Claim name returned is strange #172

mirgee wants to merge 286 commits from issue-119 into master
5 changed files with 60 additions and 21 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 389a2a963e - Show all commits

View file

@ -1073,17 +1073,18 @@ bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup)
if (!pnccTrie->ReadFromDisk(true))
strLoadError = _("Error loading the ncc trie from disk");
uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Verifying blocks..."));
if (!CVerifyDB().VerifyDB(pcoinsdbview, GetArg("-checklevel", 3),
GetArg("-checkblocks", 288))) {
strLoadError = _("Corrupted block database detected");
if (!pnccTrie->ReadFromDisk(true))
strLoadError = _("Error loading the ncc trie from disk");
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
if (fDebug) LogPrintf("%s\n", e.what());
strLoadError = _("Error opening block database");

View file

@ -1628,8 +1628,9 @@ static bool ApplyTxInUndo(const CTxInUndo& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, CNCCTrie
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
LogPrintf("%s: Restoring %s to the NCC trie due to a block being disconnected\n", __func__, name.c_str());
if (!trieCache.insertName(name, out.hash, out.n, undo.txout.nValue, undo.nHeight))
LogPrintf("Something went wrong inserting the name");
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the name\n", __func__);
coins->vout[out.n] = undo.txout;
@ -1687,8 +1688,9 @@ bool DisconnectBlock(CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
LogPrintf("%s: Removing %s from the ncc trie due to its block being disconnected\n", __func__, name.c_str());
if (!trieCache.removeName(name, hash, i))
LogPrintf("Something went wrong removing the name");
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong removing the name %s in hash %s\n", __func__, name.c_str(), hash.GetHex());
@ -1712,6 +1714,7 @@ bool DisconnectBlock(CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex
// move best block pointer to prevout block
assert(trieCache.getMerkleHash() == pindex->pprev->hashNCCTrie);
if (pfClean) {
*pfClean = fClean;
@ -1870,10 +1873,10 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeNCCScript(coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
assert(vvchParams.size() == 1);
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
if (!trieCache.removeName(name, txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n))
LogPrintf("Something went wrong removing the name");
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong removing the name\n", __func__);
@ -1888,7 +1891,7 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
if (!trieCache.insertName(name, tx.GetHash(), i, txout.nValue, pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("Something went wrong inserting the name");
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the name\n", __func__);
@ -2094,6 +2097,7 @@ bool static DisconnectTip(CValidationState &state) {
return error("DisconnectTip(): DisconnectBlock %s failed", pindexDelete->GetBlockHash().ToString());
assert(pindexDelete->pprev->hashNCCTrie == trieCache.getMerkleHash());
LogPrint("bench", "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * 0.001);
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.

View file

@ -281,15 +281,15 @@ CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn)
if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, true, MANDATORY_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, true))
UpdateCoins(tx, state, view, nHeight);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash);
// This seems to happen during testing, and should never happen otherwise
if (!coins || txin.prevout.n >= coins->vout.size())
LogPrintf("!coins || txin.prevout.n >= coins->vout.size()");
LogPrintf("%s: !coins || txin.prevout.n >= coins->vout.size(). txin.prevout.hash = %s\n", __func__, txin.prevout.hash.GetHex());
if (coins)
LogPrintf("coins is not null. txin.prevout.n = %d, coins->vout.size() = %d\n", txin.prevout.n, coins->vout.size());
@ -301,10 +301,12 @@ CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
if (!trieCache.removeName(name, txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n))
LogPrintf("Something went wrong removing the name");
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong removing the name\n", __func__);
UpdateCoins(tx, state, view, nHeight);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[i];
@ -316,7 +318,7 @@ CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
if (!trieCache.insertName(name, tx.GetHash(), i, txout.nValue, nHeight))
LogPrintf("Something went wrong inserting the name");
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the name\n", __func__);

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ json_spirit::Array CNCCTrie::dumpToJSON() const
json_spirit::Array ret;
if (!recursiveDumpToJSON("", &root, ret))
LogPrintf("Something went wrong dumping to JSON");
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong dumping to JSON", __func__);
return ret;
@ -321,8 +321,10 @@ bool CNCCTrie::BatchWrite(nodeCacheType& changedNodes, std::vector<std::string>&
bool CNCCTrie::InsertFromDisk(const std::string& name, CNCCTrieNode* node)
if (name.size() == 0)
root = *node;
return true;
CNCCTrieNode* current = &root;
for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname + 1 != name.end(); ++itname)
@ -342,7 +344,7 @@ bool CNCCTrie::ReadFromDisk(bool check)
while (pcursor->Valid())
//TODO: make try statement here
leveldb::Slice slKey = pcursor->key();
@ -359,15 +361,35 @@ bool CNCCTrie::ReadFromDisk(bool check)
if (!InsertFromDisk(name, node))
return false;
catch (const std::exception& e)
return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s", __func__, e.what());
if (check)
return checkConsistency();
LogPrintf("Checking NCC trie consistency...");
if( checkConsistency())
return true;
return false;
return true;
bool CNCCTrieCache::recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CNCCTrieNode* tnCurrent, std::string sPos) const
if (sPos == "" && tnCurrent->empty())
cacheHashes[""] = uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001");
return true;
std::string stringToHash;
CNodeValue val;
@ -547,7 +569,7 @@ bool CNCCTrieCache::removeName(const std::string name, uint256 txhash, int nOut)
// The name doesn't exist in either the trie or the cache, so how can we remove it?
LogPrintf("%s: The name %s does not exist in the trie\n", __func__, name.c_str());
return false;

View file

@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ CMutableTransaction BuildTransaction(const uint256& prevhash)
return tx;
CMutableTransaction tx1 = BuildTransaction(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
uint256 hash0(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
CMutableTransaction tx1 = BuildTransaction(hash0);
CMutableTransaction tx2 = BuildTransaction(tx1.GetHash());
CMutableTransaction tx3 = BuildTransaction(tx2.GetHash());
CMutableTransaction tx4 = BuildTransaction(tx3.GetHash());
@ -75,6 +76,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ncctrie_create_insert_remov)
BOOST_CHECK(trie.getMerkleHash() == hash2);
CNCCTrieCache ntState1(&trie);
ntState1.removeName(std::string("test"), tx1.GetHash(), 0);
ntState1.removeName(std::string("test2"), tx2.GetHash(), 0);
ntState1.removeName(std::string("test"), tx3.GetHash(), 0);
ntState1.removeName(std::string("tes"), tx4.GetHash(), 0);
BOOST_CHECK(ntState1.getMerkleHash() == hash0);
CNCCTrieCache ntState2(&trie);
ntState2.insertName(std::string("abab"), tx6.GetHash(), 0, 50, 100);
ntState2.removeName(std::string("test"), tx1.GetHash(), 0);