qt: Pre-rc1 translations update
Tree-SHA512: 11d0d6a23f47e428661b33fa175aa97cc6841452c0c55845fdb0a903a0b147cd6df65e8fdab8b98823bf411018d5d85006af8c2cf14597286e9e284764d15041
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 116 additions and 72 deletions
@ -3199,6 +3199,10 @@ Note: Siden gebyret er kalkuleret på en per-byte basis, et gebyr på "100 satos
<source>Error reading %s! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect.</source>
<translation>Fejl under læsning af %s! Alle nøgler blev læst korrekt, men transaktionsdata eller indgange i adressebogen kan mangle eller være ukorrekte.</translation>
<source>Group outputs by address, selecting all or none, instead of selecting on a per-output basis. Privacy is improved as an address is only used once (unless someone sends to it after spending from it), but may result in slightly higher fees as suboptimal coin selection may result due to the added limitation (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Gruppér output efter adresse og vælg alle eller ingen, i stedet for at vælge på per-output-basis. Højere sikring af privatliv, da en adresse kun bruges én gang (med mindre nogen sender til en adresse efter den er brugt), men kan resultere i en anelse højere gebyrer, da ikke-optimal valg af output-adresser kan forekomme på grund af den tilføjede begrænsning (standard: %u)</translation>
<source>Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly.</source>
<translation>Undersøg venligst at din computers dato og klokkeslet er korrekt indstillet! Hvis der er fejl i disse, vil %s ikke fungere korrekt.</translation>
@ -3339,6 +3343,10 @@ Note: Siden gebyret er kalkuleret på en per-byte basis, et gebyr på "100 satos
<source>Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s'</source>
<translation>Ugyldigt beløb for -fallbackfee=<beløb>: “%s”</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.</source>
<translation>Angivet blokmappe “%s” eksisterer ikke.</translation>
<source>Upgrading txindex database</source>
<translation>Opgraderer txindex database</translation>
@ -3479,12 +3487,6 @@ Note: Siden gebyret er kalkuleret på en per-byte basis, et gebyr på "100 satos
<source>Signing transaction failed</source>
<translation>Signering af transaktion mislykkedes</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>Specificeret blokke mappe "%s" eksisterer ikke.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Transaktionsbeløbet er for lille til at betale gebyret</translation>
@ -3336,6 +3336,10 @@ Hinweis: Eine Gebühr von "100 Satoshis pro kB" bei einer Größe der Transaktio
<source>Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s'</source>
<translation>Ungültiger Betrag für -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s'</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.</source>
<translation>Angegebener Blöcke-Ordner "%s" existiert nicht.</translation>
<source>Upgrading txindex database</source>
<translation>Erneuern der txindex Datenbank</translation>
@ -3484,12 +3488,6 @@ Hinweis: Eine Gebühr von "100 Satoshis pro kB" bei einer Größe der Transaktio
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>Angegebenes Verzeichniss "%s" ist kein Verzeichniss</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>Angegebenes 'blocks'-Verzeichnis "%s" existiert nicht.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Der Transaktionsbetrag ist zu niedrig, um die Gebühr zu bezahlen.</translation>
@ -610,6 +610,14 @@
<source>Copy transaction ID</source>
<translation>Αντιγραφή ταυτότητας συναλλαγής</translation>
<source>Copy quantity</source>
<translation>Αντιγραφή ποσότητας</translation>
<source>Copy fee</source>
<translation>Αντιγραφή τελών</translation>
@ -661,7 +669,27 @@
<source>Edit sending address</source>
<translation> Επεξεργασία διεύθυνσης αποστολής</translation>
<source>The entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address.</source>
<translation>Η διεύθυνση "%1" δεν είναι έγκυρη Bitcoin διεύθυνση.</translation>
<source>Address "%1" already exists as a receiving address with label "%2" and so cannot be added as a sending address.</source>
<translation>Η διεύθυνση "%1" υπάρχει ήδη ως διεύθυνσης λήψης με ετικέτα "%2" και γιαυτό τον λόγο δεν μπορεί να προστεθεί ως διεύθυνση αποστολής.</translation>
<source>The entered address "%1" is already in the address book with label "%2".</source>
<translation>Η διεύθυνση "%1" βρίσκεται ήδη στο βιβλίο διευθύνσεων με ετικέτα "%2".</translation>
<source>Could not unlock wallet.</source>
<translation>Δεν είναι δυνατό το ξεκλείδωμα του πορτοφολιού.</translation>
<source>New key generation failed.</source>
<translation>Η δημιουργία νέου κλειδιού απέτυχε.</translation>
@ -1488,10 +1516,18 @@
<source>Copy quantity</source>
<translation>Αντιγραφή ποσότητας</translation>
<source>Copy amount</source>
<translation>Αντιγραφή ποσού</translation>
<source>Copy fee</source>
<translation>Αντιγραφή τελών</translation>
<source>Transaction fee</source>
<translation>Κόστος συναλλαγής</translation>
@ -3490,12 +3490,6 @@ Nota: Dado que la comisión se calcula por byte, una comisión de "100 satoshis
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>El -walletdir "%s" indicado no es un directorio</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>El directorio de bloques especificado "%s" no existe.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Cantidad de la transacción demasiado pequeña para pagar la comisión</translation>
@ -325,6 +325,14 @@
<source>Open &URI...</source>
<translation>Avaa &URI...</translation>
<source>default wallet</source>
<source>Click to disable network activity.</source>
<translation>Paina poistaaksesi verkkoyhteysilmaisin käytöstä.</translation>
@ -345,6 +353,10 @@
<source>Reindexing blocks on disk...</source>
<translation>Ladataan lohkoindeksiä...</translation>
<source>Proxy is <b>enabled</b>: %1</source>
<translation>Välipalvelin on <b>käytössä</b>: %1</translation>
<source>Send coins to a Bitcoin address</source>
<translation>Lähetä kolikoita Bitcoin-osoitteeseen</translation>
@ -441,6 +453,10 @@
<source>&Command-line options</source>
<translation>&Komentorivin valinnat</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network</source>
<translation><numerusform>%n aktiivinen yhteys Bitcoin-verkkoon</numerusform><numerusform>%n aktiivista yhteyttä Bitcoin-verkkoon</numerusform></translation>
<source>Indexing blocks on disk...</source>
<translation>Ladataan lohkoindeksiä...</translation>
@ -449,6 +465,10 @@
<source>Processing blocks on disk...</source>
<translation>Käsitellään lohkoja levyllä...</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.</source>
<translation><numerusform>Käsitelty %n lohko rahansiirtohistoriasta.</numerusform><numerusform>Käsitelty %n lohkoa rahansiirtohistoriasta.</numerusform></translation>
<source>%1 behind</source>
<translation>%1 jäljessä</translation>
@ -1708,6 +1728,10 @@
<translation>&Poista esto</translation>
<source>default wallet</source>
<source>Welcome to the %1 RPC console.</source>
<translation>Tervetuloa %1 RPC-konsoliin.</translation>
@ -3479,12 +3479,6 @@ Note : Les frais étant calculés par octet, des frais de « 100 satoshis par
<source>Signing transaction failed</source>
<translation>Échec de signature de la transaction</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>Le répertoire de blocs indiqué « %s » n’existe pas.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Le montant de la transaction est trop bas pour que les frais soient payés</translation>
@ -3199,6 +3199,10 @@ Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis p
<source>Error reading %s! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect.</source>
<translation>%s の読み込みエラー! すべてのキーは正しく読み取れますが、取引データやアドレス帳のエントリが失われたか、正しくない可能性があります。</translation>
<source>Group outputs by address, selecting all or none, instead of selecting on a per-output basis. Privacy is improved as an address is only used once (unless someone sends to it after spending from it), but may result in slightly higher fees as suboptimal coin selection may result due to the added limitation (default: %u)</source>
<translation>出力ごとではなく、アドレス単位に出力をまとめて選択します。(後からまたそのアドレスに支払われない限り)アドレスが一度しか使用されないためプライバシーが向上します。ただし追加の制限により最適ではないコイン選択が発生した場合に、わずかに高い手数料となる可能性があります。(初期値: %u)</translation>
<source>Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly.</source>
<translation>あなたのPCの日付と時刻が正しいことを確認して下さい! もしあなたの時計が正しくなければ %s が正確に動作しません。</translation>
@ -3340,6 +3344,10 @@ Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis p
<source>Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s'</source>
<translation>不正な額 -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s'</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.</source>
<source>Upgrading txindex database</source>
<translation>txindex データベースを更新しています</translation>
@ -3480,12 +3488,6 @@ Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis p
<source>Signing transaction failed</source>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
@ -3488,11 +3488,6 @@ Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis p
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>애러: 지정한 지갑 폴더 "%s"은 디렉토리가 아닙니다.</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>지정한 블록 폴더 "%s"는 존재하지 않습니다.</translation>
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>거래액이 수수료를 지불하기엔 너무 작습니다</translation>
@ -3491,12 +3491,6 @@ Notitie: Omdat de vergoeding per byte wordt gerekend, zal een vergoeding van "10
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>Opgegeven -walletdir "%s" is geen map</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>Opgegeven blocks map "%s" bestaat niet.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Het transactiebedrag is te klein om transactiekosten in rekening te brengen</translation>
@ -3493,12 +3493,6 @@ Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie zweryfikowana wiadomość potwierdza to, że nadaw
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>Podany -walletdir "%s" nie jest katalogiem</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>Podany folder bloków "%s" nie istnieje.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Zbyt niska kwota transakcji by zapłacić opłatę</translation>
@ -3335,6 +3335,11 @@ Nota: Como a taxa é calculada por byte, uma taxa de "100 satoshis por kB" por
<source>Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s'</source>
<translation>Quantidade inválida para -fallbackfee=<amount>: '%s'</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.</source>
Diretório de blocos especificados "%s" não existe.</translation>
<source>Upgrading txindex database</source>
<translation>Atualizando banco de dados txindex</translation>
@ -3487,12 +3492,6 @@ Nota: Como a taxa é calculada por byte, uma taxa de "100 satoshis por kB" por
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>O -walletdir "%s" especificado não é um diretório</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>O diretório de blocos especificado "%s" não existe.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>A quantidade da transação é pequena demais para pagar a taxa</translation>
@ -325,6 +325,14 @@
<source>Open &URI...</source>
<translation>Deschide &URI...</translation>
<source>default wallet</source>
<translation>portofel implicit</translation>
<source>Click to disable network activity.</source>
<translation>Click pentru a opri activitatea retelei.</translation>
@ -345,6 +353,10 @@
<source>Reindexing blocks on disk...</source>
<translation>Se reindexează blocurile pe disc...</translation>
<source>Proxy is <b>enabled</b>: %1</source>
<translation>Proxy este<b>activat</b>:%1</translation>
<source>Send coins to a Bitcoin address</source>
<translation>Trimite monede către o adresă Bitcoin</translation>
@ -511,6 +523,12 @@
<source>Amount: %1
<translation>Sumă: %1
<source>Wallet: %1
<translation>Portofel: %1
@ -745,6 +763,14 @@
<source>The entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address.</source>
<translation>Adresa introdusă "%1" nu este o adresă Bitcoin validă.</translation>
<source>Address "%1" already exists as a receiving address with label "%2" and so cannot be added as a sending address.</source>
<translation>Adresa "%1" exista deja ca si adresa de primire cu eticheta "%2" si deci nu poate fi folosita ca si adresa de trimitere.</translation>
<source>The entered address "%1" is already in the address book with label "%2".</source>
<translation>Adresa introdusa "%1" este deja in lista de adrese cu eticheta "%2"</translation>
<source>Could not unlock wallet.</source>
<translation>Portofelul nu a putut fi deblocat.</translation>
@ -1748,6 +1774,10 @@
<source>default wallet</source>
<translation>portofel implicit</translation>
<source>Welcome to the %1 RPC console.</source>
<translation>Bun venit la consola %1 RPC.</translation>
@ -3436,12 +3436,6 @@
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>Uvedený -walletdir "%s" nie je priečinok</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>Uvedený priečinok s dátami "%s" neexistuje.
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Suma transakcie je príliš malá na zaplatenie poplatku</translation>
@ -3477,12 +3477,6 @@ Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis p
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>Вказаний шлях -walletdir "%s" не є каталогом</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>Вказаний шлях до блоків "%s" не існує
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
<translation>Неможливо сплатити комісію із-за малої суми транзакції</translation>
@ -3487,12 +3487,6 @@ Note: Since the fee is calculated on a per-byte basis, a fee of "100 satoshis p
<source>Specified -walletdir "%s" is not a directory</source>
<translation>以 -walletdir 指定的路徑 "%s" 不是個目錄</translation>
<source>Specified blocks directory "%s" does not exist.
<translation>指定的區塊目錄 "%s" 不存在。
<source>The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee</source>
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