flush more, disk sync less

minor optimizations
compiles but still calls fcntl64

updated to expect backwards symbol table
reduce output on syncing testnet

changing to gcc-only build for Linux


remove docker_build_image

optimizing the wallet to better handle claimname calls
post-merge fixes
This commit is contained in:
Brannon King 2020-02-19 16:29:38 -07:00 committed by Anthony Fieroni
parent 7f4ddab539
commit daf90c3adf
16 changed files with 3940 additions and 136 deletions

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ jobs:
- &build-template
stage: build
name: linux
env: NAME=linux EXT=
env: NAME=linux DOCKER_IMAGE=lbry/build_lbrycrd_gcc EXT=
os: linux
dist: xenial
language: minimal
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ jobs:
- docker
- mkdir -p ${HOME}/ccache
- docker pull $DOCKER_BUILD_IMAGE
- docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE
- docker run -v "$(pwd):/lbrycrd" -v "${HOME}/ccache:/ccache" -w /lbrycrd -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache ${DOCKER_IMAGE} packaging/build_${NAME}_64bit.sh
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ jobs:
- <<: *build-template
name: windows
env: NAME=windows EXT=.exe
env: NAME=windows DOCKER_IMAGE=lbry/build_lbrycrd EXT=.exe
- <<: *build-template
name: osx
env: NAME=darwin EXT=
env: NAME=darwin DOCKER_IMAGE=lbry/build_lbrycrd EXT=
- mkdir -p ./depends/SDKs && pushd depends/SDKs && curl -C - ${MAC_OS_SDK} | tar --skip-old-files -xJ && popd
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ jobs:
- docker
- docker pull $DOCKER_WINE_IMAGE
- docker run -v "$(pwd):/test" -e "WINEDEBUG=-all" -e "TRIEHASH_FUZZER_BLOCKS=1000" -it $DOCKER_WINE_IMAGE wine "/test/test_lbrycrd.exe"
- docker pull lbry/wine
- docker run -v "$(pwd):/test" -e "WINEDEBUG=-all" -e "TRIEHASH_FUZZER_BLOCKS=1000" -it lbry/wine wine "/test/test_lbrycrd.exe"
- <<: *test-template
os: osx

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
linux_CXXFLAGS=$(linux_CFLAGS) -std=c++11
linux_release_CFLAGS=-O2 -g
linux_release_CFLAGS=-O3 -g -include $(BASEDIR)/glibc_version_header/force_link_glibc_2.19.h
linux_debug_CFLAGS=-O1 -g

View file

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ define $(package)_config_cmds
PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$(host_prefix)/lib/pkgconfig \
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(host_prefix)/share/pkgconfig \
sed -i.old 's/^GEN_DEPS.c=.*/& $($(package)_cflags)/' config/mh-mingw* && \
sed -i.old 's/^GEN_DEPS.cc=.*/& $($(package)_cxxflags)/' config/mh-mingw* && \
sed -i.old 's|^GEN_DEPS.c=.*|& $($(package)_cflags)|' config/mh-mingw* && \
sed -i.old 's|^GEN_DEPS.cc=.*|& $($(package)_cxxflags)|' config/mh-mingw* && \

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ $(package)_sha256_hash=8f9faeaebad088e772f4ef5e38252d472be4d878c6b3a2718c10a4fce
define $(package)_set_vars
$(package)_config_env=AR="$($(package)_ar)" RANLIB="$($(package)_ranlib)" CC="$($(package)_cc)"
$(package)_config_env=AR="$($(package)_ar)" RANLIB="$($(package)_ranlib)" CC="$($(package)_cc) $($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags)"
$(package)_config_opts=--prefix=$(host_prefix) --openssldir=$(host_prefix)/etc/openssl
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ $(package)_config_opts+=no-weak-ssl-ciphers
$(package)_config_opts+=$($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags)
$(package)_config_opts_linux=-fPIC -Wa,--noexecstack

View file

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
FROM ubuntu:16.04
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN set -xe; \
apt-get update; \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config git wget apt-utils \
librsvg2-bin libtiff-tools cmake imagemagick libcap-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev python-setuptools python3-setuptools xz-utils ccache g++-multilib \
g++-mingw-w64-i686 mingw-w64-i686-dev bsdmainutils curl ca-certificates g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 mingw-w64-x86-64-dev; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*;
RUN wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key | apt-key add -; \
echo 'deb http://apt.llvm.org/xenial/ llvm-toolchain-xenial-8 main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list; \
apt-get update; \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y clang-8 lldb-8 lld-8 libc++-8-dev; \
g++-mingw-w64-i686 mingw-w64-i686-dev bsdmainutils curl ca-certificates g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 mingw-w64-x86-64-dev \
clang-8 lldb-8 lld-8 libc++-8-dev; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*;
RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang-cpp-8 80; \
@ -28,7 +23,7 @@ ARG VCS_REF
LABEL maintainer="blockchain@lbry.com" \
decription="build_lbrycrd" \
version="1.1" \
version="1.2" \
org.label-schema.name="build_lbrycrd" \
org.label-schema.description="Use this to generate a reproducible build of LBRYcrd" \
org.label-schema.build-date=$BUILD_DATE \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN set -xe; \
apt-get update; \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config git wget apt-utils \
librsvg2-bin cmake libcap-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev python-setuptools python3-setuptools xz-utils ccache \
bsdmainutils curl ca-certificates; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \
LABEL maintainer="blockchain@lbry.com" \
decription="build_lbrycrd_gcc" \
version="1.2" \
org.label-schema.name="build_lbrycrd_gcc" \
org.label-schema.description="Use this to generate a reproducible build of LBRYcrd for Linux" \
org.label-schema.build-date=$BUILD_DATE \
org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$VCS_REF \
org.label-schema.vcs-url="https://github.com/lbryio/lbrycrd" \
org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0.0-rc1" \
org.label-schema.vendor="LBRY" \
org.label-schema.docker.cmd="docker build --build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"` --build-arg VCS_REF=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` -t lbry/build_lbrycrd_gcc packaging"
ENV PATH "/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH"
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

View file

@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void Shutdown(InitInterfaces& interfaces)
if (g_chainstate && g_chainstate->CanFlushToDisk()) {
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void Shutdown(InitInterfaces& interfaces)
if (g_chainstate && g_chainstate->CanFlushToDisk()) {

View file

@ -119,10 +119,57 @@ bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector
if (last_drop == OP_2DROP)
return true;
// this overload exists because optimizer wouldn't inline GetScriptOp:
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, CScript::const_iterator& pc, bool allowSupportMetadata)
op = -1;
opcodetype opcode;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode))
return false;
if (opcode != OP_CLAIM_NAME && opcode != OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM && opcode != OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
return false;
op = opcode;
// Valid formats:
// OP_CLAIM_NAME vchName vchValue OP_2DROP OP_DROP pubkeyscript
// OP_UPDATE_CLAIM vchName vchClaimId vchValue OP_2DROP OP_2DROP pubkeyscript
// OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM vchName vchClaimId OP_2DROP OP_DROP pubkeyscript
// OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM vchName vchClaimId vchValue OP_2DROP OP_2DROP pubkeyscript
// All others are invalid.
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode))
return false;
auto last_drop = OP_DROP;
if (opcode >= 0 && opcode <= OP_PUSHDATA4 && op != OP_CLAIM_NAME) {
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode))
return false;
last_drop = OP_2DROP;
} else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
return false;
if (opcode != OP_2DROP)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode) || opcode != last_drop)
return false;
return !(op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM && last_drop == OP_2DROP && !allowSupportMetadata);
uint160 ClaimIdHash(const uint256& txhash, uint32_t nOut)
std::vector<unsigned char> claimToHash(txhash.begin(), txhash.end());
@ -139,10 +186,10 @@ CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn)
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
CScript::const_iterator pc = scriptIn.begin();
if (!DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, vvchParams, pc))
auto isClaim = DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, pc);
if (!isClaim)
return scriptIn;
return CScript(pc, scriptIn.end());

View file

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ CScript SupportClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId, std::string value=
CScript UpdateClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId, std::string value);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, bool allowSupportMetadata=true);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, CScript::const_iterator& pc, bool allowSupportMetadata=true);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, CScript::const_iterator& pc, bool allowSupportMetadata=true);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op);
uint160 ClaimIdHash(const uint256& txhash, uint32_t nOut);

View file

@ -94,64 +94,54 @@ bool CCoinsViewDB::BatchWrite(const CCoinsMap &mapCoins, const uint256 &hashBloc
int crash_simulate = gArgs.GetArg("-dbcrashratio", 0);
uint256 old_tip = GetBestBlock();
if (old_tip.IsNull()) {
// We may be in the middle of replaying.
std::vector<uint256> old_heads = GetHeadBlocks();
if (old_heads.size() == 2) {
assert(old_heads[0] == hashBlock);
old_tip = old_heads[1];
db << "BEGIN";
if (!mapCoins.empty()) {
db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO marker VALUES('head_block', ?)" << hashBlock;
auto dbd = db << "DELETE FROM unspent WHERE txID = ? AND txN = ?";
auto dbi = db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO unspent VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
for (auto it = mapCoins.begin(); it != mapCoins.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.flags & CCoinsCacheEntry::DIRTY) {
if (it->second.coin.IsSpent()) {
// at present the "IsSpent" flag is used for both "spent" and "block going backwards"
dbd << it->first.hash << it->first.n;
} else {
CTxDestination address;
std::string destination;
if (ExtractDestination(it->second.coin.out.scriptPubKey, address))
destination = EncodeDestination(address);
uint32_t isCoinBase = it->second.coin.fCoinBase; // bit-field
uint32_t coinHeight = it->second.coin.nHeight; // bit-field
dbi << it->first.hash << it->first.n << isCoinBase << coinHeight
<< it->second.coin.out.nValue << it->second.coin.out.scriptPubKey << destination;
if (crash_simulate && ++count % 200000 == 0) {
static FastRandomContext rng;
if (rng.randrange(crash_simulate) == 0) {
LogPrintf("Simulating a crash. Goodbye.\n");
db << "DELETE FROM marker WHERE name = 'head_block'";
db << "begin";
db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO marker VALUES('head_block', ?)" << hashBlock;
auto dbd = db << "DELETE FROM unspent WHERE txID = ? AND txN = ?";
auto dbi = db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO unspent VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
for (auto it = mapCoins.begin(); it != mapCoins.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.flags & CCoinsCacheEntry::DIRTY) {
if (it->second.coin.IsSpent()) {
// at present the "IsSpent" flag is used for both "spent" and "block going backwards"
dbd << it->first.hash << it->first.n;
else {
CTxDestination address;
std::string destination;
if (ExtractDestination(it->second.coin.out.scriptPubKey, address))
destination = EncodeDestination(address);
uint32_t isCoinBase = it->second.coin.fCoinBase; // bit-field
uint32_t coinHeight = it->second.coin.nHeight; // bit-field
dbi << it->first.hash << it->first.n << isCoinBase << coinHeight
<< it->second.coin.out.nValue << it->second.coin.out.scriptPubKey << destination;
if (crash_simulate && ++count % 200000 == 0) {
static FastRandomContext rng;
if (rng.randrange(crash_simulate) == 0) {
LogPrintf("Simulating a crash. Goodbye.\n");
db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO marker VALUES('best_block', ?)" << hashBlock;
db << "DELETE FROM marker WHERE name = 'head_block'";
auto code = sqlite::commit(db);
if (code != SQLITE_OK) {
LogPrint(BCLog::COINDB, "Error committing transaction outputs changes to coin database. SQLite error: %d\n", code);
LogPrintf("%s: Error committing coins info to database. SQLite error: %d\n", __func__, code);
return false;
LogPrint(BCLog::COINDB, "Committed %u changed transaction outputs (out of %u) to coin database...\n", (unsigned int)changed, (unsigned int)count);
LogPrint(BCLog::COINDB, "Committed %zu changed transaction outputs (out of %zu) to coin database...\n", changed, count);
if (sync) {
auto code = sqlite::sync(db);
code = sqlite::sync(db);
if (code != SQLITE_OK) {
LogPrint(BCLog::COINDB, "Error syncing coin database. SQLite error: %d\n", code);
LogPrintf("%s: Error syncing coin database. SQLite error: %d\n", __func__, code);
return false;
@ -298,27 +288,33 @@ void CCoinsViewDBCursor::Next()
bool CBlockTreeDB::BatchWrite(const std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> >& fileInfo,
int nLastFile, const std::vector<const CBlockIndex*>& blockInfo, bool sync) {
db << "begin";
auto ibf = db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO block_file(file, blocks, size, undoSize, heightFirst, heightLast, timeFirst, timeLast) "
for (auto& kvp: fileInfo) {
ibf << kvp.first << kvp.second->nBlocks << kvp.second->nSize << kvp.second->nUndoSize
<< kvp.second->nHeightFirst << kvp.second->nHeightLast << kvp.second->nTimeFirst << kvp.second->nTimeLast;
if (!fileInfo.empty()) {
auto ibf = db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO block_file(file, blocks, size, undoSize, heightFirst, "
"heightLast, timeFirst, timeLast) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
for (auto &kvp: fileInfo) {
ibf << kvp.first << kvp.second->nBlocks << kvp.second->nSize << kvp.second->nUndoSize
<< kvp.second->nHeightFirst << kvp.second->nHeightLast << kvp.second->nTimeFirst
<< kvp.second->nTimeLast;
db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO flag VALUES('last_block', ?)" << nLastFile; // TODO: is this always max(file column)?
auto ibi = db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO block_info(hash, prevHash, height, file, dataPos, undoPos, "
"txCount, status, version, rootTxHash, rootTrieHash, time, bits, nonce) "
for (auto& bi: blockInfo) {
ibi << bi->GetBlockHash() << (bi->pprev ? bi->pprev->GetBlockHash() : uint256())
<< bi->nHeight << bi->nFile << bi->nDataPos << bi->nUndoPos << bi->nTx
<< bi->nStatus << bi->nVersion << bi->hashMerkleRoot << bi->hashClaimTrie
<< bi->nTime << bi->nBits << bi->nNonce;
if(!blockInfo.empty()) {
auto ibi = db << "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO block_info(hash, prevHash, height, file, dataPos, undoPos, "
"txCount, status, version, rootTxHash, rootTrieHash, time, bits, nonce) "
for (auto &bi: blockInfo) {
ibi << bi->GetBlockHash() << (bi->pprev ? bi->pprev->GetBlockHash() : uint256())
<< bi->nHeight << bi->nFile << bi->nDataPos << bi->nUndoPos << bi->nTx
<< bi->nStatus << bi->nVersion << bi->hashMerkleRoot << bi->hashClaimTrie
<< bi->nTime << bi->nBits << bi->nNonce;
auto code = sqlite::commit(db);
if (code != SQLITE_OK) {
LogPrintf("%s: Error committing block info to database. SQLite error: %d\n", __func__, code);
@ -326,7 +322,7 @@ bool CBlockTreeDB::BatchWrite(const std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileI
// by Sync they mean disk sync:
if (sync) {
auto code = sqlite::sync(db);
code = sqlite::sync(db);
if (code != SQLITE_OK) {
LogPrintf("%s: Error syncing block database. SQLite error: %d\n", __func__, code);
return false;

View file

@ -2412,7 +2412,8 @@ bool CChainState::FlushStateToDisk(
const CChainParams& chainparams,
CValidationState &state,
FlushStateMode mode,
int nManualPruneHeight)
int nManualPruneHeight,
bool syncToDisk)
int64_t nMempoolUsage = mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage();
@ -2484,7 +2485,7 @@ bool CChainState::FlushStateToDisk(
if (!pblocktree->BatchWrite(vFiles, nLastBlockFile, vBlocks, mode == FlushStateMode::ALWAYS)) {
if (!pblocktree->BatchWrite(vFiles, nLastBlockFile, vBlocks, syncToDisk)) {
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to block index database");
@ -2503,10 +2504,10 @@ bool CChainState::FlushStateToDisk(
if (!CheckDiskSpace(GetDataDir(), 48 * 2 * 2 * CoinsTip().GetCacheSize())) {
return AbortNode(state, "Disk space is too low!", _("Error: Disk space is too low!").translated, CClientUIInterface::MSG_NOPREFIX);
if (mode == FlushStateMode::ALWAYS && !::Claimtrie().SyncToDisk())
if (syncToDisk && !::Claimtrie().SyncToDisk())
return state.Error("Failed to write to claim trie database");
// Flush the chainstate (which may refer to block index entries).
if (!CoinsTip().Flush(mode == FlushStateMode::ALWAYS))
if (!CoinsTip().Flush(syncToDisk))
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to coin database");
nLastFlush = nNow;
full_flush_completed = true;
@ -2523,10 +2524,10 @@ bool CChainState::FlushStateToDisk(
return true;
void CChainState::ForceFlushStateToDisk() {
void CChainState::ForceFlushStateToDisk(bool syncToDisk) {
CValidationState state;
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
if (!this->FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::ALWAYS)) {
if (!this->FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::ALWAYS, 0, syncToDisk)) {
LogPrintf("%s: failed to flush state (%s)\n", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
@ -2652,7 +2653,7 @@ bool CChainState::DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& cha
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * MILLI);
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.
if (!FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::IF_NEEDED))
if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() && !FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::ALWAYS))
return false;
if (disconnectpool) {
@ -2796,7 +2797,7 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainp
int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeFlush += nTime4 - nTime3;
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Flush: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime4 - nTime3) * MILLI, nTimeFlush * MICRO, nTimeFlush * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.
if (!FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::IF_NEEDED))
if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() && !FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::ALWAYS))
return false;
int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeChainState += nTime5 - nTime4;
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Writing chainstate: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime5 - nTime4) * MILLI, nTimeChainState * MICRO, nTimeChainState * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
@ -3077,11 +3078,11 @@ bool CChainState::ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams&
if (!blocks_connected) return true;
const CBlockIndex* pindexFork = m_chain.FindFork(starting_tip);
bool fInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload();
// Notify external listeners about the new tip.
// Enqueue while holding cs_main to ensure that UpdatedBlockTip is called in the order in which blocks are connected
if (pindexFork != pindexNewTip) {
bool fInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload();
// Notify ValidationInterface subscribers
GetMainSignals().UpdatedBlockTip(pindexNewTip, pindexFork, fInitialDownload);
@ -3102,14 +3103,13 @@ bool CChainState::ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams&
} while (pindexNewTip != pindexMostWork);
auto flushMode = FlushStateMode::PERIODIC;
if (pindexNewTip && pindexNewTip->nTime + chainparams.GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing > GetAdjustedTime()) {
// trying to ensure that we flush to disk after new blocks when we're caught up to the chain
// they're technically allowed to be two hours late, but experience says one minute is more likely
// LogPrintf("Added tip with time %d but it is now %ll\n", pindexNewTip->nTime, GetAdjustedTime());
flushMode = FlushStateMode::ALWAYS;
return FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, flushMode);
auto& consensus = chainparams.GetConsensus();
auto flushMode = IsInitialBlockDownload() ? FlushStateMode::IF_NEEDED : FlushStateMode::ALWAYS;
auto diskSync = chainparams.NetworkIDString() != CBaseChainParams::REGTEST
&& flushMode == FlushStateMode::ALWAYS;
return FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, flushMode, 0, diskSync);
bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock) {

View file

@ -667,10 +667,11 @@ public:
const CChainParams& chainparams,
CValidationState &state,
FlushStateMode mode,
int nManualPruneHeight = 0);
int nManualPruneHeight = 0,
bool syncToDisk=false);
//! Unconditionally flush all changes to disk.
void ForceFlushStateToDisk();
void ForceFlushStateToDisk(bool syncToDisk=false);
//! Prune blockfiles from the disk if necessary and then flush chainstate changes
//! if we pruned.

View file

@ -3544,7 +3544,7 @@ static UniValue listunspent(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
cctl.m_max_depth = nMaxDepth;
auto locked_chain = pwallet->chain().lock();
pwallet->AvailableCoins(*locked_chain, vecOutputs, !include_unsafe, &cctl, nMinimumAmount, nMaximumAmount, nMinimumSumAmount, nMaximumCount);
pwallet->AvailableCoins(*locked_chain, vecOutputs, !include_unsafe, &cctl, nMinimumAmount, nMaximumAmount, nMinimumSumAmount, nMaximumCount, true);

View file

@ -1165,7 +1165,8 @@ bool CWallet::AddToWallet(const CWalletTx& wtxIn, bool fFlushOnClose)
//// debug print
WalletLogPrintf("AddToWallet %s %s%s\n", wtxIn.GetHash().ToString(), (fInsertedNew ? "new" : ""), (fUpdated ? "update" : ""));
if (LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::DB))
WalletLogPrintf("AddToWallet %s%s%s\n", wtxIn.GetHash().ToString(), (fInsertedNew ? " new" : ""), (fUpdated ? " update" : ""));
// Write to disk
if (fInsertedNew || fUpdated)
@ -2198,7 +2199,8 @@ bool CWalletTx::SubmitMemoryPoolAndRelay(std::string& err_string, bool relay, in
if (GetDepthInMainChain(locked_chain) != 0) return false;
// Submit transaction to mempool for relay
pwallet->WalletLogPrintf("Submitting wtx %s to mempool for relay\n", GetHash().ToString());
if (LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::DB))
pwallet->WalletLogPrintf("Submitting wtx %s to mempool for relay\n", GetHash().ToString());
// We must set fInMempool here - while it will be re-set to true by the
// entered-mempool callback, if we did not there would be a race where a
// user could call sendmoney in a loop and hit spurious out of funds errors
@ -2487,7 +2489,7 @@ CAmount CWallet::GetAvailableBalance(const CCoinControl* coinControl) const
return balance;
void CWallet::AvailableCoins(interfaces::Chain::Lock& locked_chain, std::vector<COutput>& vCoins, bool fOnlySafe, const CCoinControl* coinControl, const CAmount& nMinimumAmount, const CAmount& nMaximumAmount, const CAmount& nMinimumSumAmount, const uint64_t nMaximumCount) const
void CWallet::AvailableCoins(interfaces::Chain::Lock& locked_chain, std::vector<COutput>& vCoins, bool fOnlySafe, const CCoinControl* coinControl, const CAmount& nMinimumAmount, const CAmount& nMaximumAmount, const CAmount& nMinimumSumAmount, const uint64_t nMaximumCount, bool computeSolvable) const
@ -2580,20 +2582,23 @@ void CWallet::AvailableCoins(interfaces::Chain::Lock& locked_chain, std::vector<
if (!allow_used_addresses && IsUsedDestination(wtxid, i)) {
bool solvable = IsSolvable(*this, wtx.tx->vout[i].scriptPubKey);
bool spendable = (mine & ISMINE_SPENDABLE) || (((mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY) != ISMINE_NO) && (coinControl && coinControl->fAllowWatchOnly && solvable));
// spending claims or supports requires specific selection:
auto isClaimCoin = (mine & ISMINE_CLAIM) || (mine & ISMINE_SUPPORT);
auto isClaimCoin = bool(mine & ISMINE_STAKE);
auto claimSpendRequested = isClaimCoin && coinControl && coinControl->IsSelected(COutPoint(entry.first, i));
if (spendable && isClaimCoin && !claimSpendRequested)
if (isClaimCoin && !claimSpendRequested)
vCoins.push_back(COutput(&wtx, i, nDepth, spendable, solvable, safeTx, (coinControl && coinControl->fAllowWatchOnly)));
bool solvable = false, computedSolvable = false;
bool spendable = bool(mine & ISMINE_SPENDABLE);
if (!spendable && bool(mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY) && coinControl && coinControl->fAllowWatchOnly) {
solvable = IsSolvable(*this, wtx.tx->vout[i].scriptPubKey); // this is a slow call
spendable = solvable;
computedSolvable = true;
if (computeSolvable && !computedSolvable)
solvable = IsSolvable(*this, wtx.tx->vout[i].scriptPubKey);
vCoins.emplace_back(&wtx, i, nDepth, spendable, solvable, safeTx, (coinControl && coinControl->fAllowWatchOnly));
// Checks the sum amount of all UTXO's.
if (nMinimumSumAmount != MAX_MONEY) {
@ -3700,7 +3705,8 @@ bool CWallet::ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(int64_t& nIndex, CKeyPool& keypool, bool fRe
WalletLogPrintf("keypool reserve %d\n", nIndex);
if (LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::DB))
WalletLogPrintf("keypool reserve %d\n", nIndex);
return true;
@ -3711,7 +3717,8 @@ void CWallet::KeepKey(int64_t nIndex)
// Remove from key pool
WalletBatch batch(*database);
WalletLogPrintf("keypool keep %d\n", nIndex);
if (LogAcceptCategory(BCLog::DB))
WalletLogPrintf("keypool keep %d\n", nIndex);
void CWallet::ReturnKey(int64_t nIndex, bool fInternal, const CPubKey& pubkey)

View file

@ -675,8 +675,8 @@ public:
int i;
int nDepth;
/** Pre-computed estimated size of this output as a fully-signed input in a transaction. Can be -1 if it could not be calculated */
int nInputBytes;
/** estimated size of this output as a fully-signed input in a transaction. Can be -1 */
mutable int nInputBytes;
/** Whether we have the private keys to spend this output */
bool fSpendable;
@ -694,20 +694,22 @@ public:
bool fSafe;
COutput(const CWalletTx *txIn, int iIn, int nDepthIn, bool fSpendableIn, bool fSolvableIn, bool fSafeIn, bool use_max_sig_in = false)
COutput(const CWalletTx *txIn, int iIn, int nDepthIn, bool fSpendableIn,
bool fSolvableIn, bool fSafeIn, bool use_max_sig_in = false)
: tx(txIn), i(iIn), nDepth(nDepthIn), fSpendable(fSpendableIn), fSolvable(fSolvableIn),
fSafe(fSafeIn), nInputBytes(-1), use_max_sig(use_max_sig_in)
tx = txIn; i = iIn; nDepth = nDepthIn; fSpendable = fSpendableIn; fSolvable = fSolvableIn; fSafe = fSafeIn; nInputBytes = -1; use_max_sig = use_max_sig_in;
// If known and signable by the given wallet, compute nInputBytes
// Failure will keep this value -1
if (fSpendable && tx) {
nInputBytes = tx->GetSpendSize(i, use_max_sig);
std::string ToString() const;
inline CInputCoin GetInputCoin() const
// If known and signable by the given wallet, compute nInputBytes
// Failure will keep this value -1
if (nInputBytes < 0 && fSpendable && tx) {
nInputBytes = tx->GetSpendSize(i, use_max_sig);
return CInputCoin(tx->tx, i, nInputBytes);
@ -981,7 +983,7 @@ public:
* populate vCoins with vector of available COutputs.
void AvailableCoins(interfaces::Chain::Lock& locked_chain, std::vector<COutput>& vCoins, bool fOnlySafe = true, const CCoinControl* coinControl = nullptr, const CAmount& nMinimumAmount = 1, const CAmount& nMaximumAmount = MAX_MONEY, const CAmount& nMinimumSumAmount = MAX_MONEY, const uint64_t nMaximumCount = 0) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_wallet);
void AvailableCoins(interfaces::Chain::Lock& locked_chain, std::vector<COutput>& vCoins, bool fOnlySafe = true, const CCoinControl* coinControl = nullptr, const CAmount& nMinimumAmount = 1, const CAmount& nMaximumAmount = MAX_MONEY, const CAmount& nMinimumSumAmount = MAX_MONEY, const uint64_t nMaximumCount = 0, bool computeSolvable=false) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_wallet);
* Return list of available coins and locked coins grouped by non-change output address.