shared user state with preferences_get and preferences_set #211
2 changed files with 148 additions and 15 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'defau
var reselect = require('reselect');
var uuid = _interopDefault(require('uuid/v4'));
var isEqual = _interopDefault(require('utils/deep-equal'));
const MINIMUM_PUBLISH_BID = 0.00000001;
@ -3632,8 +3631,119 @@ const doToggleBlockChannel = uri => ({
/* eslint-disable */
// underscore's deep equal function
function isEqual(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
// Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
// See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](
if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b;
// `null` or `undefined` only equal to itself (strict comparison).
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
// `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive.
if (a !== a) return b !== b;
// Exhaust primitive checks
var type = typeof a;
if (type !== 'function' && type !== 'object' && typeof b != 'object') return false;
return deepEq(a, b, aStack, bStack);
function deepEq(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
// Compare `[[Class]]` names.
var className =;
if (className !== return false;
switch (className) {
// Strings, numbers, regular expressions, dates, and booleans are compared by value.
case '[object RegExp]':
// RegExps are coerced to strings for comparison (Note: '' + /a/i === '/a/i')
case '[object String]':
// Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is
// equivalent to `new String("5")`.
return '' + a === '' + b;
case '[object Number]':
// `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive.
// Object(NaN) is equivalent to NaN.
if (+a !== +a) return +b !== +b;
// An `egal` comparison is performed for other numeric values.
return +a === 0 ? 1 / +a === 1 / b : +a === +b;
case '[object Date]':
case '[object Boolean]':
// Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their
// millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations
// of `NaN` are not equivalent.
return +a === +b;
case '[object Symbol]':
return ===;
var areArrays = className === '[object Array]';
if (!areArrays) {
if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false;
// Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s or `Array`s
// from different frames are.
var aCtor = a.constructor,
bCtor = b.constructor;
if (aCtor !== bCtor && !(typeof aCtor === 'function' && aCtor instanceof aCtor && typeof bCtor === 'function' && bCtor instanceof bCtor) && 'constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b) {
return false;
// Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic
// structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`.
// Initializing stack of traversed objects.
// It's done here since we only need them for objects and arrays comparison.
aStack = aStack || [];
bStack = bStack || [];
var length = aStack.length;
while (length--) {
// Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
// unique nested structures.
if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b;
// Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects.
// Recursively compare objects and arrays.
if (areArrays) {
// Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary.
length = a.length;
if (length !== b.length) return false;
// Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties.
while (length--) {
if (!isEqual(a[length], b[length], aStack, bStack)) return false;
} else {
// Deep compare objects.
var keys = Object.keys(a),
length = keys.length;
// Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality.
if (Object.keys(b).length !== length) return false;
while (length--) {
// Deep compare each member
key = keys[length];
if (!(has(b, key) && isEqual(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) return false;
// Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects.
return true;
function has(obj, path) {
return obj != null &&, path);
/* eslint-enable */
var _extends$5 = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
const stateCache = {};
function extractUserState(rawObj) {
if (rawObj && rawObj.version === '0.1' && rawObj.shared) {
const { subscriptions, tags } = rawObj.shared;
@ -3651,7 +3761,7 @@ function doPopulateSharedUserState(settings) {
function sharedStateSubscriber(state, filters, localCache, accountId, walletId) {
function sharedStateSubscriber(state, filters, accountId, walletId) {
Object.keys(filters).forEach(key => {
const filter = filters[key];
const { source, property, transform } = filter;
@ -3668,16 +3778,17 @@ function sharedStateSubscriber(state, filters, localCache, accountId, walletId)
cacheKey = `${cacheKey}_${walletId}`;
if (!isEqual(localCache[cacheKey], value)) {
if (!isEqual(stateCache[cacheKey], value)) {
// only update if the preference changed from last call in the same session
doPreferenceSet(key, value, accountId, walletId);
function doPreferenceSet(key, value, accountId, walletId, success, fail) {
function doPreferenceSet(key, value, version, accountId, walletId, success, fail) {
const preference = {
type: typeof value,
@ -3692,9 +3803,14 @@ function doPreferenceSet(key, value, accountId, walletId, success, fail) {
function doPreferenceGet(key, accountId, walletId, success, fail) {
lbryProxy.preference_get({ key, account_id: accountId, wallet_id: walletId }).then(result => {
if (result) {
const preference = JSON.parse(result);
const { value } = normalized;
const { value, version } = preference;
return success(value, version);
// Or fail instead?
return success(null, null);
}).catch(() => {
if (fail) {
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ type v0Data = {
const stateCache = {};
function extractUserState(rawObj: v0Data) {
if (rawObj && rawObj.version === '0.1' && rawObj.shared) {
const { subscriptions, tags } = rawObj.shared;
@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ export function doPopulateSharedUserState(settings: any) {
export function sharedStateSubscriber(
state: any,
filters: any,
localCache: any,
version: string,
accountId: string,
walletId: string)
@ -54,16 +56,25 @@ export function sharedStateSubscriber(
cacheKey = `${cacheKey}_${walletId}`;
if (!isEqual(localCache[cacheKey], value)) {
if (!isEqual(stateCache[cacheKey], value)) {
// only update if the preference changed from last call in the same session
doPreferenceSet(key, value, accountId, walletId);
doPreferenceSet(key, value, version, accountId, walletId);
export function doPreferenceSet(key: string, value: any, accountId: string, walletId: string, success: Function, fail: Function) {
export function doPreferenceSet(
key: string,
value: any,
version: string,
accountId: string,
walletId: string,
success: Function,
fail: Function
) {
const preference = {
type: (typeof value),
@ -74,16 +85,22 @@ export function doPreferenceSet(key: string, value: any, accountId: string, wall
export function doPreferenceGet(key: string, accountId: string, walletId: string, success: Function, fail: Function) {
export function doPreferenceGet(
key: string,
accountId: string,
walletId: string,
success: Function,
fail: Function
) {
Lbry.preference_get({ key, account_id: accountId, wallet_id: walletId }).then(result => {
if (result) {
const preference = JSON.parse(result);
const { value } = preference;
return success(value);
const { value, version } = preference;
return success(value, version);
// Or fail instead?
return success(null);
return success(null, null);
}).catch(() => {
if (fail) { fail(); }
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