
272 lines
7.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-02-02 17:52:24 -05:00
'use strict';
var lbry;
var mongo;
var moment = require('moment');
module.exports = {
init: init,
function init(slackbot, channel, rpcuser, rpcpassword, mongodburl) {
if (lbry)
throw new Error('init was already called once');
if (!channel)
console.log('No claims channel, disabling claimbot');
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
MongoClient.connect(mongodburl, function (err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
mongo = db;
const bitcoin = require('bitcoin');
lbry = new bitcoin.Client({
host: 'localhost',
'port': 9245,
'user': rpcuser,
'pass': rpcpassword
setInterval(function () {
announceNewClaims(slackbot, channel);
}, 60 * 1000);
announceNewClaims(slackbot, channel);
function announceNewClaims(slackbot, channel) {
if (!mongo)
slackbot.postMessage(channel, 'Failed to connect to mongo', {icon_emoji: ':exclamation:'});
if (!lbry)
slackbot.postMessage(channel, 'Failed to connect to lbrycrd', {icon_emoji: ':exclamation:'});
Promise.all([getLastBlock(), lbryCall('getinfo')])
.then(function ([lastProcessedBlock, currentBlockInfo]) {
const currentHeight = currentBlockInfo['blocks'];
// console.log('Checking for new blocks');
if (lastProcessedBlock === null)
console.log('First run. Setting last processed block to ' + currentHeight + ' and exiting.');
return setLastBlock(currentHeight);
if (lastProcessedBlock < currentHeight)
const firstBlockToProcess = lastProcessedBlock + 1,
lastBlockToProcess = currentHeight;
// console.log('Doing blocks ' + firstBlockToProcess + ' to ' + lastBlockToProcess);
return announceClaimsLoop(slackbot, channel, firstBlockToProcess, lastBlockToProcess, currentHeight);
.catch(function (err) {
slackbot.postMessage(channel, err.stack, {icon_emoji: ':exclamation:'});
function announceClaimsLoop(slackbot, channel, block, lastBlock, currentHeight) {
// console.log('Doing block ' + block)
return lbryCall('getblockhash', block)
.then(function (blockHash) {
return lbryCall('getblock', blockHash);
.then(function (blockData) {
return Promise.all(blockData['tx'].map(getClaimsForTxid))
.then(function (arrayOfClaimArrays) {
const claims = Array.prototype.concat(...arrayOfClaimArrays).filter(function (c) {
return !!c;
console.log('Found ' + claims.length + ' claims in ' + block);
return Promise.all( (claim) {
return announceClaim(claim, block, currentHeight, slackbot, channel);
.then(function () {
return setLastBlock(block);
.then(function () {
const nextBlock = block + 1;
if (nextBlock <= lastBlock)
return announceClaimsLoop(slackbot, channel, nextBlock, lastBlock, currentHeight);
function announceClaim(claim, claimBlockHeight, currentHeight, slackbot, channel) {
console.log('' + claimBlockHeight + ': New claim for ' + claim['name']);
return Promise.all([
lbryCall('getvalueforname', claim['name']),
lbryCall('getclaimsforname', claim['name']),
.then(function ([currentWinningClaim, claimsForName]) {
let value;
value = JSON.parse(claim['value']);
catch (e)
// console.log(claim);
// console.log(value);
const text = [];
if (value['author'])
if (value['description'])
// if (value['content_type'])
// {
// text.push("*Content Type:* " + value['content_type']);
// }
if (value['nsfw'])
text.push("*Warning: Adult Content*");
if (value['fee'])
const fees = [];
for (var key in value['fee'])
fees.push(value['fee'][key]['amount'] + ' ' + key);
text.push(fees.join(', '));
const fields = [];
if (!claim['is controlling'])
// the following is based on
const lastTakeoverHeight = claimsForName['nLastTakeoverHeight'],
maxDelay = 4032, // 7 days of blocks at 2.5min per block
activationDelay = Math.min(maxDelay, Math.floor((claimBlockHeight - lastTakeoverHeight) / 32)),
takeoverHeight = claimBlockHeight + activationDelay,
secondsPerBlock = 161, // in theory this should be 150, but in practice its closer to 161
takeoverTime = + ((takeoverHeight - currentHeight) * secondsPerBlock * 1000);
text.push('Takes effect on approx. *' + moment(takeoverTime, 'x').format('MMMM Do [at] HH:mm [UTC]') + '* (block ' + takeoverHeight + ')');
const attachment = !value ? null : {
"fallback": "New claim for lbry://" + claim['name'] + ': "' + claim['title'] + '" by ' + claim['author'],
"color": "#155b4a",
// "pretext": "New claim in block " + claimBlockHeight,
"author_name": 'lbry://' + claim['name'],
"author_link": 'lbry://' + claim['name'],
// "author_icon": "",
"title": escapeSlackHtml(value['title']),
"title_link": "lbry://" + claim['name'],
"text": escapeSlackHtml(text.join("\n")),
"fields": fields,
// "image_url": value['nsfw'] ? null : value['thumbnail'],
"thumb_url": value['nsfw'] ? null : value['thumbnail'],
"unfurl_links": false,
"unfurl_media": false,
"link_names": false,
"parse": "none",
"footer": "Block " + claimBlockHeight + " • Claim ID " + claim['claimId'],
"mrkdwn_in": ['text'],
slackbot.postMessage(channel, '', {icon_emoji: ':bellhop_bell:', attachments: [attachment]});
function escapeSlackHtml(txt) {
return txt.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;');
function getClaimsForTxid(txid) {
return lbryCall('getclaimsfortx', txid)
.catch(function (err) {
// an error here most likely means the transaction is spent,
// which also means there are no claims worth looking at
return [];
function getLastBlock() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
mongo.collection('claimbot').findOne({}, function (err, obj) {
if (err)
else if (!obj)
mongo.collection('claimbot').createIndex({'last_block': 1}, {unique: true});
function setLastBlock(block) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
{'last_block': {'$exists': true}},
{'last_block': block},
{'upsert': true, 'returnOriginal': false},
function (err, obj) {
if (!err && obj && obj.value.last_block != block)
reject('Last value should be ' + block + ', but it is ' + obj.value.last_block);
function lbryCall(...args) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
lbry.cmd(...args, function (err, ...response) {
if (err)
reject(new Error('JSONRPC call failed. Args: [' + args.join(', ') + ']'));