remove common.go
merge sync and selfsync export sync manager out of cmd package clean up ytsync.go address #19 and #20
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 330 additions and 421 deletions
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package cmd
const defaultMaxTries = 3
var (
stopOnError bool
maxTries int
takeOverExistingChannel bool
refill int
limit int
skipSpaceCheck bool
syncUpdate bool
syncStatus string
syncFrom int64
syncUntil int64
concurrentJobs int
const (
StatusPending = "pending" // waiting for permission to sync
StatusQueued = "queued" // in sync queue. will be synced soon
StatusSyncing = "syncing" // syncing now
StatusSynced = "synced" // done
StatusFailed = "failed"
var SyncStatuses = []string{StatusPending, StatusQueued, StatusSyncing, StatusSynced, StatusFailed}
@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
package cmd
import (
url2 "net/url"
sync ""
log ""
var APIURL string
var APIToken string
const defaultMaxTries = 3
var (
stopOnError bool
maxTries int
takeOverExistingChannel bool
refill int
limit int
skipSpaceCheck bool
syncUpdate bool
syncStatus string
channelID string
syncFrom int64
syncUntil int64
concurrentJobs int
func init() {
var selfSyncCmd = &cobra.Command{
@ -38,138 +41,32 @@ func init() {
selfSyncCmd.Flags().IntVar(&limit, "limit", 0, "limit the amount of channels to sync")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&skipSpaceCheck, "skip-space-check", false, "Do not perform free space check on startup")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&syncUpdate, "update", false, "Update previously synced channels instead of syncing new ones (short for --status synced)")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().StringVar(&syncStatus, "status", StatusQueued, "Specify which queue to pull from. Overrides --update (Default: queued)")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().StringVar(&syncStatus, "status", sync.StatusQueued, "Specify which queue to pull from. Overrides --update (Default: queued)")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().StringVar(&channelID, "channelID", "", "If specified, only this channel will be synced.")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&syncFrom, "after", time.Unix(0, 0).Unix(), "Specify from when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: 0)")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&syncUntil, "before", time.Now().Unix(), "Specify until when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: current Unix time)")
selfSyncCmd.Flags().IntVar(&concurrentJobs, "concurrent-jobs", 1, "how many jobs to process concurrently (Default: 1)")
APIURL = os.Getenv("LBRY_API")
APIToken = os.Getenv("LBRY_API_TOKEN")
if APIURL == "" {
log.Errorln("An API URL was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_API")
if APIToken == "" {
log.Errorln("An API Token was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_API_TOKEN")
type APIJobsResponse struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Error null.String `json:"error"`
Data []APIYoutubeChannel `json:"data"`
type APIYoutubeChannel struct {
ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"`
TotalVideos uint `json:"total_videos"`
DesiredChannelName string `json:"desired_channel_name"`
SyncServer null.String `json:"sync_server"`
func fetchChannels(status string) ([]APIYoutubeChannel, error) {
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Err("could not detect system hostname")
url := APIURL + "/yt/jobs"
res, _ := http.PostForm(url, url2.Values{
"auth_token": {APIToken},
"sync_status": {status},
"min_videos": {strconv.Itoa(1)},
"after": {strconv.Itoa(int(syncFrom))},
"before": {strconv.Itoa(int(syncUntil))},
"sync_server": {host},
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
var response APIJobsResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if response.Data == nil {
return nil, errors.Err(response.Error)
log.Printf("Fetched channels: %d", len(response.Data))
return response.Data, nil
type APISyncUpdateResponse struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Error null.String `json:"error"`
Data null.String `json:"data"`
func setChannelSyncStatus(channelID string, status string) error {
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return errors.Err("could not detect system hostname")
url := APIURL + "/yt/sync_update"
res, _ := http.PostForm(url, url2.Values{
"channel_id": {channelID},
"sync_server": {host},
"auth_token": {APIToken},
"sync_status": {status},
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
var response APISyncUpdateResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
if !response.Error.IsNull() {
return errors.Err(response.Error.String)
if !response.Data.IsNull() && response.Data.String == "ok" {
return nil
return errors.Err("invalid API response")
func spaceCheck() error {
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
usedPctile, err := util.GetUsedSpace(usr.HomeDir + "/.lbrynet/blobfiles/")
if err != nil {
return err
if usedPctile >= 0.90 && !skipSpaceCheck {
return errors.Err(fmt.Sprintf("more than 90%% of the space has been used. use --skip-space-check to ignore. Used: %.1f%%", usedPctile*100))
util.SendInfoToSlack("disk usage: %.1f%%", usedPctile*100)
return nil
func selfSync(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var hostname string
slackToken := os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN")
if slackToken == "" {
log.Error("A slack token was not present in env vars! Slack messages disabled!")
} else {
host, err := os.Hostname()
var err error
hostname, err = os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not detect system hostname")
host = "ytsync-unknown"
hostname = "ytsync-unknown"
util.InitSlack(os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"), os.Getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"), host)
util.InitSlack(os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"), os.Getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"), hostname)
err := spaceCheck()
if err != nil {
ytAPIKey := os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")
//authToken := args[1]
if !util.InSlice(syncStatus, SyncStatuses) {
log.Errorf("status must be one of the following: %v\n", SyncStatuses)
if !util.InSlice(syncStatus, sync.SyncStatuses) {
log.Errorf("status must be one of the following: %v\n", sync.SyncStatuses)
@ -186,148 +83,26 @@ func selfSync(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
log.Errorln("setting --limit less than 0 (unlimited) doesn't make sense")
syncCount := 0
if syncStatus == StatusQueued {
for {
//before processing the queued ones first clear the pending ones (if any)
//TODO: extract method
queuesToSync := []string{
if syncUpdate {
queuesToSync = append(queuesToSync, StatusSynced)
} else {
queuesToSync = append(queuesToSync, StatusQueued)
for _, v := range queuesToSync {
interruptedByUser, err := processQueue(v, ytAPIKey, &syncCount)
if err != nil {
break mainLoop
if interruptedByUser {
util.SendInfoToSlack("interrupted by user!")
break mainLoop
} else {
// sync whatever was specified
_, err := processQueue(syncStatus, ytAPIKey, &syncCount)
if err != nil {
sm := sync.SyncManager{
StopOnError: stopOnError,
MaxTries: maxTries,
TakeOverExistingChannel: takeOverExistingChannel,
Refill: refill,
Limit: limit,
SkipSpaceCheck: skipSpaceCheck,
SyncUpdate: syncUpdate,
SyncStatus: syncStatus,
SyncFrom: syncFrom,
SyncUntil: syncUntil,
ConcurrentJobs: concurrentJobs,
ConcurrentVideos: concurrentJobs,
HostName: hostname,
YoutubeChannelID: channelID,
err := sm.Start()
if err != nil {
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing process terminated!")
func processQueue(queueStatus string, ytAPIKey string, syncCount *int) (bool, error) {
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing %s channels", queueStatus)
channelsToSync, err := fetchChannels(queueStatus)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Prefix("failed to fetch channels", err)
filteredChannelsToSync := make([]APIYoutubeChannel, len(channelsToSync))
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Err("could not detect system hostname")
index := 0
for _, v := range channelsToSync {
if !v.SyncServer.IsNull() && v.SyncServer.String != host {
filteredChannelsToSync[index] = v
interrupted, err := syncChannels(channelsToSync, ytAPIKey, syncCount)
util.SendInfoToSlack("Finished syncing %s channels", queueStatus)
return interrupted, err
// syncChannels processes a slice of youtube channels (channelsToSync) and returns a bool that indicates whether
// the execution finished by itself or was interrupted by the user and an error if anything happened
func syncChannels(channelsToSync []APIYoutubeChannel, ytAPIKey string, syncCount *int) (bool, error) {
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
host = ""
for loop := 0; loop < len(channelsToSync) && (limit == 0 || *syncCount < limit); loop++ {
//log.Printf("inside loop: %d", loop)
err = spaceCheck()
if err != nil {
return false, err
//avoid dereferencing
channel := channelsToSync[loop]
channelID := channel.ChannelId
lbryChannelName := channel.DesiredChannelName
if channel.TotalVideos < 1 {
util.SendInfoToSlack("Channel %s has no videos. Skipping", lbryChannelName)
if !channel.SyncServer.IsNull() && channel.SyncServer.String != host {
util.SendInfoToSlack("Channel %s is being synced by another server: %s", lbryChannelName, channel.SyncServer.String)
//acquire the lock on the channel
err := setChannelSyncStatus(channelID, StatusSyncing)
if err != nil {
//util.SendErrorToSlack("Failed acquiring sync rights for channel %s: %v", lbryChannelName, err)
//increment only if successfully acquired lock
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing %s to LBRY! (iteration %d)", lbryChannelName, *syncCount)
s := sync.Sync{
YoutubeAPIKey: ytAPIKey,
YoutubeChannelID: channelID,
LbryChannelName: lbryChannelName,
StopOnError: stopOnError,
MaxTries: maxTries,
ConcurrentVideos: concurrentJobs,
TakeOverExistingChannel: takeOverExistingChannel,
Refill: refill,
err = s.FullCycle()
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing " + lbryChannelName + " reached an end.")
if err != nil {
fatalErrors := []string{
"default_wallet already exists",
"no space left on device",
//mark video as failed
err2 := setChannelSyncStatus(channelID, StatusFailed)
if err2 != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed setting failed state for channel %s.", lbryChannelName)
err2 = errors.Prefix(msg, err2)
if util.InSliceContains(err.Error(), fatalErrors) {
return true, errors.Prefix("@Nikooo777 this requires manual intervention! Exiting...", err)
if s.IsInterrupted() {
return true, nil
//mark video as synced
err = setChannelSyncStatus(channelID, StatusSynced)
if err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed setting failed state for channel %s. \n@Nikooo777 this requires manual intervention! Exiting...", lbryChannelName)
return false, errors.Prefix(msg, err)
if limit != 0 && *syncCount >= limit {
return true, nil
return false, nil
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
package cmd
import (
sync ""
log ""
func init() {
var ytSyncCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "ytsync <youtube_api_key> <lbry_channel_name> [<youtube_channel_id>]",
Args: cobra.RangeArgs(2, 3),
Short: "Publish youtube channel into LBRY network.",
Run: ytsync,
ytSyncCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&stopOnError, "stop-on-error", false, "If a publish fails, stop all publishing and exit")
ytSyncCmd.Flags().IntVar(&maxTries, "max-tries", defaultMaxTries, "Number of times to try a publish that fails")
ytSyncCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&takeOverExistingChannel, "takeover-existing-channel", false, "If channel exists and we don't own it, take over the channel")
ytSyncCmd.Flags().IntVar(&refill, "refill", 0, "Also add this many credits to the wallet")
ytSyncCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&skipSpaceCheck, "skip-space-check", false, "Do not perform free space check on startup")
func ytsync(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
slackToken := os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN")
if slackToken == "" {
log.Error("A slack token was not present in env vars! Slack messages disabled!")
} else {
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not detect system hostname")
host = "ytsync-unknown"
util.InitSlack(os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"), os.Getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"), host)
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
usedPctile, err := util.GetUsedSpace(usr.HomeDir + "/.lbrynet/blobfiles/")
if err != nil {
if usedPctile > 0.9 && !skipSpaceCheck {
util.SendErrorToSlack("more than 90%% of the space has been used. use --skip-space-check to ignore. Used: %.1f%%", usedPctile*100)
util.SendInfoToSlack("disk usage: %.1f%%", usedPctile*100)
ytAPIKey := args[0]
lbryChannelName := args[1]
if string(lbryChannelName[0]) != "@" {
log.Errorln("LBRY channel name must start with an @")
channelID := ""
if len(args) > 2 {
channelID = args[2]
if stopOnError && maxTries != defaultMaxTries {
log.Errorln("--stop-on-error and --max-tries are mutually exclusive")
if maxTries < 1 {
log.Errorln("setting --max-tries less than 1 doesn't make sense")
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing " + lbryChannelName + " to LBRY!")
s := sync.Sync{
YoutubeAPIKey: ytAPIKey,
YoutubeChannelID: channelID,
LbryChannelName: lbryChannelName,
StopOnError: stopOnError,
MaxTries: maxTries,
ConcurrentVideos: 1,
TakeOverExistingChannel: takeOverExistingChannel,
Refill: refill,
err = s.FullCycle()
if err != nil {
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing " + lbryChannelName + " reached an end.")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
package ytsync
import (
log ""
type SyncManager struct {
StopOnError bool
MaxTries int
TakeOverExistingChannel bool
Refill int
Limit int
SkipSpaceCheck bool
SyncUpdate bool
SyncStatus string
SyncFrom int64
SyncUntil int64
ConcurrentJobs int
ConcurrentVideos int
HostName string
YoutubeChannelID string
youtubeAPIKey string
apiURL string
apiToken string
const (
StatusPending = "pending" // waiting for permission to sync
StatusQueued = "queued" // in sync queue. will be synced soon
StatusSyncing = "syncing" // syncing now
StatusSynced = "synced" // done
StatusFailed = "failed"
var SyncStatuses = []string{StatusPending, StatusQueued, StatusSyncing, StatusSynced, StatusFailed}
type apiJobsResponse struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Error null.String `json:"error"`
Data []apiYoutubeChannel `json:"data"`
type apiYoutubeChannel struct {
ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"`
TotalVideos uint `json:"total_videos"`
DesiredChannelName string `json:"desired_channel_name"`
SyncServer null.String `json:"sync_server"`
func (s SyncManager) fetchChannels(status string) ([]apiYoutubeChannel, error) {
endpoint := s.apiURL + "/yt/jobs"
res, _ := http.PostForm(endpoint, url.Values{
"auth_token": {s.apiToken},
"sync_status": {status},
"min_videos": {strconv.Itoa(1)},
"after": {strconv.Itoa(int(s.SyncFrom))},
"before": {strconv.Itoa(int(s.SyncUntil))},
//"sync_server": {s.HostName},
"channel_id": {s.YoutubeChannelID},
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
var response apiJobsResponse
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if response.Data == nil {
return nil, errors.Err(response.Error)
log.Printf("Fetched channels: %d", len(response.Data))
return response.Data, nil
type apiSyncUpdateResponse struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Error null.String `json:"error"`
Data null.String `json:"data"`
func (s SyncManager) setChannelSyncStatus(channelID string, status string) error {
endpoint := s.apiURL + "/yt/sync_update"
res, _ := http.PostForm(endpoint, url.Values{
"channel_id": {channelID},
"sync_server": {s.HostName},
"auth_token": {s.apiToken},
"sync_status": {status},
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
var response apiSyncUpdateResponse
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
if !response.Error.IsNull() {
return errors.Err(response.Error.String)
if !response.Data.IsNull() && response.Data.String == "ok" {
return nil
return errors.Err("invalid API response")
func (s SyncManager) Start() error {
s.apiURL = os.Getenv("LBRY_API")
s.apiToken = os.Getenv("LBRY_API_TOKEN")
s.youtubeAPIKey = os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")
if s.apiURL == "" {
return errors.Err("An API URL was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_API")
if s.apiToken == "" {
return errors.Err("An API Token was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_API_TOKEN")
if s.youtubeAPIKey == "" {
return errors.Err("A Youtube API key was not defined. Please set the environment variable YOUTUBE_API_KEY")
syncCount := 0
for {
err := s.checkUsedSpace()
if err != nil {
return err
var syncs []Sync
shouldInterruptLoop := false
isSingleChannelSync := s.YoutubeChannelID != ""
if isSingleChannelSync {
channels, err := s.fetchChannels("")
if err != nil {
return err
if len(channels) != 1 {
return errors.Err("Expected 1 channel, %d returned", len(channels))
lbryChannelName := channels[0].DesiredChannelName
if !s.isWorthProcessing(channels[0]) {
syncs = make([]Sync, 1)
syncs[0] = Sync{
YoutubeAPIKey: s.youtubeAPIKey,
YoutubeChannelID: s.YoutubeChannelID,
LbryChannelName: lbryChannelName,
StopOnError: s.StopOnError,
MaxTries: s.MaxTries,
ConcurrentVideos: s.ConcurrentVideos,
TakeOverExistingChannel: s.TakeOverExistingChannel,
Refill: s.Refill,
Manager: &s,
shouldInterruptLoop = true
} else {
var queuesToSync []string
if s.SyncStatus != "" {
queuesToSync = append(queuesToSync, s.SyncStatus)
} else if s.SyncUpdate {
queuesToSync = append(queuesToSync, StatusSyncing, StatusSynced)
} else {
queuesToSync = append(queuesToSync, StatusSyncing, StatusQueued)
for _, q := range queuesToSync {
channels, err := s.fetchChannels(q)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, c := range channels {
if !s.isWorthProcessing(c) {
syncs = append(syncs, Sync{
YoutubeAPIKey: s.youtubeAPIKey,
YoutubeChannelID: c.ChannelId,
LbryChannelName: c.DesiredChannelName,
StopOnError: s.StopOnError,
MaxTries: s.MaxTries,
ConcurrentVideos: s.ConcurrentVideos,
TakeOverExistingChannel: s.TakeOverExistingChannel,
Refill: s.Refill,
Manager: &s,
if len(syncs) == 0 {
log.Infoln("No channels to sync. Pausing 5 minutes!")
time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
for i, sync := range syncs {
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing %s to LBRY! (iteration %d/%d - total session iterations: %d)", sync.LbryChannelName, i, len(syncs), syncCount)
err := sync.FullCycle()
if err != nil {
fatalErrors := []string{
"default_wallet already exists",
"no space left on device",
if util.InSliceContains(err.Error(), fatalErrors) {
return errors.Prefix("@Nikooo777 this requires manual intervention! Exiting...", err)
util.SendInfoToSlack("A non fatal error was reported by the sync process. %s\nContinuing...", err.Error())
util.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing %s reached an end. (Iteration %d/%d - total session iterations: %d))", sync.LbryChannelName, i, len(syncs), syncCount)
if sync.IsInterrupted() || (s.Limit != 0 && syncCount >= s.Limit) {
shouldInterruptLoop = true
if shouldInterruptLoop {
return nil
func (s SyncManager) isWorthProcessing(channel apiYoutubeChannel) bool {
return channel.TotalVideos > 0 && (channel.SyncServer.IsNull() || channel.SyncServer.String == s.HostName)
func (s SyncManager) checkUsedSpace() error {
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
usedPctile, err := util.GetUsedSpace(usr.HomeDir + "/.lbrynet/blobfiles/")
if err != nil {
return err
if usedPctile >= 0.90 && !s.SkipSpaceCheck {
return errors.Err(fmt.Sprintf("more than 90%% of the space has been used. use --skip-space-check to ignore. Used: %.1f%%", usedPctile*100))
util.SendInfoToSlack("disk usage: %.1f%%", usedPctile*100)
return nil
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ type Sync struct {
ConcurrentVideos int
TakeOverExistingChannel bool
Refill int
Manager *SyncManager
daemon *jsonrpc.Client
claimAddress string
@ -82,19 +83,40 @@ func (s *Sync) IsInterrupted() bool {
func (s *Sync) FullCycle() error {
var err error
func (s *Sync) FullCycle() (e error) {
if os.Getenv("HOME") == "" {
return errors.Err("no $HOME env var found")
if s.YoutubeChannelID == "" {
channelID, err := getChannelIDFromFile(s.LbryChannelName)
if err != nil {
return err
s.YoutubeChannelID = channelID
return errors.Err("channel ID not provided")
err := s.Manager.setChannelSyncStatus(s.YoutubeChannelID, StatusSyncing)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if e != nil {
//conditions for which a channel shouldn't be marked as failed
noFailConditions := []string{
"this youtube channel is being managed by another server",
if util.InSliceContains(e.Error(), noFailConditions) {
err := s.Manager.setChannelSyncStatus(s.YoutubeChannelID, StatusFailed)
if err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed setting failed state for channel %s.", s.LbryChannelName)
err = errors.Prefix(msg, err)
e = errors.Prefix(err.Error(), e)
} else {
err := s.Manager.setChannelSyncStatus(s.YoutubeChannelID, StatusSynced)
if err != nil {
e = err
defaultWalletDir := os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.lbryum/wallets/default_wallet"
if os.Getenv("REGTEST") == "true" {
defaultWalletDir = os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.lbryum_regtest/wallets/default_wallet"
@ -493,26 +515,6 @@ func stopDaemonViaSystemd() error {
return nil
func getChannelIDFromFile(channelName string) (string, error) {
channelsJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./channels")
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, 0)
var channels map[string]string
err = json.Unmarshal(channelsJSON, &channels)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, 0)
channelID, ok := channels[channelName]
if !ok {
return "", errors.Err("channel not in list")
return channelID, nil
// waitForDaemonProcess observes the running processes and returns when the process is no longer running or when the timeout is up
func waitForDaemonProcess(timeout time.Duration) error {
processes, err := ps.Processes()
Add table
Reference in a new issue