fix: more 38 changes
Fixed resolving by signed_channel, order for claim search and timestamp to use release date / creation date (to match sorting). We'll probably want to show updated_date somewhere in advanced section eventually. Needs some flow love
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 114 additions and 123 deletions
@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ const makeSelectMetadataItemForUri = (uri, key) => reselect.createSelector(makeS
const makeSelectTitleForUri = uri => reselect.createSelector(makeSelectMetadataForUri(uri), metadata => metadata && metadata.title);
const makeSelectDateForUri = uri => reselect.createSelector(makeSelectClaimForUri(uri), claim => {
const timestamp = claim && claim.timestamp ? claim.timestamp * 1000 : undefined;
const timestamp = claim && claim.value && (claim.value.release_time ? claim.value.release_time * 1000 : claim.value.meta.creation_timestamp * 1000);
if (!timestamp) {
return undefined;
@ -1968,9 +1968,9 @@ function doResolveUris(uris, returnCachedClaims = false) {
lbryProxy.resolve({ urls: urisToResolve }).then(result => {
Object.entries(result).forEach(([uri, uriResolveInfo]) => {
const fallbackResolveInfo = {
claim: null,
stream: null,
claimsInChannel: null,
certificate: null
channel: null
// Flow has terrible Object.entries support
@ -1981,11 +1981,15 @@ function doResolveUris(uris, returnCachedClaims = false) {
} else {
let result = {};
if (uriResolveInfo.value_type === 'channel') {
result.certificate = uriResolveInfo;
|||| = uriResolveInfo;
// $FlowFixMe
result.claimsInChannel = uriResolveInfo.meta.claims_in_channel;
} else {
result.claim = uriResolveInfo;
|||| = uriResolveInfo;
if (uriResolveInfo.signing_channel) {
|||| = uriResolveInfo.signing_channel;
result.claimsInChannel = uriResolveInfo.signing_channel.meta.claims_in_channel;
// $FlowFixMe
@ -2104,7 +2108,7 @@ function doFetchClaimsByChannel(uri, page = 1) {
data: { uri, page }
lbryProxy.claim_search({ channel: uri, controlling: true, page: page || 1 }).then(result => {
lbryProxy.claim_search({ channel: uri, is_controlling: true, page: page || 1, order_by: ['release_time'] }).then(result => {
const { items: claimsInChannel, page: returnedPage } = result;
@ -2708,34 +2712,36 @@ const defaultState = {
reducers[RESOLVE_URIS_COMPLETED] = (state, action) => {
const { resolveInfo } =;
const {
} =;
const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri);
const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId);
const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts);
Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([uri, resolveResponse]) => {
// $FlowFixMe
if (resolveResponse.certificate && !Number.isNaN(resolveResponse.claimsInChannel)) {
if (resolveResponse.claimsInChannel) {
// $FlowFixMe
channelClaimCounts[uri] = resolveResponse.claimsInChannel;
// $FlowFixMe
Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([uri, { certificate, claim }]) => {
if (claim && !certificate) {
byId[claim.claim_id] = claim;
byUri[uri] = claim.claim_id;
} else if (claim && certificate) {
byId[claim.claim_id] = claim;
byUri[uri] = claim.claim_id;
Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([uri, { channel, stream }]) => {
if (stream && !channel) {
byId[stream.claim_id] = stream;
byUri[uri] = stream.claim_id;
} else if (stream && channel) {
byId[stream.claim_id] = stream;
byUri[uri] = stream.claim_id;
byId[certificate.claim_id] = certificate;
const channelUri = `lbry://${}#${certificate.claim_id}`;
byUri[channelUri] = certificate.claim_id;
} else if (!claim && certificate) {
byId[certificate.claim_id] = certificate;
byUri[uri] = certificate.claim_id;
byId[channel.claim_id] = channel;
const channelUri = channel.permanent_url;
byUri[channelUri] = channel.claim_id;
} else if (!stream && channel) {
byId[channel.claim_id] = channel;
byUri[uri] = channel.claim_id;
} else {
byUri[uri] = null;
@ -1,51 +1,41 @@
// @flow
declare type ClaimWithPossibleCertificate = {
certificate?: ChannelClaim,
claim: StreamClaim,
declare type Claim = StreamClaim | ChannelClaim;
declare type ChannelClaim = GenericClaim & {
is_channel_signature_valid?: boolean, // we may have signed channels in the future, fixes some flow issues for now.
signing_channel?: ChannelMetadata,
value: ChannelMetadata,
declare type StreamClaim = GenericClaim & {
is_channel_signature_valid?: boolean,
signing_channel?: {
claim_id: string,
name: string,
value: {
public_key: string,
signing_channel?: ChannelMetadata,
value: StreamMetadata,
declare type GenericClaim = {
address: string, // address associated with tx
amount: number, // bid amount at time of tx
amount: string, // bid amount at time of tx
canonical_url: string, // URL with short id, includes channel with short id
claim_id: string, // unique claim identifier
claim_sequence: number,
claim_sequence: number, // not being used currently
claim_op: 'create' | 'update',
confirmations: number, // This isn't the most stable atm:
decoded_claim: boolean, // claim made in accordance with sdk protobuf types
effective_amount: number, // bid amount + supports
timestamp?: number, // date of transaction
has_signature: boolean,
confirmations: number,
decoded_claim: boolean, // Not available currently
timestamp?: number, // date of last transaction
height: number, // block height the tx was confirmed
hex: string, // `value` hex encoded
name: string,
channel_name?: string,
normalized_name: string, // `name` normalized via unicode NFD spec,
nout: number, // index number for an output of a tx
permanent_url: string, // name + claim_id
supports: Array<{}>, // TODO: add support type once we start using it
short_url: string, // permanent_url with short id, no channel
txid: string, // unique tx id
type: 'claim' | 'update' | 'support',
valid_at_height?: number, // BUG: this should always exist
value_type: 'stream' | 'channel',
meta: {
activation_height: number,
claims_in_channel?: number,
creation_height: number,
creation_timestamp: number,
effective_amount: string,
@ -56,7 +46,6 @@ declare type GenericClaim = {
trending_group: number,
trending_local: number,
trending_mixed: number,
claims_in_channel?: number,
@ -73,6 +62,7 @@ declare type GenericMetadata = {
declare type ChannelMetadata = GenericMetadata & {
public_key: string,
public_key_id: string,
cover_url?: string,
email?: string,
website_url?: string,
@ -66,9 +66,7 @@ declare type VersionResponse = {
declare type ResolveResponse = {
// Keys are the url(s) passed to resolve
| { error: {}, certificate: ChannelClaim, claims_in_channel: number }
| StreamClaim
| ChannelClaim
| Claim
| { error?: {} },
@ -88,18 +86,19 @@ declare type GenericTxResponse = {
declare type PublishResponse = GenericTxResponse & {
// Only first value in outputs is a claim
// That's the only value we care about
outputs: Array<StreamClaim>,
outputs: Array<Claim>,
declare type ClaimSearchResponse = {
items: Array<StreamClaim>,
items: Array<Claim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
page_number: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type ClaimListResponse = {
claims: Array<ChannelClaim | StreamClaim>,
claims: Array<ChannelClaim | Claim>,
declare type ChannelCreateResponse = GenericTxResponse & {
@ -1,51 +1,41 @@
// @flow
declare type ClaimWithPossibleCertificate = {
certificate?: ChannelClaim,
claim: StreamClaim,
declare type Claim = StreamClaim | ChannelClaim;
declare type ChannelClaim = GenericClaim & {
is_channel_signature_valid?: boolean, // we may have signed channels in the future, fixes some flow issues for now.
signing_channel?: ChannelMetadata,
value: ChannelMetadata,
declare type StreamClaim = GenericClaim & {
is_channel_signature_valid?: boolean,
signing_channel?: {
claim_id: string,
name: string,
value: {
public_key: string,
signing_channel?: ChannelMetadata,
value: StreamMetadata,
declare type GenericClaim = {
address: string, // address associated with tx
amount: number, // bid amount at time of tx
amount: string, // bid amount at time of tx
canonical_url: string, // URL with short id, includes channel with short id
claim_id: string, // unique claim identifier
claim_sequence: number,
claim_sequence: number, // not being used currently
claim_op: 'create' | 'update',
confirmations: number, // This isn't the most stable atm:
decoded_claim: boolean, // claim made in accordance with sdk protobuf types
effective_amount: number, // bid amount + supports
timestamp?: number, // date of transaction
has_signature: boolean,
confirmations: number,
decoded_claim: boolean, // Not available currently
timestamp?: number, // date of last transaction
height: number, // block height the tx was confirmed
hex: string, // `value` hex encoded
name: string,
channel_name?: string,
normalized_name: string, // `name` normalized via unicode NFD spec,
nout: number, // index number for an output of a tx
permanent_url: string, // name + claim_id
supports: Array<{}>, // TODO: add support type once we start using it
short_url: string, // permanent_url with short id, no channel
txid: string, // unique tx id
type: 'claim' | 'update' | 'support',
valid_at_height?: number, // BUG: this should always exist
value_type: 'stream' | 'channel',
meta: {
activation_height: number,
claims_in_channel?: number,
creation_height: number,
creation_timestamp: number,
effective_amount: string,
@ -56,7 +46,6 @@ declare type GenericClaim = {
trending_group: number,
trending_local: number,
trending_mixed: number,
claims_in_channel?: number,
@ -73,6 +62,7 @@ declare type GenericMetadata = {
declare type ChannelMetadata = GenericMetadata & {
public_key: string,
public_key_id: string,
cover_url?: string,
email?: string,
website_url?: string,
@ -66,9 +66,7 @@ declare type VersionResponse = {
declare type ResolveResponse = {
// Keys are the url(s) passed to resolve
| { error: {}, certificate: ChannelClaim, claims_in_channel: number }
| StreamClaim
| ChannelClaim
| Claim
| { error?: {} },
@ -88,18 +86,19 @@ declare type GenericTxResponse = {
declare type PublishResponse = GenericTxResponse & {
// Only first value in outputs is a claim
// That's the only value we care about
outputs: Array<StreamClaim>,
outputs: Array<Claim>,
declare type ClaimSearchResponse = {
items: Array<StreamClaim>,
items: Array<Claim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
page_number: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type ClaimListResponse = {
claims: Array<ChannelClaim | StreamClaim>,
claims: Array<ChannelClaim | Claim>,
declare type ChannelCreateResponse = GenericTxResponse & {
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ export function doResolveUris(uris: Array<string>, returnCachedClaims: boolean =
const resolveInfo: {
[string]: {
claim: ?StreamClaim,
certificate: ?ChannelClaim,
stream: ?StreamClaim,
channel: ?ChannelClaim,
claimsInChannel: ?number,
} = {};
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ export function doResolveUris(uris: Array<string>, returnCachedClaims: boolean =
Lbry.resolve({ urls: urisToResolve }).then((result: ResolveResponse) => {
Object.entries(result).forEach(([uri, uriResolveInfo]) => {
const fallbackResolveInfo = {
claim: null,
stream: null,
claimsInChannel: null,
certificate: null,
channel: null,
// Flow has terrible Object.entries support
@ -55,12 +55,16 @@ export function doResolveUris(uris: Array<string>, returnCachedClaims: boolean =
resolveInfo[uri] = { ...fallbackResolveInfo };
} else {
let result = {};
if (uriResolveInfo.value_type === 'channel') {
result.certificate = uriResolveInfo;
if (uriResolveInfo.value_type === 'channel' ) {
|||| = uriResolveInfo;
// $FlowFixMe
result.claimsInChannel = uriResolveInfo.meta.claims_in_channel;
} else {
result.claim = uriResolveInfo;
|||| = uriResolveInfo;
if (uriResolveInfo.signing_channel) {
|||| = uriResolveInfo.signing_channel;
result.claimsInChannel = uriResolveInfo.signing_channel.meta.claims_in_channel;
// $FlowFixMe
@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ export function doAbandonClaim(txid: string, nout: number) {
return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => {
const state = getState();
const myClaims: Array<ChannelClaim | StreamClaim> = selectMyClaimsRaw(state);
const myClaims: Array<Claim> = selectMyClaimsRaw(state);
const mySupports: { [string]: Support } = selectSupportsByOutpoint(state);
// A user could be trying to abandon a support or one of their claims
@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ export function doFetchClaimsByChannel(uri: string, page: number = 1) {
data: { uri, page },
Lbry.claim_search({ channel: uri, controlling: true, page: page || 1 }).then(
Lbry.claim_search({ channel: uri, is_controlling: true, page: page || 1, order_by: ['release_time'] }).then(
(result: ClaimSearchResponse) => {
const { items: claimsInChannel, page: returnedPage } = result;
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import { buildURI, parseURI } from 'lbryURI';
type State = {
channelClaimCounts: { [string]: number },
claimsByUri: { [string]: string },
byId: { [string]: StreamClaim | ChannelClaim },
byId: { [string]: Claim },
resolvingUris: Array<string>,
pendingById: { [string]: StreamClaim | ChannelClaim },
pendingById: { [string]: Claim },
myChannelClaims: Set<string>,
abandoningById: { [string]: boolean },
fetchingChannelClaims: { [string]: number },
@ -46,36 +46,42 @@ const defaultState = {
reducers[ACTIONS.RESOLVE_URIS_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { resolveInfo }: { [string]: ClaimWithPossibleCertificate } =;
const {
}: {
[string]: {
stream: ?StreamClaim,
channel: ?ChannelClaim,
claimsInChannel: ?number,
} =;
const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri);
const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId);
const channelClaimCounts = Object.assign({}, state.channelClaimCounts);
([uri: string, resolveResponse: ClaimWithPossibleCertificate]) => {
Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([uri: string, resolveResponse: Claim]) => {
// $FlowFixMe
if (resolveResponse.claimsInChannel) {
// $FlowFixMe
if (resolveResponse.certificate && !Number.isNaN(resolveResponse.claimsInChannel)) {
// $FlowFixMe
channelClaimCounts[uri] = resolveResponse.claimsInChannel;
channelClaimCounts[uri] = resolveResponse.claimsInChannel;
// $FlowFixMe
Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([uri, { certificate, claim }]) => {
if (claim && !certificate) {
byId[claim.claim_id] = claim;
byUri[uri] = claim.claim_id;
} else if (claim && certificate) {
byId[claim.claim_id] = claim;
byUri[uri] = claim.claim_id;
Object.entries(resolveInfo).forEach(([uri, { channel, stream }]) => {
if (stream && !channel) {
byId[stream.claim_id] = stream;
byUri[uri] = stream.claim_id;
} else if (stream && channel) {
byId[stream.claim_id] = stream;
byUri[uri] = stream.claim_id;
byId[certificate.claim_id] = certificate;
const channelUri = `lbry://${}#${certificate.claim_id}`;
byUri[channelUri] = certificate.claim_id;
} else if (!claim && certificate) {
byId[certificate.claim_id] = certificate;
byUri[uri] = certificate.claim_id;
byId[channel.claim_id] = channel;
const channelUri = channel.permanent_url;
byUri[channelUri] = channel.claim_id;
} else if (!stream && channel) {
byId[channel.claim_id] = channel;
byUri[uri] = channel.claim_id;
} else {
byUri[uri] = null;
@ -95,15 +101,12 @@ reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_STARTED] = (state: State): State =>
reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const { claims }: { claims: Array<StreamClaim | ChannelClaim> } =;
const { claims }: { claims: Array<Claim> } =;
const byId = Object.assign({}, state.byId);
const byUri = Object.assign({}, state.claimsByUri);
const pendingById: { [string]: StreamClaim | ChannelClaim } = Object.assign(
const pendingById: { [string]: Claim } = Object.assign({}, state.pendingById);
claims.forEach((claim: StreamClaim | ChannelClaim) => {
claims.forEach((claim: Claim) => {
const uri = buildURI({ claimName:, claimId: claim.claim_id });
if (claim.type && claim.type.match(/claim|update/)) {
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ export const makeSelectDateForUri = (uri: string) =>
claim => {
const timestamp = claim && claim.timestamp ? claim.timestamp * 1000 : undefined;
const timestamp = claim && claim.value && (claim.value.release_time ? claim.value.release_time * 1000 : claim.value.meta.creation_timestamp * 1000);
if (!timestamp) {
return undefined;
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ export const makeSelectClaimIsNsfw = (uri: string): boolean =>
// Or possibly come from users settings of what tags they want to hide
// For now, there is just a hard coded list of tags inside `isClaimNsfw`
// selectNaughtyTags(),
(claim: StreamClaim) => {
(claim: Claim) => {
if (!claim) {
return false;
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ export const makeSelectFirstRecommendedFileForUri = (uri: string) =>
export const makeSelectChannelForClaimUri = (uri: string, includePrefix: boolean = false) =>
(claim: ?StreamClaim) => {
(claim: ?Claim) => {
if (!claim || !claim.signing_channel) {
return null;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const naughtyTags = ['porn', 'nsfw', 'mature', 'xxx'].reduce(
export const isClaimNsfw = (claim: StreamClaim): boolean => {
export const isClaimNsfw = (claim: Claim): boolean => {
if (!claim) {
throw new Error('No claim passed to isClaimNsfw()');
Add table
Reference in a new issue