3 changed files with 261 additions and 1 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -26,11 +26,14 @@ function sendWelcomeMessage(user) {
var hashbot = require('./bots/hashbot');
hashbot.init(slackbot, process.env.MINING_CHANNEL);
var statbot = require('./bots/statbot');
var claimbot = require('./bots/claimbot');
claimbot.init(slackbot, process.env.CLAIMS_CHANNEL, process.env.RPCUSER, process.env.RPCPASSWORD, process.env.MONGODB_URL);
var pricebot = require('./bots/pricebot');
pricebot.init(); //price bot only in PM
var modbot = require('./bots/modbot');
modbot.init(process.env.MONGODB_URL, process.env.SLACK_TOKEN, slackbot);
@ -50,6 +53,8 @@ slackbot.on('start', function() {
var helpMsg = "I'm Wunderbot, LBRY's slackbot. Here's what I can do:\n" +
'`!help` shows this message\n' +
'`!tip` sends LBC tips to others, and withdraws and deposits credits into the your tipping wallet *(now handled by <@tipbot>)*\n' +
'`!stats` shows market stats in trading channel\n' +
'`!price` works only in PM now\n' +
'`!hash` reports on the LBRY blockchain\n' +
'_type any of the above commands for more info_\n' +
'\n' +
@ -72,6 +77,9 @@ slackbot.on('start', function() {
if (command === pricebot.command) {
pricebot.respond(slackbot, data);
if (command === statbot.command) {
statbot.respond(slackbot, data);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
var jp = require('jsonpath');
var moment = require('moment');
var numeral = require('numeral');
var request = require('request');
var options = {
defaultCurrency: 'USD',
// supported currencies and api steps to arrive at the final value
currencies: {
USD: { steps: ['LBCBTC', 'BTCUSD'], format: '$0,0.00', sign:'$' },
BTC: { steps: ['LBCBTC'], format: 'BTC 0,0.00000000', sign:'BTC' },
ETH: { steps: ['LBCETH'], format: 'ETH 0,0.00000000', sign: 'ETH' },
GBP: { steps: ['LBCBTC', 'BTCGBP'], format: '£0,0.00', sign: '£' },
EUR: { steps: ['LBCEUR'], format: '€0,0.00', sign: '€' }
// api steps
api: {
LBCBTC: { url: '', path: '$.result.Bid' },
BTCUSD: { url: '', path: '$' },
BTCGBP: { url: '', path: '$' },
LBCETH: { url: '', path: '$[0].price_eth' },
LBCEUR: { url: '', path: '$[0].price_eur' }
// display date/time format
dtFormat: 'Do MMM YYYY h:mma [UTC]',
// refresh rate in milliseconds to retrieve a new price (default to 10 minutes)
refreshTime: 300000
// store the last retrieved rate
var cachedRates = {};
var mktChannel;
// !price {currency}
// !price {currency} {amount}
var command = '!stats';
command: command,
init: init,
respond: respond
function init(channel_) {
mktChannel = channel_;
if (!channel_) {
console.log('No market and trading channel. Statbot will only respond to DMs.');
var currencies = Object.keys(options.currencies);
for (var i = 0; i < currencies.length; i++) {
cachedRates[currencies[i]] = { rate: 0, time: null };
var globalSlackParams = {};
function respond(bot, data) {
var channel =,
words = data.text.trim().split(' ').filter( function(n){return n !== "";} );
if (words[0] !== command || (channel != mktChannel && !channel.startsWith('D'))) {
// if the received message isn't starting with the trigger,
// or the channel is not the market-and-trading channel, nor sandbox, nor a DM -> ignore
var currency = /*(words.length > 1) ? words[2].toUpperCase() :*/ options.defaultCurrency;
var amount = /*(words.length > 2) ? parseFloat(words[2], 10) :*/ 1;
var showHelp = (isNaN(amount)) || (Object.keys(options.currencies).indexOf(currency) === -1);
var moveToBotSandbox = showHelp && channel !== mktChannel && !channel.startsWith("D");
if (moveToBotSandbox) {
bot.postMessage(channel, 'Please use PM to talk to bot.', globalSlackParams);
if (showHelp) {
doHelp(bot, channel);
} else {
doSteps(bot, channel, 'USD', amount);
doSteps(bot, channel, 'EUR', amount);
doSteps(bot, channel, 'GBP', amount);
doSteps(bot, channel, 'ETH', amount);
doSteps(bot, channel, 'BTC', amount);
setTimeout(function() { marketstats(bot,channel); }, 250);
//volume24(bot,channel); can't get this part to work, someone help me fix - i think it's because 24h_volume_usd starts with number
function doHelp(bot, channel) {
var message =
'`' + command + '`: show the price of 1 LBC in ' + options.defaultCurrency + '\n' +
'`' + command + ' help`: this message\n' +
'`' + command + ' CURRENCY`: show the price of 1 LBC in CURRENCY. Supported values for CURRENCY are *btc* and *usd* (case-insensitive)\n' +
'`' + command + ' CURRENCY AMOUNT`: show the price of AMOUNT LBC in CURRENCY\n';
if (!channel.startsWith("D")) {
message =
message +
'\n' +
'*Everyone will see what I say. Send me a Direct Message if you want to interact privately.*\n' +
'If I\'m not responding in some channel, you can invite me by @mentioning me.\n';
bot.postMessage(channel, message, globalSlackParams);
function formatMessage(amount, rate, option) {
var cur = option.sign;
var value = rate.rate * amount;
if (option.sign == '$' || option.sign == '£' || option.sign == '€'){
return '*' + numeral(amount).format('0,0[.][00000000]') + ' LBC = ' + cur +' '+ value.toFixed(2) + '*';
else {
return '*' + numeral(amount).format('0,0[.][00000000]') + ' LBC = ' + numeral(value).format('0,0[.][00000000]') + ' ' + cur + '*';
function formaty(n, decimals, currency) {
n = parseFloat(n);
return currency + " " + n.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,");
function doSteps(bot, channel, currency, amount) {
var option = options.currencies[currency];
var shouldReload = true;
if (cachedRates[currency]) {
var cache = cachedRates[currency];
shouldReload = cache.time === null || moment().diff(cache.time) >= options.refreshTime;
if (!shouldReload) {
var message = formatMessage(amount, cache, option);
bot.postMessage(channel, message, {icon_emoji: ':lbr:'});
if (shouldReload) {
// copy the steps array
var steps = [];
for (var i = 0; i < option.steps.length; i++) {
processSteps(bot, channel, currency, 0, amount, steps, option);
function marketstats(bot,channel) {
var statsurl='';
request.get(statsurl, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
bot.postMessage(channel, err.message ? err.message : 'The request could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.');
var marketcap = 0;
try {
marketcap = jp.query(JSON.parse(body), '$[0].market_cap_usd');
if (Array.isArray(marketcap) && marketcap.length > 0) {
marketcap = marketcap[0];
marketcap = formaty(marketcap,2,'$')
} catch (ignored) {
// invalid response or pair rate
var statmsg = '*'+'Marketcap: '+marketcap+'*\n';
bot.postMessage(channel, statmsg, {icon_emoji: ':lbr:'});
function volume24(bot,channel) {
var statsurl='';
request.get(statsurl, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
bot.postMessage(channel, err.message ? err.message : 'The request could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.');
var volume24 = 0;
try {
volume24 = jp.query(JSON.parse(body),'$[0].24h_volume_usd');
if (Array.isArray(volume24) && volume24.length > 0) {
volume24 = volume24[0];
} catch (ignored) {
// invalid response or pair rate
var statmsg = '*'+'Volume: $'+volume24+'*\n';
bot.postMessage(channel, statmsg, {icon_emoji: ':lbr:'});
function processSteps(bot, channel, currency, rate, amount, steps, option) {
if (steps.length > 0) {
var pairName = steps[0];
if (!options.api[pairName]) {
bot.postMessage(channel, 'There was a configuration error. ' + pairName + ' pair was not found.');
var pair = options.api[pairName];
request.get(pair.url, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
bot.postMessage(channel, err.message ? err.message : 'The request could not be completed at this time. Please try again later.');
var pairRate = 0;
try {
pairRate = jp.query(JSON.parse(body), pair.path);
if (Array.isArray(pairRate) && pairRate.length > 0) {
pairRate = pairRate[0];
} catch (ignored) {
// invalid response or pair rate
if (pairRate > 0) {
rate = (rate === 0) ? pairRate : rate * pairRate;
if (steps.length > 0) {
processSteps(bot, channel, currency, rate, amount, steps, option);
// final step, cache and then response
var result = { rate: rate, time: moment() };
cachedRates[currency] = result;
bot.postMessage(channel, formatMessage(amount, result, option), {icon_emoji: ':bulb:'});
} else {
bot.postMessage(channel, 'The rate returned for the ' + pairName + ' pair was invalid.');
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