Merge #9761: Use 2 hour grace period for key timestamps in importmulti rescans
Use 2 hour grace period for key timestamps in importmulti rescans (Russell Yanofsky)38d3e9e
[qa] Extend to test imports on pruned nodes. (Russell Yanofsky)c28583d
[qa] Extend to test specific key timestamps (Russell Yanofsky)8be0866
[qa] Simplify (Russell Yanofsky)
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 137 additions and 107 deletions
@ -2,55 +2,105 @@
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
"""Test rescan behavior of importaddress, importpubkey, importprivkey, and
importmulti RPCs with different types of keys and rescan options.
In the first part of the test, node 0 creates an address for each type of
import RPC call and sends BTC to it. Then other nodes import the addresses,
and the test makes listtransactions and getbalance calls to confirm that the
importing node either did or did not execute rescans picking up the send
In the second part of the test, node 0 sends more BTC to each address, and the
test makes more listtransactions and getbalance calls to confirm that the
importing nodes pick up the new transactions regardless of whether rescans
happened previously.
from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework.util import (start_nodes, connect_nodes, sync_blocks, assert_equal)
from test_framework.util import (start_nodes, connect_nodes, sync_blocks, assert_equal, set_node_times)
from decimal import Decimal
import collections
import enum
import itertools
import functools
Call = enum.Enum("Call", "single multi")
Data = enum.Enum("Data", "address pub priv")
ImportNode = collections.namedtuple("ImportNode", "rescan")
Rescan = enum.Enum("Rescan", "no yes late_timestamp")
def call_import_rpc(call, data, address, scriptPubKey, pubkey, key, label, node, rescan):
"""Helper that calls a wallet import RPC on a bitcoin node."""
watchonly = data != Data.priv
if call == Call.single:
if data == Data.address:
response = node.importaddress(address, label, rescan)
elif data ==
response = node.importpubkey(pubkey, label, rescan)
elif data == Data.priv:
response = node.importprivkey(key, label, rescan)
class Variant(collections.namedtuple("Variant", "call data rescan prune")):
"""Helper for importing one key and verifying scanned transactions."""
def do_import(self, timestamp):
"""Call one key import RPC."""
if == Call.single:
if == Data.address:
response, error = try_rpc(self.node.importaddress, self.address["address"], self.label,
self.rescan == Rescan.yes)
elif ==
response, error = try_rpc(self.node.importpubkey, self.address["pubkey"], self.label,
self.rescan == Rescan.yes)
elif == Data.priv:
response, error = try_rpc(self.node.importprivkey, self.key, self.label, self.rescan == Rescan.yes)
assert_equal(response, None)
elif call == Call.multi:
response = node.importmulti([{
assert_equal(error, {'message': 'Rescan is disabled in pruned mode',
'code': -4} if self.expect_disabled else None)
elif == Call.multi:
response = self.node.importmulti([{
"scriptPubKey": {
"address": address
"address": self.address["address"]
"timestamp": "now",
"pubkeys": [pubkey] if data == else [],
"keys": [key] if data == Data.priv else [],
"label": label,
"watchonly": watchonly
}], {"rescan": rescan})
"timestamp": timestamp + RESCAN_WINDOW + (1 if self.rescan == Rescan.late_timestamp else 0),
"pubkeys": [self.address["pubkey"]] if == else [],
"keys": [self.key] if == Data.priv else [],
"label": self.label,
"watchonly": != Data.priv
}], {"rescan": self.rescan in (Rescan.yes, Rescan.late_timestamp)})
assert_equal(response, [{"success": True}])
return watchonly
def check(self, txid=None, amount=None, confirmations=None):
"""Verify that getbalance/listtransactions return expected values."""
balance = self.node.getbalance(self.label, 0, True)
assert_equal(balance, self.expected_balance)
txs = self.node.listtransactions(self.label, 10000, 0, True)
assert_equal(len(txs), self.expected_txs)
if txid is not None:
tx, = [tx for tx in txs if tx["txid"] == txid]
assert_equal(tx["account"], self.label)
assert_equal(tx["address"], self.address["address"])
assert_equal(tx["amount"], amount)
assert_equal(tx["category"], "receive")
assert_equal(tx["label"], self.label)
assert_equal(tx["txid"], txid)
assert_equal(tx["confirmations"], confirmations)
assert_equal("trusted" not in tx, True)
if != Data.priv:
assert_equal(tx["involvesWatchonly"], True)
assert_equal("involvesWatchonly" not in tx, True)
# List of RPCs that import a wallet key or address in various ways.
IMPORT_RPCS = [functools.partial(call_import_rpc, call, data) for call, data in itertools.product(Call, Data)]
# List of Variants for each way a key or address could be imported.
IMPORT_VARIANTS = [Variant(*variants) for variants in itertools.product(Call, Data, Rescan, (False, True))]
# List of bitcoind nodes that will import keys.
# List of nodes to import keys to. Half the nodes will have pruning disabled,
# half will have it enabled. Different nodes will be used for imports that are
# expected to cause rescans, and imports that are not expected to cause
# rescans, in order to prevent rescans during later imports picking up
# transactions associated with earlier imports. This makes it easier to keep
# track of expected balances and transactions.
ImportNode = collections.namedtuple("ImportNode", "prune rescan")
IMPORT_NODES = [ImportNode(*fields) for fields in itertools.product((False, True), repeat=2)]
# Rescans start at the earliest block up to 2 hours before the key timestamp.
RESCAN_WINDOW = 2 * 60 * 60
class ImportRescanTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
@ -60,6 +110,10 @@ class ImportRescanTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
def setup_network(self):
extra_args = [["-debug=1"] for _ in range(self.num_nodes)]
for i, import_node in enumerate(IMPORT_NODES, 1):
if import_node.prune:
extra_args[i] += ["-prune=1"]
self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args)
for i in range(1, self.num_nodes):
connect_nodes(self.nodes[i], 0)
@ -67,89 +121,64 @@ class ImportRescanTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
def run_test(self):
# Create one transaction on node 0 with a unique amount and label for
# each possible type of wallet import RPC.
import_rpc_variants = []
for i, import_rpc in enumerate(IMPORT_RPCS):
label = "label{}".format(i)
addr = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(label))
key = self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(addr["address"])
amount = 24.9375 - i * .0625
txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(addr["address"], amount)
import_rpc = functools.partial(import_rpc, addr["address"], addr["scriptPubKey"], addr["pubkey"], key,
import_rpc_variants.append((import_rpc, label, amount, txid, addr))
for i, variant in enumerate(IMPORT_VARIANTS):
variant.label = "label {} {}".format(i, variant)
variant.address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(variant.label))
variant.key = self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(variant.address["address"])
variant.initial_amount = 25 - (i + 1) / 4.0
variant.initial_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(variant.address["address"], variant.initial_amount)
# Generate a block containing the initial transactions, then another
# block further in the future (past the rescan window).
assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [])
timestamp = self.nodes[0].getblockheader(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())["time"]
set_node_times(self.nodes, timestamp + RESCAN_WINDOW + 1)
# For each importing node and variation of wallet import RPC, invoke
# the RPC and check the results from getbalance and listtransactions.
for node, import_node in zip(self.nodes[1:], IMPORT_NODES):
for import_rpc, label, amount, txid, addr in import_rpc_variants:
watchonly = import_rpc(node, import_node.rescan)
balance = node.getbalance(label, 0, True)
if import_node.rescan:
assert_equal(balance, amount)
# For each variation of wallet key import, invoke the import RPC and
# check the results from getbalance and listtransactions.
for variant in IMPORT_VARIANTS:
variant.expect_disabled = variant.rescan == Rescan.yes and variant.prune and == Call.single
expect_rescan = variant.rescan == Rescan.yes and not variant.expect_disabled
variant.node = self.nodes[1 + IMPORT_NODES.index(ImportNode(variant.prune, expect_rescan))]
if expect_rescan:
variant.expected_balance = variant.initial_amount
variant.expected_txs = 1
variant.check(variant.initial_txid, variant.initial_amount, 2)
assert_equal(balance, 0)
variant.expected_balance = 0
variant.expected_txs = 0
txs = node.listtransactions(label, 10000, 0, True)
if import_node.rescan:
assert_equal(len(txs), 1)
assert_equal(txs[0]["account"], label)
assert_equal(txs[0]["address"], addr["address"])
assert_equal(txs[0]["amount"], amount)
assert_equal(txs[0]["category"], "receive")
assert_equal(txs[0]["label"], label)
assert_equal(txs[0]["txid"], txid)
assert_equal(txs[0]["confirmations"], 1)
assert_equal("trusted" not in txs[0], True)
if watchonly:
assert_equal(txs[0]["involvesWatchonly"], True)
assert_equal("involvesWatchonly" not in txs[0], True)
assert_equal(len(txs), 0)
# Create spends for all the imported addresses.
spend_txids = []
# Create new transactions sending to each address.
fee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"]
for import_rpc, label, amount, txid, addr in import_rpc_variants:
raw_tx = self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txid)
decoded_tx = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(raw_tx)
input_vout = next(out["n"] for out in decoded_tx["vout"]
if out["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"] == [addr["address"]])
inputs = [{"txid": txid, "vout": input_vout}]
outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): Decimal(amount) - fee}
raw_spend_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
signed_spend_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(raw_spend_tx)
spend_txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed_spend_tx["hex"])
for i, variant in enumerate(IMPORT_VARIANTS):
variant.sent_amount = 25 - (2 * i + 1) / 8.0
variant.sent_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(variant.address["address"], variant.sent_amount)
# Generate a block containing the new transactions.
assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [])
# Check the results from getbalance and listtransactions after the spends.
for node, import_node in zip(self.nodes[1:], IMPORT_NODES):
txs = node.listtransactions("*", 10000, 0, True)
for (import_rpc, label, amount, txid, addr), spend_txid in zip(import_rpc_variants, spend_txids):
balance = node.getbalance(label, 0, True)
spend_tx = [tx for tx in txs if tx["txid"] == spend_txid]
if import_node.rescan:
assert_equal(balance, amount)
assert_equal(len(spend_tx), 1)
assert_equal(spend_tx[0]["account"], "")
assert_equal(spend_tx[0]["amount"] + spend_tx[0]["fee"], -amount)
assert_equal(spend_tx[0]["category"], "send")
assert_equal("label" not in spend_tx[0], True)
assert_equal(spend_tx[0]["confirmations"], 1)
assert_equal("trusted" not in spend_tx[0], True)
assert_equal("involvesWatchonly" not in txs[0], True)
# Check the latest results from getbalance and listtransactions.
for variant in IMPORT_VARIANTS:
if not variant.expect_disabled:
variant.expected_balance += variant.sent_amount
variant.expected_txs += 1
variant.check(variant.sent_txid, variant.sent_amount, 1)
assert_equal(balance, 0)
assert_equal(spend_tx, [])
def try_rpc(func, *args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs), None
except JSONRPCException as e:
return None, e.error
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -988,7 +988,8 @@ UniValue importmulti(const JSONRPCRequest& mainRequest)
" or the string \"now\" to substitute the current synced blockchain time. The timestamp of the oldest\n"
" key will determine how far back blockchain rescans need to begin for missing wallet transactions.\n"
" \"now\" can be specified to bypass scanning, for keys which are known to never have been used, and\n"
" 0 can be specified to scan the entire blockchain.\n"
" 0 can be specified to scan the entire blockchain. Blocks up to 2 hours before the earliest key\n"
" creation time of all keys being imported by the importmulti call will be scanned.\n"
" \"redeemscript\": \"<script>\" , (string, optional) Allowed only if the scriptPubKey is a P2SH address or a P2SH scriptPubKey\n"
" \"pubkeys\": [\"<pubKey>\", ... ] , (array, optional) Array of strings giving pubkeys that must occur in the output or redeemscript\n"
" \"keys\": [\"<key>\", ... ] , (array, optional) Array of strings giving private keys whose corresponding public keys must occur in the output or redeemscript\n"
@ -1072,7 +1073,7 @@ UniValue importmulti(const JSONRPCRequest& mainRequest)
if (fRescan && fRunScan && requests.size() && nLowestTimestamp <= chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTimeMax()) {
CBlockIndex* pindex = nLowestTimestamp > minimumTimestamp ? chainActive.FindEarliestAtLeast(nLowestTimestamp) : chainActive.Genesis();
CBlockIndex* pindex = nLowestTimestamp > minimumTimestamp ? chainActive.FindEarliestAtLeast(std::max<int64_t>(nLowestTimestamp - 7200, 0)) : chainActive.Genesis();
if (pindex) {
pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(pindex, true);
Add table
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