Add settings merge test to prevent regresssions
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 229 additions and 0 deletions
@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ struct TestArgsManager : public ArgsManager
AddArg(args[i], "", false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
using ArgsManager::ReadConfigStream;
using ArgsManager::cs_args;
using ArgsManager::m_network;
@ -575,6 +578,232 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(util_GetChainName)
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_args.GetChainName(), std::runtime_error);
// Test different ways settings can be merged, and verify results. This test can
// be used to confirm that updates to settings code don't change behavior
// unintentially.
// The test covers:
// - Combining different setting actions. Possible actions are: configuring a
// setting, negating a setting (adding "-no" prefix), and configuring/negating
// settings in a network section (adding "main." or "test." prefixes).
// - Combining settings from command line arguments and a config file.
// - Combining SoftSet and ForceSet calls.
// - Testing "main" and "test" network values to make sure settings from network
// sections are applied and to check for mainnet-specific behaviors like
// inheriting settings from the default section.
// - Testing network-specific settings like "-wallet", that may be ignored
// outside a network section, and non-network specific settings like "-server"
// that aren't sensitive to the network.
struct SettingsMergeTestingSetup : public BasicTestingSetup {
//! Max number of actions to sequence together. Can decrease this when
//! debugging to make test results easier to understand.
static constexpr int MAX_ACTIONS = 3;
using ActionList = Action[MAX_ACTIONS];
//! Enumerate all possible test configurations.
template <typename Fn>
void ForEachMergeSetup(Fn&& fn)
ForEachActionList([&](const ActionList& arg_actions) {
ForEachActionList([&](const ActionList& conf_actions) {
for (bool soft_set : {false, true}) {
for (bool force_set : {false, true}) {
for (const std::string& section : {CBaseChainParams::MAIN, CBaseChainParams::TESTNET}) {
for (const std::string& network : {CBaseChainParams::MAIN, CBaseChainParams::TESTNET}) {
for (bool net_specific : {false, true}) {
fn(arg_actions, conf_actions, soft_set, force_set, section, network, net_specific);
//! Enumerate interesting combinations of actions.
template <typename Fn>
void ForEachActionList(Fn&& fn)
ActionList actions = {SET};
for (bool done = false; !done;) {
int prev_action = -1;
bool skip_actions = false;
for (Action action : actions) {
if ((prev_action == END && action != END) || (prev_action != END && action == prev_action)) {
// To cut down list of enumerated settings, skip enumerating
// settings with ignored actions after an END, and settings that
// repeat the same action twice in a row.
skip_actions = true;
prev_action = action;
if (!skip_actions) fn(actions);
done = true;
for (Action& action : actions) {
action = Action(action < END ? action + 1 : 0);
if (action) {
done = false;
//! Translate actions into a list of <key>=<value> setting strings.
std::vector<std::string> GetValues(const ActionList& actions,
const std::string& section,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value_prefix)
std::vector<std::string> values;
int suffix = 0;
for (Action action : actions) {
if (action == END) break;
std::string prefix;
if (action == SECTION_SET || action == SECTION_NEGATE) prefix = section + ".";
if (action == SET || action == SECTION_SET) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
values.push_back(prefix + name + "=" + value_prefix + std::to_string(++suffix));
if (action == NEGATE || action == SECTION_NEGATE) {
values.push_back(prefix + "no" + name + "=1");
return values;
// Regression test covering different ways config settings can be merged. The
// test parses and merges settings, representing the results as strings that get
// compared against an expected hash. To debug, the result strings can be dumped
// to a file (see below).
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(util_SettingsMerge, SettingsMergeTestingSetup)
CHash256 out_sha;
FILE* out_file = nullptr;
if (const char* out_path = getenv("SETTINGS_MERGE_TEST_OUT")) {
out_file = fsbridge::fopen(out_path, "w");
if (!out_file) throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category(), "fopen failed");
ForEachMergeSetup([&](const ActionList& arg_actions, const ActionList& conf_actions, bool soft_set, bool force_set,
const std::string& section, const std::string& network, bool net_specific) {
TestArgsManager parser;
std::string desc = "net=";
desc += network;
parser.m_network = network;
const std::string& name = net_specific ? "server" : "wallet";
const std::string key = "-" + name;
parser.AddArg(key, name, false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
if (net_specific) parser.SetNetworkOnlyArg(key);
auto args = GetValues(arg_actions, section, name, "a");
std::vector<const char*> argv = {"ignored"};
for (auto& arg : args) {
arg.insert(0, "-");
desc += " ";
desc += arg;
std::string error;
BOOST_CHECK(parser.ParseParameters(argv.size(),, error));
std::string conf;
for (auto& conf_val : GetValues(conf_actions, section, name, "c")) {
desc += " ";
desc += conf_val;
conf += conf_val;
conf += "\n";
std::istringstream conf_stream(conf);
BOOST_CHECK(parser.ReadConfigStream(conf_stream, "filepath", error));
if (soft_set) {
desc += " soft";
parser.SoftSetArg(key, "soft1");
parser.SoftSetArg(key, "soft2");
if (force_set) {
desc += " force";
parser.ForceSetArg(key, "force1");
parser.ForceSetArg(key, "force2");
desc += " || ";
if (!parser.IsArgSet(key)) {
desc += "unset";
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parser.GetArg(key, "default"), "default");
} else if (parser.IsArgNegated(key)) {
desc += "negated";
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parser.GetArg(key, "default"), "0");
} else {
desc += parser.GetArg(key, "default");
desc += " |";
for (const auto& arg : parser.GetArgs(key)) {
desc += " ";
desc += arg;
std::set<std::string> ignored = parser.GetUnsuitableSectionOnlyArgs();
if (!ignored.empty()) {
desc += " | ignored";
for (const auto& arg : ignored) {
desc += " ";
desc += arg;
desc += "\n";
out_sha.Write((const unsigned char*), desc.size());
if (out_file) {
BOOST_REQUIRE(fwrite(, 1, desc.size(), out_file) == desc.size());
if (out_file) {
if (fclose(out_file)) throw std::system_error(errno, std::generic_category(), "fclose failed");
out_file = nullptr;
unsigned char out_sha_bytes[CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
std::string out_sha_hex = HexStr(std::begin(out_sha_bytes), std::end(out_sha_bytes));
// If check below fails, should manually dump the results with:
// SETTINGS_MERGE_TEST_OUT=results.txt ./test_bitcoin --run_test=util_tests/util_SettingsMerge
// And verify diff against previous results to make sure the changes are expected.
// Results file is formatted like:
// <input> || <IsArgSet/IsArgNegated/GetArg output> | <GetArgs output> | <GetUnsuitable output>
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(out_sha_hex, "80964e17fbd3c5569d3c824d032e28e2d319ef57494735b0e76eb7aad9957f2c");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(FormatMoney(0), "0.00");
Add table
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