2018-10-09 21:23:35 -04:00
package stream
import (
2018-10-23 16:41:19 -04:00
2018-10-09 21:23:35 -04:00
type Stream []Blob
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// -1 to leave room for padding, since there must be at least one byte of pkcs7 padding
const maxBlobDataSize = MaxBlobSize - 1
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2018-10-23 16:41:19 -04:00
// New creates a new Stream from a byte slice
func New(data []byte) (Stream, error) {
2018-10-09 21:23:35 -04:00
key := randIV()
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ivs := make([][]byte, numContentBlobs(data)+1) // +1 for terminating 0-length blob
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for i := range ivs {
ivs[i] = randIV()
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return makeStream(data, key, ivs, "", "")
// Reconstruct creates a stream from the given data using predetermined IVs and key from the SD blob
// NOTE: this will assume that all blobs except the last one are at max length. in theory this is not
// required, but in practice this is always true. if this is false, streams may not match exactly
func Reconstruct(data []byte, sdBlob SDBlob) (Stream, error) {
ivs := make([][]byte, len(sdBlob.BlobInfos))
for i := range ivs {
ivs[i] = sdBlob.BlobInfos[i].IV
return makeStream(data, sdBlob.Key, ivs, sdBlob.StreamName, sdBlob.SuggestedFileName)
func makeStream(data, key []byte, ivs [][]byte, streamName, suggestedFilename string) (Stream, error) {
var err error
numBlobs := numContentBlobs(data)
if len(ivs) != numBlobs+1 { // +1 for terminating 0-length blob
return nil, errors.Err("incorrect number of IVs provided")
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s := make(Stream, numBlobs+1) // +1 for sd blob
for i := 0; i < numBlobs; i++ {
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start := i * maxBlobDataSize
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end := start + maxBlobDataSize
if end > len(data) {
end = len(data)
s[i+1], err = NewBlob(data[start:end], key, ivs[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
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sd := newSdBlob(s[1:], key, ivs, streamName, suggestedFilename)
jsonSD, err := sd.ToBlob()
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if err != nil {
return nil, err
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// COMPATIBILITY HACK to make json output match python's json. this can be
// removed when we implement canonical JSON encoding
jsonSD = []byte(strings.Replace(string(jsonSD), ",", ", ", -1))
jsonSD = []byte(strings.Replace(string(jsonSD), ":", ": ", -1))
s[0] = jsonSD
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return s, nil
func (s Stream) Data() ([]byte, error) {
if len(s) < 2 {
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return nil, errors.Err("stream must be at least 2 blobs long") // sd blob and content blob
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sdBlob := &SDBlob{}
err := sdBlob.FromBlob(s[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !sdBlob.IsValid() {
return nil, errors.Err("sd blob is not valid")
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if sdBlob.BlobInfos[len(sdBlob.BlobInfos)-1].Length != 0 {
return nil, errors.Err("sd blob is missing the terminating 0-length blob")
if len(s[1:]) != len(sdBlob.BlobInfos)-1 { // -1 for terminating 0-length blob
return nil, errors.Err("number of blobs in stream does not match number of blobs in sd info")
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var file []byte
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for i, blobInfo := range sdBlob.BlobInfos {
if blobInfo.Length == 0 {
if i != len(sdBlob.BlobInfos)-1 {
return nil, errors.Err("got 0-length blob before end of stream")
if blobInfo.BlobNum != i {
return nil, errors.Err("blobs are out of order in sd blob")
blob := s[i+1]
if !bytes.Equal(blob.Hash(), blobInfo.BlobHash) {
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return nil, errors.Err("blob hash doesn't match hash in blobInfo")
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data, err := blob.Plaintext(sdBlob.Key, blobInfo.IV)
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if err != nil {
return nil, err
file = append(file, data...)
return file, nil
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//numContentBlobs returns the number of content blobs required to store the data
func numContentBlobs(data []byte) int {
return int(math.Ceil(float64(len(data)) / float64(maxBlobDataSize)))