Implement a hard fork for extended/infinite claim expiration times #112
6 changed files with 798 additions and 643 deletions
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ BITCOIN_CORE_H = \
miner.h \
miner.h \
mruset.h \
mruset.h \
ncc.h \
ncc.h \
ncctrie.h \
netbase.h \
netbase.h \
net.h \
net.h \
noui.h \
noui.h \
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ libbitcoin_server_a_SOURCES = \
main.cpp \
main.cpp \
merkleblock.cpp \
merkleblock.cpp \
miner.cpp \
miner.cpp \
ncctrie.cpp \
net.cpp \
net.cpp \
noui.cpp \
noui.cpp \
pow.cpp \
pow.cpp \
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "ncc.h"
#include "ncc.h"
#include "util.h"
bool DecodeNCCScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams)
bool DecodeNCCScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams)
@ -65,513 +65,3 @@ CScript StripNCCScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn)
return CScript(pc, scriptIn.end());
return CScript(pc, scriptIn.end());
std::string CNodeValue::ToString()
std::stringstream ss;
ss << nOut;
return txhash.ToString() + ss.str();
bool CNCCTrieNode::insertValue(CNodeValue val, bool * pfChanged)
bool fChanged = false;
if (values.empty())
fChanged = true;
CNodeValue currentTop = values.front();
std::make_heap(values.begin(), values.end());
if (currentTop != values.front())
fChanged = true;
if (pfChanged)
*pfChanged = fChanged;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieNode::removeValue(CNodeValue val, bool * pfChanged)
bool fChanged = false;
CNodeValue currentTop = values.front();
std::vector<CNodeValue>::iterator position = std::find(values.begin(), values.end(), val);
if (position != values.end())
LogPrintf("CNCCTrieNode::removeValue() : asked to remove a value that doesn't exist");
return false;
if (!values.empty())
std::make_heap(values.begin(), values.end());
if (currentTop != values.front())
fChanged = true;
fChanged = true;
if (pfChanged)
*pfChanged = fChanged;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieNode::getValue(CNodeValue& value)
if (values.empty())
return false;
value = values.front();
return true;
uint256 CNCCTrie::getMerkleHash()
return root.hash;
bool CNCCTrie::empty() const
return root.empty();
bool CNCCTrie::checkConsistency()
return recursiveCheckConsistency(&root);
bool CNCCTrie::recursiveCheckConsistency(CNCCTrieNode* node)
std::string stringToHash;
CNodeValue val;
bool hasValue = node->getValue(val);
if (hasValue)
stringToHash += val.ToString();
for (nodeMapType::iterator it = node->children.begin(); it != node->children.end(); ++it)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << it->first;
if (recursiveCheckConsistency(it->second))
stringToHash += ss.str();
stringToHash += it->second->hash.ToString();
return false;
CHash256 hasher;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchHash(hasher.OUTPUT_SIZE);
hasher.Write((const unsigned char*), stringToHash.size());
uint256 calculatedHash(vchHash);
return calculatedHash == node->hash;
/*bool cachesort (std::pair<std::string, CNCCTrieNode*>& i, std::pair<std::string, CNCCTrieNode*>& j)
return i.first.size() < j.first.size();
bool CNCCTrie::update(nodeCacheType& cache, hashMapType& hashes)
// General strategy: the cache is ordered by length, ensuring child
// nodes are always inserted after their parents. Insert each node
// one at a time. When updating a node, swap its values with those
// of the cached node and delete all characters (and their children
// and so forth) which don't exist in the updated node. When adding
// a new node, make sure that its <character, CNCCTrieNode*> pair
// gets into the parent's children.
// Then, update all of the given hashes.
// This can probably be optimized by checking each substring against
// the caches each time, but that will come after this is shown to
// work correctly.
if (cache.empty())
return true;
//std::sort(cache.begin(), cache.end(), cachesort);
bool success = true;
for (nodeCacheType::iterator itcache = cache.begin(); itcache != cache.end(); ++itcache)
success = updateName(itcache->first, itcache->second);
if (!success)
return false;
for (hashMapType::iterator ithash = hashes.begin(); ithash != hashes.end(); ++ithash)
success = updateHash(ithash->first, ithash->second);
if (!success)
return false;
return true;
bool CNCCTrie::updateName(const std::string &name, CNCCTrieNode* updatedNode)
CNCCTrieNode* current = &root;
for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname)
nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname);
if (itchild == current->children.end())
if (itname + 1 == name.end())
CNCCTrieNode* newNode = new CNCCTrieNode();
current->children[*itname] = newNode;
current = newNode;
return false;
current = itchild->second;
assert(current != NULL);
bool success = true;
for (nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.begin(); itchild != current->children.end();)
nodeMapType::iterator itupdatechild = updatedNode->children.find(itchild->first);
if (itupdatechild == updatedNode->children.end())
// This character has apparently been deleted, so delete
// all descendents from this child.
success = recursiveNullify(itchild->second);
if (!success)
return false;
return success;
bool CNCCTrie::recursiveNullify(CNCCTrieNode* node)
assert(node != NULL);
for (nodeMapType::iterator itchild = node->children.begin(); itchild != node->children.end(); ++itchild)
delete node;
return true;
bool CNCCTrie::updateHash(const std::string& name, uint256& hash)
CNCCTrieNode* current = &root;
for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname)
nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname);
if (itchild == current->children.end())
return false;
current = itchild->second;
assert(current != NULL);
current->hash = hash;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieCache::recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, std::string sPos) const
std::string stringToHash;
CNodeValue val;
bool hasValue = tnCurrent->getValue(val);
if (hasValue)
stringToHash += val.ToString();
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode;
for (nodeMapType::iterator it = tnCurrent->children.begin(); it != tnCurrent->children.end(); ++it)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << it->first;
std::string sNextPos = sPos + ss.str();
if (dirtyHashes.count(sNextPos) != 0)
// the child might be in the cache, so look for it there
cachedNode = cache.find(sNextPos);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(cachedNode->second, sNextPos);
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(it->second, sNextPos);
stringToHash += ss.str();
hashMapType::iterator ithash = cacheHashes.find(sNextPos);
if (ithash != cacheHashes.end())
stringToHash += ithash->second.ToString();
stringToHash += it->second->hash.ToString();
CHash256 hasher;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchHash(hasher.OUTPUT_SIZE);
hasher.Write((const unsigned char*), stringToHash.size());
cacheHashes[sPos] = uint256(vchHash);
std::set<std::string>::iterator itDirty = dirtyHashes.find(sPos);
if (itDirty != dirtyHashes.end())
return true;
uint256 CNCCTrieCache::getMerkleHash() const
if (empty())
uint256 one(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
return one;
if (isDirty())
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(cachedNode->second, "");
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(&(base->root), "");
hashMapType::iterator ithash = cacheHashes.find("");
if (ithash != cacheHashes.end())
return ithash->second;
return base->root.hash;
bool CNCCTrieCache::empty() const
return base->empty() && cache.empty();
bool CNCCTrieCache::insertName(const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) const
CNCCTrieNode* currentNode = &(base->root);
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode;
cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
if (currentNode == NULL)
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode();
cache[""] = currentNode;
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sCurrentSubstring(name.begin(), itCur);
std::string sNextSubstring(name.begin(), itCur + 1);
cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = currentNode->children.find(*itCur);
if (childNode != currentNode->children.end())
currentNode = childNode->second;
// This next substring doesn't exist in the cache and the next
// character doesn't exist in current node's children, so check
// if the current node is in the cache, and if it's not, copy
// it and stick it in the cache, and then create a new node as
// its child and stick that in the cache. We have to have both
// this node and its child in the cache so that the current
// node's child map will contain the next letter, which will be
// used to find the child in the cache. This is necessary in
// order to calculate the merkle hash.
cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode);
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode(*currentNode);
cache[sCurrentSubstring] = currentNode;
CNCCTrieNode* newNode = new CNCCTrieNode();
currentNode->children[*itCur] = newNode;
cache[sNextSubstring] = newNode;
currentNode = newNode;
cachedNode = cache.find(name);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode);
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode(*currentNode);
cache[name] = currentNode;
bool fChanged = false;
currentNode->insertValue(CNodeValue(txhash, nOut, nAmount, nHeight), &fChanged);
if (fChanged)
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sub(name.begin(), itCur);
return true;
bool CNCCTrieCache::removeName(const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) const
CNCCTrieNode* currentNode = &(base->root);
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode;
cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
assert(currentNode != NULL); // If there is no root in either the trie or the cache, how can there be any names to remove?
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sCurrentSubstring(name.begin(), itCur);
std::string sNextSubstring(name.begin(), itCur + 1);
cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = currentNode->children.find(*itCur);
if (childNode != currentNode->children.end())
currentNode = childNode->second;
// The name doesn't exist in either the trie or the cache, so how can we remove it?
return false;
cachedNode = cache.find(name);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode);
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode(*currentNode);
cache[name] = currentNode;
bool fChanged = false;
assert(currentNode != NULL);
bool success = currentNode->removeValue(CNodeValue(txhash, nOut, nAmount, nHeight), &fChanged);
if (fChanged)
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sub(name.begin(), itCur);
CNCCTrieNode* rootNode = &(base->root);
cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
rootNode = cachedNode->second;
return recursivePruneName(rootNode, 0, name);
bool CNCCTrieCache::recursivePruneName(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, unsigned int nPos, std::string sName, bool* pfNullified) const
bool fNullified = false;
std::string sCurrentSubstring = sName.substr(0, nPos);
if (nPos < sName.size())
std::string sNextSubstring = sName.substr(0, nPos + 1);
unsigned char cNext =;
CNCCTrieNode* tnNext = NULL;
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
tnNext = cachedNode->second;
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = tnCurrent->children.find(cNext);
if (childNode != tnCurrent->children.end())
tnNext = childNode->second;
if (tnNext == NULL)
return false;
bool fChildNullified = false;
if (!recursivePruneName(tnNext, nPos + 1, sName, &fChildNullified))
return false;
if (fChildNullified)
// If the child nullified itself, the child should already be
// out of the cache, and the character must now be removed
// from the current node's map of child nodes to ensure that
// it isn't found when calculating the merkle hash. But
// tnCurrent isn't necessarily in the cache. If it's not, it
// has to be added to the cache, so nothing is changed in the
// trie. If the current node is added to the cache, however,
// that does not imply that the parent node must be altered to
// reflect that its child is now in the cache, since it
// already has a character in its child map which will be used
// when calculating the merkle root.
// First, find out if this node is in the cache.
cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring);
if (cachedNode == cache.end())
// it isn't, so make a copy, stick it in the cache,
// and make it the new current node
tnCurrent = new CNCCTrieNode(*tnCurrent);
cache[sCurrentSubstring] = tnCurrent;
// erase the character from the current node, which is
// now guaranteed to be in the cache
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = tnCurrent->children.find(cNext);
if (childNode != tnCurrent->children.end())
return false;
if (sCurrentSubstring.size() != 0 && tnCurrent->empty())
// If the current node is in the cache, remove it from there
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(tnCurrent == cachedNode->second);
delete tnCurrent;
fNullified = true;
if (pfNullified)
*pfNullified = fNullified;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieCache::Flush()
if (isDirty())
return base->update(cache, cacheHashes);
@ -2,135 +2,11 @@
#include "script/script.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "amount.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <vector>
bool DecodeNCCScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams);
bool DecodeNCCScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams);
bool DecodeNCCScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, CScript::const_iterator& pc);
bool DecodeNCCScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, CScript::const_iterator& pc);
CScript StripNCCScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn);
CScript StripNCCScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn);
class CNodeValue
uint256 txhash;
uint32_t nOut;
CAmount nAmount;
int nHeight;
CNodeValue() {};
CNodeValue(uint256 txhash, uint32_t nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) : txhash(txhash), nOut(nOut), nAmount(nAmount), nHeight(nHeight) {}
std::string ToString();
bool operator<(const CNodeValue& other)
if (nAmount < other.nAmount)
return true;
else if (nAmount == other.nAmount)
if (nHeight > other.nHeight)
return true;
else if (nHeight == other.nHeight)
if (txhash.GetHex() > other.txhash.GetHex())
return true;
else if (txhash == other.txhash)
if (nOut > other.nOut)
return true;
return false;
bool operator==(const CNodeValue& other)
return txhash == other.txhash && nOut == other.nOut && nAmount == other.nAmount && nHeight == other.nHeight;
bool operator!=(const CNodeValue& other)
return !(*this == other);
class CNCCTrieNode;
class CNCCTrie;
typedef std::map<unsigned char, CNCCTrieNode*> nodeMapType;
class CNCCTrieNode
CNCCTrieNode() {}
CNCCTrieNode(uint256 hash) : hash(hash) {}
uint256 hash;
uint256 bestBlock;
nodeMapType children;
bool insertValue(CNodeValue val, bool * fChanged);
bool removeValue(CNodeValue val, bool * fChanged);
bool getValue(CNodeValue& val);
bool empty() const {return children.empty() && values.empty();}
friend class CNCCTrie;
std::vector<CNodeValue> values;
struct nodenamecompare
bool operator() (const std::string& i, const std::string& j) const
if (i.size() == j.size())
return i < j;
return i.size() < j.size();
typedef std::map<std::string, CNCCTrieNode*, nodenamecompare> nodeCacheType;
typedef std::map<std::string, uint256> hashMapType;
class CNCCTrieCache;
class CNCCTrie
CNCCTrie(CCoinsViewCache* coins) : coins(coins), root(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")) {}
uint256 getMerkleHash();
bool empty() const;
bool checkConsistency();
friend class CNCCTrieCache;
CCoinsViewCache* coins;
bool update(nodeCacheType& cache, hashMapType& hashes);
bool updateName(const std::string& name, CNCCTrieNode* updatedNode);
bool updateHash(const std::string& name, uint256& hash);
bool recursiveNullify(CNCCTrieNode* node);
bool recursiveCheckConsistency(CNCCTrieNode* node);
CNCCTrieNode root;
class CNCCTrieCache
CNCCTrieCache(CNCCTrie* base): base(base) {}
uint256 getMerkleHash() const;
bool empty() const;
bool Flush();
bool isDirty() const { return !dirtyHashes.empty(); }
bool insertName (const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nDepth) const;
bool removeName (const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nDepth) const;
CNCCTrie* base;
mutable nodeCacheType cache;
mutable std::set<std::string> dirtyHashes;
mutable hashMapType cacheHashes;
uint256 computeHash() const;
bool recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, std::string sPos) const;
bool recursivePruneName(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, unsigned int nPos, std::string sName, bool* pfNullified = NULL) const;
#endif // BITCOIN_NCC_H
#endif // BITCOIN_NCC_H
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
#include "ncctrie.h"
std::string CNodeValue::ToString()
std::stringstream ss;
ss << nOut;
return txhash.ToString() + ss.str();
bool CNCCTrieNode::insertValue(CNodeValue val, bool * pfChanged)
bool fChanged = false;
if (values.empty())
fChanged = true;
CNodeValue currentTop = values.front();
std::make_heap(values.begin(), values.end());
if (currentTop != values.front())
fChanged = true;
if (pfChanged)
*pfChanged = fChanged;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieNode::removeValue(CNodeValue val, bool * pfChanged)
bool fChanged = false;
CNodeValue currentTop = values.front();
std::vector<CNodeValue>::iterator position = std::find(values.begin(), values.end(), val);
if (position != values.end())
LogPrintf("CNCCTrieNode::removeValue() : asked to remove a value that doesn't exist");
return false;
if (!values.empty())
std::make_heap(values.begin(), values.end());
if (currentTop != values.front())
fChanged = true;
fChanged = true;
if (pfChanged)
*pfChanged = fChanged;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieNode::getValue(CNodeValue& value)
if (values.empty())
return false;
value = values.front();
return true;
uint256 CNCCTrie::getMerkleHash()
return root.hash;
bool CNCCTrie::empty() const
return root.empty();
bool CNCCTrie::checkConsistency()
return recursiveCheckConsistency(&root);
bool CNCCTrie::recursiveCheckConsistency(CNCCTrieNode* node)
std::string stringToHash;
CNodeValue val;
bool hasValue = node->getValue(val);
if (hasValue)
stringToHash += val.ToString();
for (nodeMapType::iterator it = node->children.begin(); it != node->children.end(); ++it)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << it->first;
if (recursiveCheckConsistency(it->second))
stringToHash += ss.str();
stringToHash += it->second->hash.ToString();
return false;
CHash256 hasher;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchHash(hasher.OUTPUT_SIZE);
hasher.Write((const unsigned char*), stringToHash.size());
uint256 calculatedHash(vchHash);
return calculatedHash == node->hash;
/*bool cachesort (std::pair<std::string, CNCCTrieNode*>& i, std::pair<std::string, CNCCTrieNode*>& j)
return i.first.size() < j.first.size();
bool CNCCTrie::update(nodeCacheType& cache, hashMapType& hashes)
// General strategy: the cache is ordered by length, ensuring child
// nodes are always inserted after their parents. Insert each node
// one at a time. When updating a node, swap its values with those
// of the cached node and delete all characters (and their children
// and so forth) which don't exist in the updated node. When adding
// a new node, make sure that its <character, CNCCTrieNode*> pair
// gets into the parent's children.
// Then, update all of the given hashes.
// This can probably be optimized by checking each substring against
// the caches each time, but that will come after this is shown to
// work correctly.
// As far as saving to disk goes, the idea is to use the list of
// hashes to construct a list of (pointers to) nodes that have been
// altered in the update, and to construct a list of names of nodes
// that have been deleted, and to use a leveldb batch to write them
// all to disk. As of right now, txundo stuff will be handled by
// appending extra data to the normal txundo, which will call the
// normal insert/remove names, but obviously the opposite and in
// reverse order (though the order shouldn't ever matter).
if (cache.empty())
return true;
//std::sort(cache.begin(), cache.end(), cachesort);
bool success = true;
std::vector<std::string> deletedNames;
for (nodeCacheType::iterator itcache = cache.begin(); itcache != cache.end(); ++itcache)
success = updateName(itcache->first, itcache->second, deletedNames);
if (!success)
return false;
nodeCacheType changedNodes;
for (hashMapType::iterator ithash = hashes.begin(); ithash != hashes.end(); ++ithash)
CNCCTrieNode* pNode;
success = updateHash(ithash->first, ithash->second, &pNode);
if (!success)
return false;
changedNodes[ithash->first] = pNode;
BatchWrite(changedNodes, deletedNames);
return true;
bool CNCCTrie::updateName(const std::string &name, CNCCTrieNode* updatedNode, std::vector<std::string>& deletedNames)
CNCCTrieNode* current = &root;
for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname)
nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname);
if (itchild == current->children.end())
if (itname + 1 == name.end())
CNCCTrieNode* newNode = new CNCCTrieNode();
current->children[*itname] = newNode;
current = newNode;
return false;
current = itchild->second;
assert(current != NULL);
for (nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.begin(); itchild != current->children.end();)
nodeMapType::iterator itupdatechild = updatedNode->children.find(itchild->first);
if (itupdatechild == updatedNode->children.end())
// This character has apparently been deleted, so delete
// all descendents from this child.
std::stringstream ss;
ss << name << itchild->first;
std::string newName = ss.str();
if (!recursiveNullify(itchild->second, newName, deletedNames))
return false;
return true;
bool CNCCTrie::recursiveNullify(CNCCTrieNode* node, std::string& name, std::vector<std::string>& deletedNames)
assert(node != NULL);
for (nodeMapType::iterator itchild = node->children.begin(); itchild != node->children.end(); ++itchild)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << name << itchild->first;
std::string newName = ss.str();
if (!recursiveNullify(itchild->second, newName, deletedNames))
return false;
delete node;
return true;
bool CNCCTrie::updateHash(const std::string& name, uint256& hash, CNCCTrieNode** pNodeRet)
CNCCTrieNode* current = &root;
for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname)
nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname);
if (itchild == current->children.end())
return false;
current = itchild->second;
assert(current != NULL);
current->hash = hash;
*pNodeRet = current;
return true;
void BatchWriteNode(CLevelDBBatch& batch, const std::string& name, const CNCCTrieNode* pNode)
batch.Write(std::make_pair('n', name), *pNode);
void BatchEraseNode(CLevelDBBatch& batch, const std::string& name)
batch.Erase(std::make_pair('n', name));
bool CNCCTrie::BatchWrite(nodeCacheType& changedNodes, std::vector<std::string>& deletedNames)
CLevelDBBatch batch;
for (nodeCacheType::iterator itcache = changedNodes.begin(); itcache != changedNodes.end(); ++itcache)
BatchWriteNode(batch, itcache->first, itcache->second);
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itname = deletedNames.begin(); itname != deletedNames.end(); ++itname)
BatchEraseNode(batch, *itname);
return db.WriteBatch(batch);
bool CNCCTrieCache::recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, std::string sPos) const
std::string stringToHash;
CNodeValue val;
bool hasValue = tnCurrent->getValue(val);
if (hasValue)
stringToHash += val.ToString();
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode;
for (nodeMapType::iterator it = tnCurrent->children.begin(); it != tnCurrent->children.end(); ++it)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << it->first;
std::string sNextPos = sPos + ss.str();
if (dirtyHashes.count(sNextPos) != 0)
// the child might be in the cache, so look for it there
cachedNode = cache.find(sNextPos);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(cachedNode->second, sNextPos);
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(it->second, sNextPos);
stringToHash += ss.str();
hashMapType::iterator ithash = cacheHashes.find(sNextPos);
if (ithash != cacheHashes.end())
stringToHash += ithash->second.ToString();
stringToHash += it->second->hash.ToString();
CHash256 hasher;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchHash(hasher.OUTPUT_SIZE);
hasher.Write((const unsigned char*), stringToHash.size());
cacheHashes[sPos] = uint256(vchHash);
std::set<std::string>::iterator itDirty = dirtyHashes.find(sPos);
if (itDirty != dirtyHashes.end())
return true;
uint256 CNCCTrieCache::getMerkleHash() const
if (empty())
uint256 one(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
return one;
if (dirty())
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(cachedNode->second, "");
recursiveComputeMerkleHash(&(base->root), "");
hashMapType::iterator ithash = cacheHashes.find("");
if (ithash != cacheHashes.end())
return ithash->second;
return base->root.hash;
bool CNCCTrieCache::empty() const
return base->empty() && cache.empty();
bool CNCCTrieCache::insertName(const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) const
CNCCTrieNode* currentNode = &(base->root);
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode;
cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
if (currentNode == NULL)
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode();
cache[""] = currentNode;
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sCurrentSubstring(name.begin(), itCur);
std::string sNextSubstring(name.begin(), itCur + 1);
cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = currentNode->children.find(*itCur);
if (childNode != currentNode->children.end())
currentNode = childNode->second;
// This next substring doesn't exist in the cache and the next
// character doesn't exist in current node's children, so check
// if the current node is in the cache, and if it's not, copy
// it and stick it in the cache, and then create a new node as
// its child and stick that in the cache. We have to have both
// this node and its child in the cache so that the current
// node's child map will contain the next letter, which will be
// used to find the child in the cache. This is necessary in
// order to calculate the merkle hash.
cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode);
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode(*currentNode);
cache[sCurrentSubstring] = currentNode;
CNCCTrieNode* newNode = new CNCCTrieNode();
currentNode->children[*itCur] = newNode;
cache[sNextSubstring] = newNode;
currentNode = newNode;
cachedNode = cache.find(name);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode);
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode(*currentNode);
cache[name] = currentNode;
bool fChanged = false;
currentNode->insertValue(CNodeValue(txhash, nOut, nAmount, nHeight), &fChanged);
if (fChanged)
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sub(name.begin(), itCur);
return true;
bool CNCCTrieCache::removeName(const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) const
CNCCTrieNode* currentNode = &(base->root);
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode;
cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
assert(currentNode != NULL); // If there is no root in either the trie or the cache, how can there be any names to remove?
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sCurrentSubstring(name.begin(), itCur);
std::string sNextSubstring(name.begin(), itCur + 1);
cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
currentNode = cachedNode->second;
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = currentNode->children.find(*itCur);
if (childNode != currentNode->children.end())
currentNode = childNode->second;
// The name doesn't exist in either the trie or the cache, so how can we remove it?
return false;
cachedNode = cache.find(name);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode);
currentNode = new CNCCTrieNode(*currentNode);
cache[name] = currentNode;
bool fChanged = false;
assert(currentNode != NULL);
bool success = currentNode->removeValue(CNodeValue(txhash, nOut, nAmount, nHeight), &fChanged);
if (fChanged)
for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur)
std::string sub(name.begin(), itCur);
CNCCTrieNode* rootNode = &(base->root);
cachedNode = cache.find("");
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
rootNode = cachedNode->second;
return recursivePruneName(rootNode, 0, name);
bool CNCCTrieCache::recursivePruneName(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, unsigned int nPos, std::string sName, bool* pfNullified) const
bool fNullified = false;
std::string sCurrentSubstring = sName.substr(0, nPos);
if (nPos < sName.size())
std::string sNextSubstring = sName.substr(0, nPos + 1);
unsigned char cNext =;
CNCCTrieNode* tnNext = NULL;
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
tnNext = cachedNode->second;
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = tnCurrent->children.find(cNext);
if (childNode != tnCurrent->children.end())
tnNext = childNode->second;
if (tnNext == NULL)
return false;
bool fChildNullified = false;
if (!recursivePruneName(tnNext, nPos + 1, sName, &fChildNullified))
return false;
if (fChildNullified)
// If the child nullified itself, the child should already be
// out of the cache, and the character must now be removed
// from the current node's map of child nodes to ensure that
// it isn't found when calculating the merkle hash. But
// tnCurrent isn't necessarily in the cache. If it's not, it
// has to be added to the cache, so nothing is changed in the
// trie. If the current node is added to the cache, however,
// that does not imply that the parent node must be altered to
// reflect that its child is now in the cache, since it
// already has a character in its child map which will be used
// when calculating the merkle root.
// First, find out if this node is in the cache.
cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring);
if (cachedNode == cache.end())
// it isn't, so make a copy, stick it in the cache,
// and make it the new current node
tnCurrent = new CNCCTrieNode(*tnCurrent);
cache[sCurrentSubstring] = tnCurrent;
// erase the character from the current node, which is
// now guaranteed to be in the cache
nodeMapType::iterator childNode = tnCurrent->children.find(cNext);
if (childNode != tnCurrent->children.end())
return false;
if (sCurrentSubstring.size() != 0 && tnCurrent->empty())
// If the current node is in the cache, remove it from there
nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring);
if (cachedNode != cache.end())
assert(tnCurrent == cachedNode->second);
delete tnCurrent;
fNullified = true;
if (pfNullified)
*pfNullified = fNullified;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieCache::clear() const
for (nodeCacheType::iterator itcache = cache.begin(); itcache != cache.end(); ++itcache)
delete itcache->second;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieCache::flush()
if (dirty())
bool success = base->update(cache, cacheHashes);
if (success)
success = clear();
return success;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
#include "amount.h"
#include "serialize.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "leveldbwrapper.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
class CNodeValue
uint256 txhash;
uint32_t nOut;
CAmount nAmount;
int nHeight;
CNodeValue() {};
CNodeValue(uint256 txhash, uint32_t nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) : txhash(txhash), nOut(nOut), nAmount(nAmount), nHeight(nHeight) {}
std::string ToString();
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
bool operator<(const CNodeValue& other) const
if (nAmount < other.nAmount)
return true;
else if (nAmount == other.nAmount)
if (nHeight > other.nHeight)
return true;
else if (nHeight == other.nHeight)
if (txhash.GetHex() > other.txhash.GetHex())
return true;
else if (txhash == other.txhash)
if (nOut > other.nOut)
return true;
return false;
bool operator==(const CNodeValue& other) const
return txhash == other.txhash && nOut == other.nOut && nAmount == other.nAmount && nHeight == other.nHeight;
bool operator!=(const CNodeValue& other) const
return !(*this == other);
class CNCCTrieNode;
class CNCCTrie;
typedef std::map<unsigned char, CNCCTrieNode*> nodeMapType;
class CNCCTrieNode
CNCCTrieNode() {}
CNCCTrieNode(uint256 hash) : hash(hash) {}
uint256 hash;
uint256 bestBlock;
nodeMapType children;
std::vector<CNodeValue> values;
bool insertValue(CNodeValue val, bool * fChanged = NULL);
bool removeValue(CNodeValue val, bool * fChanged = NULL);
bool getValue(CNodeValue& val);
bool empty() const {return children.empty() && values.empty();}
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
bool operator==(const CNCCTrieNode& other) const
return hash == other.hash && values == other.values;
bool operator!=(const CNCCTrieNode& other) const
return !(*this == other);
struct nodenamecompare
bool operator() (const std::string& i, const std::string& j) const
if (i.size() == j.size())
return i < j;
return i.size() < j.size();
typedef std::map<std::string, CNCCTrieNode*, nodenamecompare> nodeCacheType;
typedef std::map<std::string, uint256> hashMapType;
class CNCCTrieCache;
class CNCCTrie
CNCCTrie(CCoinsViewCache* coins) : db(GetDataDir() / "ncctrie", 100, false, false), coins(coins), root(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")) {}
uint256 getMerkleHash();
CLevelDBWrapper db;
bool empty() const;
bool checkConsistency();
friend class CNCCTrieCache;
CCoinsViewCache* coins;
bool update(nodeCacheType& cache, hashMapType& hashes);
bool updateName(const std::string& name, CNCCTrieNode* updatedNode, std::vector<std::string>& deletedNames);
bool updateHash(const std::string& name, uint256& hash, CNCCTrieNode** pNodeRet);
bool recursiveNullify(CNCCTrieNode* node, std::string& name, std::vector<std::string>& deletedNames);
bool recursiveCheckConsistency(CNCCTrieNode* node);
bool BatchWrite(nodeCacheType& changedNodes, std::vector<std::string>& deletedNames);
CNCCTrieNode root;
class CNCCTrieCache
CNCCTrieCache(CNCCTrie* base): base(base) {}
uint256 getMerkleHash() const;
bool empty() const;
bool flush();
bool dirty() const { return !dirtyHashes.empty(); }
bool insertName (const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nDepth) const;
bool removeName (const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut, CAmount nAmount, int nDepth) const;
~CNCCTrieCache() { clear(); }
CNCCTrie* base;
mutable nodeCacheType cache;
mutable std::set<std::string> dirtyHashes;
mutable hashMapType cacheHashes;
uint256 computeHash() const;
bool recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, std::string sPos) const;
bool recursivePruneName(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, unsigned int nPos, std::string sName, bool* pfNullified = NULL) const;
bool clear() const;
@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
// file COPYING or
// file COPYING or
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "ncc.h"
#include "ncctrie.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "streams.h"
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ncctrie_create_insert_remov)
ntState.insertName(std::string("testtesttesttest"), tx5.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
ntState.insertName(std::string("testtesttesttest"), tx5.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
ntState.removeName(std::string("testtesttesttest"), tx5.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
ntState.removeName(std::string("testtesttesttest"), tx5.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ncctrie_create_insert_remov)
BOOST_CHECK(ntState2.getMerkleHash() == hash3);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState2.getMerkleHash() == hash3);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash3);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash3);
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ncctrie_create_insert_remov)
CNCCTrieCache ntState3(&trie);
CNCCTrieCache ntState3(&trie);
ntState3.insertName(std::string("test"), tx1.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
ntState3.insertName(std::string("test"), tx1.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState3.getMerkleHash() == hash4);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState3.getMerkleHash() == hash4);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash4);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash4);
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ncctrie_create_insert_remov)
CNCCTrieCache ntState4(&trie);
CNCCTrieCache ntState4(&trie);
ntState4.removeName(std::string("abab"), tx6.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
ntState4.removeName(std::string("abab"), tx6.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState4.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState4.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ncctrie_create_insert_remov)
ntState5.removeName(std::string("test"), tx3.GetHash(), 0, 50, 101);
ntState5.removeName(std::string("test"), tx3.GetHash(), 0, 50, 101);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState5.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState5.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
@ -118,10 +119,61 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ncctrie_create_insert_remov)
ntState6.insertName(std::string("test"), tx3.GetHash(), 0, 50, 101);
ntState6.insertName(std::string("test"), tx3.GetHash(), 0, 50, 101);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState6.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState6.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
CDataStream ss(SER_DISK, 0);
CNCCTrieNode n1;
CNCCTrieNode n2;
ss << n1;
ss >> n2;
BOOST_CHECK(n1 == n2);
BOOST_CHECK(n1 != n2);
ss << n1;
ss >> n2;
BOOST_CHECK(n1 == n2);
BOOST_CHECK(n1 != n2);
ss << n1;
ss >> n2;
BOOST_CHECK(n1 == n2);
CNodeValue v1(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"), 0, 50, 0);
CNodeValue v2(uint256S("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"), 1, 100, 1);
BOOST_CHECK(n1 != n2);
ss << n1;
ss >> n2;
BOOST_CHECK(n1 == n2);
BOOST_CHECK(n1 != n2);
ss << n1;
ss >> n2;
BOOST_CHECK(n1 == n2);
BOOST_CHECK(n1 != n2);
ss << n1;
ss >> n2;
BOOST_CHECK(n1 == n2);
BOOST_CHECK(n1 != n2);
ss << n1;
ss >> n2;
BOOST_CHECK(n1 == n2);
Add table
Reference in a new issue