S3 deployment #207

BrannonKing merged 7 commits from s3-deployment into master 2018-10-01 19:32:54 +02:00
BrannonKing commented 2018-09-28 01:34:21 +02:00 (Migrated from github.com)

After talking with @nikooo777 about our expired GitHub credentials and the desire to include the branch builds, we have changed it to push to our S3 account (available at http://build.lbry.io/lbrycrd/ ). Since we release rarely, it seemed easy enough for me to just copy builds from there to GitHub. As it stands here, there is only one build per branch/tag stored.

After talking with @nikooo777 about our expired GitHub credentials and the desire to include the branch builds, we have changed it to push to our S3 account (available at http://build.lbry.io/lbrycrd/ ). Since we release rarely, it seemed easy enough for me to just copy builds from there to GitHub. As it stands here, there is only one build per branch/tag stored.
kaykurokawa (Migrated from github.com) reviewed 2018-09-28 01:34:21 +02:00
lbrynaut (Migrated from github.com) approved these changes 2018-09-28 19:38:31 +02:00
lbrynaut (Migrated from github.com) left a comment

Untested, but looks good to me.

Untested, but looks good to me.
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Reference: LBRYCommunity/lbrycrd#207
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