Allow configuration of universal style compaction

This commit is contained in:
hofmockel 2014-04-29 17:46:21 +02:00
parent 68c58009f2
commit 6ceb6514b5
6 changed files with 228 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -625,6 +625,84 @@ Options object
| *Type:* ``bool``
| *Default:* ``True``
.. py:attribute:: compaction_style
The compaction style. Could be set to ``"level"`` to use level-style
compaction. For universal-style compaction use ``"universal"``.
| *Type:* ``string``
| *Default:* ``level``
.. py:attribute:: compaction_options_universal
Options to use for universal-style compaction. They make only sense if
:py:attr:`rocksdb.Options.compaction_style` is set to ``"universal"``.
It is a dict with the following keys.
* ``size_ratio``:
Percentage flexibilty while comparing file size.
If the candidate file(s) size is 1% smaller than the next file's size,
then include next file into this candidate set.
Default: ``1``
* ``min_merge_width``:
The minimum number of files in a single compaction run.
Default: ``2``
* ``max_merge_width``:
The maximum number of files in a single compaction run.
Default: ``UINT_MAX``
* ``max_size_amplification_percent``:
The size amplification is defined as the amount (in percentage) of
additional storage needed to store a single byte of data in the database.
For example, a size amplification of 2% means that a database that
contains 100 bytes of user-data may occupy upto 102 bytes of
physical storage. By this definition, a fully compacted database has
a size amplification of 0%. Rocksdb uses the following heuristic
to calculate size amplification: it assumes that all files excluding
the earliest file contribute to the size amplification.
Default: ``200``, which means that a 100 byte database could require upto
300 bytes of storage.
* ``compression_size_percent``:
If this option is set to be -1 (the default value), all the output
files will follow compression type specified.
If this option is not negative, we will try to make sure compressed
size is just above this value. In normal cases, at least this
percentage of data will be compressed.
When we are compacting to a new file, here is the criteria whether
it needs to be compressed: assuming here are the list of files sorted
by generation time: ``A1...An B1...Bm C1...Ct``
where ``A1`` is the newest and ``Ct`` is the oldest, and we are going
to compact ``B1...Bm``, we calculate the total size of all the files
as total_size, as well as the total size of ``C1...Ct`` as
``total_C``, the compaction output file will be compressed if
``total_C / total_size < this percentage``.
Default: -1
* ``stop_style``:
The algorithm used to stop picking files into a single compaction.
Can be either ``"similar_size"`` or ``"total_size"``.
* ``similar_size``: Pick files of similar size.
* ``total_size``: Total size of picked files is greater than next file.
Default: ``"total_size"``
For setting options, just assign a dict with the fields to set.
It is allowed to omit keys in this dict. Missing keys are just not set
to the underlying options object.
This example just changes the stop_style and leaves the other options
untouched. ::
opts = rocksdb.Options()
opts.compaction_options_universal = {'stop_style': 'similar_size'}
.. py:attribute:: filter_deletes
Use KeyMayExist API to filter deletes when this is true.

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A more production ready open can look like this ::
It assings a cache of 2.5G, uses a bloom filter for faster lookups and keeps
more data (64 MB) in memory before writting a .sst file.
About Bytes and Unicode
About Bytes And Unicode
RocksDB stores all data as uninterpreted *byte strings*.
@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ The two arguments are the db_dir and wal_dir, which are mostly the same. ::
backup.restore_latest_backup("test.db", "test.db")
Change Memtable or SST implementations
Change Memtable Or SST Implementations
As noted here :ref:`memtable_factories_label`, RocksDB offers different implementations for the memtable
representation. Per default :py:class:`rocksdb.SkipListMemtableFactory` is used,
but changeing it to a different one is veary easy.
but changing it to a different one is veary easy.
Here is an example for HashSkipList-MemtableFactory.
Keep in mind: To use the hashed based MemtableFactories you must set
@ -325,3 +325,20 @@ Here is an example how to use one of the 'PlainTables'. ::
opts.create_if_missing = True
db = rocksdb.DB("test.db", opts)
Change Compaction Style
RocksDB has a compaction algorithm called *universal*. This style typically
results in lower write amplification but higher space amplification than
Level Style Compaction. See here for more details,
Here is an example to switch to *universal style compaction*. ::
opts = rocksdb.Options()
opts.compaction_style = "universal"
opts.compaction_options_universal = {"min_merge_width": 3}
See here for more options on *universal style compaction*,

View file

@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ cimport backup
cimport env
cimport table_factory
cimport memtablerep
cimport universal_compaction
# Enums are the only exception for direct imports
# Their name als already unique enough
from universal_compaction cimport kCompactionStopStyleSimilarSize
from universal_compaction cimport kCompactionStopStyleTotalSize
from options cimport kCompactionStyleLevel
from options cimport kCompactionStyleUniversal
from slice_ cimport Slice
from status cimport Status
@ -1040,6 +1049,71 @@ cdef class Options(object):
def __set__(self, value):
self.opts.verify_checksums_in_compaction = value
property compaction_style:
def __get__(self):
if self.opts.compaction_style == kCompactionStyleLevel:
return 'level'
if self.opts.compaction_style == kCompactionStyleUniversal:
return 'universal'
raise Exception("Unknown compaction_style")
def __set__(self, str value):
if value == 'level':
self.opts.compaction_style = kCompactionStyleLevel
elif value == 'universal':
self.opts.compaction_style = kCompactionStyleUniversal
raise Exception("Unknown compaction style")
property compaction_options_universal:
def __get__(self):
cdef universal_compaction.CompactionOptionsUniversal uopts
cdef dict ret_ob = {}
uopts = self.opts.compaction_options_universal
ret_ob['size_ratio'] = uopts.size_ratio
ret_ob['min_merge_width'] = uopts.min_merge_width
ret_ob['max_merge_width'] = uopts.max_merge_width
ret_ob['max_size_amplification_percent'] = uopts.max_size_amplification_percent
ret_ob['compression_size_percent'] = uopts.compression_size_percent
if uopts.stop_style == kCompactionStopStyleSimilarSize:
ret_ob['stop_style'] = 'similar_size'
elif uopts.stop_style == kCompactionStopStyleTotalSize:
ret_ob['stop_style'] = 'total_size'
raise Exception("Unknown compaction style")
return ret_ob
def __set__(self, dict value):
cdef universal_compaction.CompactionOptionsUniversal* uopts
uopts = cython.address(self.opts.compaction_options_universal)
if 'size_ratio' in value:
uopts.size_ratio = value['size_ratio']
if 'min_merge_width' in value:
uopts.min_merge_width = value['min_merge_width']
if 'max_merge_width' in value:
uopts.max_merge_width = value['max_merge_width']
if 'max_size_amplification_percent' in value:
uopts.max_size_amplification_percent = value['max_size_amplification_percent']
if 'compression_size_percent' in value:
uopts.compression_size_percent = value['compression_size_percent']
if 'stop_style' in value:
if value['stop_style'] == 'similar_size':
uopts.stop_style = kCompactionStopStyleSimilarSize
elif value['stop_style'] == 'total_size':
uopts.stop_style = kCompactionStopStyleTotalSize
raise Exception("Unknown compaction style")
property filter_deletes:
def __get__(self):
return self.opts.filter_deletes

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@ -13,8 +13,13 @@ from snapshot cimport Snapshot
from slice_transform cimport SliceTransform
from table_factory cimport TableFactory
from memtablerep cimport MemTableRepFactory
from universal_compaction cimport CompactionOptionsUniversal
cdef extern from "rocksdb/options.h" namespace "rocksdb":
ctypedef enum CompactionStyle:
ctypedef enum CompressionType:
@ -101,8 +106,8 @@ cdef extern from "rocksdb/options.h" namespace "rocksdb":
cpp_bool use_adaptive_mutex
uint64_t bytes_per_sync
cpp_bool verify_checksums_in_compaction
# TODO: CompactionStyle compaction_style
# TODO: CompactionOptionsUniversal compaction_options_universal
CompactionStyle compaction_style
CompactionOptionsUniversal compaction_options_universal
cpp_bool filter_deletes
uint64_t max_sequential_skip_in_iterations
shared_ptr[MemTableRepFactory] memtable_factory

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@ -69,3 +69,37 @@ class TestOptions(unittest.TestCase):
opts.table_factory = rocksdb.BlockBasedTableFactory()
opts.table_factory = rocksdb.PlainTableFactory()
opts.table_factory = rocksdb.TotalOrderPlainTableFactory()
def test_compaction_style(self):
opts = rocksdb.Options()
self.assertEqual('level', opts.compaction_style)
opts.compaction_style = 'universal'
self.assertEqual('universal', opts.compaction_style)
opts.compaction_style = 'level'
self.assertEqual('level', opts.compaction_style)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, 'Unknown compaction style'):
opts.compaction_style = 'foo'
def test_compaction_opts_universal(self):
opts = rocksdb.Options()
uopts = opts.compaction_options_universal
self.assertEqual(-1, uopts['compression_size_percent'])
self.assertEqual(200, uopts['max_size_amplification_percent'])
self.assertEqual('total_size', uopts['stop_style'])
self.assertEqual(1, uopts['size_ratio'])
self.assertEqual(2, uopts['min_merge_width'])
self.assertGreaterEqual(4294967295, uopts['max_merge_width'])
new_opts = {'stop_style': 'similar_size', 'max_merge_width': 30}
opts.compaction_options_universal = new_opts
uopts = opts.compaction_options_universal
self.assertEqual(-1, uopts['compression_size_percent'])
self.assertEqual(200, uopts['max_size_amplification_percent'])
self.assertEqual('similar_size', uopts['stop_style'])
self.assertEqual(1, uopts['size_ratio'])
self.assertEqual(2, uopts['min_merge_width'])
self.assertEqual(30, uopts['max_merge_width'])

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
cdef extern from "rocksdb/universal_compaction.h" namespace "rocksdb":
ctypedef enum CompactionStopStyle:
cdef cppclass CompactionOptionsUniversal:
unsigned int size_ratio
unsigned int min_merge_width
unsigned int max_merge_width
unsigned int max_size_amplification_percent
int compression_size_percent
CompactionStopStyle stop_style