2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
/* global define */
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
/* ! Jets.js - v0.14.1 - 2018-06-22
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
* http://NeXTs.github.com/Jets.js/
* Copyright (c) 2015 Denis Lukov; Refactored 2018 Paul Anthony Webb; Licensed MIT */
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
(function(root, definition) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
if (typeof module !== "undefined") module.exports = definition();
else if (typeof define === "function" && typeof define.amd === "object") define(definition);
else root["Jets"] = definition();
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
}(this, function() {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
"use strict";
function Jets(opts) {
if (!(this instanceof Jets)) return new Jets(opts);
const defaults = {
diacriticsMap: {},
hideBy: "display: none",
searchSelector: "*AND"
const self = this;
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
self.options = {};
].forEach(name => self.options[name] = opts[name] || defaults[name]);
if (this.options.searchSelector.length > 1) {
const searchSelector = self.options["searchSelector"].trim();
self.options.searchSelector = searchSelector.substr(0, 1);
self.options.searchSelectorMode = searchSelector.substr(1).toUpperCase();
self.content_tag = document.querySelectorAll(opts.contentTag);
if (!self.content_tag) throw new Error("Error! Could not find contentTag element");
self.content_param = opts.contentTag;
self.search_tag = document.querySelector(opts.searchTag);
if (
!self.search_tag &&
) throw new Error("Error! Provide one of search methods: searchTag or callSearchManually and call .search(\"phrase\") manually");
let last_search_query = self.search_tag && self.search_tag.value || "";
self.search = (search_query, optional_column) => {
const new_search_query =
self.options.callSearchManually &&
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
typeof search_query !== "undefined" ?
search_query :
self.search_tag ?
self.search_tag.value :
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
if (last_search_query === (last_search_query = new_search_query)) return;
(0, self._applyCSS(last_search_query, optional_column));
self.options.didSearch && self.options.didSearch(last_search_query);
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
self._onSearch = function(event) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
if (event.type === "keydown") return setTimeout(self.search, 0);
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
self.destroy = function() {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
if (!self.options.callSearchManually) self._processEventListeners("remove");
if (!self.options.callSearchManually) self._processEventListeners("add");
Jets.prototype = {
constructor: Jets,
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_processEventListeners: function(action) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
].forEach(function(event_type) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
this.search_tag[action + "EventListener"](event_type, this._onSearch);
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_applyCSS: function(search_query, optional_column) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
const options = this.options;
const search_phrase = this.replaceDiacritics(
.replace(/\s\s+/g, " ")
).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
const words = options.searchSelectorMode ?
search_phrase.split(" ").filter((item, pos, arr) => arr.indexOf(item) === pos) :
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
const is_strict_selector = options.searchSelectorMode === "AND";
const selectors = new Array(words.length);
for (let i = 0, ii = words.length; i < ii; i++) {
selectors[i] =
(is_strict_selector ? this.content_param + ">" : "") +
(options.invert ? "" : ":not(") +
"[data-jets" + (typeof optional_column !== "undefined" ? "-col-" + optional_column : "") + options.searchSelector + `="${words[i]}"]` +
(options.invert ? "" : ")");
const hide_rules =
.map(rule => rule + (options.addImportant ? "!important" : ""));
const css_rule = (is_strict_selector ? "" : this.content_param + ">") + selectors.join(is_strict_selector ? "," : "") + "{" + hide_rules.join(";") + "}";
this.styleTag.innerHTML = search_phrase.length ? css_rule : "";
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_addStyleTag: function() {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
this.styleTag = document.createElement("style");
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_getText: function(tag) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
return tag && (tag.textContent || tag.innerText) || "";
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_sanitize: function(text) {
return this.replaceDiacritics(text).trim()
.replace(/\s+/g, " ")
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_getContentTags: function(query) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
return Array.prototype.slice.call(this.content_tag).reduce((all, elem) => {
return all.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(elem.querySelectorAll(query || ":scope > *")));
}, []);
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_handleSpecificColumns: function(tag, set) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
const self = this;
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
if (!self.options.searchInSpecificColumn) return;
Array.prototype.slice.call(tag.children).map((children, i) => {
if (
self.options.columns &&
self.options.columns.length &&
self.options.columns.indexOf(i) === -1
) return;
tag[(set || "remove") + "Attribute"]("data-jets-col-" + i, set && self._sanitize(self._getText(children)));
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_setJets: function(query, force) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
const self = this;
const tags = self._getContentTags(force ? "" : query);
let text;
for (const tag of tags) {
if (tag.hasAttribute("data-jets") && !force) continue;
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
text = this.options.manualContentHandling ?
this.options.manualContentHandling(tag) :
self.options.columns &&
self.options.columns.length ?
self.options.columns.map(column => self._getText(tag.children[column])).join(" ") :
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
tag.setAttribute("data-jets", self._sanitize(text));
self._handleSpecificColumns(tag, "set");
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
replaceDiacritics: function(text) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
const diacritics = this.options.diacriticsMap;
for (const letter in diacritics) if (diacritics.hasOwnProperty(letter)) {
for (let i = 0, ii = diacritics[letter].length; i < ii; i++) {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(diacritics[letter][i], "g"), letter);
return text;
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
update: function(force) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
this._setJets(":scope > :not([data-jets])", force);
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
_destroy: function() {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
this.styleTag.parentNode && document.head.removeChild(this.styleTag);
const tags = this._getContentTags();
for (const tag of tags) {
// :scope polyfill
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/17989803/1221082
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
;(function(doc, proto) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
try {
doc.querySelector(":scope body");
} catch (err) {
["querySelector", "querySelectorAll"].forEach(method => {
const nativ = proto[method];
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
proto[method] = function(selectors) {
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
if (/(^|,)\s*:scope/.test(selectors)) {
const id = this.getAttribute("id");
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
this.id = "ID_" + Date.now();
selectors = selectors.replace(/((^|,)\s*):scope/g, "$1#" + this.getAttribute("id"));
const result = doc[method](selectors);
2018-10-06 15:53:01 -05:00
2018-08-01 17:18:39 -05:00
this.id = id;
return result;
return nativ.call(this, selectors);
})(window.document, Element.prototype);
return Jets;