
self.python_recipe = None # Set by TargetPythonRecipe
def set_archs(self, arch_names):
all_archs = self.archs
new_archs = set()
for name in arch_names:
matching = [arch for arch in all_archs if arch.arch == name]
for match in matching:
self.archs = list(new_archs)
if not self.archs:
warning('Asked to compile for no Archs, so failing.')
info('Will compile for the following archs: {}'.format(
', '.join([arch.arch for arch in self.archs])))
def prepare_bootstrap(self, bs):
bs.ctx = self
self.bootstrap = bs
self.bootstrap_build_dir = self.bootstrap.build_dir
def prepare_dist(self, name):
self.dist_name = name
def get_site_packages_dir(self, arch=None):
'''Returns the location of site-packages in the python-install build
# This needs to be replaced with something more general in
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
# order to support multiple python versions and/or multiple
# archs.
if self.python_recipe.from_crystax:
return self.get_python_install_dir()
return join(self.get_python_install_dir(),
'lib', 'python3.7', 'site-packages')
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
def get_libs_dir(self, arch):
'''The libs dir for a given arch.'''
ensure_dir(join(self.libs_dir, arch))
return join(self.libs_dir, arch)
def has_lib(self, arch, lib):
return exists(join(self.get_libs_dir(arch), lib))
def has_package(self, name, arch=None):
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, self)
except IOError:
name = getattr(recipe, 'site_packages_name', None) or name
name = name.replace('.', '/')
site_packages_dir = self.get_site_packages_dir(arch)
return (exists(join(site_packages_dir, name)) or
exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.py')) or
exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.pyc')) or
exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.pyo')) or
exists(join(site_packages_dir, name + '.so')) or
glob.glob(join(site_packages_dir, name + '-*.egg')))
def not_has_package(self, name, arch=None):
return not self.has_package(name, arch)
def build_recipes(build_order, python_modules, ctx):
# Put recipes in correct build order
bs = ctx.bootstrap
info_notify("Recipe build order is {}".format(build_order))
if python_modules:
python_modules = sorted(set(python_modules))
('The requirements ({}) were not found as recipes, they will be '
'installed with pip.').format(', '.join(python_modules)))
recipes = [Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) for name in build_order]
# download is arch independent
info_main('# Downloading recipes ')
for recipe in recipes:
for arch in ctx.archs:
info_main('# Building all recipes for arch {}'.format(arch.arch))
info_main('# Unpacking recipes')
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('# Prebuilding recipes')
# 2) prebuild packages
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('Prebuilding {} for {}'.format(, arch.arch))
# 3) build packages
info_main('# Building recipes')
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('Building {} for {}'.format(, arch.arch))
if recipe.should_build(arch):
info('{} said it is already built, skipping'
# 4) biglink everything
info_main('# Biglinking object files')
if not ctx.python_recipe or not ctx.python_recipe.from_crystax:
biglink(ctx, arch)
info('NDK is crystax, skipping biglink (will this work?)')
# 5) postbuild packages
info_main('# Postbuilding recipes')
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('Postbuilding {} for {}'.format(, arch.arch))
info_main('# Installing pure Python modules')
run_pymodules_install(ctx, python_modules)
def run_pymodules_install(ctx, modules):
modules = list(filter(ctx.not_has_package, modules))
if not modules:
info('There are no Python modules to install, skipping')
info('The requirements ({}) don\'t have recipes, attempting to install '
'them with pip'.format(', '.join(modules)))
info('If this fails, it may mean that the module has compiled '
'components and needs a recipe.')
venv = sh.Command(ctx.virtualenv)
with current_directory(join(ctx.build_dir)):
shprint(venv, '--python=python3.7', 'venv')
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
info('Creating a requirements.txt file for the Python modules')
with open('requirements.txt', 'w') as fileh:
for module in modules:
key = 'VERSION_' + module
if key in environ:
line = '{}=={}\n'.format(module, environ[key])
line = '{}\n'.format(module)
info('Installing Python modules with pip')
info('If this fails with a message about /bin/false, this '
'probably means the package cannot be installed with '
'pip as it needs a compilation recipe.')
# This bash method is what old-p4a used
# It works but should be replaced with something better
shprint(sh.bash, '-c', (
"source venv/bin/activate && env CC=/bin/false CXX=/bin/false "
"PYTHONPATH={0} pip install --target '{0}' --no-deps -r requirements.txt"
def biglink(ctx, arch):
# First, collate object files from each recipe
info('Collating object files from each recipe')
obj_dir = join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'collated_objects')
recipes = [Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) for name in ctx.recipe_build_order]
for recipe in recipes:
recipe_obj_dir = join(recipe.get_build_container_dir(arch.arch),
if not exists(recipe_obj_dir):
info('{} recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping'
files = glob.glob(join(recipe_obj_dir, '*'))
if not len(files):
info('{} recipe has no biglinkable files, skipping'
info('{} recipe has object files, copying'.format(
shprint(sh.cp, '-r', *files)
env = arch.get_env()
env['LDFLAGS'] = env['LDFLAGS'] + ' -L{}'.format(
join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'obj', 'local', arch.arch))
if not len(glob.glob(join(obj_dir, '*'))):
info('There seem to be no libraries to biglink, skipping.')
info('target {}'.format(join(ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch),
do_biglink = copylibs_function if ctx.copy_libs else biglink_function
# Move to the directory containing crtstart_so.o and crtend_so.o
# This is necessary with newer NDKs? A gcc bug?
with current_directory(join(ctx.ndk_platform, 'usr', 'lib')):
join(ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), ''),
obj_dir.split(' '),
'obj', 'local', arch.arch),
2017-08-13 02:24:00 +01:00
def biglink_function(soname, objs_paths, extra_link_dirs=[], env=None):
print('objs_paths are', objs_paths)
sofiles = []
for directory in objs_paths:
for fn in os.listdir(directory):
fn = os.path.join(directory, fn)
if not fn.endswith(".so.o"):
if not os.path.exists(fn[:-2] + ".libs"):
# The raw argument list.
args = []
for fn in sofiles:
afn = fn + ".o"
libsfn = fn + ".libs"
with open(libsfn) as fd:
data =
args.extend(data.split(" "))
unique_args = []
while args:
a = args.pop()
if a in ('-L', ):
if a not in unique_args:
unique_args.insert(0, a)
for dir in extra_link_dirs:
link = '-L{}'.format(dir)
if link not in unique_args:
cc_name = env['CC']
cc = sh.Command(cc_name.split()[0])
cc = cc.bake(*cc_name.split()[1:])
shprint(cc, '-shared', '-O3', '-o', soname, *unique_args, _env=env)
def copylibs_function(soname, objs_paths, extra_link_dirs=[], env=None):
print('objs_paths are', objs_paths)
re_needso = re.compile(r'^.*\(NEEDED\)\s+Shared library: \[lib(.*)\.so\]\s*$')
blacklist_libs = (
# bootstrap takes care of sdl2 libs (if applicable)
found_libs = []
sofiles = []
if env and 'READELF' in env:
readelf = env['READELF']
elif 'READELF' in os.environ:
readelf = os.environ['READELF']
readelf = sh.which('readelf').strip()
readelf = sh.Command(readelf).bake('-d')
dest = dirname(soname)
for directory in objs_paths:
for fn in os.listdir(directory):
fn = join(directory, fn)
if not fn.endswith('.libs'):
dirfn = fn[:-1] + 'dirs'
if not exists(dirfn):
with open(fn) as f:
libs =' ')
needed_libs = [lib for lib in libs
if lib and
lib not in blacklist_libs and
lib not in found_libs]
while needed_libs:
print('need libs:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(needed_libs))
start_needed_libs = needed_libs[:]
found_sofiles = []
with open(dirfn) as f:
libdirs =
for libdir in libdirs:
if not needed_libs:
if libdir == dest:
# don't need to copy from dest to dest!
libdir = libdir.strip()
print('scanning', libdir)
for lib in needed_libs[:]:
if lib in found_libs:
if lib.endswith('.a'):
lib_a = 'lib' + lib + '.a'
libpath_a = join(libdir, lib_a)
lib_so = 'lib' + lib + '.so'
libpath_so = join(libdir, lib_so)
plain_so = lib + '.so'
plainpath_so = join(libdir, plain_so)
sopath = None
if exists(libpath_so):
sopath = libpath_so
elif exists(plainpath_so):
sopath = plainpath_so
if sopath:
print('found', lib, 'in', libdir)
if exists(libpath_a):
print('found', lib, '(static) in', libdir)
for sofile in found_sofiles:
print('scanning dependencies for', sofile)
out = readelf(sofile)
for line in out.splitlines():
needso = re_needso.match(line)
if needso:
lib =
if (lib not in needed_libs
and lib not in found_libs
and lib not in blacklist_libs):
sofiles += found_sofiles
if needed_libs == start_needed_libs:
raise RuntimeError(
'Failed to locate needed libraries!\n\t' +
print('Copying libraries')
for lib in sofiles:
shprint(sh.cp, lib, dest)