wip clean clean review wip wallet sync wip collection publishing build refactor, publishing, pending, editing wip wip fetch collections on resolve select collections or playlists build return edit success fix collection claimId selector small rename flow type fixes collection edit params type param and flowtypes
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361 lines
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// @flow
declare type StatusResponse = {
blob_manager: {
finished_blobs: number,
blockchain_headers: {
download_progress: number,
downloading_headers: boolean,
dht: {
node_id: string,
peers_in_routing_table: number,
hash_announcer: {
announce_queue_size: number,
installation_id: string,
is_running: boolean,
skipped_components: Array<string>,
startup_status: {
blob_manager: boolean,
blockchain_headers: boolean,
database: boolean,
dht: boolean,
exchange_rate_manager: boolean,
hash_announcer: boolean,
peer_protocol_server: boolean,
stream_manager: boolean,
upnp: boolean,
wallet: boolean,
stream_manager: {
managed_files: number,
upnp: {
aioupnp_version: string,
dht_redirect_set: boolean,
external_ip: string,
gateway: string,
peer_redirect_set: boolean,
redirects: {},
wallet: ?{
connected: string,
best_blockhash: string,
blocks: number,
blocks_behind: number,
is_encrypted: boolean,
is_locked: boolean,
headers_synchronization_progress: number,
available_servers: number,
declare type VersionResponse = {
build: string,
lbrynet_version: string,
os_release: string,
os_system: string,
platform: string,
processor: string,
python_version: string,
declare type BalanceResponse = {
available: string,
reserved: string,
reserved_subtotals: ?{
claims: string,
supports: string,
tips: string,
total: string,
declare type ResolveResponse = {
// Keys are the url(s) passed to resolve
[string]: { error?: {}, stream?: StreamClaim, channel?: ChannelClaim, claimsInChannel?: number },
declare type GetResponse = FileListItem & { error?: string };
declare type GenericTxResponse = {
height: number,
hex: string,
inputs: Array<{}>,
outputs: Array<{}>,
total_fee: string,
total_input: string,
total_output: string,
txid: string,
declare type PublishResponse = GenericTxResponse & {
// Only first value in outputs is a claim
// That's the only value we care about
outputs: Array<Claim>,
declare type ClaimSearchResponse = {
items: Array<Claim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type ClaimListResponse = {
items: Array<ChannelClaim | Claim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type ChannelCreateResponse = GenericTxResponse & {
outputs: Array<ChannelClaim>,
declare type ChannelUpdateResponse = GenericTxResponse & {
outputs: Array<ChannelClaim>,
declare type CommentCreateResponse = Comment;
declare type CommentUpdateResponse = Comment;
declare type MyReactions = {
// Keys are the commentId
[string]: Array<string>,
declare type OthersReactions = {
// Keys are the commentId
[string]: {
// Keys are the reaction_type, e.g. 'like'
[string]: number,
declare type CommentReactListResponse = {
my_reactions: Array<MyReactions>,
others_reactions: Array<OthersReactions>,
declare type CommentHideResponse = {
// keyed by the CommentIds entered
[string]: { hidden: boolean },
declare type CommentPinResponse = {
// keyed by the CommentIds entered
items: Comment,
declare type CommentAbandonResponse = {
// keyed by the CommentId given
abandoned: boolean,
declare type ChannelListResponse = {
items: Array<ChannelClaim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type ChannelSignResponse = {
signature: string,
signing_ts: string,
declare type CollectionCreateResponse = {
outputs: Array<Claim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type CollectionListResponse = {
items: Array<Claim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type CollectionResolveResponse = {
items: Array<Claim>,
total_items: number,
declare type CollectionResolveOptions = {
claim_id: string,
declare type CollectionListOptions = {
page: number,
page_size: number,
resolve?: boolean,
declare type FileListResponse = {
items: Array<FileListItem>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type TxListResponse = {
items: Array<Transaction>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type SupportListResponse = {
items: Array<Support>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type BlobListResponse = { items: Array<string> };
declare type WalletListResponse = Array<{
id: string,
name: string,
declare type WalletStatusResponse = {
is_encrypted: boolean,
is_locked: boolean,
is_syncing: boolean,
declare type SyncApplyResponse = {
hash: string,
data: string,
declare type SupportAbandonResponse = GenericTxResponse;
declare type StreamListResponse = {
items: Array<StreamClaim>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type StreamRepostOptions = {
name: string,
bid: string,
claim_id: string,
channel_id?: string,
declare type StreamRepostResponse = GenericTxResponse;
declare type PurchaseListResponse = {
items: Array<PurchaseReceipt & { claim: StreamClaim }>,
page: number,
page_size: number,
total_items: number,
total_pages: number,
declare type PurchaseListOptions = {
page: number,
page_size: number,
resolve: boolean,
claim_id?: string,
channel_id?: string,
// Types used in the generic Lbry object that is exported
declare type LbryTypes = {
isConnected: boolean,
connectPromise: ?Promise<any>,
connect: () => void,
daemonConnectionString: string,
alternateConnectionString: string,
methodsUsingAlternateConnectionString: Array<string>,
apiRequestHeaders: { [key: string]: string },
setDaemonConnectionString: string => void,
setApiHeader: (string, string) => void,
unsetApiHeader: string => void,
overrides: { [string]: ?Function },
setOverride: (string, Function) => void,
getMediaType: (string, ?string) => string,
// Lbry Methods
stop: () => Promise<string>,
status: () => Promise<StatusResponse>,
version: () => Promise<VersionResponse>,
resolve: (params: {}) => Promise<ResolveResponse>,
get: (params: {}) => Promise<GetResponse>,
publish: (params: {}) => Promise<PublishResponse>,
claim_search: (params: {}) => Promise<ClaimSearchResponse>,
claim_list: (params: {}) => Promise<ClaimListResponse>,
channel_create: (params: {}) => Promise<ChannelCreateResponse>,
channel_update: (params: {}) => Promise<ChannelUpdateResponse>,
channel_import: (params: {}) => Promise<string>,
channel_list: (params: {}) => Promise<ChannelListResponse>,
channel_sign: (params: {}) => Promise<ChannelSignResponse>,
stream_abandon: (params: {}) => Promise<GenericTxResponse>,
stream_list: (params: {}) => Promise<StreamListResponse>,
channel_abandon: (params: {}) => Promise<GenericTxResponse>,
support_create: (params: {}) => Promise<GenericTxResponse>,
support_list: (params: {}) => Promise<SupportListResponse>,
support_abandon: (params: {}) => Promise<SupportAbandonResponse>,
stream_repost: (params: StreamRepostOptions) => Promise<StreamRepostResponse>,
purchase_list: (params: PurchaseListOptions) => Promise<PurchaseListResponse>,
collection_resolve: (params: CollectionResolveOptions) => Promise<CollectionResolveResponse>,
collection_list: (params: CollectionListOptions) => Promise<CollectionListResponse>,
collection_create: (params: {}) => Promise<CollectionCreateResponse>,
collection_update: (params: {}) => Promise<CollectionCreateResponse>,
// File fetching and manipulation
file_list: (params: {}) => Promise<FileListResponse>,
file_delete: (params: {}) => Promise<boolean>,
blob_delete: (params: {}) => Promise<string>,
blob_list: (params: {}) => Promise<BlobListResponse>,
// Preferences
preference_get: (params: {}) => Promise<any>,
preference_set: (params: {}) => Promise<any>,
// Commenting
comment_update: (params: {}) => Promise<CommentUpdateResponse>,
comment_hide: (params: {}) => Promise<CommentHideResponse>,
comment_abandon: (params: {}) => Promise<CommentAbandonResponse>,
// Wallet utilities
wallet_balance: (params: {}) => Promise<BalanceResponse>,
wallet_decrypt: (prams: {}) => Promise<boolean>,
wallet_encrypt: (params: {}) => Promise<boolean>,
wallet_unlock: (params: {}) => Promise<boolean>,
wallet_list: (params: {}) => Promise<WalletListResponse>,
wallet_send: (params: {}) => Promise<GenericTxResponse>,
wallet_status: (params: {}) => Promise<WalletStatusResponse>,
address_is_mine: (params: {}) => Promise<boolean>,
address_unused: (params: {}) => Promise<string>, // New address
address_list: (params: {}) => Promise<string>,
transaction_list: (params: {}) => Promise<TxListResponse>,
// Sync
sync_hash: (params: {}) => Promise<string>,
sync_apply: (params: {}) => Promise<SyncApplyResponse>,
// The app shouldn't need to do this
utxo_release: () => Promise<any>,