Mark Beamer Jr 94136dbb69
Add console error for heroku log.
Fix bug where there was not check on undefined metadata.
Fix bug where claims from list trending are not part of a channel.
2019-09-01 22:33:36 -04:00

300 lines
8.8 KiB

"use strict";
// I M P O R T S
import got from "got";
import prism from "prismjs";
import raw from "choo/html/raw";
import stringifyObject from "stringify-object";
// U T I L S
import messageSlack from "./slack";
import publishMeme from "./publish-meme";
import randomString from "./random-string";
import { send } from "~socket";
import uploadImage from "./upload-image";
const allowedQueryMethods = [
const approvedContentIdsForTipping = [
const environment = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ?
"development" :
// P A C K A G E
const loadLanguages = require("prismjs/components/");
loadLanguages(["json"]); // eslint-disable-line padding-line-between-statements
// E X P O R T
export default async(data, socket) => {
const body = {};
let apiRequestMethod = "";
let dataDetails = "";
let explorerNotice = "";
if (data.example === 1 && (!data.claim || !data.method)) return;
if (data.example === 2 && ! return;
if (data.example === 2) dataDetails =; // file upload
if (data.example === 3 && (!data.claim || !data.method)) return;
const claimAddress = data.claim;
const resolveMethod = data.method;
if (allowedQueryMethods.indexOf(resolveMethod) < 0) {
return send(socket, {
details: "Unallowed resolve method for tutorial",
message: "notification",
type: "error"
body.authorization = process.env.LBRY_DAEMON_ACCESS_TOKEN;
body.method = resolveMethod;
switch(true) {
// T I P
// E X A M P L E
case resolveMethod === "support_create":
if (!approvedContentIdsForTipping.includes(claimAddress)) {
return send(socket, {
example: data.example,
html: raw(`
<pre><code class="language-text">Tipping creators not in the whitelist for this example is not allowed.</code></pre>
message: "show result",
selector: `#example${data.example}-result`
apiRequestMethod = "POST";
body.amount = "0.001"; // Hardcoded tip amount
body.claim_id = claimAddress;
body.tip = true;
// P U B L I S H
// E X A M P L E
case resolveMethod === "publish":
apiRequestMethod = "PUT";
// Required for publishing = ""; = "0.001"; // Hardcoded publish amount
body.description = dataDetails.description;
body.languages = [dataDetails.language];
body.license = dataDetails.license; = + "-" + randomString(10);
body.title = dataDetails.title;
body.tags = dataDetails.tags;
// Gotta let the blockchain know what to save
body.file_path = dataDetails.file_path;
try {
const imageUploadResponse = await uploadImage(body.file_path);
body.file_path = imageUploadResponse.filename; // eslint-disable-line padding-line-between-statements
try {
const memePublishResponse = await publishMeme(body);
switch(true) {
case data.example === 2:
case memePublishResponse.result:
case memePublishResponse.result.outputs[0].address:
explorerNotice = memePublishMessaging(memePublishResponse);
delete memePublishResponse.result.lbrytech_claim_name;
const renderedCode = prism.highlight(
stringifyObject(memePublishResponse, { indent: " ", singleQuotes: false }),
return send(socket, {
example: data.example,
html: raw(`
<pre><code class="language-json">${renderedCode}</code></pre>
message: "show result",
selector: `#example${data.example}-result`
} catch(memePublishError) {
send(socket, {
details: "Meme publish failed",
message: "notification",
type: "error"
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") {
message: "```" + JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(memePublishError.error)) + "```",
pretext: "_Someone is going through the Playground after a response has been parsed_",
title: `DAEMON ERROR | ${environment}`
} catch(imageUploadError) {
send(socket, {
details: "Image upload failed",
message: "notification",
type: "error"
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") {
message: "```" + imageUploadError.status + "```",
pretext: "_Someone attempted to upload a meme to the web daemon and it failed_",
title: `DAEMON ERROR | ${environment}`
// R E S O L V E
// E X A M P L E
case resolveMethod === "resolve":
apiRequestMethod = "GET";
body.uri = claimAddress;
// Q U E R Y
// D A E M O N
const queryOptions = {
body: body,
json: true,
method: apiRequestMethod
const queryUrl = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ?
`http://localhost:5200/${resolveMethod}` :
try {
const response = await got(queryUrl, queryOptions);
switch(true) {
case data.example === 3:
case response.body.result:
case response.body.result.txid:
explorerNotice = tipCompletionMessaging(response.body);
if (socket) {
const renderedCode = prism.highlight(
stringifyObject(response.body, { indent: " ", singleQuotes: false }),
return send(socket, {
example: data.example,
html: raw(`
<pre><code class="language-json">${renderedCode}</code></pre>
message: "show result",
selector: `#example${data.example}-result`
// console.log("——");
// console.log(response.body.result[Object.keys(response.body.result)[0]]);
// console.log("——");
return response.body.result[Object.keys(response.body.result)[0]];
} catch(error) {
message: "```" + error + "```",
pretext: "_Someone is going through the Playground and the daemon is not running_",
title: `DAEMON ERROR | ${environment}`
// H E L P E R S
function memePublishMessaging(source) {
return `
<p class="playground__description success">
Nicely done, you've published to <code>lbry://${source.result.lbrytech_claim_name}</code>.
To see Proof of Work (lol) that your meme is on the LBRY blockchain, <a href="${source.result.outputs[0].txid}?address=${source.result.outputs[0].address}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Your meme, on our blockchain explorer">check it out</a> on our blockchain explorer! Please note that it may take a couple minutes for the transaction to be confirmed.
You can also check out your meme (once the transaction is confirmed) on <a href="${source.result.lbrytech_claim_name}#${source.result.outputs[0].claim_id}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Your meme, on LBRY">LBRY</a> or <a href="${source.result.outputs[0].claim_id}/${source.result.lbrytech_claim_name}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Your meme, on"></a>!
function tipCompletionMessaging(source) {
return `
<p class="playground__description success">
If you want proof of the tip you just gave on behalf of LBRY, <a href="${source.result.outputs[0].txid}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Your tip, on our blockchain explorer">check it out</a> on our blockchain explorer! Please note that it may take a couple minutes for the transaction to be confirmed.