Separate disk related functions in CClaimTrieDb #175
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
current_version = 0.3.16
commit = True
tag = True
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
# autoreconf
# autoreconf
@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ src/qt/forms/ui_*.h
@ -70,10 +74,12 @@ src/qt/test/moc*.cpp
#libtool object files
#libtool object files
# Compilation and Qt preprocessor part
# Compilation and Qt preprocessor part
@ -114,3 +120,5 @@ share/BitcoindComparisonTool.jar
@ -1,85 +1,68 @@
# errata:
# - A travis bug causes caches to trample eachother when using the same
# compiler key (which we don't use anyway). This is worked around for now by
- os: linux
# replacing the "compilers" with a build name prefixed by the no-op ":"
sudo: required
# command. See:
dist: trusty
# - sudo/dist/group are set so as to get Blue Box VMs, necessary for [loopback]
language: c
# IPv6 support
env: TARGET=linux
- os: linux
sudo: required
dist: trusty
language: c
env: TARGET=windows
- os: osx
language: c
osx_image: xcode7.3
env: TARGET=osx
sudo: required
dist: precise
group: legacy
os: linux
language: cpp
compiler: gcc
- RUN_TESTS=false
- CCACHE_TEMPDIR=/tmp/.ccache-temp
- WINEDEBUG=fixme-all
apt: true
apt: true
ccache: true
- depends/built
- build
- depends/sdk-sources
- depends/built
- $HOME/.ccache
fast_finish: true
- date +%s > "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/start_time"
- ls -lh build
- compiler: ": ARM"
- du -h -d 2 build
env: HOST=arm-linux-gnueabihf PACKAGES="g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf" DEP_OPTS="NO_QT=1" CHECK_DOC=1 GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports"
- compiler: ": Win32"
install: true
env: HOST=i686-w64-mingw32 PPA="ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa" PACKAGES="nsis gcc-mingw-w64-i686 g++-mingw-w64-i686 binutils-mingw-w64-i686 mingw-w64-dev wine1.7 bc" RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="deploy" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-gui --enable-reduce-exports" MAKEJOBS="-j2"
- compiler: ": 32-bit + dash"
env: HOST=i686-pc-linux-gnu PACKAGES="g++-multilib bc python-zmq" PPA="ppa:chris-lea/zeromq" RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++" USE_SHELL="/bin/dash"
- compiler: ": Win64"
env: HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 PPA="ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa" PACKAGES="nsis gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64 mingw-w64-dev wine1.7 bc" RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="deploy" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-gui --enable-reduce-exports" MAKEJOBS="-j2"
- compiler: ": bitcoind"
env: HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu PACKAGES="bc python-zmq" PPA="ppa:chris-lea/zeromq" DEP_OPTS="NO_QT=1 NO_UPNP=1 DEBUG=1" RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER"
- compiler: ": No wallet"
env: HOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu DEP_OPTS="NO_WALLET=1" RUN_TESTS=true GOAL="install" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports"
- compiler: ": Cross-Mac"
env: HOST=x86_64-apple-darwin11 PACKAGES="cmake imagemagick libcap-dev librsvg2-bin libz-dev libbz2-dev libtiff-tools python-dev" BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-reduce-exports" OSX_SDK=10.9 GOAL="deploy"
- compiler: gcc
- if [ -n "$PACKAGES" ]; then sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/travis_ci_zeromq3-source.list; fi
- if [ -n "$PPA" ]; then travis_retry sudo add-apt-repository "$PPA" -y; fi
- if [ -n "$PACKAGES" ]; then travis_retry sudo apt-get update; fi
- if [ -n "$PACKAGES" ]; then travis_retry sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -qq $PACKAGES; fi
- unset CC; unset CXX
- if [ "$CHECK_DOC" = 1 ]; then contrib/devtools/; fi
- mkdir -p depends/SDKs depends/sdk-sources
- if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a ! -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then curl --location --fail $SDK_URL/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz -o depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz; fi
- if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then tar -C depends/SDKs -xf depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz; fi
- make $MAKEJOBS -C depends HOST=$HOST $DEP_OPTS
- export TRAVIS_COMMIT_LOG=`git log --format=fuller -1`
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "osx" ]]; then ./ -t -o -c; fi
- if [ -n "$USE_SHELL" ]; then export CONFIG_SHELL="$USE_SHELL"; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "linux" ]]; then ./ -t -o -c -f; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "windows" ]]; then ./packaging/; fi
- BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL="--disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/depends/$HOST --bindir=$OUTDIR/bin --libdir=$OUTDIR/lib"
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "osx" ]]; then zip -j "lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip" src/lbrycrdd src/lbrycrd-cli src/lbrycrd-tx; fi
- depends/$HOST/native/bin/ccache --max-size=$CCACHE_SIZE
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "linux" ]]; then zip -j "lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip" src/lbrycrdd src/lbrycrd-cli src/lbrycrd-tx; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then export CCACHE_READONLY=1; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "windows" ]]; then zip -j "lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip" src/lbrycrdd.exe src/lbrycrd-cli.exe src/lbrycrd-tx.exe; fi
- test -n "$USE_SHELL" && eval '"$USE_SHELL" -c "./"' || ./
- ./configure --cache-file=config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( cat config.log && false)
- make distdir PACKAGE=bitcoin VERSION=$HOST
- ls -lh build
- cd bitcoin-$HOST
- du -h -d 2 build
- ./configure --cache-file=../config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( cat config.log && false)
- make $MAKEJOBS $GOAL || ( echo "Build failure. Verbose build follows." && make $GOAL V=1 ; false )
- provider: releases
- if [ "$RUN_TESTS" = "true" ]; then make check; fi
- if [ "$RUN_TESTS" = "true" ]; then qa/pull-tester/ --coverage; fi
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
condition: "$TARGET = linux"
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then (echo "Upload goes here. Something like: scp -r $BASE_OUTDIR server" || echo "upload failed"); fi
secure: "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"
- provider: releases
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
condition: "$TARGET = osx"
secure: "ibN+PQg84f0tgJLV3KaHjkHmgFNOPqBLIrSU42moen22xxT2VIn0j7DkFaLLts1fs/+/gxmrvhOQ0vUFJqmflZ3kCeyedP/CVgZz7D7HRVK0cYUMJ2F9VWMZAFIX6A67OUlypqZqzKAKrZHx3HXky6Z8NBU23JgWqDm8PcrbbgMLvB2lvWVASjJVKreaL9BOxFOOOrAj6xAIm9ogTOnFVI/AhufNOKOTZaiprcbqMngwHeaILbwEJVqv5P2YUurC6Sq+QaH26tX00DtsYOW+n8AA3Fe48+L6rqa6Q8ru+dhPuR/Apr2+DTZ+npzY8leV3A7mYUeLo4JLaEH6n1TLVt65cX7nuesS7KsSKBSxs7q7bsqeapDcMskZz5JR4EK4S96CuHZEnn6+efpH8IrxWpbeO3EibJfyT8tMJKw7Zym5mPr+sz6xSlVMoBVcCm+7z9e7Zcqukdvdy8jM7sGP9qusqEhpojh0o+gPgr9p13SfR+6OCpj9gwxPCnZO8RBfh1cbz9vFSVlDyUYcpI2CCCpPazA1glTsEDk+VtznnUMmWksXWfxBFV81jQB2SnoZKlnsiEuNMwhiMCMEkRFo74+AsUr2UjmKJ5KC8ACwsn475PoLZBh2J6fyXBHMdbrGfK+Zt5K2IHRRtDaZVT4eHqYzxh8KhalsuBNxCo3FygI="
- provider: releases
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
condition: "$TARGET = windows"
secure: "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"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
project(lbrycrd_clion) # Do not use for full compile. This is for CLion syntax checking only.
set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 98) # 03 is not supported by cmake, but this will soon be 11 (after upstream bitcoin merge)
# I thought that setting the standard would disable the clang-tidy c++11 tips; nope.
set(BOOST_ROOT "build/boost" CACHE PATH "Boost library path")
set(Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS on CACHE BOOL "Do not search system for Boost")
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem program_options thread chrono) # locale coming shortly
file(GLOB sources
src/*.h src/*.cpp
src/wallet/*.h src/wallet/*.cpp
src/support/*.h src/support/*.cpp src/support/allocators/*.h
src/script/*.h src/script/*.cpp
src/rpc/*.h src/rpc/*.cpp
src/primitives/*.h src/primitives/*.cpp
src/policy/*.h src/policy/*.cpp
src/crypto/*.h src/crypto/*.cpp
src/consensus/*.h src/consensus/*.cpp
src/compat/*.h src/compat/*.cpp
list(FILTER sources EXCLUDE REGEX "src/bitcoin*.cpp$")
src/wallet src/script
add_executable(lbrycrd-cli src/bitcoin-cli.cpp ${sources})
add_executable(lbrycrd-tx src/bitcoin-tx.cpp ${sources})
add_executable(lbrycrdd src/bitcoind.cpp ${sources})
file(GLOB tests src/test/*.cpp)
foreach(test ${tests})
get_filename_component(filename ${test} NAME_WE)
add_executable(${filename} ${test} ${sources})
target_include_directories(${filename} PRIVATE src/test)
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Building Bitcoin
See doc/build-*.md for instructions on building bitcoind,
the intended-for-services, no-graphical-interface, reference
implementation of Bitcoin.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015-2018 LBRY Inc
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,82 +1,95 @@
Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
# LBRYcrd - The LBRY blockchain

LBRYcrd uses a blockchain similar to bitcoin's to implement an index and payment system for content on the LBRY network. It is a fork of bitcoin core.
What is Bitcoin?
## Installation
Bitcoin is an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to
Latest binaries are available from There is no installation procedure, the binaries run as is.
anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate
with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried
out collectively by the network. Bitcoin Core is the name of open source
software which enables the use of this currency.
For more information, as well as an immediately useable, binary version of
## Usage
the Bitcoin Core software, see, or read the
[original whitepaper](
The `lbrycrdd` executable will start a LBRYcrd node and connect you to the LBRYcrd network. Use the `lbrycrd-cli` executable
to interact with lbrycrdd through the command line. Help pages for both executable are available through
the "--help" flag (e.g. `lbrycrd-cli --help`).
Bitcoin Core is released under the terms of the MIT license. See [COPYING](COPYING) for more
### Example Usage
information or see
Development Process
Run `./lbrycrdd -server -daemon` to start lbrycrdd in the background.
Run `./lbrycrd-cli getinfo` to check for some basic informations about your LBRYcrd node.
Run `./lbrycrd-cli help` to get a list of all commands that you can run. To get help on specific commands run `./lbrycrd-cli [command_name] help`
### Data directory
Lbrycrdd will use the below default data directories
Windows < Vista: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\lbrycrd
Windows >= Vista: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\lbrycrd
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/lbrycrd
Unix: ~/.lbrycrd
The data directory contains various things such as your default wallet (wallet.dat), debug logs (debug.log), and blockchain data. You can optionally
create a configuration file lbrycrd.conf in the default data directory which will be used by default when running lbrycrdd.
For a list of configuration parameters run `./lbrycrdd --help`. Below is a sample lbrycrd.conf to enable JSON RPC server on lbrycrdd.
## Running from Source
Run `./ -c -t`. This will build the binaries and put them into the `./src` directory.
If you encounter any errors, please check `doc/build-*.md` for further instructions. If you're still stuck, [create an issue]( with the output of that command, your system info, and any other information you think might be helpful.
## Contributing
Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, see [](
The codebase is in C++03, C++11 is currently not supported but we will be migrating to it in the near future. Recommended GCC version is 4.8 or greater.
We follow the same coding guidelines as documented by Bitcoin Core, see [here](/doc/ To run an automated code formatting check, try:
`git diff -U0 master -- '*.h' '*.cpp' | ./contrib/devtools/ -p1`. This will check any commits not on master for proper code formatting.
We try to avoid altering parts of the code that is inherited from Bitcoin Core unless absolutely necessary. This will make it easier to merge changes from
Bitcoin Core. If commits are expected not to be merged upstream (i.e. we broke up a commit from Bitcoin Core in order to use a single feature in it), the commit
message must contain the string "NOT FOR UPSTREAM MERGE".
The `master` branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed to be
The `master` branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed to be
completely stable. [Tags]( are created
completely stable. [Releases]( are created
regularly to indicate new official, stable release versions of Bitcoin Core.
regularly to indicate new official, stable release versions.
The contribution workflow is described in [](
The developer [mailing list](
should be used to discuss complicated or controversial changes before working
on a patch set.
Developer IRC can be found on Freenode at #bitcoin-core-dev.
Testing and code review is the bottleneck for development; we get more pull
Testing and code review is the bottleneck for development; we get more pull
requests than we can review and test on short notice. Please be patient and help out by testing
requests than we can review and test on short notice. Please be patient and help out by testing
other people's pull requests, and remember this is a security-critical project where any mistake might cost people
other people's pull requests, and remember this is a security-critical project where any mistake might cost people
lots of money.
lots of money. Developers are strongly encouraged to write [unit tests](/doc/ for new code, and to
### Automated Testing
Developers are strongly encouraged to write [unit tests](/doc/ for new code, and to
submit new unit tests for old code. Unit tests can be compiled and run
submit new unit tests for old code. Unit tests can be compiled and run
(assuming they weren't disabled in configure) with: `make check`
(assuming they weren't disabled in configure) with: `make check`
There are also [regression and integration tests](/qa) of the RPC interface, written
The Travis CI system makes sure that every pull request is built, and that unit and sanity tests are automatically run.
in Python, that are run automatically on the build server.
These tests can be run (if the [test dependencies](/qa) are installed) with: `qa/pull-tester/`
The Travis CI system makes sure that every pull request is built for Windows
### Testnet
and Linux, OS X, and that unit and sanity tests are automatically run.
### Manual Quality Assurance (QA) Testing
Testnet is maintained for testing purposes and can be accessed using the command `./lbrycrdd -testnet`. If you would like testnet credits, please contact or
Changes should be tested by somebody other than the developer who wrote the
## License
code. This is especially important for large or high-risk changes. It is useful
to add a test plan to the pull request description if testing the changes is
not straightforward.
This project is MIT licensed. For the full license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE).
Changes to translations as well as new translations can be submitted to
## Security
[Bitcoin Core's Transifex page](
Translations are periodically pulled from Transifex and merged into the git repository. See the
We take security seriously. Please contact regarding any security issues.
[translation process](doc/ for details on how this works.
Our PGP key is [here]( if you need it.
## Contact
The primary contact for this project is [@kaykurokawa]( (
**Important**: We do not accept translation changes as GitHub pull requests because the next
pull from Transifex would automatically overwrite them again.
Translators should also subscribe to the [mailing list](!forum/bitcoin-translators).
@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ dnl require autoconf 2.60 (AS_ECHO/AS_ECHO_N)
define(_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, 2016)
define(_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, 2016)
define(_COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS,[The %s developers])
define(_COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS,[The %s developers])
@ -12,21 +12,8 @@ import os
import sys
import sys
import subprocess
import subprocess
tested_versions = ['3.6.0', '3.6.1', '3.6.2'] # A set of versions known to produce the same output
accepted_file_extensions = ('.h', '.cpp') # Files to format
accepted_file_extensions = ('.h', '.cpp') # Files to format
def check_clang_format_version(clang_format_exe):
output = subprocess.check_output([clang_format_exe, '-version'])
for ver in tested_versions:
if ver in output:
print "Detected clang-format version " + ver
raise RuntimeError("Untested version: " + output)
except Exception as e:
print 'Could not verify version of ' + clang_format_exe + '.'
raise e
def check_command_line_args(argv):
def check_command_line_args(argv):
required_args = ['{clang-format-exe}', '{files}']
required_args = ['{clang-format-exe}', '{files}']
example_args = ['clang-format-3.x', 'src/main.cpp', 'src/wallet/*']
example_args = ['clang-format-3.x', 'src/main.cpp', 'src/wallet/*']
@ -46,7 +33,7 @@ def run_clang_format(clang_format_exe, files):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(target):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(target):
run_clang_format(clang_format_exe, (os.path.join(path, f) for f in files))
run_clang_format(clang_format_exe, (os.path.join(path, f) for f in files))
elif target.endswith(accepted_file_extensions):
elif target.endswith(accepted_file_extensions):
print "Format " + target
print "Formatting " + target
subprocess.check_call([clang_format_exe, '-i', '-style=file', target], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
subprocess.check_call([clang_format_exe, '-i', '-style=file', target], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
print "Skip " + target
print "Skip " + target
@ -55,7 +42,6 @@ def main(argv):
clang_format_exe = argv[1]
clang_format_exe = argv[1]
files = argv[2:]
files = argv[2:]
run_clang_format(clang_format_exe, files)
run_clang_format(clang_format_exe, files)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if __name__ == "__main__":
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import subprocess as sp
import sys
import json
import urllib.request as req
import jsonschema
re_full = re.compile(r'(?P<name>^.*?$)(?P<desc>.*?)(^Argument.*?$(?P<args>.*?))?(^Result[^\n,]*?:\s*$(?P<resl>.*?))?(^Exampl.*?$(?P<exmp>.*))?', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
re_argline = re.compile(r'^("?)(?P<name>\w.*?)\1(\s*:.+?,?\s*)?\s+\((?P<type>.*?)\)\s*(?P<desc>.*?)\s*$', re.DOTALL)
def get_obj_from_dirty_text(full_object: str):
lines = full_object.splitlines()
lefts = []
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
idx = lines[i].find('(')
left = lines[i][0:idx].strip() if idx >= 0 else lines[i]
left = left.rstrip('.') # handling , ...
left = left.strip()
left = left.rstrip(',')
while idx >= 0 and i < len(lines) - 1:
idx2 = len(re.match(r'^\s*', lines[i + 1]).group())
if idx2 > idx:
lines[i] += lines.pop(i + 1)[idx2 - 1:]
i += 1
ret = None
property_stack = []
object_stack = []
name_stack = []
last_name = None
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
left = lefts[i]
if not left:
line = lines[i].strip()
arg_parsed = re_argline.fullmatch(line)
property_refined_type = 'object'
if arg_parsed is not None:
property_name, property_type, property_desc ='name', 'type', 'desc')
property_refined_type, property_required, property_child = get_type(property_type, None)
if property_refined_type is not 'array' and property_refined_type is not 'object':
property_stack[-1][property_name] = {
'type': property_refined_type,
'description': property_desc
last_name = property_name
elif len(left) > 1:
match = re.match(r'^(\[)?"(?P<name>\w.*?)"(\])?.*', left)
last_name ='name')
if is not None and is not None:
left = '['
property_refined_type = 'string'
if 'string' not in line:
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: ' + line)
if left.endswith('['):
object_stack.append({'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': property_refined_type}})
elif left.endswith('{'):
object_stack.append({'type': 'object'})
elif (left.endswith(']') and '[' not in left) or (left.endswith('}') and '{' not in left):
obj = object_stack.pop()
prop = property_stack.pop()
name = name_stack.pop()
if len(prop) > 0:
if 'items' in obj:
obj['items']['properties'] = prop
obj['properties'] = prop
if len(property_stack) > 0:
if 'items' in object_stack[-1]:
object_stack[-1]['items']['type'] = obj['type']
if len(prop) > 0:
object_stack[-1]['items']['properties'] = prop
if name is None:
raise RuntimeError('Not expected')
property_stack[-1][name] = obj
ret = obj
if ret is not None:
if i + 1 < len(lines) - 1:
print('Ignoring this data (below the parsed object): ' + "\n".join(lines[i+1:]), file=sys.stderr)
return ret
except Exception as e:
print('Exception: ' + str(e), file=sys.stderr)
print('Unable to cope with: ' + '\n'.join(lines), file=sys.stderr)
return None
def get_type(arg_type: str, full_line: str):
if arg_type is None:
return 'string', True, None
required = 'required' in arg_type or 'optional' not in arg_type
arg_type = arg_type.lower()
if 'array' in arg_type:
return 'array', required, None
if 'numeric' in arg_type:
return 'number', required, None
if 'bool' in arg_type:
return 'boolean', required, None
if 'string' in arg_type:
return 'string', required, None
if 'object' in arg_type:
properties = get_obj_from_dirty_text(full_line) if full_line is not None else None
return 'object', required, properties
print('Unable to derive type from: ' + arg_type, file=sys.stderr)
return None, False, None
def get_default(arg_refined_type: str, arg_type: str):
if 'default=' in arg_type:
if 'number' in arg_refined_type:
return int(re.match('.*default=([^,)]+)', arg_type).group(1))
if 'string' in arg_refined_type:
return re.match('.*default=([^,)]+)', arg_type).group(1)
if 'boolean' in arg_refined_type:
if 'default=true' in arg_type:
return True
if 'default=false' in arg_type:
return False
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: ' + arg_type)
if 'array' in arg_type:
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: ' + arg_type)
return None
def parse_single_argument(line: str):
if line:
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith('None'):
return None, None, False
arg_parsed = re_argline.fullmatch(line)
if arg_parsed is None:
if line.startswith('{') or line.startswith('['):
return get_obj_from_dirty_text(line), None, True
print("Unparsable argument: " + line, file=sys.stderr)
descriptor = {
'type': 'array' if line.startswith('[') else 'object',
'description': line,
return descriptor, None, True
arg_name, arg_type, arg_desc ='name', 'type', 'desc')
if not arg_type:
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented: ' + arg_type)
arg_refined_type, arg_required, arg_properties = get_type(arg_type, arg_desc)
if arg_properties is not None:
return arg_properties, arg_name, arg_required
arg_refined_default = get_default(arg_refined_type, arg_type)
arg_desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', arg_desc.strip()) \
if arg_desc and arg_refined_type is not 'object' and arg_refined_type is not 'array' \
else arg_desc.strip() if arg_desc else ''
descriptor = {
'type': arg_refined_type,
'description': arg_desc,
if arg_refined_default is not None:
descriptor['default'] = arg_refined_default
return descriptor, arg_name, arg_required
def parse_params(args: str):
arguments = {}
requireds = []
if args:
for line in re.split('\s*\d+\.\s+', args, re.DOTALL):
descriptor, name, required = parse_single_argument(line)
if descriptor is None:
if required:
arguments[name] = descriptor
return arguments, requireds
def get_api(section_name: str, command: str, command_help: str):
parsed = re_full.fullmatch(command_help)
if parsed is None:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to resolve help format for ' + command)
name, desc, args, resl, exmp ='name', 'desc', 'args', 'resl', 'exmp')
properties, required = parse_params(args)
result_descriptor, result_name, result_required = parse_single_argument(resl)
desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc.strip()) if desc else name
example_array = exmp.splitlines() if exmp else []
ret = {
'summary': desc,
'description': example_array,
'tags': [section_name],
'params': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': properties,
'required': required
if result_descriptor is not None:
ret['result'] = result_descriptor
return ret
def write_api():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Missing required argument: <path to CLI tool>", file=sys.stderr)
cli_tool = sys.argv[1]
result =[cli_tool, "help"], stdout=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
commands = result.stdout
sections = re.split('^==\s*(.*?)\s*==$', commands, flags=re.MULTILINE)
methods = {}
for section in sections:
if not section:
lines = section.splitlines()
if len(lines) == 1:
section_name = lines[0]
for command in sorted(lines[1:]):
if not command:
command = command.split(' ')[0]
result =[cli_tool, "help", command], stdout=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
methods[command] = get_api(section_name, command, result.stdout)
version =[cli_tool, "--version"], stdout=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
wrapper = {
'$schema': '',
'jrgen': '1.1',
'jsonrpc': '1.0', # see
'info': {
'title': 'lbrycrd RPC API',
'version': version.stdout.strip(),
'description': []
'definitions': {}, # for items used in $ref further down
'methods': methods,
schema = req.urlopen(wrapper['$schema']).read().decode('utf-8')
jsonschema.validate(wrapper, schema)
except Exception as e:
print('From schema validation: ' + str(e), file=sys.stderr)
print(json.dumps(wrapper, indent=4))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import subprocess as sp
import sys
import json
re_full = re.compile(r'(?P<name>^.*?$)(?P<desc>.*?)(^Argument.*?$(?P<args>.*?))?(^Result[^\n]*?:\s*$(?P<resl>.*?))?(^Exampl.*?$(?P<exmp>.*))?', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
re_argline = re.compile(r'^("?)(?P<name>.*?)\1\s+\((?P<type>.*?)\)\s*(?P<desc>.*)$', re.DOTALL)
def get_type(arg_type, full_line):
if arg_type is None:
return 'string'
arg_type = arg_type.lower()
if 'numeric' in arg_type:
return 'number'
if 'bool' in arg_type:
return 'boolean'
if 'string' in arg_type:
return 'string'
if 'object' in arg_type:
return 'object'
raise Exception('Not implemented: ' + arg_type)
def parse_params(args):
arguments = []
if args:
for line in re.split('\s*\d+\.\s+', args, re.DOTALL):
if not line or not line.strip() or line.strip().startswith('None'):
arg_parsed = re_argline.fullmatch(line)
if arg_parsed is None:
raise Exception("Unparsable argument: " + line)
arg_name, arg_type, arg_desc ='name', 'type', 'desc')
if not arg_type:
raise Exception('Not implemented: ' + arg_type)
arg_required = 'required' in arg_type or 'optional' not in arg_type
arg_refined_type = get_type(arg_type, line)
arg_desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', arg_desc.strip()) if arg_desc else []
'name': arg_name,
'type': arg_refined_type,
'description': arg_desc,
'is_required': arg_required
return arguments
def get_api(section_name, command, command_help):
parsed = re_full.fullmatch(command_help)
if parsed is None:
raise Exception('Unable to resolve help format for ' + command)
name, desc, args, resl, exmp ='name', 'desc', 'args', 'resl', 'exmp')
arguments = parse_params(args)
cmd_desc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', desc.strip()) if desc else ''
if exmp and '--skip_examples' not in sys.argv:
cmd_desc += '\nExamples:\n' + exmp.strip()
cmd_resl = resl.strip() if resl else None
ret = {
'name': command,
'namespace': section_name,
'description': cmd_desc,
'arguments': arguments,
if cmd_resl is not None:
ret['returns'] = cmd_resl
return ret
def write_api():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Missing required argument: <path to CLI tool>", file=sys.stderr)
cli_tool = sys.argv[1]
result =[cli_tool, "help"], stdout=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
commands = result.stdout
sections = re.split('^==\s*(.*?)\s*==$', commands, flags=re.MULTILINE)
apis = []
for section in sections:
if not section:
lines = section.splitlines()
if len(lines) == 1:
section_name = lines[0]
for command in sorted(lines[1:]):
if not command:
command = command.split(' ')[0]
result =[cli_tool, "help", command], stdout=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
apis.append(get_api(section_name, command, result.stdout))
print(json.dumps(apis, indent=4))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1,937 +1,2 @@
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
# List of fixed seed nodes for testnet
# List of fixed seed nodes for testnet
# Onion nodes
# Onion nodes
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if ! $VALID; then
exit 1
exit 1
if $VALID && $REVSIG; then
if $VALID && $REVSIG; then
echo "$INPUT" | gpg --trust-model always "$@" | grep "\[GNUPG:\] \(NEWSIG\|SIG_ID\|VALIDSIG\)" 2>/dev/null
echo "$INPUT" | gpg --trust-model always "$@" | grep "^\[GNUPG:\] \(NEWSIG\|SIG_ID\|VALIDSIG\)" 2>/dev/null
echo "$INPUT" | gpg --trust-model always "$@" 2>/dev/null
echo "$INPUT" | gpg --trust-model always "$@" 2>/dev/null
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ wallet_packages_$(NO_WALLET) = $(wallet_packages)
upnp_packages_$(NO_UPNP) = $(upnp_packages)
upnp_packages_$(NO_UPNP) = $(upnp_packages)
packages += $($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_packages) $($(host_os)_packages) $(qt_packages_) $(wallet_packages_) $(upnp_packages_)
packages += $($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_packages) $($(host_os)_packages) $(qt_packages_) $(wallet_packages_) $(upnp_packages_)
$(info $$packages is [${packages}])
native_packages += $($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_native_packages) $($(host_os)_native_packages) $(qt_native_packages_)
native_packages += $($(host_arch)_$(host_os)_native_packages) $($(host_os)_native_packages) $(qt_native_packages_)
all_packages = $(packages) $(native_packages)
all_packages = $(packages) $(native_packages)
@ -2,6 +2,16 @@ Mac OS X Build Instructions and Notes
This guide will show you how to build Bitcoin Core for OS X.
This guide will show you how to build Bitcoin Core for OS X.
Run `./ -c -t` in the Terminal. This should build the binaries and put them into the `./src` directory.
If that errors, please report the issue. See below for other ways of building the binaries.
@ -1,39 +1,116 @@
Developer Notes
Developer Notes
<!-- markdown-toc start -->
**Table of Contents**
- [Developer Notes](#developer-notes)
- [Coding Style](#coding-style)
- [Doxygen comments](#doxygen-comments)
- [Development tips and tricks](#development-tips-and-tricks)
- [Compiling for debugging](#compiling-for-debugging)
- [Compiling for gprof profiling](#compiling-for-gprof-profiling)
- [debug.log](#debuglog)
- [Testnet and Regtest modes](#testnet-and-regtest-modes)
- [DEBUG_LOCKORDER](#debug_lockorder)
- [Valgrind suppressions file](#valgrind-suppressions-file)
- [Compiling for test coverage](#compiling-for-test-coverage)
- [Locking/mutex usage notes](#lockingmutex-usage-notes)
- [Threads](#threads)
- [Ignoring IDE/editor files](#ignoring-ideeditor-files)
- [Development guidelines](#development-guidelines)
- [General Bitcoin Core](#general-bitcoin-core)
- [Wallet](#wallet)
- [General C++](#general-c)
- [C++ data structures](#c-data-structures)
- [Strings and formatting](#strings-and-formatting)
- [Variable names](#variable-names)
- [Threads and synchronization](#threads-and-synchronization)
- [Source code organization](#source-code-organization)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Subtrees](#subtrees)
- [Git and GitHub tips](#git-and-github-tips)
- [Scripted diffs](#scripted-diffs)
- [RPC interface guidelines](#rpc-interface-guidelines)
<!-- markdown-toc end -->
Coding Style
Various coding styles have been used during the history of the codebase,
Various coding styles have been used during the history of the codebase,
and the result is not very consistent. However, we're now trying to converge to
and the result is not very consistent. However, we're now trying to converge to
a single style, so please use it in new code. Old code will be converted
a single style, which is specified below. When writing patches, favor the new
style over attempting to mimic the surrounding style, except for move-only
- Basic rules specified in src/.clang-format. Use a recent clang-format-3.5 to format automatically.
- Braces on new lines for namespaces, classes, functions, methods.
Do not submit patches solely to modify the style of existing code.
- **Indentation and whitespace rules** as specified in
[src/.clang-format](/src/.clang-format). You can use the provided
[clang-format-diff script](/contrib/devtools/
tool to clean up patches automatically before submission.
- Braces on new lines for classes, functions, methods.
- Braces on the same line for everything else.
- Braces on the same line for everything else.
- 4 space indentation (no tabs) for every block except namespaces.
- 4 space indentation (no tabs) for every block except namespaces.
- No indentation for public/protected/private or for namespaces.
- No indentation for `public`/`protected`/`private` or for `namespace`.
- No extra spaces inside parenthesis; don't do ( this )
- No extra spaces inside parenthesis; don't do ( this )
- No space after function names; one space after if, for and while.
- No space after function names; one space after `if`, `for` and `while`.
- If an `if` only has a single-statement `then`-clause, it can appear
on the same line as the `if`, without braces. In every other case,
braces are required, and the `then` and `else` clauses must appear
correctly indented on a new line.
- **Symbol naming conventions**. These are preferred in new code, but are not
required when doing so would need changes to significant pieces of existing
- Variable and namespace names are all lowercase, and may use `_` to
separate words (snake_case).
- Class member variables have a `m_` prefix.
- Global variables have a `g_` prefix.
- Constant names are all uppercase, and use `_` to separate words.
- Class names, function names and method names are UpperCamelCase
(PascalCase). Do not prefix class names with `C`.
- Test suite naming convention: The Boost test suite in file
`src/test/foo_tests.cpp` should be named `foo_tests`. Test suite names
must be unique.
- **Miscellaneous**
- `++i` is preferred over `i++`.
- `nullptr` is preferred over `NULL` or `(void*)0`.
- `static_assert` is preferred over `assert` where possible. Generally; compile-time checking is preferred over run-time checking.
- `enum class` is preferred over `enum` where possible. Scoped enumerations avoid two potential pitfalls/problems with traditional C++ enumerations: implicit conversions to int, and name clashes due to enumerators being exported to the surrounding scope.
Block style example:
Block style example:
namespace foo
int g_count = 0;
namespace foo {
class Class
class Class
bool Function(char* psz, int n)
std::string m_name;
bool Function(const std::string& s, int n)
// Comment summarising what this section of code does
// Comment summarising what this section of code does
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int total_sum = 0;
// When something fails, return early
// When something fails, return early
if (!Something())
if (!Something()) return false;
return false;
if (SomethingElse(i)) {
total_sum += ComputeSomething(g_count);
} else {
DoSomething(m_name, total_sum);
// Success return is usually at the end
// Success return is usually at the end
return true;
return true;
} // namespace foo
Doxygen comments
Doxygen comments
@ -95,57 +172,146 @@ Not OK (used plenty in the current source, but not picked up):
A full list of comment syntaxes picked up by doxygen can be found at,
A full list of comment syntaxes picked up by doxygen can be found at,
but if possible use one of the above styles.
but if possible use one of the above styles.
Documentation can be generated with `make docs` and cleaned up with `make clean-docs`.
Development tips and tricks
Development tips and tricks
**compiling for debugging**
### Compiling for debugging
Run configure with the --enable-debug option, then make. Or run configure with
Run configure with `--enable-debug` to add additional compiler flags that
CXXFLAGS="-g -ggdb -O0" or whatever debug flags you need.
produce better debugging builds.
### Compiling for gprof profiling
Run configure with the `--enable-gprof` option, then make.
### debug.log
If the code is behaving strangely, take a look in the debug.log file in the data directory;
If the code is behaving strangely, take a look in the debug.log file in the data directory;
error and debugging messages are written there.
error and debugging messages are written there.
The -debug=... command-line option controls debugging; running with just -debug or -debug=1 will turn
The `-debug=...` command-line option controls debugging; running with just `-debug` or `-debug=1` will turn
on all categories (and give you a very large debug.log file).
on all categories (and give you a very large debug.log file).
The Qt code routes qDebug() output to debug.log under category "qt": run with -debug=qt
The Qt code routes `qDebug()` output to debug.log under category "qt": run with `-debug=qt`
to see it.
to see it.
**testnet and regtest modes**
### Testnet and Regtest modes
Run with the -testnet option to run with "play bitcoins" on the test network, if you
Run with the `-testnet` option to run with "play bitcoins" on the test network, if you
are testing multi-machine code that needs to operate across the internet.
are testing multi-machine code that needs to operate across the internet.
If you are testing something that can run on one machine, run with the -regtest option.
If you are testing something that can run on one machine, run with the `-regtest` option.
In regression test mode, blocks can be created on-demand; see qa/rpc-tests/ for tests
In regression test mode, blocks can be created on-demand; see [test/functional/](/test/functional) for tests
that run in -regtest mode.
that run in `-regtest` mode.
Bitcoin Core is a multithreaded application, and deadlocks or other multithreading bugs
Bitcoin Core is a multi-threaded application, and deadlocks or other
can be very difficult to track down. Compiling with -DDEBUG_LOCKORDER (configure
multi-threading bugs can be very difficult to track down. The `--enable-debug`
CXXFLAGS="-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER -g") inserts run-time checks to keep track of which locks
configure option adds `-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER` to the compiler flags. This inserts
are held, and adds warnings to the debug.log file if inconsistencies are detected.
run-time checks to keep track of which locks are held, and adds warnings to the
debug.log file if inconsistencies are detected.
### Valgrind suppressions file
Valgrind is a programming tool for memory debugging, memory leak detection, and
profiling. The repo contains a Valgrind suppressions file
which includes known Valgrind warnings in our dependencies that cannot be fixed
in-tree. Example use:
$ valgrind --suppressions=contrib/valgrind.supp src/test/test_bitcoin
$ valgrind --suppressions=contrib/valgrind.supp --leak-check=full \
--show-leak-kinds=all src/test/test_bitcoin --log_level=test_suite
$ valgrind -v --leak-check=full src/bitcoind -printtoconsole
### Compiling for test coverage
LCOV can be used to generate a test coverage report based upon `make check`
execution. LCOV must be installed on your system (e.g. the `lcov` package
on Debian/Ubuntu).
To enable LCOV report generation during test runs:
./configure --enable-lcov
make cov
# A coverage report will now be accessible at `./test_bitcoin.coverage/index.html`.
Bitcoin can be compiled with various "sanitizers" enabled, which add
instrumentation for issues regarding things like memory safety, thread race
conditions, or undefined behavior. This is controlled with the
`--with-sanitizers` configure flag, which should be a comma separated list of
sanitizers to enable. The sanitizer list should correspond to supported
`-fsanitize=` options in your compiler. These sanitizers have runtime overhead,
so they are most useful when testing changes or producing debugging builds.
Some examples:
# Enable both the address sanitizer and the undefined behavior sanitizer
./configure --with-sanitizers=address,undefined
# Enable the thread sanitizer
./configure --with-sanitizers=thread
If you are compiling with GCC you will typically need to install corresponding
"san" libraries to actually compile with these flags, e.g. libasan for the
address sanitizer, libtsan for the thread sanitizer, and libubsan for the
undefined sanitizer. If you are missing required libraries, the configure script
will fail with a linker error when testing the sanitizer flags.
The test suite should pass cleanly with the `thread` and `undefined` sanitizers,
but there are a number of known problems when using the `address` sanitizer. The
address sanitizer is known to fail in
[sha256_sse4::Transform](/src/crypto/sha256_sse4.cpp) which makes it unusable
unless you also use `--disable-asm` when running configure. We would like to fix
sanitizer issues, so please send pull requests if you can fix any errors found
by the address sanitizer (or any other sanitizer).
Not all sanitizer options can be enabled at the same time, e.g. trying to build
with `--with-sanitizers=address,thread` will fail in the configure script as
these sanitizers are mutually incompatible. Refer to your compiler manual to
learn more about these options and which sanitizers are supported by your
Additional resources:
* [AddressSanitizer](
* [LeakSanitizer](
* [MemorySanitizer](
* [ThreadSanitizer](
* [UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer](
* [GCC Instrumentation Options](
* [Google Sanitizers Wiki](
* [Issue #12691: Enable -fsanitize flags in Travis](
Locking/mutex usage notes
Locking/mutex usage notes
The code is multi-threaded, and uses mutexes and the
The code is multi-threaded, and uses mutexes and the
LOCK/TRY_LOCK macros to protect data structures.
`LOCK` and `TRY_LOCK` macros to protect data structures.
Deadlocks due to inconsistent lock ordering (thread 1 locks cs_main
Deadlocks due to inconsistent lock ordering (thread 1 locks `cs_main` and then
and then cs_wallet, while thread 2 locks them in the opposite order:
`cs_wallet`, while thread 2 locks them in the opposite order: result, deadlock
result, deadlock as each waits for the other to release its lock) are
as each waits for the other to release its lock) are a problem. Compile with
a problem. Compile with -DDEBUG_LOCKORDER to get lock order
`-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER` (or use `--enable-debug`) to get lock order inconsistencies
inconsistencies reported in the debug.log file.
reported in the debug.log file.
Re-architecting the core code so there are better-defined interfaces
Re-architecting the core code so there are better-defined interfaces
between the various components is a goal, with any necessary locking
between the various components is a goal, with any necessary locking
done by the components (e.g. see the self-contained CKeyStore class
done by the components (e.g. see the self-contained `CBasicKeyStore` class
and its cs_KeyStore lock for example).
and its `cs_KeyStore` lock for example).
@ -170,12 +336,8 @@ Threads
- DumpAddresses : Dumps IP addresses of nodes to peers.dat.
- DumpAddresses : Dumps IP addresses of nodes to peers.dat.
- ThreadFlushWalletDB : Close the wallet.dat file if it hasn't been used in 500ms.
- ThreadRPCServer : Remote procedure call handler, listens on port 8332 for connections and services them.
- ThreadRPCServer : Remote procedure call handler, listens on port 8332 for connections and services them.
- BitcoinMiner : Generates bitcoins (if wallet is enabled).
- Shutdown : Does an orderly shutdown of everything.
- Shutdown : Does an orderly shutdown of everything.
Ignoring IDE/editor files
Ignoring IDE/editor files
@ -240,7 +402,7 @@ Wallet
- *Rationale*: In RPC code that conditionally uses the wallet (such as
- *Rationale*: In RPC code that conditionally uses the wallet (such as
`validateaddress`) it is easy to forget that global pointer `pwalletMain`
`validateaddress`) it is easy to forget that global pointer `pwalletMain`
can be NULL. See `qa/rpc-tests/` for functional tests
can be nullptr. See `test/functional/` for functional tests
exercising the API with `-disablewallet`
exercising the API with `-disablewallet`
- Include `db_cxx.h` (BerkeleyDB header) only when `ENABLE_WALLET` is set
- Include `db_cxx.h` (BerkeleyDB header) only when `ENABLE_WALLET` is set
@ -252,7 +414,7 @@ General C++
- Assertions should not have side-effects
- Assertions should not have side-effects
- *Rationale*: Even though the source code is set to to refuse to compile
- *Rationale*: Even though the source code is set to refuse to compile
with assertions disabled, having side-effects in assertions is unexpected and
with assertions disabled, having side-effects in assertions is unexpected and
makes the code harder to understand
makes the code harder to understand
@ -263,7 +425,7 @@ General C++
the `.h` to the `.cpp` should not result in build errors
the `.h` to the `.cpp` should not result in build errors
- Use the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) paradigm where possible. For example by using
- Use the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) paradigm where possible. For example by using
`scoped_pointer` for allocations in a function.
`unique_ptr` for allocations in a function.
- *Rationale*: This avoids memory and resource leaks, and ensures exception safety
- *Rationale*: This avoids memory and resource leaks, and ensures exception safety
@ -282,19 +444,33 @@ C++ data structures
- *Rationale*: Behavior is undefined. In C++ parlor this means "may reformat
- *Rationale*: Behavior is undefined. In C++ parlor this means "may reformat
the universe", in practice this has resulted in at least one hard-to-debug crash bug
the universe", in practice this has resulted in at least one hard-to-debug crash bug
- Watch out for vector out-of-bounds exceptions. `&vch[0]` is illegal for an
- Watch out for out-of-bounds vector access. `&vch[vch.size()]` is illegal,
empty vector, `&vch[vch.size()]` is always illegal. Use `begin_ptr(vch)` and
including `&vch[0]` for an empty vector. Use `` and ` +
`end_ptr(vch)` to get the begin and end pointer instead (defined in
vch.size()` instead.
- Vector bounds checking is only enabled in debug mode. Do not rely on it
- Vector bounds checking is only enabled in debug mode. Do not rely on it
- Make sure that constructors initialize all fields. If this is skipped for a
- Initialize all non-static class members where they are defined.
good reason (i.e., optimization on the critical path), add an explicit
If this is skipped for a good reason (i.e., optimization on the critical
comment about this
path), add an explicit comment about this
- *Rationale*: Ensure determinism by avoiding accidental use of uninitialized
- *Rationale*: Ensure determinism by avoiding accidental use of uninitialized
values. Also, static analyzers balk about this.
values. Also, static analyzers balk about this.
Initializing the members in the declaration makes it easy to
spot uninitialized ones.
class A
uint32_t m_count{0};
- By default, declare single-argument constructors `explicit`.
- *Rationale*: This is a precaution to avoid unintended conversions that might
arise when single-argument constructors are used as implicit conversion
- Use explicitly signed or unsigned `char`s, or even better `uint8_t` and
- Use explicitly signed or unsigned `char`s, or even better `uint8_t` and
`int8_t`. Do not use bare `char` unless it is to pass to a third-party API.
`int8_t`. Do not use bare `char` unless it is to pass to a third-party API.
@ -321,14 +497,67 @@ Strings and formatting
buffer overflows and surprises with `\0` characters. Also some C string manipulations
buffer overflows and surprises with `\0` characters. Also some C string manipulations
tend to act differently depending on platform, or even the user locale
tend to act differently depending on platform, or even the user locale
- Use `ParseInt32`, `ParseInt64`, `ParseDouble` from `utilstrencodings.h` for number parsing
- Use `ParseInt32`, `ParseInt64`, `ParseUInt32`, `ParseUInt64`, `ParseDouble` from `utilstrencodings.h` for number parsing
- *Rationale*: These functions do overflow checking, and avoid pesky locale issues
- *Rationale*: These functions do overflow checking, and avoid pesky locale issues.
- Avoid using locale dependent functions if possible. You can use the provided
to check for accidental use of locale dependent functions.
- *Rationale*: Unnecessary locale dependence can cause bugs that are very tricky to isolate and fix.
- These functions are known to be locale dependent:
`alphasort`, `asctime`, `asprintf`, `atof`, `atoi`, `atol`, `atoll`, `atoq`,
`btowc`, `ctime`, `dprintf`, `fgetwc`, `fgetws`, `fprintf`, `fputwc`,
`fputws`, `fscanf`, `fwprintf`, `getdate`, `getwc`, `getwchar`, `isalnum`,
`isalpha`, `isblank`, `iscntrl`, `isdigit`, `isgraph`, `islower`, `isprint`,
`ispunct`, `isspace`, `isupper`, `iswalnum`, `iswalpha`, `iswblank`,
`iswcntrl`, `iswctype`, `iswdigit`, `iswgraph`, `iswlower`, `iswprint`,
`iswpunct`, `iswspace`, `iswupper`, `iswxdigit`, `isxdigit`, `mblen`,
`mbrlen`, `mbrtowc`, `mbsinit`, `mbsnrtowcs`, `mbsrtowcs`, `mbstowcs`,
`mbtowc`, `mktime`, `putwc`, `putwchar`, `scanf`, `snprintf`, `sprintf`,
`sscanf`, `stoi`, `stol`, `stoll`, `strcasecmp`, `strcasestr`, `strcoll`,
`strfmon`, `strftime`, `strncasecmp`, `strptime`, `strtod`, `strtof`,
`strtoimax`, `strtol`, `strtold`, `strtoll`, `strtoq`, `strtoul`,
`strtoull`, `strtoumax`, `strtouq`, `strxfrm`, `swprintf`, `tolower`,
`toupper`, `towctrans`, `towlower`, `towupper`, `ungetwc`, `vasprintf`,
`vdprintf`, `versionsort`, `vfprintf`, `vfscanf`, `vfwprintf`, `vprintf`,
`vscanf`, `vsnprintf`, `vsprintf`, `vsscanf`, `vswprintf`, `vwprintf`,
`wcrtomb`, `wcscasecmp`, `wcscoll`, `wcsftime`, `wcsncasecmp`, `wcsnrtombs`,
`wcsrtombs`, `wcstod`, `wcstof`, `wcstoimax`, `wcstol`, `wcstold`,
`wcstoll`, `wcstombs`, `wcstoul`, `wcstoull`, `wcstoumax`, `wcswidth`,
`wcsxfrm`, `wctob`, `wctomb`, `wctrans`, `wctype`, `wcwidth`, `wprintf`
- For `strprintf`, `LogPrint`, `LogPrintf` formatting characters don't need size specifiers
- For `strprintf`, `LogPrint`, `LogPrintf` formatting characters don't need size specifiers
- *Rationale*: Bitcoin Core uses tinyformat, which is type safe. Leave them out to avoid confusion
- *Rationale*: Bitcoin Core uses tinyformat, which is type safe. Leave them out to avoid confusion
Variable names
Although the shadowing warning (`-Wshadow`) is not enabled by default (it prevents issues rising
from using a different variable with the same name),
please name variables so that their names do not shadow variables defined in the source code.
E.g. in member initializers, prepend `_` to the argument name shadowing the
member name:
class AddressBookPage
Mode m_mode;
AddressBookPage::AddressBookPage(Mode _mode) :
When using nested cycles, do not name the inner cycle variable the same as in
upper cycle etc.
Threads and synchronization
Threads and synchronization
@ -366,11 +595,57 @@ Source code organization
- *Rationale*: Shorter and simpler header files are easier to read, and reduce compile time
- *Rationale*: Shorter and simpler header files are easier to read, and reduce compile time
- Use only the lowercase alphanumerics (`a-z0-9`), underscore (`_`) and hyphen (`-`) in source code filenames.
- *Rationale*: `grep`:ing and auto-completing filenames is easier when using a consistent
naming pattern. Potential problems when building on case-insensitive filesystems are
avoided when using only lowercase characters in source code filenames.
- Every `.cpp` and `.h` file should `#include` every header file it directly uses classes, functions or other
definitions from, even if those headers are already included indirectly through other headers.
- *Rationale*: Excluding headers because they are already indirectly included results in compilation
failures when those indirect dependencies change. Furthermore, it obscures what the real code
dependencies are.
- Don't import anything into the global namespace (`using namespace ...`). Use
- Don't import anything into the global namespace (`using namespace ...`). Use
fully specified types such as `std::string`.
fully specified types such as `std::string`.
- *Rationale*: Avoids symbol conflicts
- *Rationale*: Avoids symbol conflicts
- Terminate namespaces with a comment (`// namespace mynamespace`). The comment
should be placed on the same line as the brace closing the namespace, e.g.
namespace mynamespace {
} // namespace mynamespace
namespace {
} // namespace
- *Rationale*: Avoids confusion about the namespace context
- Use `#include <primitives/transaction.h>` bracket syntax instead of
`#include "primitives/transactions.h"` quote syntax.
- *Rationale*: Bracket syntax is less ambiguous because the preprocessor
searches a fixed list of include directories without taking location of the
source file into account. This allows quoted includes to stand out more when
the location of the source file actually is relevant.
- Use include guards to avoid the problem of double inclusion. The header file
`foo/bar.h` should use the include guard identifier `BITCOIN_FOO_BAR_H`, e.g.
@ -379,3 +654,265 @@ GUI
- *Rationale*: Model classes pass through events and data from the core, they
- *Rationale*: Model classes pass through events and data from the core, they
should not interact with the user. That's where View classes come in. The converse also
should not interact with the user. That's where View classes come in. The converse also
holds: try to not directly access core data structures from Views.
holds: try to not directly access core data structures from Views.
- Avoid adding slow or blocking code in the GUI thread. In particular do not
add new `interfaces::Node` and `interfaces::Wallet` method calls, even if they
may be fast now, in case they are changed to lock or communicate across
processes in the future.
Prefer to offload work from the GUI thread to worker threads (see
`RPCExecutor` in console code as an example) or take other steps (see
| to keep the GUI
- *Rationale*: Blocking the GUI thread can increase latency, and lead to
hangs and deadlocks.
Several parts of the repository are subtrees of software maintained elsewhere.
Some of these are maintained by active developers of Bitcoin Core, in which case changes should probably go
directly upstream without being PRed directly against the project. They will be merged back in the next
subtree merge.
Others are external projects without a tight relationship with our project. Changes to these should also
be sent upstream but bugfixes may also be prudent to PR against Bitcoin Core so that they can be integrated
quickly. Cosmetic changes should be purely taken upstream.
There is a tool in `test/lint/` to check a subtree directory for consistency with
its upstream repository.
Current subtrees include:
- src/leveldb
- Upstream at ; Maintained by Google, but
open important PRs to Core to avoid delay.
- **Note**: Follow the instructions in [Upgrading LevelDB](#upgrading-leveldb) when
merging upstream changes to the leveldb subtree.
- src/libsecp256k1
- Upstream at ; actively maintaned by Core contributors.
- src/crypto/ctaes
- Upstream at ; actively maintained by Core contributors.
- src/univalue
- Upstream at ; report important PRs to Core to avoid delay.
Upgrading LevelDB
Extra care must be taken when upgrading LevelDB. This section explains issues
you must be aware of.
### File Descriptor Counts
In most configurations we use the default LevelDB value for `max_open_files`,
which is 1000 at the time of this writing. If LevelDB actually uses this many
file descriptors it will cause problems with Bitcoin's `select()` loop, because
it may cause new sockets to be created where the fd value is >= 1024. For this
reason, on 64-bit Unix systems we rely on an internal LevelDB optimization that
uses `mmap()` + `close()` to open table files without actually retaining
references to the table file descriptors. If you are upgrading LevelDB, you must
sanity check the changes to make sure that this assumption remains valid.
In addition to reviewing the upstream changes in ``, you can use `lsof` to
check this. For example, on Linux this command will show open `.ldb` file counts:
$ lsof -p $(pidof bitcoind) |\
awk 'BEGIN { fd=0; mem=0; } /ldb$/ { if ($4 == "mem") mem++; else fd++ } END { printf "mem = %s, fd = %s\n", mem, fd}'
mem = 119, fd = 0
The `mem` value shows how many files are mmap'ed, and the `fd` value shows you
many file descriptors these files are using. You should check that `fd` is a
small number (usually 0 on 64-bit hosts).
See the notes in the `SetMaxOpenFiles()` function in `` for more
### Consensus Compatibility
It is possible for LevelDB changes to inadvertently change consensus
compatibility between nodes. This happened in Bitcoin 0.8 (when LevelDB was
first introduced). When upgrading LevelDB you should review the upstream changes
to check for issues affecting consensus compatibility.
For example, if LevelDB had a bug that accidentally prevented a key from being
returned in an edge case, and that bug was fixed upstream, the bug "fix" would
be an incompatible consensus change. In this situation the correct behavior
would be to revert the upstream fix before applying the updates to Bitcoin's
copy of LevelDB. In general you should be wary of any upstream changes affecting
what data is returned from LevelDB queries.
Git and GitHub tips
- For resolving merge/rebase conflicts, it can be useful to enable diff3 style using
`git config merge.conflictstyle diff3`. Instead of
you will see
This may make it much clearer what caused the conflict. In this style, you can often just look
at what changed between *original* and *theirs*, and mechanically apply that to *yours* (or the other way around).
- When reviewing patches which change indentation in C++ files, use `git diff -w` and `git show -w`. This makes
the diff algorithm ignore whitespace changes. This feature is also available on, by adding `?w=1`
at the end of any URL which shows a diff.
- When reviewing patches that change symbol names in many places, use `git diff --word-diff`. This will instead
of showing the patch as deleted/added *lines*, show deleted/added *words*.
- When reviewing patches that move code around, try using
`git diff --patience commit~:old/file.cpp commit:new/file/name.cpp`, and ignoring everything except the
moved body of code which should show up as neither `+` or `-` lines. In case it was not a pure move, this may
even work when combined with the `-w` or `--word-diff` options described above.
- When looking at other's pull requests, it may make sense to add the following section to your `.git/config`
[remote "upstream-pull"]
fetch = +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/upstream-pull/*
url =
This will add an `upstream-pull` remote to your git repository, which can be fetched using `git fetch --all`
or `git fetch upstream-pull`. Afterwards, you can use `upstream-pull/NUMBER/head` in arguments to `git show`,
`git checkout` and anywhere a commit id would be acceptable to see the changes from pull request NUMBER.
Scripted diffs
For reformatting and refactoring commits where the changes can be easily automated using a bash script, we use
scripted-diff commits. The bash script is included in the commit message and our Travis CI job checks that
the result of the script is identical to the commit. This aids reviewers since they can verify that the script
does exactly what it's supposed to do. It is also helpful for rebasing (since the same script can just be re-run
on the new master commit).
To create a scripted-diff:
- start the commit message with `scripted-diff:` (and then a description of the diff on the same line)
- in the commit message include the bash script between lines containing just the following text:
The scripted-diff is verified by the tool `test/lint/`
Commit [`bb81e173`]( is an example of a scripted-diff.
RPC interface guidelines
A few guidelines for introducing and reviewing new RPC interfaces:
- Method naming: use consecutive lower-case names such as `getrawtransaction` and `submitblock`
- *Rationale*: Consistency with existing interface.
- Argument naming: use snake case `fee_delta` (and not, e.g. camel case `feeDelta`)
- *Rationale*: Consistency with existing interface.
- Use the JSON parser for parsing, don't manually parse integers or strings from
arguments unless absolutely necessary.
- *Rationale*: Introduces hand-rolled string manipulation code at both the caller and callee sites,
which is error prone, and it is easy to get things such as escaping wrong.
JSON already supports nested data structures, no need to re-invent the wheel.
- *Exception*: AmountFromValue can parse amounts as string. This was introduced because many JSON
parsers and formatters hard-code handling decimal numbers as floating point
values, resulting in potential loss of precision. This is unacceptable for
monetary values. **Always** use `AmountFromValue` and `ValueFromAmount` when
inputting or outputting monetary values. The only exceptions to this are
`prioritisetransaction` and `getblocktemplate` because their interface
is specified as-is in BIP22.
- Missing arguments and 'null' should be treated the same: as default values. If there is no
default value, both cases should fail in the same way. The easiest way to follow this
guideline is detect unspecified arguments with `params[x].isNull()` instead of
`params.size() <= x`. The former returns true if the argument is either null or missing,
while the latter returns true if is missing, and false if it is null.
- *Rationale*: Avoids surprises when switching to name-based arguments. Missing name-based arguments
are passed as 'null'.
- Try not to overload methods on argument type. E.g. don't make `getblock(true)` and `getblock("hash")`
do different things.
- *Rationale*: This is impossible to use with `bitcoin-cli`, and can be surprising to users.
- *Exception*: Some RPC calls can take both an `int` and `bool`, most notably when a bool was switched
to a multi-value, or due to other historical reasons. **Always** have false map to 0 and
true to 1 in this case.
- Don't forget to fill in the argument names correctly in the RPC command table.
- *Rationale*: If not, the call can not be used with name-based arguments.
- Set okSafeMode in the RPC command table to a sensible value: safe mode is when the
blockchain is regarded to be in a confused state, and the client deems it unsafe to
do anything irreversible such as send. Anything that just queries should be permitted.
- *Rationale*: Troubleshooting a node in safe mode is difficult if half the
RPCs don't work.
- Add every non-string RPC argument `(method, idx, name)` to the table `vRPCConvertParams` in `rpc/client.cpp`.
- *Rationale*: `bitcoin-cli` and the GUI debug console use this table to determine how to
convert a plaintext command line to JSON. If the types don't match, the method can be unusable
from there.
- A RPC method must either be a wallet method or a non-wallet method. Do not
introduce new methods such as `signrawtransaction` that differ in behavior
based on presence of a wallet.
- *Rationale*: as well as complicating the implementation and interfering
with the introduction of multi-wallet, wallet and non-wallet code should be
separated to avoid introducing circular dependencies between code units.
- Try to make the RPC response a JSON object.
- *Rationale*: If a RPC response is not a JSON object then it is harder to avoid API breakage if
new data in the response is needed.
- Wallet RPCs call BlockUntilSyncedToCurrentChain to maintain consistency with
`getblockchaininfo`'s state immediately prior to the call's execution. Wallet
RPCs whose behavior does *not* depend on the current chainstate may omit this
- *Rationale*: In previous versions of Bitcoin Core, the wallet was always
in-sync with the chainstate (by virtue of them all being updated in the
same cs_main lock). In order to maintain the behavior that wallet RPCs
return results as of at least the highest best-known block an RPC
client may be aware of prior to entering a wallet RPC call, we must block
until the wallet is caught up to the chainstate as of the RPC call's entry.
This also makes the API much easier for RPC clients to reason about.
- Be aware of RPC method aliases and generally avoid registering the same
callback function pointer for different RPCs.
- *Rationale*: RPC methods registered with the same function pointer will be
considered aliases and only the first method name will show up in the
`help` rpc command list.
- *Exception*: Using RPC method aliases may be appropriate in cases where a
new RPC is replacing a deprecated RPC, to avoid both RPCs confusingly
showing up in the command list.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Release Process
* * *
* * *
###First time / New builders
### First time / New builders
Check out the source code in the following directory hierarchy.
Check out the source code in the following directory hierarchy.
cd /path/to/your/toplevel/build
cd /path/to/your/toplevel/build
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Check out the source code in the following directory hierarchy.
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
###Bitcoin maintainers/release engineers, update (commit) version in sources
### Bitcoin maintainers/release engineers, update (commit) version in sources
pushd ./bitcoin
pushd ./bitcoin
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Check out the source code in the following directory hierarchy.
* * *
* * *
###Setup and perform Gitian builds
### Setup and perform Gitian builds
Setup Gitian descriptors:
Setup Gitian descriptors:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Check out the source code in the following directory hierarchy.
pushd ./gitian-builder
pushd ./gitian-builder
git pull
git pull
###Fetch and create inputs: (first time, or when dependency versions change)
### Fetch and create inputs: (first time, or when dependency versions change)
mkdir -p inputs
mkdir -p inputs
wget -P inputs
wget -P inputs
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Check out the source code in the following directory hierarchy.
tar -C /Volumes/Xcode/ -czf MacOSX10.9.sdk.tar.gz MacOSX10.9.sdk
tar -C /Volumes/Xcode/ -czf MacOSX10.9.sdk.tar.gz MacOSX10.9.sdk
###Optional: Seed the Gitian sources cache and offline git repositories
### Optional: Seed the Gitian sources cache and offline git repositories
By default, Gitian will fetch source files as needed. To cache them ahead of time:
By default, Gitian will fetch source files as needed. To cache them ahead of time:
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ NOTE: Offline builds must use the --url flag to ensure Gitian fetches only from
The gbuild invocations below <b>DO NOT DO THIS</b> by default.
The gbuild invocations below <b>DO NOT DO THIS</b> by default.
###Build and sign Bitcoin Core for Linux, Windows, and OS X:
### Build and sign Bitcoin Core for Linux, Windows, and OS X:
./bin/gbuild --commit bitcoin=v${VERSION} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
./bin/gbuild --commit bitcoin=v${VERSION} ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
./bin/gsign --signer $SIGNER --release ${VERSION}-linux --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
./bin/gsign --signer $SIGNER --release ${VERSION}-linux --destination ../gitian.sigs/ ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ The gbuild invocations below <b>DO NOT DO THIS</b> by default.
4. OS X unsigned installer and dist tarball (bitcoin-${VERSION}-osx-unsigned.dmg, bitcoin-${VERSION}-osx64.tar.gz)
4. OS X unsigned installer and dist tarball (bitcoin-${VERSION}-osx-unsigned.dmg, bitcoin-${VERSION}-osx64.tar.gz)
5. Gitian signatures (in gitian.sigs/${VERSION}-<linux|{win,osx}-unsigned>/(your Gitian key)/
5. Gitian signatures (in gitian.sigs/${VERSION}-<linux|{win,osx}-unsigned>/(your Gitian key)/
###Verify other gitian builders signatures to your own. (Optional)
### Verify other gitian builders signatures to your own. (Optional)
Add other gitian builders keys to your gpg keyring
Add other gitian builders keys to your gpg keyring
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ The gbuild invocations below <b>DO NOT DO THIS</b> by default.
###Next steps:
### Next steps:
Commit your signature to gitian.sigs:
Commit your signature to gitian.sigs:
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 49 KiB |
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
g++-mingw-w64-i686 mingw-w64-i686-dev g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 \
mingw-w64-x86-64-dev build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config \
libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils curl ca-certificates
cd depends
make HOST=i686-w64-mingw32 NO_QT=1
cd ..
patch -p1 < packaging/remove_consensus.patch
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/depends/i686-w64-mingw32 --without-gui
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a9f0a94..d71bfeb 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ if ENABLE_ZMQ
EXTRA_LIBRARIES += libbitcoin_zmq.a
+# else
+# endif
@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ def initialize_datadir(dirname, n):
datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node"+str(n))
datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node"+str(n))
if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(datadir, "lbrycrd.conf"), 'w') as f:
return datadir
return datadir
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
set -euo pipefail
function HELP {
echo "Build lbrycrd"
echo "-----"
echo "When run without any arguments, this script expects the current directory"
echo "to be the lbrycrd repo and it builds what is in that directory"
echo "This is a long build process so it can be split into two parts"
echo "Specify the -d flag to build only the dependencies"
echo "and the -l flag to build only lbrycrd. This will fail"
echo "if the dependencies weren't built earlier"
echo "Optional arguments:"
echo "-c: don't clone a fresh copy of the repo"
echo "-f: check formatting of committed code relative to master"
echo "-r: remove intermediate files."
echo "-l: build only lbrycrd"
echo "-d: build only the dependencies"
echo "-o: timeout build after 40 minutes"
echo "-t: turn trace on"
echo "-h: show help"
exit 1
# this flag gets set to False if
# the script exits due to a timeout
while getopts :crfldoth:w:d: FLAG; do
case $FLAG in
set -o xtrace
\?) #unrecognized option - show help
echo "Option -$OPTARG not allowed."
echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument."
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if (( EUID != 0 )); then
if [ "${CLONE}" = false ]; then
if [ "$(basename "$PWD")" != "lbrycrd" ]; then
echo "Not currently in the lbrycrd directory. Cowardly refusing to go forward"
exit 1
if [ -z "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME+x}" ]; then
if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
if [ -z "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR+x}" ]; then
# if we are on travis (the primary use case for setting a timeout)
# this file is created when the build starts
if [ ! -f "${START_TIME_FILE}" ]; then
date +%s > "${START_TIME_FILE}"
function exit_at_40() {
if [ -f "${START_TIME_FILE}" ]; then
NOW=$(date +%s)
TIMEOUT_SECS=2400 # 40 * 60
if (( TIME > NEXT_TIME )); then
echo "Build has taken $((TIME / 60)) minutes: $1"
NEXT_TIME=$((TIME + 60))
if [ "$TIMEOUT" = true ] && (( TIME > TIMEOUT_SECS )); then
echo 'Exiting at 40 minutes to allow the cache to populate'
exit 1
# two arguments
# - pid (probably from $!)
# - echo message
function wait_and_echo() {
(set -o | grep xtrace | grep -q on)
# disable xtrace or else this will get verbose, which is what
# I'm trying to avoid by going through all of this nonsense anyway
set +o xtrace
# loop until the process is no longer running
# check every $SLEEP seconds, echoing a message every minute
while (ps -p "${PID}" > /dev/null); do
exit_at_40 "$2"
sleep "${SLEEP}"
# restore the xtrace setting
if [ "${TRACE_STATUS}" -eq 0 ]; then
set -o xtrace
wait "$PID"
return $?
# run a command ($1) in the background
# logging its stdout and stderr to $2
# and wait until it completed
function background() {
$1 >> "$2" 2>&1 &
wait_and_echo $BACKGROUND_PID "$3"
function cleanup() {
# cat the log file if it exists
if [ -f "$2" ] && [ "${OUTPUT_LOG}" = true ]; then
echo "Output of log file $2"
tail -n 1000 "$2"
# delete the build directory
rm -rf "$1"
echo "Build failed. Removing $1"
exit $rv
function cat_and_exit() {
# cat the log file if it exists
if [ -f "$1" ] && [ "${OUTPUT_LOG}" = true ]; then
echo "Output of log file $1"
# This used to be the last 3MB but outputing that
# caused problems on travis.
# Hopefully the last 1000 lines is enough
# to debug whatever went wrong
tail -n 1000 "$1"
exit $rv
function brew_if_not_installed() {
if ! brew ls | grep $1 --quiet; then
brew install $1
function install_brew_packages() {
brew update > /dev/null
brew unlink python
brew_if_not_installed autoconf
brew_if_not_installed automake
# something weird happened where glibtoolize was failing to find
# sed, and reinstalling fixes it.
brew reinstall -s libtool
brew_if_not_installed pkg-config
brew_if_not_installed protobuf
brew_if_not_installed gmp
if [ "${CHECK_CODE_FORMAT}" = true ]; then
brew_if_not_installed clang-format
function install_apt_packages() {
if [ -z "${TRAVIS+x}" ]; then
# if not on travis, its nice to see progress
# get the required OS packages
$SUDO apt-get ${QUIET} update
$SUDO apt-get ${QUIET} install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential python-dev libbz2-dev libtool \
autotools-dev autoconf git pkg-config wget \
ca-certificates automake bsdmainutils
if [ "${CHECK_CODE_FORMAT}" = true ]; then
$SUDO apt-get ${QUIET} install -y --no-install-recommends \
function build_dependencies() {
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
if [ "$CLEAN" = true ]; then
rm -rf "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
if [ ! -d "${LBRYCRD_DEPENDENCIES}" ]; then
# TODO: if the repo exists, make sure its clean: revert to head.
mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}"
build_dependency "${BDB_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/bdb_build.log" build_bdb
build_dependency "${OPENSSL_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/openssl_build.log" build_openssl
set +u
set -u
build_dependency "${BOOST_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/boost_build.log" build_boost
build_dependency "${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/libevent_build.log" build_libevent
function build_bdb() {
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
patch db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h < atomic.patch
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix
echo "Building bdb. tail -f $BDB_LOG to see the details and monitor progress"
../dist/configure --prefix="${BDB_PREFIX}" --enable-cxx --disable-shared --with-pic > "${BDB_LOG}"
background make "${BDB_LOG}" "Waiting for bdb to finish building"
make install >> "${BDB_LOG}" 2>&1
function build_openssl() {
mkdir -p "${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/ssl"
cd openssl-1.0.1p
echo "Building openssl. tail -f $OPENSSL_LOG to see the details and monitor progress"
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
./Configure --prefix="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}" --openssldir="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/ssl" \
-fPIC darwin64-x86_64-cc \
no-shared no-dso no-engines > "${OPENSSL_LOG}"
[[ $(uname -m) = 'i686' ]] && OS_ARCH="linux-generic32" || OS_ARCH="linux-x86_64"
./Configure --prefix="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}" --openssldir="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/ssl" \
${OS_ARCH} -fPIC -static no-shared no-dso > "${OPENSSL_LOG}"
background make "${OPENSSL_LOG}" "Waiting for openssl to finish building"
make install >> "${OPENSSL_LOG}" 2>&1
function build_boost() {
cd boost_1_59_0
echo "Building Boost. tail -f ${BOOST_LOG} to see the details and monitor progress"
./ --prefix="${BOOST_PREFIX}" > "${BOOST_LOG}" 2>&1
background "./b2 link=static cxxflags=-fPIC install" \
"${BOOST_LOG}" \
"Waiting for boost to finish building"
function build_libevent() {
if [ ! -d libevent ]; then
git clone --branch release-2.0.22-stable
cd libevent
echo "Building libevent. tail -f ${LIBEVENT_LOG} to see the details and monitor progress"
./ > "${LIBEVENT_LOG}" 2>&1
./configure --prefix="${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}" --enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic \
background make "${LIBEVENT_LOG}" "Waiting for libevent to finish building"
make install >> "${LIBEVENT_LOG}"
function build_dependency() {
if [ ! -d "${PREFIX}" ]; then
trap 'cleanup "${PREFIX}" "${LOG}"' INT TERM EXIT
mkdir -p "${PREFIX}"
"${BUILD}" "${LOG}"
function build_lbrycrd() {
if [ "$CLONE" == true ]; then
git clone
cd lbrycrd
cd "${SOURCE_DIR}"
./ > "${LBRYCRD_LOG}" 2>&1
LDFLAGS="-L${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/lib/ -L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib/ -L${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}/lib/ -static-libstdc++"
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
OPTIONS="--enable-cxx --enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic"
./configure --without-gui ${OPTIONS} \
--with-boost="${BOOST_PREFIX}" \
background make "${LBRYCRD_LOG}" "Waiting for lbrycrd to finish building"
strip src/lbrycrdd
strip src/lbrycrd-cli
strip src/lbrycrd-tx
strip src/test/test_lbrycrd
function clang_format_diff(){
# run a code formatting check on any commits not in master
# requires clang-format
if ! git config remote.origin2.url > /dev/null; then
git remote add origin2
git fetch origin2
git diff -U0 origin2/master -- '*.h' '*.cpp' | ./contrib/devtools/ -p1
# these variables are needed in both functions
if [ "${BUILD_DEPENDENCIES}" = true ]; then
if [ "${CHECK_CODE_FORMAT}" = true ]; then
LINES_W_FORMAT_REQUIRED=$(clang_format_diff | wc -l)
if [ ${LINES_W_FORMAT_REQUIRED} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to pass clang format diff: See below for the diff"
exit 1
set +u
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/:${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/"
set -u
if [ "${BUILD_LBRYCRD}" = true ]; then
echo "Building lbrycrd. tail -f ${LBRYCRD_LOG} to see the details and monitor progress"
trap 'cat_and_exit "${LBRYCRD_LOG}"' INT TERM EXIT
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 67 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 17 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.3 KiB |
@ -1,384 +1,612 @@
/* XPM */
/* XPM */
static char *bitcoin___[] = {
static char * bitcoin128_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"128 128 481 2",
"128 128 250 2",
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"X c #84581E",
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"O c #925A15",
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"* c #405457",
"$ c #A36E1A",
"= c #6C7B7D",
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"* c #AC741C",
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"2 c #B47B23",
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"4 c #A17330",
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"5 c #AB7D3B",
": c #58696C",
"6 c #C17F20",
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"7 c #B9831F",
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"8 c #BB842B",
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"9 c #BD8533",
"| c #344A4D",
"0 c #B68F3D",
"1 c #617274",
"q c #BE8C3B",
"2 c #B0B8B9",
"w c #C4801F",
"3 c #EEEFF0",
"e c #FE8C03",
"4 c #FEFEFE",
"r c #F38A0F",
"5 c #D7DBDC",
"t c #FD8E0A",
"6 c #7A888A",
"y c #FF910C",
"7 c #364B4E",
"u c #F78F13",
"8 c #32474A",
"i c #F98F10",
"9 c #5D6E71",
"p c #F79016",
"0 c #ADB5B6",
"a c #FE9314",
"a c #A2ACAD",
"s c #F6931E",
"b c #495C5E",
"d c #FD961B",
"c c #2C4346",
"f c #FE991E",
"d c #2A4043",
"g c #C58421",
"e c #304649",
"h c #CD8621",
"f c #5A6B6E",
"j c #C78B21",
"g c #A6AFB1",
"k c #CC8B23",
"h c #E6E8E9",
"l c #C2852B",
"i c #FDFEFE",
"z c #C08B2D",
"j c #F8F9F9",
"x c #D28722",
"k c #C2C9CA",
"c c #D38B25",
"l c #657577",
"v c #DB8E22",
"m c #2F4548",
"b c #D28E2C",
"n c #314749",
"n c #D49323",
"o c #506365",
"m c #DC9224",
"p c #56676A",
"M c #DC9B25",
"q c #9FA9AA",
"N c #D4922D",
"r c #E1E4E4",
"B c #DF972A",
"s c #FCFDFD",
"V c #DF982E",
"t c #DDE0E1",
"C c #C18D33",
"u c #879496",
"Z c #C58E38",
"v c #3D5154",
"A c #CB9332",
"w c #475A5D",
"S c #C2933C",
"x c #9AA5A6",
"D c #CD9339",
"y c #E2E5E6",
"F c #CC9938",
"z c #C9CFD0",
"G c #D19733",
"A c #7F8C8E",
"H c #DA9230",
"B c #435659",
"J c #D59935",
"C c #526466",
"K c #DC9C33",
"D c #98A3A4",
"L c #DC9E3B",
"E c #DCDFE0",
"P c #E49124",
"F c #FBFCFC",
"I c #EA9426",
"G c #F1F3F3",
"U c #E09D26",
"H c #ABB4B5",
"Y c #EC972B",
"I c #536568",
"T c #F79625",
"J c #778587",
"R c #F99524",
"K c #D1D6D7",
"E c #F69A26",
"L c #F8F8F8",
"W c #F89825",
"M c #CFD3D4",
"Q c #F2972B",
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"2. c #384D50",
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"3. c #4B5E60",
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"4. c #A3ADAE",
"r. c #FBA945",
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"s. c #EEAC5D",
"b. c #E4E6E7",
"d. c #F3AA53",
"c. c #A0AAAB",
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"d. c #3B5052",
"g. c #F2AD5A",
"e. c #768586",
"h. c #FBB056",
"f. c #C4CACB",
"j. c #F6B15E",
"g. c #F4F5F5",
"k. c #FBB25B",
"h. c #FAFAFB",
"l. c #DDAF79",
"i. c #C6CCCD",
"z. c #E3A962",
"j. c #6A7A7C",
"x. c #EBAE63",
"k. c #5D6E70",
"c. c #E4AC68",
"l. c #5E6F71",
"v. c #EAAF69",
"m. c #33494C",
"b. c #EEB065",
"n. c #BEC4C5",
"n. c #E7B06C",
"o. c #F1F2F2",
"m. c #EEB36B",
"p. c #E0E3E4",
"M. c #F5B263",
"q. c #8E999B",
"N. c #FBB461",
"r. c #3F5456",
"B. c #E6B274",
"s. c #45585B",
"V. c #ECB574",
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"C. c #E7B57B",
"u. c #E5E7E8",
"Z. c #EAB77C",
"v. c #E9EBEC",
"A. c #ECB97C",
"w. c #ADB6B7",
"S. c #F2B770",
"x. c #647476",
"D. c #F0BB7A",
"y. c #384C4F",
"F. c #DBB485",
"z. c #B6BEBF",
"G. c #DFB888",
"A. c #EDEFEF",
"H. c #E4B984",
"B. c #F2F3F3",
"J. c #EDBD82",
"C. c #AFB7B8",
"K. c #E5BC8B",
"D. c #56686A",
"L. c #EABE8A",
"E. c #34494C",
"P. c #F0BE82",
"F. c #728183",
"I. c #E0BF96",
"G. c #CDD2D3",
"U. c #EDC089",
"H. c #B4BCBD",
"Y. c #F0C28B",
"I. c #69797B",
"T. c #E5C194",
"J. c #657678",
"R. c #E9C191",
"K. c #EAEDED",
"E. c #E4C39C",
"L. c #FCFCFC",
"W. c #EBC699",
"M. c #CFD4D5",
"Q. c #EBC99F",
"N. c #748385",
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"O. c #AEB6B7",
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"S. c #707F81",
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"T. c #607173",
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"W. c #EAECED",
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"&+ c #556769",
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"$X c #D0CECA",
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"2X c #E3D8CC",
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"3X c #E2DCD6",
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"4X c #E9DED2",
"_+ c #4E6163",
"5X c #E1DEDA",
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"6X c #EEE0CE",
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"7X c #EEE3D4",
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"8X c #E7E2DA",
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"9X c #EEE4D8",
"|+ c #596B6D",
"0X c #F3E6D1",
"1+ c #F4F5F6",
"qX c #C5D7ED",
"2+ c #D2D6D7",
"wX c #CDDBEB",
"3+ c #899597",
"eX c #DBDEE2",
"4+ c #4B5E61",
"rX c #CBDCF1",
"5+ c #D8DCDC",
"tX c #C4DFFF",
"6+ c #919D9E",
"yX c #DEE1E4",
"7+ c #425658",
"uX c #DDE4EC",
"8+ c #909C9E",
"iX c #D3E1F2",
"9+ c #D6DBDB",
"pX c #DDE6F1",
"0+ c #8A9798",
"aX c #DEE9F4",
"a+ c #D2D7D7",
"sX c #D8E5F8",
"b+ c #F9F9F9",
"dX c #D6EEFF",
"c+ c #F5F6F6",
"fX c #DEECFB",
"d+ c #5B6C6E",
"gX c #D5F4FF",
"e+ c #6D7C7F",
"hX c #DDF3FF",
"f+ c #DCE0E0",
"jX c #DCF9FF",
"g+ c #D3D7D8",
"kX c #E3E4E6",
"h+ c #506265",
"lX c #EFEBE4",
"i+ c #A9B3B4",
"zX c #E1E5EB",
"j+ c #EFF0F1",
"xX c #E2E8ED",
"k+ c #9EA8AA",
"cX c #F1F1ED",
"l+ c #7C898C",
"vX c #E0E7F0",
"m+ c #C7CDCE",
"bX c #E2E9F2",
"n+ c #EBEDED",
"nX c #EAEFF6",
"o+ c #849193",
"mX c #E1EEFD",
"p+ c #596A6D",
"MX c #E4F1F6",
"q+ c #768486",
"NX c #E3F4FF",
"r+ c #C3C9CA",
"BX c #EAF6FF",
"s+ c #C2C8C9",
"VX c #E5F9FF",
"t+ c #637476",
"u+ c #C0C6C7",
"ZX c #F5F5F5",
"v+ c #EAECEC",
"AX c #F9F7F5",
"w+ c #5C6D70",
"SX c #FAF8F6",
"x+ c #A8B1B2",
"DX c #F3F7FB",
"y+ c #889496",
"FX c #F4FAFE",
"z+ c #99A4A5",
"A+ c #EBEEEE",
"HX c None",
"B+ c #ECEEEF",
/* pixels */
"C+ c #AEB7B8",
"D+ c #617174",
"E+ c #344A4C",
"F+ c #273E41",
"G+ c #F2F3F4",
"H+ c #748284",
"I+ c #D0D5D6",
"J+ c #FCFCFD",
"K+ c #283F42",
"L+ c #919D9F",
"M+ c #738284",
"N+ c #33494B",
"O+ c #4D6062",
"P+ c #96A1A3",
"Q+ c #3F5356",
"R+ c #8B9799",
"S+ c #DFE2E2",
"T+ c #D9DDDE",
"U+ c #B8C0C1",
"V+ c #31474A",
"W+ c #F9F9FA",
"X+ c #A6B0B1",
"Y+ c #D7DCDC",
"Z+ c #7D8B8D",
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"@@ c #4C5F62",
"#@ c #384D4F",
"$@ c #DADEDE",
"%@ c #8D989A",
"&@ c #405557",
"*@ c #B6BDBE",
"=@ c #C7CCCD",
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"^@ c #2D4345",
"/@ c #6F7E80",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX<.R W W W W W E E E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ` ` ` ` ` =.=.=.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.e.=.' >XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXCX{.e.P.'.2XvXNXBXDXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXDXjX~.y W =.` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W @.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"(@ c #CCD2D2",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX: 1.R W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` ` ` =.=.=.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.~ s.fXDXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXNXD.f =.=.,.M.L.oXaXVXDXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXAXVX(.t ~ ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W R %. HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"_@ c #9BA6A7",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXl #.T W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` ` ` =.=.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.e.r.W H.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXzXg.r.f.f.f.r.=.=.g.`.fXBXAXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXAXjXH.t =.` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T $.6 HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
":@ c #46595C",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX~ ..W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` ` ` =.=.=.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.r.W |.CXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXBX1X,.f.f.f.f.h.h.f.,.~ d.3XVXAXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXsX' f ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ..~ HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"<@ c #859294",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX$.R W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` ` ` =.=.=.=.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.e.e.r.r.r.,.w.>XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXNX`.=.f.h.h.h.h.f.f.f.f.=.~ ,XVXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXVXT.y ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W R $.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"[@ c #DDE1E1",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXX %.T W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.=.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.e.e.e.r.r.r.u.=.x.fXDXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXmXA.,.h.h.h.k.k.h.f.f.f.f.:.~ 5XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXCX:XW ~ ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T $.. HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"}@ c #FEFFFF",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX8 $.T W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.e.e.r.r.r.r.r.u.u.~ K.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXzXj.r.k.k.k.k.k.h.f.f.f.f.f.W V.VXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXuXw.f ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T $.3 HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"|@ c #C9CFCF",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXY ..W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.e.e.e.r.r.r.r.u.u.u.u.~ |.CXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXBX2Xr.f.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.f.f.f.f.,.d.bXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXfXd.d =.` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W O.P HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"1@ c #3B4F52",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXO.W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.e.r.r.r.r.r.r.u.u.u.u.r.w.>XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXNX'.,.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.h.f.f.f.e.y.kXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXfXg.d =.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W O.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"2@ c #526467",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX$.R W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.r.r.r.r.u.u.u.u.u.u.f.=.b.fXDXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXmXJ.r.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.h.f.f.f.:.s.mXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXpXy.R =.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W $.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"3@ c #A9B2B4",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX1.R W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.r.u.u.u.u.u.u.u.f.=.K.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFXxXM.u.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.f.f.k.~ K.VXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXCX5X=.~ =.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W $.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"4@ c #BEC5C6",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHX+ $.T W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.r.u.u.u.u.f.f.f.=.|.CXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFX<X~ u.k.N.N.N.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.=.;.uXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXBXoXR =.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T $.O HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"5@ c #C0C7C8",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXl @.T W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.r.u.u.u.u.f.f.u.t.>XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFX9XA.b.u.r.r.u.u.h.h.h.u.r.O.w.:XCXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXhXL.a :.=.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T $.* HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"6@ c #F7F8F9",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXV X.T W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.r.u.u.u.u.f.,.b.fXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXFXVXpX*X[.R.V.M.g.d.d.g.b.T.pXCXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXpXe.~ :.:.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T $.; HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"7@ c #879395",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHX| O.T W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.r.r.u.u.u.u.f.=.K.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXFXFXBXNXmXuX>X3X3XyXmXVXFXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXAXhXE.d :.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T @.h HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"8@ c #C1C7C8",
"9@ c #637375",
"0@ c #A3ACAE",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXc @.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.r.u.u.=.x.fXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFXFXSXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFXCXfXoX:.~ r.e.:.:.:.:.:.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W @.h HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"a@ c #BAC1C2",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXc @.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.r.r.r.u.~ K.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXZX6XkXmXNXBXDXAXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGX0X'.S.~ =.u.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W @.h HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"b@ c #F6F6F7",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXk @.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.r.u.~ |.CXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFX4X,.k.D.Q.,XkXmXNXDXSXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGX<X_ y r.u.r.r.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W @.h HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"c@ c #DBDEDF",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXc @.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.r.e.;.>XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXVX{.,.f.u.r.u.N.J.{.5XNXBXAXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFXMXH.W r.u.r.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W T @.h HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"d@ c #CAD0D0",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXo.O.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.e.r.O.s.fXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXmXJ.r.N.N.N.N.h.r.r.f.J.1XhXBXAXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXDXjX!.W e.u.r.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W W W T @.g HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"e@ c #DFE2E3",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXB X.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.:.:.:.:.:.e.e.r.W H.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXuXM.u.k.k.N.N.N.N.N.h.,.e.D.>XNXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXZXjXE.W r.r.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.=.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W T $.- HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"f@ c #44575A",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXl @.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` =.=.=.:.:.:.:.e.e.r.W |.CXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXBX2Xr.h.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.,.,.|.NXZXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXZXgXV.~ u.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W T $.% HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"g@ c #97A2A4",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHX@ $.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.:.:.:.:.e.:.' >XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXNX{.,.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.u.~ `.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXCX>X=.e.r.r.e.e.:.:.:.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W T $.. HXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"h@ c #E8EAEA",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX%.R W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` =.=.:.:.:.:.e.~ s.fXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXNXJ.,.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.h.k.u.O.2XCXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXAXhXV.~ u.r.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.=.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W $.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"i@ c #E0E3E3",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX$.R W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` ` ` ~ :.:.:.:.e.f Z.VXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXDXzXM.r.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.h.h.h.f.f.k.=.V.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXVX`.W r.e.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.=.=.=.` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W W $.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"j@ c #516466",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXO.W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ` =.~ Q a a W =.=.t XCXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXBX2Xr.f.k.k.k.k.k.k.h.h.h.h.f.f.f.f.r.y.kXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXBX,X~ :.e.e.e.:.:.:.:.:.:.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W W ~ ..HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"k@ c #68787B",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXI O.W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` a z.-X_.B.q.! u C.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXNX'.=.h.h.k.k.k.h.h.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.r.w.5XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXCX2X=.:.e.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.=.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E W W W W W W O.P HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"l@ c #F3F5F5",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXk @.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ).jXVXNXaX2X1XBXDXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXmXA.:.h.h.h.h.h.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.,.d.vXFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXCX1X` =.:.:.:.:.:.:.=.=.=.=.=.=.` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W T $.; HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"m@ c #425659",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXo %.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ` y q.fXZXSXSXFXFXFXSXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFXxXj.r.f.h.h.h.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.u.u.f.W B.NXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXBXoXW :.:.:.:.:.:.=.=.=.=.=.` ` ` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W %. HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"n@ c #293F42",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX$.R W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ` e !.CXSXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXFX+Xd ,.f.h.h.h.f.f.f.f.f.f.u.u.u.f.,.T :XFXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXGXSXNXE.f :.:.:.:.:.=.=.=.=.` ` ` ` ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W R $.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"o@ c #6A797C",
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"p@ c #D0D5D5",
"q@ c #AFB8B9",
"r@ c #DBDFE0",
"s@ c #69787A",
"t@ c #B8C0C0",
"u@ c #F0F1F2",
"v@ c #8A9697",
"w@ c #E8EAEB",
"x@ c #D9DDDD",
"y@ c #ACB4B6",
"z@ c #6F7E81",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXP @.T W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ E :XFXGXGXGXVX|.R e.r.:.w.yXFXGXGXSXCX'.e ` t.g.m.J.L.R.R.L.A.x.;.d t f ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W T @.m HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"A@ c #5F7072",
"HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX%.R W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` a q.fXDXGXGXSXNXJ.f e.r.~ x.hXSXGXGXSXNXV.d ` W f d d a a a a a a d ~ ` ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W R %.HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX",
"B@ c #738183",
"C@ c #3B5053",
"D@ c #677779",
"E@ c #B9C1C1",
"F@ c #C3CACB",
"G@ c #627375",
"H@ c #55676A",
"I@ c #3C5153",
"J@ c #283E42",
"K@ c #294043",
"L@ c #D8DCDD",
"M@ c #374C4E",
"N@ c #B0B9BA",
"O@ c #FEFFFE",
"P@ c #D5DADA",
"Q@ c #273D41",
"R@ c #45595C",
"S@ c #768587",
"T@ c #627274",
"U@ c #ACB5B6",
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"4# c #2E4346",
"5# c #B7BEBF",
"6# c #D3D8D8",
"7# c #99A3A5",
"8# c #D7DBDB",
"9# c #4F6164",
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"i# c #959FA1",
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"n# c #F4F6F6",
"o# c #DEE2E2",
"p# c #DFE3E3",
"q# c #4E6062",
"r# c #8F9B9C",
"s# c #CACFD0",
"t# c #586A6C",
"u# c #B5BCBE",
"v# c #8B9798",
"w# c #3F5355",
"x# c #425558",
"y# c #949FA0",
"z# c #9BA5A7",
"A# c #6D7C7E",
"B# c #C8CECE",
"C# c #4F6163",
"D# c #919C9D",
"E# c #A0AAAC",
"F# c #889596",
"G# c #A8B2B3",
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"J# c #D5D9DA",
"K# c #2C4345",
"L# c #889597",
"M# c #DCE0E1",
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"O# c #56686B",
"P# c #2F4547",
"Q# c #2C4246",
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/* XPM */
/* XPM */
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"16 16 140 2",
"16 16 159 2",
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"9 c #EE9223",
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"0 c #F39421",
"1 c #B0B8B9",
"q c #F19423",
"2 c #F1F3F3",
"w c #F39523",
"3 c #E5E8E8",
"e c #F79521",
"4 c #A3ADAE",
"r c #F59422",
"5 c #E0E3E3",
"t c #F49623",
"6 c #9BA6A7",
"y c #F69622",
"7 c #F5F6F6",
"u c #F79623",
"8 c #BEC4C5",
"i c #F09324",
"9 c #98A3A4",
"p c #F19424",
"0 c #808D8F",
"a c #F19525",
"a c #808D8F",
"s c #F49624",
"b c #D7DBDB",
"d c #F59625",
"c c #E0E3E4",
"f c #F49725",
"d c #A5AEB0",
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"e c #889496",
"h c #F79724",
"f c #97A2A3",
"j c #F69725",
"g c #D8DCDC",
"k c #F79725",
"h c #F3F4F4",
"l c #F69726",
"i c #F9F9F9",
"z c #F79726",
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"x c #F89621",
"k c #FFFFFF",
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"n c #F89824",
"o c #899697",
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"p c #BEC5C6",
"M c #F99825",
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"N c #F89925",
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"C c #F99927",
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"Z c #F0972E",
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"A c #F7992A",
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"S c #F79A2B",
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"D c #F79B2C",
"y c #A6AFB1",
"F c #F69A2D",
"z c #E6E9E9",
"G c #F79D2F",
"A c #FFFFFF",
"H c #F89929",
"B c #FFFFFF",
"J c #F89A28",
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"K c #F89A29",
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"P c #F99B29",
"F c #CED3D4",
"I c #F89A2A",
"G c #FFFFFF",
"U c #F89A2B",
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"I c #FFFFFF",
"T c #F89B2C",
"J c #FFFFFF",
"R c #F89C2C",
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"4. c #BBC2C3",
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"h. c #E8D2B8",
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"j. c #DFDFDF",
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"H. c #EEEEEE",
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 28 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 19 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |
@ -1,140 +1,233 @@
/* XPM */
/* XPM */
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static char * bitcoin32_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"32 32 198 2",
"32 32 102 2",
" c None",
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"X c #D48221",
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"* c #FAFAFA",
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"= c #C2C9CA",
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"w c #F6A13C",
"3 c #4C5F61",
"e c #F9A33B",
"4 c #4F6264",
"r c #D79341",
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"6 c #B8BFC0",
"y c #E39A43",
"7 c #647477",
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"8 c #6C7C7E",
"i c #EFA041",
"9 c #BFC6C7",
"p c #EDA34B",
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"a c #F5A443",
"a c #6A7A7C",
"s c #F9A643",
"b c #3F5355",
"d c #FAA846",
"c c #889596",
"f c #F2A64C",
"d c #E4E7E7",
"g c #F9AA4B",
"e c #F5F6F6",
"h c #E5A251",
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"j c #ECA756",
"g c #6B7A7C",
"k c #EBA758",
"h c #667678",
"l c #FAAF57",
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"b c #EBAE64",
"n c #627275",
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"o c #C7CDCE",
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"p c #C4CACB",
"M c #F1B46A",
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"N c #F8B96D",
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"B c #E5B071",
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"V c #EBB777",
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"C c #EEB877",
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"Z c #E7B478",
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"S c #F0B671",
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"D c #F2B871",
"y c #F9F9F9",
"F c #EFBC80",
"z c #CACFD0",
"G c #E6BD8D",
"A c #778587",
"H c #EDBF88",
"B c #5D6E70",
"J c #E6BF90",
"C c #B6BEBF",
"K c #F1C187",
"D c #FBFCFC",
"L c #F1C288",
"E c #FEFEFE",
"P c #E5C093",
"F c #DADDDE",
"I c #EEC493",
"G c #798789",
"U c #E1C19B",
"H c #3D5154",
"Y c #E9C69C",
"I c #788788",
"T c #ECC89D",
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"-+ c #D5D9DA",
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";+ c #E3E6E7",
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",+ c #8D989A",
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"'+ c #3D5254",
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")+ c #99A3A5",
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"~+ c #D5DADA",
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"{+ c #3A4F52",
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"]+ c #909C9D",
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"^+ c #DFE2E3",
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"/+ c #B2BABB",
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"(+ c #748284",
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"_+ c #D4D9D9",
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":+ c #909B9D",
"~.~.~.~.B a d d d d d d d h h h h z z J I J x P.!.!.!.Q.j.I . . . . .B { K.!.!.!.!.Q.0.a / ^ I I J z z h h h d d d a A ~.~.~.~.",
"<+ c #E1E4E5",
"~.~.~.~.B d d d d d d d d d h h h J h f 2 ; [ E.!.!.!.Q.1.I . . .| | .d 4.Q.!.!.!.!.m.z I ^ I I I J z h h h h d d d B ~.~.~.~.",
"[+ c #425659",
"~.~.~.~.u B d d d d d d d d h h z , ' v.q.X.M.!.!.!.!.E.#.^ . .| } } } d >.Q.!.!.!.!.F.x J I I I J J z z h h h d d C t ~.~.~.~.",
"}+ c #485B5D",
"~.~.~.~.7 C p d d d d d d d d h h : y.Q.Q.Q.!.!.!.!.!.B.d B / _ } } } J 1 k.!.!.!.!.!.c.s J I H J J z z z h h h h s A + ~.~.~.~.",
"|+ c #939EA0",
"~.~.~.~.~.A a d d d d d d d d h > ` R.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.L.q.=.[ ~ z h h l 0.Q.!.!.!.!.Q.q.2 I J J z z h h h h h h h a S ~.~.~.~.~.",
"1+ c #D4D8D9",
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"2+ c #738284",
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"3+ c #B3BBBC",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.S a d d d d d d d d d h h 3 , > ; =.Q.!.W.T.Q.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Q.A.g 2 z h h h h h h d d d d d a S ~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"4+ c #DCE0E1",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.C h s d d d d d d d d d h g z H : <.!.!.t.l &.V.!.!.Q.Q.Q.Q.!.Q.Q.E.b.l > H h h h h h d d d d d d s m C ~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"5+ c #CFD4D5",
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"6+ c #C1C8C9",
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"7+ c #B1B9BB",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.S a d d d d d d d d d h h : -.R.!.B.h 2 =.Q.!.M.p z z z h h z g h h h d d d d d d d d d d d a S ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"8+ c #B0B8BA",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.N C p d d d d d d d d d h 3 ' 2.N.9.2 3 z.!.!.q.> J z h h h h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d p C n ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"9+ c #F3F5F5",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.S h p d d d d d d d d d z 3 : p l J g 8.T.S.O.> z h h h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d p h S ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"0+ c #E0E3E3",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.S a s d d d d d d d d h h z d h I J a P o.P d g h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d s a S ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"a+ c #283E42",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.* S a s d d d d d d d d h h g z J J h 3 > d z h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d s a S * ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"b+ c #98A3A4",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.$ T a s d d d d d d d h h h z z z h g g h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d s a T O ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"c+ c #8C989A",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.& S a p d d d d d d h h h z g h h h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d p a S # ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"d+ c #69797B",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.8 S d p d d d d d d h h g h h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d p h S = ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"e+ c #32474A",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.S A a s d d d d h h h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d s a A S ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"f+ c #798789",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.0 T m p d d d d h h h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d p B S 9 ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"g+ c #9CA6A8",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.V S m a p d h d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d p a m S V ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"h+ c #4C5F62",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.o V S C d p p d d d d d d d d d d d d p p d C S N . ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"i+ c #D9DDDD",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.5 C S A B d d a a d d a a a d B A S C 5 ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"j+ c #5C6D6F",
"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.O t B A A A A A A A A B t O ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.",
"k+ c #7E8C8D",
"l+ c #9BA6A7",
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"q+ c #4C5E61",
"r+ c #A8B1B2",
"s+ c #6E7D7F",
"t+ c #516366",
"u+ c #889596",
"v+ c #A4AEAF",
"w+ c #2F4447",
"x+ c #2C4346",
"y+ c #788688",
"z+ c #A0AAAC",
"A+ c #FBFCFC",
"B+ c #C7CCCD",
"C+ c #667678",
"D+ c #3E5254",
"E+ c #384D4F",
"F+ c #5D6E70",
"G+ c #ADB6B7",
"H+ c #EDEFEF",
"I+ c #E9EBEB",
"J+ c #A5AFB0",
"K+ c #57686B",
"L+ c #405457",
"M+ c #D1D6D6",
"N+ c #E2E5E5",
"O+ c #9AA4A6",
"P+ c #869394",
"Q+ c #677779",
"R+ c #EEF0F0",
"S+ c #849193",
"T+ c #5B6C6E",
"U+ c #A9B2B3",
"V+ c #596A6D",
"W+ c #304548",
"X+ c #2A4044",
"Y+ c #506265",
"Z+ c #D7DBDB",
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"1@ c #E9EBEC",
"2@ c #F2F3F3",
"3@ c #B7BFC0",
"4@ c #4E6063",
"5@ c #899697",
"6@ c #97A2A4",
"7@ c #EAEDED",
"8@ c #44575A",
"9@ c #A2ACAD",
"0@ c #E8EAEB",
"a@ c #B9C0C1",
"b@ c #E0E4E4",
"c@ c #728082",
"d@ c #D2D7D8",
"e@ c #45595C",
"f@ c #A0AAAB",
"g@ c #506365",
"h@ c #9DA7A8",
"i@ c #E4E7E7",
"j@ c #949FA1",
"k@ c #929D9F",
"l@ c #4E6163",
"m@ c #9AA5A6",
"n@ c #6A797C",
"o@ c #DFE2E2",
"p@ c #4D5F62",
"q@ c #F2F4F4",
"r@ c #4B5E60",
"s@ c #394E51",
"t@ c #97A2A3",
"u@ c #627274",
"v@ c #9BA5A7",
"w@ c #354B4D",
"x@ c #F8F8F8",
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# Installer attributes
# Installer attributes
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@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ TESTS =
bin_PROGRAMS += bitcoind
bin_PROGRAMS += lbrycrdd
bin_PROGRAMS += bitcoin-cli bitcoin-tx
bin_PROGRAMS += lbrycrd-cli lbrycrd-tx
.PHONY: FORCE check-symbols check-security
.PHONY: FORCE check-symbols check-security
@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ BITCOIN_CORE_H = \
memusage.h \
memusage.h \
merkleblock.h \
merkleblock.h \
miner.h \
miner.h \
nameclaim.h \
claimtrie.h \
claimtriedb.h \
lbry.h \
net.h \
net.h \
netbase.h \
netbase.h \
noui.h \
noui.h \
@ -183,9 +187,12 @@ libbitcoin_server_a_SOURCES = \
httpserver.cpp \
httpserver.cpp \
init.cpp \
init.cpp \
dbwrapper.cpp \
dbwrapper.cpp \
lbry.cpp \
main.cpp \
main.cpp \
merkleblock.cpp \
merkleblock.cpp \
miner.cpp \
miner.cpp \
claimtrie.cpp \
claimtriedb.cpp \
net.cpp \
net.cpp \
noui.cpp \
noui.cpp \
policy/fees.cpp \
policy/fees.cpp \
@ -193,6 +200,7 @@ libbitcoin_server_a_SOURCES = \
pow.cpp \
pow.cpp \
rest.cpp \
rest.cpp \
rpc/blockchain.cpp \
rpc/blockchain.cpp \
rpc/claimtrie.cpp \
rpc/mining.cpp \
rpc/mining.cpp \
rpc/misc.cpp \
rpc/misc.cpp \
rpc/net.cpp \
rpc/net.cpp \
@ -300,6 +308,7 @@ libbitcoin_common_a_SOURCES = \
core_write.cpp \
core_write.cpp \
key.cpp \
key.cpp \
keystore.cpp \
keystore.cpp \
nameclaim.cpp \
netbase.cpp \
netbase.cpp \
protocol.cpp \
protocol.cpp \
scheduler.cpp \
scheduler.cpp \
@ -344,16 +353,16 @@ nodist_libbitcoin_util_a_SOURCES = $(srcdir)/obj/build.h
# bitcoind binary #
# bitcoind binary #
bitcoind_SOURCES = bitcoind.cpp
lbrycrdd_SOURCES = bitcoind.cpp
bitcoind_SOURCES += bitcoind-res.rc
lbrycrdd_SOURCES += bitcoin-cli-res.rc
bitcoind_LDADD = \
lbrycrdd_LDADD = \
@ -365,44 +374,44 @@ bitcoind_LDADD = \
bitcoind_LDADD += libbitcoin_wallet.a
lbrycrdd_LDADD += libbitcoin_wallet.a
# bitcoin-cli binary #
#lbrycrd-cli binary #
bitcoin_cli_SOURCES = bitcoin-cli.cpp
lbrycrd_cli_SOURCES = bitcoin-cli.cpp
bitcoin_cli_SOURCES += bitcoin-cli-res.rc
lbrycrd_cli_SOURCES += bitcoin-cli-res.rc
bitcoin_cli_LDADD = \
lbrycrd_cli_LDADD = \
# bitcoin-tx binary #
# bitcoin-tx binary #
bitcoin_tx_SOURCES = bitcoin-tx.cpp
lbrycrd_tx_SOURCES = bitcoin-tx.cpp
bitcoin_tx_SOURCES += bitcoin-tx-res.rc
lbrycrd_tx_SOURCES += bitcoin-tx-res.rc
bitcoin_tx_LDADD = \
lbrycrd_tx_LDADD = \
@ -410,7 +419,7 @@ bitcoin_tx_LDADD = \
bitcoin_tx_LDADD += $(BOOST_LIBS) $(CRYPTO_LIBS)
lbrycrd_tx_LDADD += $(BOOST_LIBS) $(CRYPTO_LIBS)
# bitcoinconsensus library #
# bitcoinconsensus library #
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
bin_PROGRAMS += qt/bitcoin-qt
bin_PROGRAMS += qt/lbrycrd-qt
EXTRA_LIBRARIES += qt/libbitcoinqt.a
EXTRA_LIBRARIES += qt/libbitcoinqt.a
# bitcoin qt core #
# bitcoin qt core #
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ QT_FORMS_H=$(join $(dir $(QT_FORMS_UI)),$(addprefix ui_, $(notdir $(QT_FORMS_UI:
# Most files will depend on the forms and moc files as includes. Generate them
# Most files will depend on the forms and moc files as includes. Generate them
# before anything else.
# before anything else.
$(qt_libbitcoinqt_a_OBJECTS) $(qt_bitcoin_qt_OBJECTS) : | $(QT_MOC)
$(qt_libbitcoinqt_a_OBJECTS) $(qt_lbrycrd_qt_OBJECTS) : | $(QT_MOC)
#Generating these with a half-written protobuf header leads to wacky results.
#Generating these with a half-written protobuf header leads to wacky results.
#This makes sure it's done.
#This makes sure it's done.
@ -361,29 +361,29 @@ $(QT_MOC): $(PROTOBUF_H)
# bitcoin-qt binary #
# bitcoin-qt binary #
qt_bitcoin_qt_SOURCES = qt/bitcoin.cpp
qt_lbrycrd_qt_SOURCES = qt/bitcoin.cpp
qt_bitcoin_qt_SOURCES += $(BITCOIN_MM)
qt_lbrycrd_qt_SOURCES += $(BITCOIN_MM)
qt_bitcoin_qt_SOURCES += $(BITCOIN_RC)
qt_lbrycrd_qt_SOURCES += $(BITCOIN_RC)
qt_bitcoin_qt_LDADD = qt/libbitcoinqt.a $(LIBBITCOIN_SERVER)
qt_lbrycrd_qt_LDADD = qt/libbitcoinqt.a $(LIBBITCOIN_SERVER)
qt_bitcoin_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
qt_lbrycrd_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
qt_bitcoin_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_ZMQ) $(ZMQ_LIBS)
qt_lbrycrd_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_ZMQ) $(ZMQ_LIBS)
qt_bitcoin_qt_LIBTOOLFLAGS = --tag CXX
qt_lbrycrd_qt_LIBTOOLFLAGS = --tag CXX
#locale/foo.ts -> locale/foo.qm
#locale/foo.ts -> locale/foo.qm
@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ CLEAN_QT = $(nodist_qt_libbitcoinqt_a_SOURCES) $(QT_QM) $(QT_FORMS_H) qt/*.gcda
bitcoin_qt_clean: FORCE
lbrycrd_qt_clean: FORCE
rm -f $(CLEAN_QT) $(qt_libbitcoinqt_a_OBJECTS) $(qt_bitcoin_qt_OBJECTS) qt/bitcoin-qt$(EXEEXT) $(LIBBITCOINQT)
rm -f $(CLEAN_QT) $(qt_libbitcoinqt_a_OBJECTS) $(qt_lbrycrd_qt_OBJECTS) qt/lbrycrd-qt$(EXEEXT) $(LIBBITCOINQT)
bitcoin_qt : qt/bitcoin-qt$(EXEEXT)
lbrycrd_qt : qt/lbrycrd-qt$(EXEEXT)
ui_%.h: %.ui
ui_%.h: %.ui
@test -f $(UIC)
@test -f $(UIC)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
bin_PROGRAMS += qt/test/test_bitcoin-qt
bin_PROGRAMS += qt/test/test_lbrycrd-qt
TESTS += qt/test/test_bitcoin-qt
TESTS += qt/test/test_lbrycrd-qt
TEST_QT_MOC_CPP = qt/test/moc_uritests.cpp
TEST_QT_MOC_CPP = qt/test/moc_uritests.cpp
@ -12,42 +12,42 @@ TEST_QT_H = \
qt/test/paymentrequestdata.h \
qt/test/paymentrequestdata.h \
qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_SOURCES = \
qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_SOURCES = \
qt/test/test_main.cpp \
qt/test/test_main.cpp \
qt/test/uritests.cpp \
qt/test/uritests.cpp \
qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_SOURCES += \
qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_SOURCES += \
nodist_qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_SOURCES = $(TEST_QT_MOC_CPP)
nodist_qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_SOURCES = $(TEST_QT_MOC_CPP)
qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_LDADD = $(LIBBITCOINQT) $(LIBBITCOIN_SERVER)
qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_LDADD = $(LIBBITCOINQT) $(LIBBITCOIN_SERVER)
qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_ZMQ) $(ZMQ_LIBS)
qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_ZMQ) $(ZMQ_LIBS)
qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(QT_PIE_FLAGS)
qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(QT_PIE_FLAGS)
CLEAN_BITCOIN_QT_TEST = $(TEST_QT_MOC_CPP) qt/test/*.gcda qt/test/*.gcno
CLEAN_BITCOIN_QT_TEST = $(TEST_QT_MOC_CPP) qt/test/*.gcda qt/test/*.gcno
test_bitcoin_qt : qt/test/test_bitcoin-qt$(EXEEXT)
test_lbrycrd_qt : qt/test/test_lbrycrd-qt$(EXEEXT)
test_bitcoin_qt_check : qt/test/test_bitcoin-qt$(EXEEXT) FORCE
test_lbrycrd_qt_check : qt/test/test_lbrycrd-qt$(EXEEXT) FORCE
$(MAKE) check-TESTS TESTS=$^
$(MAKE) check-TESTS TESTS=$^
test_bitcoin_qt_clean: FORCE
test_lbrycrd_qt_clean: FORCE
rm -f $(CLEAN_BITCOIN_QT_TEST) $(qt_test_test_bitcoin_qt_OBJECTS)
rm -f $(CLEAN_BITCOIN_QT_TEST) $(qt_test_test_lbrycrd_qt_OBJECTS)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
TESTS += test/test_bitcoin
TESTS += test/test_lbrycrd
bin_PROGRAMS += test/test_bitcoin
bin_PROGRAMS += test/test_lbrycrd
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ BITCOIN_TESTS =\
test/getarg_tests.cpp \
test/getarg_tests.cpp \
test/hash_tests.cpp \
test/hash_tests.cpp \
test/key_tests.cpp \
test/key_tests.cpp \
test/lbry_tests.cpp \
test/limitedmap_tests.cpp \
test/limitedmap_tests.cpp \
test/dbwrapper_tests.cpp \
test/dbwrapper_tests.cpp \
test/main_tests.cpp \
test/main_tests.cpp \
@ -59,6 +60,10 @@ BITCOIN_TESTS =\
test/merkle_tests.cpp \
test/merkle_tests.cpp \
test/miner_tests.cpp \
test/miner_tests.cpp \
test/multisig_tests.cpp \
test/multisig_tests.cpp \
test/claimtriecache_tests.cpp \
test/claimtriebranching_tests.cpp \
test/claimtriedb_tests.cpp \
test/nameclaim_tests.cpp \
test/netbase_tests.cpp \
test/netbase_tests.cpp \
test/pmt_tests.cpp \
test/pmt_tests.cpp \
test/policyestimator_tests.cpp \
test/policyestimator_tests.cpp \
@ -95,23 +100,23 @@ BITCOIN_TESTS += \
test_test_bitcoin_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(BITCOIN_INCLUDES) -I$(builddir)/test/ $(TESTDEFS)
test_test_lbrycrd_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(BITCOIN_INCLUDES) -I$(builddir)/test/ $(TESTDEFS)
test_test_bitcoin_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PIE_FLAGS)
test_test_lbrycrd_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PIE_FLAGS)
test_test_bitcoin_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
test_test_lbrycrd_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
test_test_bitcoin_LDFLAGS = $(RELDFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LIBTOOL_APP_LDFLAGS) -static
test_test_lbrycrd_LDFLAGS = $(RELDFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LIBTOOL_APP_LDFLAGS) -static
test_test_bitcoin_LDADD += $(ZMQ_LIBS)
test_test_lbrycrd_LDADD += $(ZMQ_LIBS)
nodist_test_test_bitcoin_SOURCES = $(GENERATED_TEST_FILES)
nodist_test_test_lbrycrd_SOURCES = $(GENERATED_TEST_FILES)
@ -119,13 +124,13 @@ CLEAN_BITCOIN_TEST = test/*.gcda test/*.gcno $(GENERATED_TEST_FILES)
bitcoin_test: $(TEST_BINARY)
lbrycrd_test: $(TEST_BINARY)
bitcoin_test_check: $(TEST_BINARY) FORCE
lbrycrd_test_check: $(TEST_BINARY) FORCE
$(MAKE) check-TESTS TESTS=$^
$(MAKE) check-TESTS TESTS=$^
bitcoin_test_clean : FORCE
lbrycrd_test_clean : FORCE
rm -f $(CLEAN_BITCOIN_TEST) $(test_test_bitcoin_OBJECTS) $(TEST_BINARY)
rm -f $(CLEAN_BITCOIN_TEST) $(test_test_lbrycrd_OBJECTS) $(TEST_BINARY)
@echo "Running test/"
@echo "Running test/"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "tinyformat.h"
#include "tinyformat.h"
const std::string CURRENCY_UNIT = "BTC";
const std::string CURRENCY_UNIT = "LBC";
CFeeRate::CFeeRate(const CAmount& nFeePaid, size_t nBytes_)
CFeeRate::CFeeRate(const CAmount& nFeePaid, size_t nBytes_)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ extern const std::string CURRENCY_UNIT;
* critical; in unusual circumstances like a(nother) overflow bug that allowed
* critical; in unusual circumstances like a(nother) overflow bug that allowed
* for the creation of coins out of thin air modification could lead to a fork.
* for the creation of coins out of thin air modification could lead to a fork.
* */
* */
static const CAmount MAX_MONEY = 21000000 * COIN;
static const CAmount MAX_MONEY = 21000000000 * COIN;
inline bool MoneyRange(const CAmount& nValue) { return (nValue >= 0 && nValue <= MAX_MONEY); }
inline bool MoneyRange(const CAmount& nValue) { return (nValue >= 0 && nValue <= MAX_MONEY); }
@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ BEGIN
BLOCK "040904E4" // U.S. English - multilingual (hex)
BLOCK "040904E4" // U.S. English - multilingual (hex)
VALUE "CompanyName", "Bitcoin"
VALUE "CompanyName", "LBRY, Inc"
VALUE "FileDescription", "bitcoin-cli (JSON-RPC client for " PACKAGE_NAME ")"
VALUE "FileDescription", "lbrycrd-cli (JSON-RPC client for " PACKAGE_NAME ")"
VALUE "InternalName", "bitcoin-cli"
VALUE "InternalName", "lbrycrd-cli"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks1", "Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks1", "Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "bitcoin-cli.exe"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "lbrycrd-cli.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "bitcoin-cli"
VALUE "ProductName", "lbrycrd-cli"
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ static bool AppInitRPC(int argc, char* argv[])
std::string strUsage = strprintf(_("%s RPC client version"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n";
std::string strUsage = strprintf(_("%s RPC client version"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n";
if (!mapArgs.count("-version")) {
if (!mapArgs.count("-version")) {
strUsage += "\n" + _("Usage:") + "\n" +
strUsage += "\n" + _("Usage:") + "\n" +
" bitcoin-cli [options] <command> [params] " + strprintf(_("Send command to %s"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + "\n" +
" lbrycrd-cli [options] <command> [params] " + strprintf(_("Send command to %s"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + "\n" +
" bitcoin-cli [options] help " + _("List commands") + "\n" +
" lbrycrd-cli [options] help " + _("List commands") + "\n" +
" bitcoin-cli [options] help <command> " + _("Get help for a command") + "\n";
" lbrycrd-cli [options] help <command> " + _("Get help for a command") + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + HelpMessageCli();
strUsage += "\n" + HelpMessageCli();
@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ BEGIN
BLOCK "040904E4" // U.S. English - multilingual (hex)
BLOCK "040904E4" // U.S. English - multilingual (hex)
VALUE "CompanyName", "Bitcoin"
VALUE "CompanyName", "LBRY, Inc"
VALUE "FileDescription", "bitcoin-tx (CLI Bitcoin transaction editor utility)"
VALUE "FileDescription", "lbrycrd-tx (CLI LBRYcrd transaction editor utility)"
VALUE "InternalName", "bitcoin-tx"
VALUE "InternalName", "lbrycrd-tx"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks1", "Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks1", "Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "bitcoin-tx.exe"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "lbrycrd-tx.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "bitcoin-tx"
VALUE "ProductName", "lbrycrd-tx"
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ static bool AppInitRawTx(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc<2 || mapArgs.count("-?") || mapArgs.count("-h") || mapArgs.count("-help"))
if (argc<2 || mapArgs.count("-?") || mapArgs.count("-h") || mapArgs.count("-help"))
// First part of help message is specific to this utility
// First part of help message is specific to this utility
std::string strUsage = strprintf(_("%s bitcoin-tx utility version"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n\n" +
std::string strUsage = strprintf(_("%s lbrycrd-tx utility version"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n\n" +
_("Usage:") + "\n" +
_("Usage:") + "\n" +
" bitcoin-tx [options] <hex-tx> [commands] " + _("Update hex-encoded bitcoin transaction") + "\n" +
" lbrycrd-tx [options] <hex-tx> [commands] " + _("Update hex-encoded lbrycrd transaction") + "\n" +
" bitcoin-tx [options] -create [commands] " + _("Create hex-encoded bitcoin transaction") + "\n" +
" lbrycrd-tx [options] -create [commands] " + _("Create hex-encoded lbrycrd transaction") + "\n" +
fprintf(stdout, "%s", strUsage.c_str());
fprintf(stdout, "%s", strUsage.c_str());
@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ BEGIN
BLOCK "040904E4" // U.S. English - multilingual (hex)
BLOCK "040904E4" // U.S. English - multilingual (hex)
VALUE "CompanyName", "Bitcoin"
VALUE "CompanyName", "LBRY, Inc"
VALUE "FileDescription", "bitcoind (Bitcoin node with a JSON-RPC server)"
VALUE "FileDescription", "lbrycrdd (LBRYcrd node with a JSON-RPC server)"
VALUE "InternalName", "bitcoind"
VALUE "InternalName", "lbrycrdd"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks1", "Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks1", "Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "bitcoind.exe"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "lbrycrdd.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "bitcoind"
VALUE "ProductName", "lbrycrdd"
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ bool AppInit(int argc, char* argv[])
strUsage += "\n" + _("Usage:") + "\n" +
strUsage += "\n" + _("Usage:") + "\n" +
" bitcoind [options] " + strprintf(_("Start %s Daemon"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + "\n";
" lbrycrdd [options] " + strprintf(_("Start %s Daemon"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + "\n";
strUsage += "\n" + HelpMessage(HMM_BITCOIND);
strUsage += "\n" + HelpMessage(HMM_BITCOIND);
@ -121,19 +121,19 @@ bool AppInit(int argc, char* argv[])
// Command-line RPC
// Command-line RPC
bool fCommandLine = false;
bool fCommandLine = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (!IsSwitchChar(argv[i][0]) && !boost::algorithm::istarts_with(argv[i], "bitcoin:"))
if (!IsSwitchChar(argv[i][0]) && !boost::algorithm::istarts_with(argv[i], "lbrycrd:"))
fCommandLine = true;
fCommandLine = true;
if (fCommandLine)
if (fCommandLine)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: There is no RPC client functionality in bitcoind anymore. Use the bitcoin-cli utility instead.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error: There is no RPC client functionality in lbrycrdd anymore. Use the lbrycrd-cli utility instead.\n");
#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef WIN32
fDaemon = GetBoolArg("-daemon", false);
fDaemon = GetBoolArg("-daemon", false);
if (fDaemon)
if (fDaemon)
fprintf(stdout, "Bitcoin server starting\n");
fprintf(stdout, "LBRYcrd server starting\n");
// Daemonize
// Daemonize
pid_t pid = fork();
pid_t pid = fork();
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ public:
//! block header
//! block header
int nVersion;
int nVersion;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint256 hashClaimTrie;
unsigned int nTime;
unsigned int nTime;
unsigned int nBits;
unsigned int nBits;
unsigned int nNonce;
unsigned int nNonce;
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ public:
nVersion = 0;
nVersion = 0;
hashMerkleRoot = uint256();
hashMerkleRoot = uint256();
hashClaimTrie = uint256();
nTime = 0;
nTime = 0;
nBits = 0;
nBits = 0;
nNonce = 0;
nNonce = 0;
@ -179,6 +181,7 @@ public:
nVersion = block.nVersion;
nVersion = block.nVersion;
hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
hashClaimTrie = block.hashClaimTrie;
nTime = block.nTime;
nTime = block.nTime;
nBits = block.nBits;
nBits = block.nBits;
nNonce = block.nNonce;
nNonce = block.nNonce;
@ -209,6 +212,7 @@ public:
if (pprev)
if (pprev)
block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashClaimTrie = hashClaimTrie;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
@ -220,6 +224,11 @@ public:
return *phashBlock;
return *phashBlock;
uint256 GetBlockPoWHash() const
return GetBlockHeader().GetPoWHash();
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
return (int64_t)nTime;
return (int64_t)nTime;
@ -243,9 +252,10 @@ public:
std::string ToString() const
std::string ToString() const
return strprintf("CBlockIndex(pprev=%p, nHeight=%d, merkle=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
return strprintf("CBlockIndex(pprev=%p, nHeight=%d, merkle=%s, claimtrie=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
pprev, nHeight,
pprev, nHeight,
@ -319,6 +329,7 @@ public:
@ -330,6 +341,7 @@ public:
block.nVersion = nVersion;
block.nVersion = nVersion;
block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrev;
block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrev;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashClaimTrie = hashClaimTrie;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
@ -13,10 +13,44 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "chainparamsseeds.h"
#include "chainparamsseeds.h"
#include "arith_uint256.h"
static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesisOutputScript, uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward)
//#define FIND_GENESIS
#define GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT "b8211c82c3d15bcd78bba57005b86fed515149a53a425eb592c07af99fe559cc"
#define MAINNET_GENESIS_HASH "9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463"
#define TESTNET_GENESIS_HASH "9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463"
#define REGTEST_GENESIS_HASH "6e3fcf1299d4ec5d79c3a4c91d624a4acf9e2e173d95a1a0504f677669687556"
bool CheckProofOfWork2(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params& params)
bool fNegative;
bool fOverflow;
arith_uint256 bnTarget;
bnTarget.SetCompact(nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);
// Check range
if (fNegative || bnTarget == 0 || fOverflow || bnTarget > UintToArith256(params.powLimit))
return error("CheckProofOfWork(): nBits below minimum work");
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (UintToArith256(hash) > bnTarget)
return error("CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits");
return true;
static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesisOutputScript, uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward, const Consensus::Params& consensus)
CMutableTransaction txNew;
CMutableTransaction txNew;
txNew.nVersion = 1;
txNew.nVersion = 1;
@ -24,6 +58,9 @@ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesi
||||||[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CScriptNum(4) << std::vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
|[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CScriptNum(4) << std::vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
txNew.vout[0].nValue = genesisReward;
txNew.vout[0].nValue = genesisReward;
//txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f") << OP_CHECKSIG;
//txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex("0425caecb9fbf6cf50979644e85c11e3ec9007fd477fab9683648c6539e59b59c3a4d9b9c0b552c37eee6476f3e0d8425ac0346fe69ad61628b8c340d42fbfa3fd") << OP_CHECKSIG;
//txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ParseHex("e5ff2d9e3a254622ae493573169c0fa94c82fe4f") << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG;
txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = genesisOutputScript;
txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = genesisOutputScript;
CBlock genesis;
CBlock genesis;
@ -34,6 +71,21 @@ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesi
genesis.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(genesis);
genesis.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(genesis);
genesis.hashClaimTrie = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001");
while (true)
genesis.nNonce += 1;
if (CheckProofOfWork2(genesis.GetPoWHash(), nBits, consensus))
std::cout << "nonce: " << genesis.nNonce << std::endl;
std::cout << "hex: " << genesis.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "pow hash: " << genesis.GetPoWHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
return genesis;
return genesis;
@ -48,11 +100,11 @@ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesi
* CTxOut(nValue=50.00000000, scriptPubKey=0x5F1DF16B2B704C8A578D0B)
* CTxOut(nValue=50.00000000, scriptPubKey=0x5F1DF16B2B704C8A578D0B)
* vMerkleTree: 4a5e1e
* vMerkleTree: 4a5e1e
static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward)
static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward, const Consensus::Params& consensus)
const char* pszTimestamp = "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks";
const char* pszTimestamp = "insert timestamp string";//"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks";
const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f") << OP_CHECKSIG;
const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ParseHex("345991dbf57bfb014b87006acdfafbfc5fe8292f") << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG;
return CreateGenesisBlock(pszTimestamp, genesisOutputScript, nTime, nNonce, nBits, nVersion, genesisReward);
return CreateGenesisBlock(pszTimestamp, genesisOutputScript, nTime, nNonce, nBits, nVersion, genesisReward, consensus);
@ -69,16 +121,19 @@ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits
class CMainParams : public CChainParams {
class CMainParams : public CChainParams {
CMainParams() {
CMainParams() {
strNetworkID = "main";
strNetworkID = "lbrycrd";
consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000;
consensus.nSubsidyLevelInterval = 1<<5;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 750;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 750;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 950;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 950;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 1000;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 1000;
consensus.BIP34Height = 227931;
consensus.BIP34Height = 1;
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x000000000000024b89b42a942fe0d9fea3bb44ab7bd1b19115dd6a759c0808b8");
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0xdecb9e2cca03a419fd9cca0cb2b1d5ad11b088f22f8f38556d93ac4358b86c24");
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 150; //retarget every block
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 150;
consensus.nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 262974;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 2102400;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 400155;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1916; // 95% of 2016
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1916; // 95% of 2016
@ -97,30 +152,35 @@ public:
* The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
* The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
* a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
* a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xf9;
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xbe;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xe4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xaa;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xd9;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xf1;
nDefaultPort = 8333;
nDefaultPort = 9246;
nPruneAfterHeight = 100000;
nPruneAfterHeight = 100000;
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1231006505, 2083236893, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1446058291, MAINNET_GENESIS_NONCE, 0x1f00ffff, 1, 400000000 * COIN, consensus);
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));
std::cout << "hex: " << consensus.hashGenesisBlock.GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "merkle root: " << genesis.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex() << std::endl;
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S(MAINNET_GENESIS_HASH));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S(GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); // Pieter Wuille
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); //
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); // Matt Corallo
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); //
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); // Luke Dashjr
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); //
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); // Christian Decker
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); // Jeff Garzik
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", "")); // Jonas Schnelli
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,5);
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0x55);
base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,128);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0x7a);
base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xB2)(0x1E).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0x1c);
base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xAD)(0xE4).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x01)(0x9C)(0x35)(0x4f).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x01)(0x9C)(0x31)(0x18).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));
vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));
@ -132,23 +192,11 @@ public:
checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
( 11111, uint256S("0x0000000069e244f73d78e8fd29ba2fd2ed618bd6fa2ee92559f542fdb26e7c1d"))
( 4000, uint256S("0xa6bbb48f5343eb9b0287c22f3ea8b29f36cf10794a37f8a925a894d6f4519913")),
( 33333, uint256S("0x000000002dd5588a74784eaa7ab0507a18ad16a236e7b1ce69f00d7ddfb5d0a6"))
1467272478, // * UNIX timestamp of last checkpoint block
( 74000, uint256S("0x0000000000573993a3c9e41ce34471c079dcf5f52a0e824a81e7f953b8661a20"))
4146, // * total number of transactions between genesis and last checkpoint
(105000, uint256S("0x00000000000291ce28027faea320c8d2b054b2e0fe44a773f3eefb151d6bdc97"))
(134444, uint256S("0x00000000000005b12ffd4cd315cd34ffd4a594f430ac814c91184a0d42d2b0fe"))
(168000, uint256S("0x000000000000099e61ea72015e79632f216fe6cb33d7899acb35b75c8303b763"))
(193000, uint256S("0x000000000000059f452a5f7340de6682a977387c17010ff6e6c3bd83ca8b1317"))
(210000, uint256S("0x000000000000048b95347e83192f69cf0366076336c639f9b7228e9ba171342e"))
(216116, uint256S("0x00000000000001b4f4b433e81ee46494af945cf96014816a4e2370f11b23df4e"))
(225430, uint256S("0x00000000000001c108384350f74090433e7fcf79a606b8e797f065b130575932"))
(250000, uint256S("0x000000000000003887df1f29024b06fc2200b55f8af8f35453d7be294df2d214"))
(279000, uint256S("0x0000000000000001ae8c72a0b0c301f67e3afca10e819efa9041e458e9bd7e40"))
(295000, uint256S("0x00000000000000004d9b4ef50f0f9d686fd69db2e03af35a100370c64632a983")),
1397080064, // * UNIX timestamp of last checkpoint block
36544669, // * total number of transactions between genesis and last checkpoint
// (the tx=... number in the SetBestChain debug.log lines)
// (the tx=... number in the SetBestChain debug.log lines)
60000.0 // * estimated number of transactions per day after checkpoint
600.0 // * estimated number of transactions per day after checkpoint
@ -160,16 +208,19 @@ static CMainParams mainParams;
class CTestNetParams : public CChainParams {
class CTestNetParams : public CChainParams {
CTestNetParams() {
CTestNetParams() {
strNetworkID = "test";
strNetworkID = "lbrycrdtest";
consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000;
consensus.nSubsidyLevelInterval = 1 << 5;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 51;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 51;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 75;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 75;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 100;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 100;
consensus.BIP34Height = 21111;
consensus.BIP34Height = 21111;
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x0000000023b3a96d3484e5abb3755c413e7d41500f8e2a5c3f0dd01299cd8ef8");
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x0000000023b3a96d3484e5abb3755c413e7d41500f8e2a5c3f0dd01299cd8ef8");
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 150;
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 150;
consensus.nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 262974;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 2102400;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 278160;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1512; // 75% for testchains
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1512; // 75% for testchains
@ -183,23 +234,27 @@ public:
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1456790400; // March 1st, 2016
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1456790400; // March 1st, 2016
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1493596800; // May 1st, 2017
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1493596800; // May 1st, 2017
pchMessageStart[0] = 0x0b;
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0x11;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xe4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0x09;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xaa;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0x07;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xe1;
nDefaultPort = 18333;
nDefaultPort = 19246;
nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;
nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 414098458, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1446058291, TESTNET_GENESIS_NONCE, 0x1f00ffff, 1, 400000000 * COIN, consensus);
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943"));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));
std::cout << "testnet genesis hash: " << genesis.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "testnet merkle hash: " << genesis.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex() << std::endl;
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S(TESTNET_GENESIS_HASH));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S(GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,111);
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,111);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,196);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,196);
@ -217,10 +272,10 @@ public:
checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
( 546, uint256S("000000002a936ca763904c3c35fce2f3556c559c0214345d31b1bcebf76acb70")),
@ -233,18 +288,21 @@ static CTestNetParams testNetParams;
class CRegTestParams : public CChainParams {
class CRegTestParams : public CChainParams {
CRegTestParams() {
CRegTestParams() {
strNetworkID = "regtest";
strNetworkID = "lbrycrdreg";
consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 150;
consensus.nSubsidyLevelInterval = 1 << 5;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 750;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 750;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 950;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 950;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 1000;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 1000;
consensus.BIP34Height = -1; // BIP34 has not necessarily activated on regtest
consensus.BIP34Height = -1; // BIP34 has not necessarily activated on regtest
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256();
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256();
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 1;//14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 1;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
consensus.nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 500;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = true;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 600;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 800;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 108; // 75% for testchains
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 108; // 75% for testchains
consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 144; // Faster than normal for regtest (144 instead of 2016)
consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 144; // Faster than normal for regtest (144 instead of 2016)
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
@ -255,16 +313,21 @@ public:
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 999999999999ULL;
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 999999999999ULL;
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa;
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xbf;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xe4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb5;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xaa;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xda;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xd1;
nDefaultPort = 18444;
nDefaultPort = 29246;
nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;
nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 2, 0x207fffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1446058291, REGTEST_GENESIS_NONCE, 0x207fffff, 1, 400000000 * COIN, consensus);
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206"));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));
std::cout << "regtest genensis hash: " << genesis.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "regtest hashmerkleroot: " << genesis.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex() << std::endl;
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S(REGTEST_GENESIS_HASH));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S(GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT));
vFixedSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any fixed seeds.
vFixedSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any fixed seeds.
vSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any DNS seeds.
vSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any DNS seeds.
@ -277,7 +340,7 @@ public:
checkpointData = (CCheckpointData){
checkpointData = (CCheckpointData){
( 0, uint256S("0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206")),
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class CBaseMainParams : public CBaseChainParams
nRPCPort = 8332;
nRPCPort = 9245;
static CBaseMainParams mainParams;
static CBaseMainParams mainParams;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class CBaseTestNetParams : public CBaseChainParams
nRPCPort = 18332;
nRPCPort = 19245;
strDataDir = "testnet3";
strDataDir = "testnet3";
@ -8,952 +8,11 @@
* IPv4 as well as onion addresses are wrapped inside a IPv6 address accordingly.
* IPv4 as well as onion addresses are wrapped inside a IPv6 address accordingly.
static SeedSpec6 pnSeed6_main[] = {
static SeedSpec6 pnSeed6_main[] = {
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x05,0x02,0x91,0xc9}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x8a,0x44,0xc6,0x8e}, 9246},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x05,0x16,0x8e,0xd6}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x8a,0xc5,0xe0,0xfc}, 9246}
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x05,0x35,0xac,0xc5}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x05,0xbd,0xa1,0xa4}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x05,0xe6,0x8c,0xa6}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x05,0xe7,0x03,0x82}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x05,0xff,0x50,0x67}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x0e,0xca,0xe6,0x31}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x12,0x55,0x0b,0x82}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x17,0x5b,0x61,0x19}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x17,0x5e,0x64,0x7a}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x17,0x5f,0x63,0x84}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x18,0x73,0x08,0xce}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x18,0x7f,0x80,0xbf}, 8333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x18,0x9a,0xb2,0x19}, 8333},
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{{0x20,0x01,0x48,0x02,0x78,0x02,0x01,0x01,0xbe,0x76,0x4e,0xff,0xfe,0x20,0x02,0x56}, 8333},
{{0x20,0x01,0x48,0x02,0x78,0x02,0x01,0x03,0xbe,0x76,0x4e,0xff,0xfe,0x20,0x2d,0xe8}, 8333},
{{0x20,0x01,0x48,0x30,0x11,0x00,0x02,0xe8,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02}, 8333},
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{{0x20,0x01,0x4b,0xa0,0xff,0xff,0x01,0xbe,0x00,0x01,0x10,0x05,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01}, 8333},
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{{0x24,0x00,0x89,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf0,0x3c,0x91,0xff,0xfe,0x26,0xc4,0xd6}, 8333},
{{0x24,0x00,0x89,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf0,0x3c,0x91,0xff,0xfe,0xc8,0x42,0x80}, 8333},
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{{0x26,0x02,0xff,0xc5,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x75,0xd5,0xc1,0xc3}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x02,0xff,0xc5,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xc5,0xb8,0x44}, 8333},
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{{0x26,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xc1,0x01,0x00,0x1e,0xc1,0xde,0xff,0xfe,0x54,0x22,0x35}, 8333},
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{{0x26,0x04,0x01,0x80,0x00,0x03,0x07,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xc9,0xde}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x04,0x40,0x80,0x11,0x14,0x00,0x00,0x32,0x85,0xa9,0xff,0xfe,0x93,0x85,0x0c}, 8333},
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{{0x26,0x05,0x60,0x00,0xf3,0x80,0x9a,0x01,0xba,0x09,0x8a,0xff,0xfe,0xd4,0x35,0x11}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x05,0x60,0x01,0xe0,0x0f,0x7b,0x00,0xc5,0x87,0x6d,0x91,0x6e,0xff,0xee,0xba}, 8333},
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{{0x26,0x06,0x60,0x00,0xa4,0x41,0x99,0x03,0x50,0x54,0x00,0xff,0xfe,0x78,0x66,0xff}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x1c,0x83}, 9334},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xa1}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x1c,0x2f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x2b,0x90,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x33,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x03,0x85,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x4a,0x85,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x65,0xe4,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}, 8333},
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{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x71,0x1a,0x00,0x78,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xa7,0xb5}, 8333},
{{0x26,0x07,0x53,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x07,0x14,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01}, 8333},
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{{0x2a,0x01,0x04,0xf8,0x02,0x01,0x21,0x4c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02}, 8333},
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{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xdb,0x58,0x10,0x81,0x48,0x69,0x2c,0xb3,0x0d,0x6d}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xe2,0x7f,0xf3,0x20,0xef,0x72,0xaf,0x4d,0x29,0x3c}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xef,0x3c,0x49,0x0b,0xc1,0x74,0xc2,0x92,0x86,0xe1}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xe8,0x27,0xf9,0x43,0xad,0x67,0xfd,0x74,0x25,0x43}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xff,0xd9,0x7d,0x26,0x57,0x03,0xb0,0x49,0x67,0x4f}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xf9,0xbe,0x9e,0xf0,0x33,0x40,0x2e,0x79,0xc9,0x18}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x07,0x9c,0x11,0x9b,0x2d,0xf7,0xd7,0xf2,0x5e,0x9b}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x00,0x7d,0xc3,0xfd,0xcb,0x7a,0xff,0x07,0xdc,0x48}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x03,0x34,0x0e,0x44,0x07,0x5c,0xcb,0x4b,0xe7,0xcb}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x06,0x69,0x75,0xcb,0x88,0x3c,0x63,0xa6,0x11,0xff}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x0a,0x26,0x27,0x21,0xbf,0x0a,0x38,0xe7,0xfe,0xc1}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x0a,0x26,0x27,0x21,0xae,0x94,0xd5,0xc2,0x72,0x24}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x0a,0xbf,0x87,0xf8,0x8f,0x6b,0x04,0xb5,0xc3,0xfa}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x0b,0x29,0x34,0x96,0x29,0xe8,0x67,0x22,0x0c,0x61}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x11,0x08,0x94,0x72,0x0f,0x2c,0xb6,0xc9,0x6f,0x22}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x12,0xc9,0x76,0x66,0x08,0x77,0xf0,0x71,0x81,0xdc}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x30,0x7b,0x87,0xc2,0x7e,0xd8,0xe9,0xbb,0x14,0xed}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x3e,0xaa,0xb7,0xd0,0x79,0x79,0xf3,0x0b,0xd2,0x63}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x6f,0x34,0x7f,0xc7,0xce,0xa3,0x04,0x59,0x06,0x32}, 4176},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x68,0xac,0xad,0xae,0x93,0x23,0x0a,0x51,0x3c,0x5c}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x72,0x87,0x94,0x82,0x36,0x22,0x83,0x23,0xb5,0xc5}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x7a,0x4c,0x71,0x22,0xb9,0x53,0x89,0x19,0x12,0x43}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x8d,0xbe,0xe1,0x25,0x73,0x45,0xf5,0xe6,0x10,0xad}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xa5,0xa5,0xf4,0x4c,0x8f,0xfb,0xb7,0x84,0x36,0xee}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xaa,0xb7,0x04,0x8c,0x87,0xc6,0x38,0x3b,0x0a,0xf6}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xac,0x1f,0x82,0x69,0x5d,0x88,0xa1,0x54,0xf5,0x90}, 8333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xb3,0xd1,0xf8,0xbe,0xa7,0x6b,0x46,0xbe,0xe8,0x84}, 8333}
static SeedSpec6 pnSeed6_test[] = {
static SeedSpec6 pnSeed6_test[] = {
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x99,0xcb,0x26,0x31,0xba,0x48,0x51,0x31,0x39,0x0d}, 18333},
{{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x9f,0xcb,0x9a,0xdb}, 19246}
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x44,0xf4,0xf4,0xf0,0xbf,0xf7,0x7e,0x6d,0xc4,0xe8}, 18333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x6a,0x8b,0xd2,0x78,0x3f,0x7a,0xf8,0x92,0x8f,0x80}, 18333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xe6,0x4e,0xa4,0x47,0x4e,0x2a,0xfe,0xe8,0x95,0xcc}, 18333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x9f,0xae,0x9f,0x59,0x0b,0x3f,0x31,0x3a,0x8a,0x5f}, 18333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0x47,0xb1,0xe4,0x55,0xd1,0xb0,0x14,0x3f,0xb6,0xdb}, 18333},
{{0xfd,0x87,0xd8,0x7e,0xeb,0x43,0xa0,0x60,0x9e,0x46,0x54,0xdb,0x61,0x3b,0xb2,0x6f}, 18333}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
#include "amount.h"
#include "chainparams.h"
#include "claimtriedb.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "serialize.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
uint256 getValueHash(const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeightOfLastTakeover);
class CClaimValue
CClaimValue(const COutPoint& outPoint, const uint160& claimId, const CAmount& nAmount, const int nHeight, const int nValidAtHeight)
: outPoint(outPoint), claimId(claimId), nAmount(nAmount), nEffectiveAmount(nAmount), nHeight(nHeight), nValidAtHeight(nValidAtHeight)
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion)
bool operator<(const CClaimValue& other) const
if (nEffectiveAmount < other.nEffectiveAmount) {
return true;
} else if (nEffectiveAmount == other.nEffectiveAmount) {
if (nHeight > other.nHeight) {
return true;
} else if (nHeight == other.nHeight) {
if (outPoint != other.outPoint && !(outPoint < other.outPoint)) {
return true;
return false;
bool operator==(const CClaimValue& other) const
return outPoint == other.outPoint && claimId == other.claimId && nAmount == other.nAmount && nHeight == other.nHeight && nValidAtHeight == other.nValidAtHeight;
bool operator!=(const CClaimValue& other) const
return !(*this == other);
COutPoint outPoint;
uint160 claimId;
CAmount nAmount;
CAmount nEffectiveAmount;
int nHeight;
int nValidAtHeight;
class CSupportValue
CSupportValue(const COutPoint& outPoint,
const uint160& supportedClaimId,
const CAmount& nAmount,
const int nHeight,
const int nValidAtHeight)
: outPoint(outPoint), supportedClaimId(supportedClaimId), nAmount(nAmount), nHeight(nHeight), nValidAtHeight(nValidAtHeight)
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion)
bool operator==(const CSupportValue& other) const
return outPoint == other.outPoint && supportedClaimId == other.supportedClaimId && nAmount == other.nAmount && nHeight == other.nHeight && nValidAtHeight == other.nValidAtHeight;
bool operator!=(const CSupportValue& other) const
return !(*this == other);
COutPoint outPoint;
uint160 supportedClaimId;
CAmount nAmount;
int nHeight;
int nValidAtHeight;
class CClaimTrieNode;
class CClaimTrie;
typedef std::vector<CSupportValue> supportMapEntryType;
typedef std::map<unsigned char, CClaimTrieNode*> nodeMapType;
typedef std::pair<std::string, CClaimTrieNode> namedNodeType;
class CClaimTrieNode
CClaimTrieNode() : nHeightOfLastTakeover(0)
CClaimTrieNode(const uint256& hash) : hash(hash), nHeightOfLastTakeover(0)
bool insertClaim(const CClaimValue& claim);
bool removeClaim(const COutPoint& outPoint, CClaimValue& claim);
bool getBestClaim(CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool empty() const;
bool haveClaim(const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
void reorderClaims(supportMapEntryType& supports);
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion)
bool operator==(const CClaimTrieNode& other) const
return hash == other.hash && claims ==;
bool operator!=(const CClaimTrieNode& other) const
return !(*this == other);
uint256 hash;
nodeMapType children;
int nHeightOfLastTakeover;
std::vector<CClaimValue> claims;
class nodeNameCompare
bool operator()(const std::string& i, const std::string& j) const
if (i.size() == j.size()) {
return i < j;
return i.size() < j.size();
class outPointHeightType
outPointHeightType(const COutPoint& outPoint,
const int nHeight)
: outPoint(outPoint), nHeight(nHeight)
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion)
COutPoint outPoint;
int nHeight;
class nameOutPointHeightType
nameOutPointHeightType(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, const int nHeight)
: name(name), outPoint(outPoint), nHeight(nHeight)
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion)
std::string name;
COutPoint outPoint;
int nHeight;
class nameOutPointType
nameOutPointType(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint)
: name(name), outPoint(outPoint)
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion)
std::string name;
COutPoint outPoint;
class CClaimIndexElement
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion)
bool empty() const
return name.empty() && claim.claimId.IsNull();
std::string name;
CClaimValue claim;
// Helpers to separate queue types from each other
class claimQueueEntryHelper;
class supportQueueEntryHelper;
class queueNameRowHelper;
class supportQueueNameRowHelper;
class expirationQueueRowHelper;
class supportExpirationQueueRowHelper;
template <typename Base, typename Form>
class CGeneric : public Base
CGeneric() : Base()
CGeneric(const Base& base) : Base(base)
CGeneric(const CGeneric& CGeneric) : Base(CGeneric)
// Make std::swap to work with custom types
namespace std {
template <typename Base, typename Form>
inline void swap(CGeneric<Base, Form>& CGeneric, Base& base)
Base base1 = CGeneric;
CGeneric = base;
base = base1;
template <typename Base, typename Form>
inline void swap(Base& base, CGeneric<Base, Form>& CGeneric)
swap(CGeneric, base);
} // namespace std
// Each of these CGeneric types will be stored in the database
typedef CGeneric<CClaimValue, claimQueueEntryHelper> claimQueueValueType;
typedef CGeneric<CSupportValue, supportQueueEntryHelper> supportQueueValueType;
typedef CGeneric<outPointHeightType, queueNameRowHelper> queueNameRowValueType;
typedef CGeneric<outPointHeightType, supportQueueNameRowHelper> supportQueueNameRowValueType;
typedef CGeneric<nameOutPointType, expirationQueueRowHelper> expirationQueueRowValueType;
typedef CGeneric<nameOutPointType, supportExpirationQueueRowHelper> supportExpirationQueueRowValueType;
typedef std::pair<std::string, claimQueueValueType> claimQueueEntryType;
typedef std::pair<std::string, supportQueueValueType> supportQueueEntryType;
typedef std::map<std::string, supportMapEntryType> supportMapType;
typedef std::vector<queueNameRowValueType> queueNameRowType;
typedef std::map<std::string, queueNameRowType> queueNameType;
typedef std::vector<supportQueueNameRowValueType> supportQueueNameRowType;
typedef std::map<std::string, supportQueueNameRowType> supportQueueNameType;
typedef std::vector<nameOutPointHeightType> insertUndoType;
typedef std::vector<expirationQueueRowValueType> expirationQueueRowType;
typedef std::map<int, expirationQueueRowType> expirationQueueType;
typedef std::vector<supportExpirationQueueRowValueType> supportExpirationQueueRowType;
typedef std::map<int, supportExpirationQueueRowType> supportExpirationQueueType;
typedef std::vector<claimQueueEntryType> claimQueueRowType;
typedef std::map<int, claimQueueRowType> claimQueueType;
typedef std::vector<supportQueueEntryType> supportQueueRowType;
typedef std::map<int, supportQueueRowType> supportQueueType;
typedef std::map<std::string, CClaimTrieNode*, nodeNameCompare> nodeCacheType;
typedef std::map<std::string, uint256> hashMapType;
class claimsForNameType
claimsForNameType(const std::vector<CClaimValue>& claims,
const std::vector<CSupportValue>& supports,
const int nLastTakeoverHeight)
: claims(claims), supports(supports), nLastTakeoverHeight(nLastTakeoverHeight)
std::vector<CClaimValue> claims;
std::vector<CSupportValue> supports;
int nLastTakeoverHeight;
class CClaimTrieCache;
class CClaimTrie
CClaimTrie(bool fMemory = false, bool fWipe = false, int nProportionalDelayFactor = 32);
uint256 getMerkleHash();
bool empty() const;
void clear();
bool checkConsistency() const;
bool WriteToDisk();
bool ReadFromDisk(bool check = false);
std::vector<namedNodeType> flattenTrie() const;
bool getInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool getLastTakeoverForName(const std::string& name, int& lastTakeoverHeight) const;
claimsForNameType getClaimsForName(const std::string& name) const;
CAmount getEffectiveAmountForClaim(const std::string& name, const uint160& claimId) const;
CAmount getEffectiveAmountForClaimWithSupports(const std::string& name,
const uint160& claimId,
std::vector<CSupportValue>& supports) const;
bool queueEmpty() const;
bool supportEmpty() const;
bool supportQueueEmpty() const;
bool expirationQueueEmpty() const;
bool supportExpirationQueueEmpty() const;
void setExpirationTime(int t);
void addToClaimIndex(const std::string& name, const CClaimValue& claim);
void removeFromClaimIndex(const CClaimValue& claim);
bool getClaimById(const uint160& claimId, std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool haveClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
bool haveClaimInQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight) const;
bool haveSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
bool haveSupportInQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight) const;
unsigned int getTotalNamesInTrie() const;
unsigned int getTotalClaimsInTrie() const;
CAmount getTotalValueOfClaimsInTrie(bool fControllingOnly) const;
friend class CClaimTrieCache;
int nCurrentHeight;
int nExpirationTime;
int nProportionalDelayFactor;
void clear(CClaimTrieNode* current);
const CClaimTrieNode* getNodeForName(const std::string& name) const;
bool updateName(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieNode* updatedNode);
bool updateHash(const std::string& name, const uint256& hash);
bool updateTakeoverHeight(const std::string& name, int nTakeoverHeight);
bool recursiveNullify(CClaimTrieNode* node, std::string& name);
bool recursiveCheckConsistency(const CClaimTrieNode* node) const;
bool InsertFromDisk(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieNode* node);
unsigned int getTotalNamesRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current) const;
unsigned int getTotalClaimsRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current) const;
CAmount getTotalValueOfClaimsRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current, bool fControllingOnly) const;
bool recursiveFlattenTrie(const std::string& name,
const CClaimTrieNode* current,
std::vector<namedNodeType>& nodes) const;
void markNodeDirty(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieNode* node);
CClaimTrieDb db;
CClaimTrieNode root;
uint256 hashBlock;
nodeCacheType dirtyNodes;
class CClaimTrieProofNode
CClaimTrieProofNode(const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, uint256> >& children,
const bool hasValue,
const uint256& valHash)
: children(children), hasValue(hasValue), valHash(valHash)
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, uint256> > children;
bool hasValue;
uint256 valHash;
class CClaimTrieProof
CClaimTrieProof(const std::vector<CClaimTrieProofNode>& nodes,
const bool hasValue,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
const int nHeightOfLastTakeover)
: nodes(nodes), hasValue(hasValue), outPoint(outPoint), nHeightOfLastTakeover(nHeightOfLastTakeover)
std::vector<CClaimTrieProofNode> nodes;
bool hasValue;
COutPoint outPoint;
int nHeightOfLastTakeover;
class CClaimTrieCache
CClaimTrieCache(CClaimTrie* base, bool fRequireTakeoverHeights = true);
uint256 getMerkleHash() const;
bool empty() const;
bool flush();
bool dirty() const;
bool addClaim(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
const uint160& claimId,
const CAmount& nAmount,
int nHeight);
bool undoAddClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight);
bool spendClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight, int& nValidAtHeight);
bool undoSpendClaim(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
const uint160& claimId,
const CAmount& nAmount,
int nHeight,
int nValidAtHeight);
bool addSupport(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
const CAmount& nAmount,
const uint160& supportedClaimId,
int nHeight);
bool undoAddSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight);
bool spendSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight, int& nValidAtHeight);
bool undoSpendSupport(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
const uint160& supportedClaimId,
const CAmount& nAmount,
int nHeight,
int nValidAtHeight);
uint256 getBestBlock() const;
void setBestBlock(const uint256& hashBlock);
bool incrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo,
claimQueueRowType& expireUndo,
insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo,
supportQueueRowType& expireSupportUndo,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >& takeoverHeightUndo);
bool decrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo,
claimQueueRowType& expireUndo,
insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo,
supportQueueRowType& expireSupportUndo,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >& takeoverHeightUndo);
bool insertClaimIntoTrie(const std::string& name,
const CClaimValue& claim,
bool fCheckTakeover = false);
bool removeClaimFromTrie(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
CClaimValue& claim,
bool fCheckTakeover = false);
CClaimTrieProof getProofForName(const std::string& name) const;
bool finalizeDecrement();
void removeAndAddSupportToExpirationQueue(supportExpirationQueueRowType& row, int height, bool increment);
void removeAndAddToExpirationQueue(expirationQueueRowType& row, int height, bool increment);
bool forkForExpirationChange(bool increment);
uint256 computeHash() const;
bool reorderTrieNode(const std::string& name, bool fCheckTakeover);
bool recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent, const std::string& sPos) const;
bool recursivePruneName(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent,
unsigned int nPos,
const std::string& sName,
bool* pfNullified = NULL);
bool clear();
bool removeClaim(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
int nHeight,
int& nValidAtHeight,
bool fCheckTakeover);
bool addClaimToQueues(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim);
bool removeClaimFromQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, CClaimValue& claim);
void addToExpirationQueue(int nExpirationHeight, nameOutPointType& entry);
void removeFromExpirationQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight);
bool removeSupport(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
int nHeight,
int& nValidAtHeight,
bool fCheckTakeover);
bool removeSupportFromMap(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
CSupportValue& support,
bool fCheckTakeover);
bool insertSupportIntoMap(const std::string& name, const CSupportValue& support, bool fCheckTakeover);
bool addSupportToQueues(const std::string& name, CSupportValue& support);
bool removeSupportFromQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, CSupportValue& support);
void addSupportToExpirationQueue(int nExpirationHeight, nameOutPointType& entry);
void removeSupportFromExpirationQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight);
bool getSupportsForName(const std::string& name, supportMapEntryType& node) const;
bool getLastTakeoverForName(const std::string& name, int& lastTakeoverHeight) const;
int getDelayForName(const std::string& name) const;
uint256 getLeafHashForProof(const std::string& currentPosition,
unsigned char nodeChar,
const CClaimTrieNode* currentNode) const;
CClaimTrieNode* addNodeToCache(const std::string& position, CClaimTrieNode* original);
bool getOriginalInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
int getNumBlocksOfContinuousOwnership(const std::string& name) const;
template <typename K, typename V>
void update(std::map<K, V>& map);
template <typename K, typename V>
typename std::map<K, V>::iterator getQueueCacheRow(const K& key, std::map<K, V>& map, bool createIfNotExists);
CClaimTrie* base;
bool fRequireTakeoverHeights;
nodeCacheType cache;
nodeCacheType block_originals;
claimQueueType claimQueueCache;
queueNameType claimQueueNameCache;
expirationQueueType expirationQueueCache;
supportMapType supportCache;
supportQueueType supportQueueCache;
supportQueueNameType supportQueueNameCache;
supportExpirationQueueType supportExpirationQueueCache;
std::set<std::string> namesToCheckForTakeover;
std::map<std::string, int> cacheTakeoverHeights;
int nCurrentHeight; // Height of the block that is being worked on, which is
// one greater than the height of the chain's tip
// used in merkle hash computing
mutable hashMapType cacheHashes;
mutable std::set<std::string> dirtyHashes;
uint256 hashBlock;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#include "claimtriedb.h"
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#include "claimtrie.h"
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#include <iterator>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#include <list>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
* Function to provide unique char of types pair
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <class T1, class T2>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
unsigned char hashType();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#define TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(type1, type2, ret) \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <> \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
unsigned char hashType<type1, type2>() \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
{ \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return ret; \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(std::string, CClaimTrieNode, 'n')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(uint160, CClaimIndexElement, 'i')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(int, claimQueueRowType, 'r')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(std::string, queueNameRowType, 'm')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(int, expirationQueueRowType, 'e')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(std::string, supportMapEntryType, 's')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(int, supportQueueRowType, 'u')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(std::string, supportQueueNameRowType, 'p')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_HASH_TYPE(int, supportExpirationQueueRowType, 'x')
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
* Concrete implementation of buffer
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <typename K, typename V>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
class CActualBuffer : public CAbstractBuffer
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
CActualBuffer() : data()
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typedef std::list<std::pair<K, V> > dataType;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typename dataType::iterator find(const K& key)
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typename dataType::iterator itData = data.begin();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
while (itData != data.end()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (key == itData->first) break;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return itData;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typename dataType::iterator end()
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return data.end();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typename dataType::iterator push_back(const std::pair<K, V>& element)
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return data.insert(data.end(), element);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
void write(const unsigned char key, CClaimTrieDb* db)
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
for (typename dataType::iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (it->second.empty()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
db->Erase(std::make_pair(key, it->first));
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
} else {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
db->Write(std::make_pair(key, it->first), it->second);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
dataType data;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
CClaimTrieDb::CClaimTrieDb(bool fMemory, bool fWipe)
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
: CDBWrapper(GetDataDir() / "claimtrie", 100, fMemory, fWipe, false)
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
for (std::map<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*>::iterator itQueue = queues.begin(); itQueue != queues.end(); ++itQueue) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
delete itQueue->second;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
void CClaimTrieDb::writeQueues()
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
for (std::map<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*>::iterator itQueue = queues.begin(); itQueue != queues.end(); ++itQueue) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
itQueue->second->write(itQueue->first, this);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <typename K, typename V>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
bool CClaimTrieDb::getQueueRow(const K& key, V& row) const
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
const unsigned char hash = hashType<K, V>();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::map<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*>::const_iterator itQueue = queues.find(hash);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (itQueue != queues.end()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
CActualBuffer<K, V>* map = static_cast<CActualBuffer<K, V>*>(itQueue->second);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typename CActualBuffer<K, V>::dataType::const_iterator itData = map->find(key);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (itData != map->end()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
row = itData->second;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return true;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return Read(std::make_pair(hash, key), row);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <typename K, typename V>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
void CClaimTrieDb::updateQueueRow(const K& key, V& row)
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
const unsigned char hash = hashType<K, V>();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::map<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*>::iterator itQueue = queues.find(hash);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (itQueue == queues.end()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
itQueue = queues.insert(itQueue, std::pair<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*>(hash, new CActualBuffer<K, V>));
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
CActualBuffer<K, V>* map = static_cast<CActualBuffer<K, V>*>(itQueue->second);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typename CActualBuffer<K, V>::dataType::iterator itData = map->find(key);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (itData == map->end()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
itData = map->push_back(std::make_pair(key, V()));
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::swap(itData->second, row);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() If you were using a real map here, the above four lines would turn into a single If you were using a real map here, the above four lines would turn into a single `map->at(key) = row;`. That seems more straightforward to me. Are you intentionally trying to return the old row here? If so, it should use the method return. The way that's coded is going to lead to unintended consequences.
![]() Yeah, but i don't think it's worst, no? Yeah, but i don't think it's worst, no?
![]() I do think it's pretty bad; it's what caused the problem that Kay found, right? I do think it's pretty bad; it's what caused the problem that Kay found, right?
![]() I don't have good reason for swap, but follows current behavior. I don't have good reason for swap, but follows current behavior.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <typename K, typename V>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
bool CClaimTrieDb::keyTypeEmpty() const
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
const unsigned char hash = hashType<K, V>();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::map<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*>::const_iterator itQueue = queues.find(hash);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (itQueue != queues.end()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
const typename CActualBuffer<K, V>::dataType& data = (static_cast<CActualBuffer<K, V>*>(itQueue->second))->data;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
for (typename CActualBuffer<K, V>::dataType::const_iterator itData = data.begin(); itData != data.end(); ++itData) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (!itData->second.empty()) return false;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
boost::scoped_ptr<CDBIterator> pcursor(const_cast<CClaimTrieDb*>(this)->NewIterator());
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
for (pcursor->SeekToFirst(); pcursor->Valid(); pcursor->Next()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::pair<unsigned char, K> key;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (pcursor->GetKey(key)) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (hash == key.first) return false;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
} else {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return true;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
bool CClaimTrieDb::seekByKey(std::map<K, V, C>& map) const
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
const unsigned char hash = hashType<K, V>();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
boost::scoped_ptr<CDBIterator> pcursor(const_cast<CClaimTrieDb*>(this)->NewIterator());
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
for (pcursor->SeekToFirst(); pcursor->Valid(); pcursor->Next()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::pair<unsigned char, K> key;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (pcursor->GetKey(key)) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (hash == key.first) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
V value;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (!pcursor->GetValue(value)) return false;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
map.insert(std::make_pair(key.second, value));
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return true;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
bool CClaimTrieDb::getQueueMap(std::map<K, V, C>& map) const
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
const unsigned char hash = hashType<K, V>();
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::map<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*>::const_iterator itQueue = queues.find(hash);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (itQueue != queues.end()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
const typename CActualBuffer<K, V>::dataType& data = (static_cast<CActualBuffer<K, V>*>(itQueue->second))->data;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), std::inserter(map, map.end()));
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
boost::scoped_ptr<CDBIterator> pcursor(const_cast<CClaimTrieDb*>(this)->NewIterator());
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
for (pcursor->SeekToFirst(); pcursor->Valid(); pcursor->Next()) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
std::pair<unsigned char, K> key;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (pcursor->GetKey(key)) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (hash == key.first) {
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
typename std::map<K, V, C>::iterator itMap = map.find(key.second);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (itMap != map.end()) continue;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
V value;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
if (!pcursor->GetValue(value)) return false;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
map.insert(itMap, std::make_pair(key.second, value));
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
return true;
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
* Explicit template instantiation for every pair of types
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#define TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(type1, type2) \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::getQueueMap<>(std::map<type1, type2> & map) const; \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::getQueueRow<>(const type1& key, type2& row) const; \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template void CClaimTrieDb::updateQueueRow<>(const type1& key, type2& row); \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::keyTypeEmpty<type1, type2>() const; \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::seekByKey<>(std::map<type1, type2> & map) const
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
#define TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE3(type1, type2, type3) \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::getQueueMap<>(std::map<type1, type2, type3> & map) const; \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::getQueueRow<>(const type1& key, type2& row) const; \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template void CClaimTrieDb::updateQueueRow<>(const type1& key, type2& row); \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::keyTypeEmpty<type1, type2>() const; \
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
template bool CClaimTrieDb::seekByKey<>(std::map<type1, type2, type3> & map) const
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE3(std::string, CClaimTrieNode, nodeNameCompare);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(uint160, CClaimIndexElement);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(int, claimQueueRowType);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(std::string, queueNameRowType);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(int, expirationQueueRowType);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(std::string, supportMapEntryType);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(int, supportQueueRowType);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(std::string, supportQueueNameRowType);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATE2(int, supportExpirationQueueRowType);
![]() Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story. Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.
![]() unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived. unordered_map is a hash_map, so we should provide a hash algorithm for some classes, like base_blob derived.
![]() I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges). I don't think the queues get to be that large, but perhaps someday it's worth measuring the performance. As it is, you gain cache effects due to locality (I think this wins), but with a well defined hash and unordered_map you gain constant time retrieval. This is not urgent for this PR and it's fine as-is. I'd also advise (style) to just use std::find.std::find_if with a comparator if/when it's supported by the compiler (certainly after upstream merges).
![]() As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward. As a compromise (and simplicity), perhaps it's worth considering 2 step hashes such that the above hash == some_map[K][V]? I see why you need these now, but we're jumping through some hoops to get there, no? What I proposed is probably less space efficient, but I want to be sure we're doing this in a sustainable way going forward.
![]() What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code. What if this inherited from std::map instead? You wouldn't need the find and insert methods below. You wouldn't need the dataType stuff. It seems like that would be less code.
![]() Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N) Map is ordered i.e. it'll reorder every insert, list benefits speed over it O(log N) vs O(N)
![]() Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option. Your current use of a list is O(1) insertion time; it's the lookup time that suffers. Once we get the upstream c++11, we could use an unordered_list, which is definitely faster. However, the number of buffers we have is small; none of these solutions are going to be a performance problem. Hence, I prefer the "less code" option.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
#include "dbwrapper.h"
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
#include <utility>
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
#include <map>
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
class CClaimTrieDb;
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Interface between buffer and database
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
class CAbstractBuffer
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
virtual ~CAbstractBuffer()
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
virtual void write(const unsigned char key, CClaimTrieDb* db) = 0;
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* This class implements key value storage. It is used by the CClaimTrie
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* class to store queues of claim information. It allows for the storage
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* of values of datatype V that can be retrieved using key datatype K.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Changes to the key value storage is buffered until they are written to
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* disk using writeQueues()
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
class CClaimTrieDb : public CDBWrapper
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
CClaimTrieDb(bool fMemory = false, bool fWipe = false);
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Write to disk the buffered changes to the key value storage
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
void writeQueues();
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Gets a map representation of K type / V type stored by their hash
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* on disk with buffered changes applied.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* @param[out] map key / value pairs to read
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
bool getQueueMap(std::map<K, V, C>& map) const;
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Gets a value of type V found by key of type K stored by their hash
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* on disk with with buffered changes applied.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* @param[in] key key to look for
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* @param[out] row value which is found
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
template <typename K, typename V>
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
bool getQueueRow(const K& key, V& row) const;
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Update value of type V by key of type K in the buffer through
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* their hash
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* @param[in] key key to look for
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* @param[in/out] row update value and gets its last value
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
template <typename K, typename V>
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
void updateQueueRow(const K& key, V& row);
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Check that there are no data stored under key datatype K and value
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* datatype V. Checks both the buffer and disk
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
template <typename K, typename V>
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
bool keyTypeEmpty() const;
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Get a map representation of K type / V type stored by their hash.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Look only in the disk, and not the buffer.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Returns false if database read fails.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* @param[out] map key / value pairs readed only from disk
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
bool seekByKey(std::map<K, V, C>& map) const;
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
* Represents buffer of changes before being stored to disk
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
std::map<unsigned char, CAbstractBuffer*> queues;
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
![]() Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal. Where did these definitions come from? It should be documented because 1) Not all hashes are equally appropriate, and 2) I'd hope we can replace most/all of these with boost:: or std:: hash implementations. I don't think supporting these in our code forever is ideal.
![]() If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants. If we really want to do this, there are plenty of template specialization varieties that can be made that resort to std::hash which eliminates the need for many of the custom hash variants.
![]() Get it from here -> it should be unique. Get it from here -> it *should* be unique.
![]() Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand. Yes, it's helper macro. There is no need to write class names by hand.
![]() This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of). This link didn't work for me. It's also not really documenting why we want to use these hash values in our code base indefinitely, as opposed to re-organizing or sticking with existing boost/std ones (or some composition of).
![]() @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now? @bvbfan , can you explain why these hash methods weren't necessary before but are now?
![]() Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value. Sure. Whole idea behind these hashes is to use as safe as possible db. Till now they a predefined chars 'n', 'r' etc. which was used in claimtrie.cpp now we separated it and calls can be type safe e.g. you can only declare type and don't care what is predefined char, hash or anything else. The first idea was to use boost::type_id but for sake of not generate same hashes in all its versions (e.g. in 1.59 and 1.64 are not same) i aim to provide a proven algorithm to generate same hashes in all compilers and OS'es. That's why unit test matters to prove any type that we need has a unique value.
![]() Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it. Not only this, generic functions prevent code duplication and it does not need to update db implementation every time when new type is introduced. I've notice many code duplication in claimtrie i aim to remove it at all, this kind of implementation do it.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* for both bitcoind and bitcoin-core, to make it harder for attackers to
* for both bitcoind and bitcoin-core, to make it harder for attackers to
* target servers or GUI users specifically.
* target servers or GUI users specifically.
const std::string CLIENT_NAME("Satoshi");
const std::string CLIENT_NAME("LBRY");
* Client version number
* Client version number
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
//! These need to be macros, as clientversion.cpp's and bitcoin*-res.rc's voodoo requires it
//! These need to be macros, as clientversion.cpp's and bitcoin*-res.rc's voodoo requires it
//! Set to true for release, false for prerelease or test build
//! Set to true for release, false for prerelease or test build
* Copyright year (2009-this)
* Copyright year (2009-this)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
/** The maximum allowed size for a serialized block, in bytes (network rule) */
/** The maximum allowed size for a serialized block, in bytes (network rule) */
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000000;
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 2000000;
/** The maximum allowed number of signature check operations in a block (network rule) */
/** The maximum allowed number of signature check operations in a block (network rule) */
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/50;
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/50;
/** Coinbase transaction outputs can only be spent after this number of new blocks (network rule) */
/** Coinbase transaction outputs can only be spent after this number of new blocks (network rule) */
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ struct BIP9Deployment {
struct Params {
struct Params {
uint256 hashGenesisBlock;
uint256 hashGenesisBlock;
int nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
int nSubsidyLevelInterval;
/** Used to check majorities for block version upgrade */
/** Used to check majorities for block version upgrade */
int nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade;
int nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade;
int nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated;
int nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated;
@ -58,6 +58,17 @@ struct Params {
bool fPowNoRetargeting;
bool fPowNoRetargeting;
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing;
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing;
int64_t nPowTargetTimespan;
int64_t nPowTargetTimespan;
/** how long it took claims to expire before the hard fork */
int64_t nOriginalClaimExpirationTime;
/** how long it takes claims to expire after the hard fork */
int64_t nExtendedClaimExpirationTime;
/** blocks before the hard fork that changed the expiration time */
int64_t nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight;
int64_t GetExpirationTime(int64_t nHeight) const {
return nHeight < nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight ?
nOriginalClaimExpirationTime :
int64_t DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() const { return nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing; }
int64_t DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() const { return nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing; }
} // namespace Consensus
} // namespace Consensus
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
#include "hash.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "crypto/common.h"
#include "crypto/common.h"
#include "crypto/ripemd160.h"
#include "crypto/hmac_sha512.h"
#include "crypto/hmac_sha512.h"
#include "crypto/sha512.h"
#include "pubkey.h"
#include "pubkey.h"
@ -13,6 +15,43 @@ inline uint32_t ROTL32(uint32_t x, int8_t r)
return (x << r) | (x >> (32 - r));
return (x << r) | (x >> (32 - r));
uint256 PoWHash(const std::vector<unsigned char>& input)
CHash256 h256;
CSHA512 h512;
CRIPEMD160 h160;
std::vector<unsigned char> out;
std::vector<unsigned char> out_small;
h256.Write(, input.size());
h512.Write(, h256.OUTPUT_SIZE);
h160.Write(, h512.OUTPUT_SIZE / 2);
h256.Write(, h160.OUTPUT_SIZE);
h160.Write( + h512.OUTPUT_SIZE / 2, h512.OUTPUT_SIZE / 2);
h256.Write(, h160.OUTPUT_SIZE);
uint256 result(out);
return result;
unsigned int MurmurHash3(unsigned int nHashSeed, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vDataToHash)
unsigned int MurmurHash3(unsigned int nHashSeed, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vDataToHash)
// The following is MurmurHash3 (x86_32), see
// The following is MurmurHash3 (x86_32), see
@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ uint256 SerializeHash(const T& obj, int nType=SER_GETHASH, int nVersion=PROTOCOL
return ss.GetHash();
return ss.GetHash();
uint256 PoWHash(const std::vector<unsigned char>& input);
unsigned int MurmurHash3(unsigned int nHashSeed, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vDataToHash);
unsigned int MurmurHash3(unsigned int nHashSeed, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vDataToHash);
void BIP32Hash(const ChainCode &chainCode, unsigned int nChild, unsigned char header, const unsigned char data[32], unsigned char output[64]);
void BIP32Hash(const ChainCode &chainCode, unsigned int nChild, unsigned char header, const unsigned char data[32], unsigned char output[64]);
@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ void Shutdown()
if (pwalletMain)
if (pwalletMain)
GenerateBitcoins(false, 0, Params());
@ -222,6 +223,8 @@ void Shutdown()
pcoinsdbview = NULL;
pcoinsdbview = NULL;
delete pblocktree;
delete pblocktree;
pblocktree = NULL;
pblocktree = NULL;
delete pclaimTrie;
pclaimTrie = NULL;
if (pwalletMain)
if (pwalletMain)
@ -424,6 +427,8 @@ std::string HelpMessage(HelpMessageMode mode)
debugCategories += ", qt";
debugCategories += ", qt";
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-debug=<category>", strprintf(_("Output debugging information (default: %u, supplying <category> is optional)"), 0) + ". " +
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-debug=<category>", strprintf(_("Output debugging information (default: %u, supplying <category> is optional)"), 0) + ". " +
_("If <category> is not supplied or if <category> = 1, output all debugging information.") + _("<category> can be:") + " " + debugCategories + ".");
_("If <category> is not supplied or if <category> = 1, output all debugging information.") + _("<category> can be:") + " " + debugCategories + ".");
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-gen", strprintf(_("Generate coins (default: %u)"), 0));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-genproclimit=<n>", strprintf(_("Set the number of threads for coin generation if enabled (-1 = all cores, default: %d)"), 1));
if (showDebug)
if (showDebug)
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-nodebug", "Turn off debugging messages, same as -debug=0");
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-nodebug", "Turn off debugging messages, same as -debug=0");
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-help-debug", _("Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-help-debug", _("Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)"));
@ -1224,6 +1229,8 @@ bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup, CScheduler& scheduler)
LogPrintf("* Using %.1fMiB for chain state database\n", nCoinDBCache * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
LogPrintf("* Using %.1fMiB for chain state database\n", nCoinDBCache * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
LogPrintf("* Using %.1fMiB for in-memory UTXO set\n", nCoinCacheUsage * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
LogPrintf("* Using %.1fMiB for in-memory UTXO set\n", nCoinCacheUsage * (1.0 / 1024 / 1024));
const Consensus::Params& consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();
bool fLoaded = false;
bool fLoaded = false;
while (!fLoaded) {
while (!fLoaded) {
bool fReset = fReindex;
bool fReset = fReindex;
@ -1239,11 +1246,13 @@ bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup, CScheduler& scheduler)
delete pcoinsdbview;
delete pcoinsdbview;
delete pcoinscatcher;
delete pcoinscatcher;
delete pblocktree;
delete pblocktree;
delete pclaimTrie;
pblocktree = new CBlockTreeDB(nBlockTreeDBCache, false, fReindex);
pblocktree = new CBlockTreeDB(nBlockTreeDBCache, false, fReindex);
pcoinsdbview = new CCoinsViewDB(nCoinDBCache, false, fReindex);
pcoinsdbview = new CCoinsViewDB(nCoinDBCache, false, fReindex);
pcoinscatcher = new CCoinsViewErrorCatcher(pcoinsdbview);
pcoinscatcher = new CCoinsViewErrorCatcher(pcoinsdbview);
pcoinsTip = new CCoinsViewCache(pcoinscatcher);
pcoinsTip = new CCoinsViewCache(pcoinscatcher);
pclaimTrie = new CClaimTrie(false, fReindex);
if (fReindex) {
if (fReindex) {
@ -1259,7 +1268,7 @@ bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup, CScheduler& scheduler)
// If the loaded chain has a wrong genesis, bail out immediately
// If the loaded chain has a wrong genesis, bail out immediately
// (we're likely using a testnet datadir, or the other way around).
// (we're likely using a testnet datadir, or the other way around).
if (!mapBlockIndex.empty() && mapBlockIndex.count(chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) == 0)
if (!mapBlockIndex.empty() && mapBlockIndex.count(consensusParams.hashGenesisBlock) == 0)
return InitError(_("Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?"));
return InitError(_("Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?"));
// Initialize the block index (no-op if non-empty database was already loaded)
// Initialize the block index (no-op if non-empty database was already loaded)
@ -1274,6 +1283,12 @@ bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup, CScheduler& scheduler)
if (!pclaimTrie->ReadFromDisk(true))
strLoadError = _("Error loading the claim trie from disk");
// Check for changed -prune state. What we are concerned about is a user who has pruned blocks
// Check for changed -prune state. What we are concerned about is a user who has pruned blocks
// in the past, but is now trying to run unpruned.
// in the past, but is now trying to run unpruned.
if (fHavePruned && !fPruneMode) {
if (fHavePruned && !fPruneMode) {
@ -1409,6 +1424,8 @@ bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup, CScheduler& scheduler)
//// debug print
//// debug print
LogPrintf("mapBlockIndex.size() = %u\n", mapBlockIndex.size());
LogPrintf("mapBlockIndex.size() = %u\n", mapBlockIndex.size());
LogPrintf("nBestHeight = %d\n", chainActive.Height());
LogPrintf("nBestHeight = %d\n", chainActive.Height());
@ -1424,11 +1441,14 @@ bool AppInit2(boost::thread_group& threadGroup, CScheduler& scheduler)
StartNode(threadGroup, scheduler);
StartNode(threadGroup, scheduler);
// Monitor the chain, and alert if we get blocks much quicker or slower than expected
// Monitor the chain, and alert if we get blocks much quicker or slower than expected
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing = Params().GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing;
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing = consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing;
CScheduler::Function f = boost::bind(&PartitionCheck, &IsInitialBlockDownload,
CScheduler::Function f = boost::bind(&PartitionCheck, &IsInitialBlockDownload,
boost::ref(cs_main), boost::cref(pindexBestHeader), nPowTargetSpacing);
boost::ref(cs_main), boost::cref(pindexBestHeader), nPowTargetSpacing);
scheduler.scheduleEvery(f, nPowTargetSpacing);
scheduler.scheduleEvery(f, nPowTargetSpacing);
// Generate coins in the background
GenerateBitcoins(GetBoolArg("-gen", false), GetArg("-genproclimit", 1), Params());
// ********************************************************* Step 12: finished
// ********************************************************* Step 12: finished
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#include "lbry.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include <cstdio>
unsigned int CalculateLbryNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params& params)
if (params.fPowNoRetargeting)
return pindexLast->nBits;
const int64_t retargetTimespan = params.nPowTargetTimespan;
const int64_t nActualTimespan = pindexLast->GetBlockTime() - nFirstBlockTime;
int64_t nModulatedTimespan = nActualTimespan;
int64_t nMaxTimespan;
int64_t nMinTimespan;
nModulatedTimespan = retargetTimespan + (nModulatedTimespan - retargetTimespan) / 8;
nMinTimespan = retargetTimespan - (retargetTimespan / 8); //(150 - 18 = 132)
nMaxTimespan = retargetTimespan + (retargetTimespan / 2); //(150 + 75 = 225)
// Limit adjustment step
if (nModulatedTimespan < nMinTimespan)
nModulatedTimespan = nMinTimespan;
else if (nModulatedTimespan > nMaxTimespan)
nModulatedTimespan = nMaxTimespan;
// Retarget
const arith_uint256 bnPowLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit);
arith_uint256 bnNew;
bnNew *= nModulatedTimespan;
bnNew /= retargetTimespan;
if (bnNew > bnPowLimit)
bnNew = bnPowLimit;
return bnNew.GetCompact();
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#ifndef LBRY_H
#define LBRY_H
#include "chain.h"
#include "chainparams.h"
unsigned int CalculateLbryNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nLastRetargetTime, const Consensus::Params& params);
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "hash.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "merkleblock.h"
#include "merkleblock.h"
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "policy/fees.h"
#include "policy/fees.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
#if defined(NDEBUG)
#if defined(NDEBUG)
# error "Bitcoin cannot be compiled without assertions."
# error "LBRYcrd cannot be compiled without assertions."
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ bool fEnableReplacement = DEFAULT_ENABLE_REPLACEMENT;
CFeeRate minRelayTxFee = CFeeRate(DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE);
CFeeRate minRelayTxFee = CFeeRate(DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE);
CAmount minFeePerNameClaimChar = MIN_FEE_PER_NAMECLAIM_CHAR;
CTxMemPool mempool(::minRelayTxFee);
CTxMemPool mempool(::minRelayTxFee);
FeeFilterRounder filterRounder(::minRelayTxFee);
FeeFilterRounder filterRounder(::minRelayTxFee);
@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ static void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
/** Constant stuff for coinbase transactions we create: */
/** Constant stuff for coinbase transactions we create: */
const string strMessageMagic = "Bitcoin Signed Message:\n";
const string strMessageMagic = "LBRYcrd Signed Message:\n";
// Internal stuff
// Internal stuff
namespace {
namespace {
@ -596,6 +598,7 @@ CBlockIndex* FindForkInGlobalIndex(const CChain& chain, const CBlockLocator& loc
CCoinsViewCache *pcoinsTip = NULL;
CCoinsViewCache *pcoinsTip = NULL;
CClaimTrie *pclaimTrie = NULL;
CBlockTreeDB *pblocktree = NULL;
CBlockTreeDB *pblocktree = NULL;
@ -923,8 +926,9 @@ unsigned int GetP2SHSigOpCount(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& in
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++)
const CTxOut &prevout = inputs.GetOutputFor([i]);
const CTxOut &prevout = inputs.GetOutputFor([i]);
if (prevout.scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash())
const CScript& scriptPubKey = StripClaimScriptPrefix(prevout.scriptPubKey);
nSigOps += prevout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount([i].scriptSig);
if (scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash())
nSigOps += scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount([i].scriptSig);
return nSigOps;
return nSigOps;
@ -958,6 +962,14 @@ bool CheckTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state)
nValueOut += txout.nValue;
nValueOut += txout.nValue;
if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut))
if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut))
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge");
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge");
// check claimtrie transactions
if (ClaimScriptSize(txout.scriptPubKey) > MAX_CLAIM_SCRIPT_SIZE)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-claimscriptsize-toolarge");
if (ClaimNameSize(txout.scriptPubKey) > MAX_CLAIM_NAME_SIZE)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-claimscriptname-toolarge");
// Check for duplicate inputs
// Check for duplicate inputs
@ -1183,6 +1195,14 @@ bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState& state, const C
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "bad-txns-too-many-sigops", false,
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "bad-txns-too-many-sigops", false,
strprintf("%d", nSigOps));
strprintf("%d", nSigOps));
// If a ClaimTrie transaction, it must meet the minimum fee requirement due to
// it consuming extra system resources, compared to an ordinary transaction
CAmount minClaimTrieFee = CalcMinClaimTrieFee(tx, minFeePerNameClaimChar);
if (nModifiedFees < minClaimTrieFee) {
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "minimum claim trie fee not met", false,
strprintf("%d < %d", nFees, minClaimTrieFee));
CAmount mempoolRejectFee = pool.GetMinFee(GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFee(nSize);
CAmount mempoolRejectFee = pool.GetMinFee(GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFee(nSize);
if (mempoolRejectFee > 0 && nModifiedFees < mempoolRejectFee) {
if (mempoolRejectFee > 0 && nModifiedFees < mempoolRejectFee) {
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "mempool min fee not met", false, strprintf("%d < %d", nFees, mempoolRejectFee));
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "mempool min fee not met", false, strprintf("%d < %d", nFees, mempoolRejectFee));
@ -1190,7 +1210,6 @@ bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(CTxMemPool& pool, CValidationState& state, const C
// Require that free transactions have sufficient priority to be mined in the next block.
// Require that free transactions have sufficient priority to be mined in the next block.
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "insufficient priority");
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE, "insufficient priority");
// Continuously rate-limit free (really, very-low-fee) transactions
// Continuously rate-limit free (really, very-low-fee) transactions
// This mitigates 'penny-flooding' -- sending thousands of free transactions just to
// This mitigates 'penny-flooding' -- sending thousands of free transactions just to
// be annoying or make others' transactions take longer to confirm.
// be annoying or make others' transactions take longer to confirm.
@ -1473,7 +1492,7 @@ bool GetTransaction(const uint256 &hash, CTransaction &txOut, const Consensus::P
if (coins)
if (coins)
nHeight = coins->nHeight;
nHeight = coins->nHeight;
if (nHeight > 0)
if (nHeight >= 0)
pindexSlow = chainActive[nHeight];
pindexSlow = chainActive[nHeight];
@ -1542,7 +1561,7 @@ bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus:
// Check the header
// Check the header
if (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams))
if (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams))
return error("ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at %s", pos.ToString());
return error("ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at %s", pos.ToString());
return true;
return true;
@ -1558,17 +1577,54 @@ bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, const Consensus
return true;
return true;
bool withinLevelBounds(int nReduction, int nLevel)
if (((nReduction * nReduction + nReduction) >> 1) > nLevel)
return false;
nReduction += 1;
if (((nReduction * nReduction + nReduction) >> 1) <= nLevel)
return false;
return true;
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
if (nHeight == 0)
// Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
if (halvings >= 64)
return 400000000 * COIN;
else if (nHeight <= 5100)
return 1 * COIN;
else if (nHeight <= 55000)
int l = nHeight - 5000;
int nLevel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i+=100)
return nLevel * COIN;
CAmount nStartingSubsidy = 500 * COIN;
int nLevel = (nHeight - 55001) / consensusParams.nSubsidyLevelInterval;
int nReduction = ((-1 + (int)sqrt((8 * nLevel) + 1)) / 2);
while (!(withinLevelBounds(nReduction, nLevel)))
if (((nReduction * nReduction + nReduction) >> 1) > nLevel)
CAmount nSubsidyReduction = nReduction * COIN;
if (nSubsidyReduction >= nStartingSubsidy)
return 0;
return 0;
return nStartingSubsidy - nSubsidyReduction;
CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
nSubsidy >>= halvings;
return nSubsidy;
bool IsInitialBlockDownload()
bool IsInitialBlockDownload()
@ -1582,8 +1638,8 @@ bool IsInitialBlockDownload()
static bool lockIBDState = false;
static bool lockIBDState = false;
if (lockIBDState)
if (lockIBDState)
return false;
return false;
bool state = (chainActive.Height() < pindexBestHeader->nHeight - 24 * 6 ||
bool state = (chainActive.Height() < pindexBestHeader->nHeight - 24 * 6);// ||
pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() < GetTime() - nMaxTipAge);
//pindexBestHeader->GetBlockTime() < GetTime() - nMaxTipAge);
if (!state)
if (!state)
lockIBDState = true;
lockIBDState = true;
return state;
return state;
@ -1760,6 +1816,7 @@ void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, CCoinsViewCach
if (coins->vout.size() == 0) {
if (coins->vout.size() == 0) {
CTxInUndo& undo = txundo.vprevout.back();
CTxInUndo& undo = txundo.vprevout.back();
undo.fLastUnspent = true;
undo.nHeight = coins->nHeight;
undo.nHeight = coins->nHeight;
undo.fCoinBase = coins->fCoinBase;
undo.fCoinBase = coins->fCoinBase;
undo.nVersion = coins->nVersion;
undo.nVersion = coins->nVersion;
@ -1980,13 +2037,13 @@ bool AbortNode(CValidationState& state, const std::string& strMessage, const std
* @param out The out point that corresponds to the tx input.
* @param out The out point that corresponds to the tx input.
* @return True on success.
* @return True on success.
static bool ApplyTxInUndo(const CTxInUndo& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, const COutPoint& out)
static bool ApplyTxInUndo(const CTxInUndo& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, const COutPoint& out)
bool fClean = true;
bool fClean = true;
CCoinsModifier coins = view.ModifyCoins(out.hash);
CCoinsModifier coins = view.ModifyCoins(out.hash);
if (undo.nHeight != 0) {
if (undo.fLastUnspent) {
// undo data contains height: this is the last output of the prevout tx being spent
// this is the last output of the prevout tx being spent
if (!coins->IsPruned())
if (!coins->IsPruned())
fClean = fClean && error("%s: undo data overwriting existing transaction", __func__);
fClean = fClean && error("%s: undo data overwriting existing transaction", __func__);
@ -2001,14 +2058,66 @@ static bool ApplyTxInUndo(const CTxInUndo& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, const CO
fClean = fClean && error("%s: undo data overwriting existing output", __func__);
fClean = fClean && error("%s: undo data overwriting existing output", __func__);
if (coins->vout.size() < out.n+1)
if (coins->vout.size() < out.n+1)
// restore claim if applicable
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (undo.fIsClaim && DecodeClaimScript(undo.txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId;
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
claimId = ClaimIdHash(out.hash, out.n);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
int nValidHeight = undo.nClaimValidHeight;
if (nValidHeight > 0 && nValidHeight >= coins->nHeight)
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Restoring %s to the claim trie due to a block being disconnected\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name.c_str());
if (!trieCache.undoSpendClaim(name, COutPoint(out.hash, out.n), claimId, undo.txout.nValue, coins->nHeight, nValidHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the claim\n", __func__);
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Not restoring %s to the claim trie because it expired before it was spent\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name.c_str());
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
int nValidHeight = undo.nClaimValidHeight;
if (nValidHeight > 0 && nValidHeight >= coins->nHeight)
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Restoring support for %s in claimid %s due to a block being disconnected\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name, supportedClaimId.ToString());
if (!trieCache.undoSpendSupport(name, COutPoint(out.hash, out.n), supportedClaimId, undo.txout.nValue, coins->nHeight, nValidHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting support for the claim\n", __func__);
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Not restoring support for %s in claimid %s because the support expired before it was spent\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name, supportedClaimId.ToString());
coins->vout[out.n] = undo.txout;
coins->vout[out.n] = undo.txout;
return fClean;
return fClean;
bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view, bool* pfClean)
bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, bool* pfClean)
assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == view.GetBestBlock());
assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == view.GetBestBlock());
assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == trieCache.getBestBlock());
if (pfClean)
if (pfClean)
*pfClean = false;
*pfClean = false;
@ -2025,6 +2134,8 @@ bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockI
if (blockUndo.vtxundo.size() + 1 != block.vtx.size())
if (blockUndo.vtxundo.size() + 1 != block.vtx.size())
return error("DisconnectBlock(): block and undo data inconsistent");
return error("DisconnectBlock(): block and undo data inconsistent");
assert(trieCache.decrementBlock(blockUndo.insertUndo, blockUndo.expireUndo, blockUndo.insertSupportUndo, blockUndo.expireSupportUndo, blockUndo.takeoverHeightUndo));
// undo transactions in reverse order
// undo transactions in reverse order
for (int i = block.vtx.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (int i = block.vtx.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const CTransaction &tx = block.vtx[i];
const CTransaction &tx = block.vtx[i];
@ -2045,6 +2156,59 @@ bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockI
if (*outs != outsBlock)
if (*outs != outsBlock)
fClean = fClean && error("DisconnectBlock(): added transaction mismatch? database corrupted");
fClean = fClean && error("DisconnectBlock(): added transaction mismatch? database corrupted");
// remove any claims
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[i];
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId;
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
std::string value(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
claimId = ClaimIdHash(hash, i);
LogPrintf("--- %s[%lu]: OP_CLAIM_NAME \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), hash.ToString(), i);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
std::string value(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("--- %s[%lu]: OP_UPDATE_CLAIM \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), hash.ToString(), i);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Trying to remove %s from the claim trie due to its block being disconnected\n", __func__, hash.ToString(), i, name.c_str());
if (!trieCache.undoAddClaim(name, COutPoint(hash, i), pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Could not find the claim in the trie or the cache\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("--- %s[%lu]: OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, supportedClaimId.GetHex(), hash.ToString(), i);
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Removing support for claim id %s on %s due to its block being disconnected\n", __func__, hash.ToString(), i, supportedClaimId.ToString(), name.c_str());
if (!trieCache.undoAddSupport(name, COutPoint(hash, i), pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong removing support for name %s in hash %s\n", __func__, name.c_str(), hash.ToString());
// remove outputs
// remove outputs
@ -2057,7 +2221,7 @@ bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockI
for (unsigned int j =; j-- > 0;) {
for (unsigned int j =; j-- > 0;) {
const COutPoint &out =[j].prevout;
const COutPoint &out =[j].prevout;
const CTxInUndo &undo = txundo.vprevout[j];
const CTxInUndo &undo = txundo.vprevout[j];
if (!ApplyTxInUndo(undo, view, out))
if (!ApplyTxInUndo(undo, view, trieCache, out))
fClean = false;
fClean = false;
@ -2065,6 +2229,16 @@ bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockI
// move best block pointer to prevout block
// move best block pointer to prevout block
assert(trieCache.getMerkleHash() == pindex->pprev->hashClaimTrie);
if (pindex->nHeight == Params().GetConsensus().nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight)
LogPrintf("Decremented past the extended claim expiration hard fork height");
if (pfClean) {
if (pfClean) {
*pfClean = fClean;
*pfClean = fClean;
@ -2221,7 +2395,7 @@ static int64_t nTimeIndex = 0;
static int64_t nTimeCallbacks = 0;
static int64_t nTimeCallbacks = 0;
static int64_t nTimeTotal = 0;
static int64_t nTimeTotal = 0;
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view, bool fJustCheck)
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, bool fJustCheck)
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
@ -2236,12 +2410,18 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
uint256 hashPrevBlock = pindex->pprev == NULL ? uint256() : pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash();
uint256 hashPrevBlock = pindex->pprev == NULL ? uint256() : pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash();
assert(hashPrevBlock == view.GetBestBlock());
assert(hashPrevBlock == view.GetBestBlock());
// also verify that the trie cache's current state corresponds to the previous block
assert(hashPrevBlock == trieCache.getBestBlock());
// Special case for the genesis block, skipping connection of its transactions
// Special case for the genesis block, skipping connection of its transactions
// (its coinbase is unspendable)
// (its coinbase is unspendable)
if (block.GetHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) {
if (block.GetHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) {
if (!fJustCheck)
if (!fJustCheck)
return true;
//return true;
bool fScriptChecks = true;
bool fScriptChecks = true;
@ -2278,7 +2458,11 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
// before the first had been spent. Since those coinbases are sufficiently buried its no longer possible to create further
// before the first had been spent. Since those coinbases are sufficiently buried its no longer possible to create further
// duplicate transactions descending from the known pairs either.
// duplicate transactions descending from the known pairs either.
// If we're on the known chain at height greater than where BIP34 activated, we can save the db accesses needed for the BIP30 check.
// If we're on the known chain at height greater than where BIP34 activated, we can save the db accesses needed for the BIP30 check.
CBlockIndex *pindexBIP34height = pindex->pprev->GetAncestor(chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Height);
CBlockIndex *pindexBIP34height = NULL;
if (pindex->pprev)
pindexBIP34height = pindex->pprev->GetAncestor(chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Height);
//Only continue to enforce if we're below BIP34 activation height or the block hash at that height doesn't correspond.
//Only continue to enforce if we're below BIP34 activation height or the block hash at that height doesn't correspond.
fEnforceBIP30 = fEnforceBIP30 && (!pindexBIP34height || !(pindexBIP34height->GetBlockHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Hash));
fEnforceBIP30 = fEnforceBIP30 && (!pindexBIP34height || !(pindexBIP34height->GetBlockHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Hash));
@ -2316,6 +2500,15 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
// v 13 LBRYcrd hard fork to extend expiration time
if (pindex->nHeight == Params().GetConsensus().nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight)
LogPrintf("Incremented past the extended claim expiration hard fork height");
int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeForks += nTime2 - nTime1;
int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeForks += nTime2 - nTime1;
LogPrint("bench", " - Fork checks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTime1), nTimeForks * 0.000001);
LogPrint("bench", " - Fork checks: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTime1), nTimeForks * 0.000001);
@ -2341,6 +2534,8 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): too many sigops"),
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): too many sigops"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops");
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops");
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> mClaimUndoHeights;
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
if (!view.HaveInputs(tx))
if (!view.HaveInputs(tx))
@ -2379,26 +2574,182 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
return error("ConnectBlock(): CheckInputs on %s failed with %s",
return error("ConnectBlock(): CheckInputs on %s failed with %s",
tx.GetHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
tx.GetHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
// To handle claim updates, stick all claims found in the inputs into a map of
// name: (txhash, nOut). When running through the outputs, if any claim's
// name is found in the map, send the name's txhash and nOut to the trie cache,
// and then remove the name: (txhash, nOut) mapping from the map.
// If there are two or more claims in the inputs with the same name, only
// use the first.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint160> > spentClaimsType;
spentClaimsType spentClaims;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; ++i)
const CTxIn& txin =[i];
const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash);
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId;
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
std::string value(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
claimId = ClaimIdHash(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n);
LogPrintf("+++ %s[%lu]: OP_CLAIM_NAME \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
std::string value(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("+++ %s[%lu]: OP_UPDATE_CLAIM \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
int nValidAtHeight;
LogPrintf("%s: Removing %s from the claim trie. Tx: %s, nOut: %d\n", __func__, name, txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
if (trieCache.spendClaim(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), coins->nHeight, nValidAtHeight))
mClaimUndoHeights[i] = nValidAtHeight;
std::pair<std::string, uint160> entry(name, claimId);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("+++ %s[%lu]: OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name,
supportedClaimId.GetHex(), txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
int nValidAtHeight;
LogPrintf("%s: Removing support for %s in %s. Tx: %s, nOut: %d, removed txid: %s\n", __func__, supportedClaimId.ToString(), name, txin.prevout.hash.ToString(), txin.prevout.n,tx.GetHash().ToString());
if (trieCache.spendSupport(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), coins->nHeight, nValidAtHeight))
mClaimUndoHeights[i] = nValidAtHeight;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[i];
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
LogPrintf("%s: Inserting %s into the claim trie. Tx: %s, nOut: %d\n", __func__, name, tx.GetHash().GetHex(), i);
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), ClaimIdHash(tx.GetHash(), i), txout.nValue, pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the claim\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 claimId(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("%s: Got a claim update. Name: %s, claimId: %s, new txid: %s, nOut: %d\n", __func__, name, claimId.GetHex(), tx.GetHash().GetHex(), i);
spentClaimsType::iterator itSpent;
for (itSpent = spentClaims.begin(); itSpent != spentClaims.end(); ++itSpent)
if (itSpent->first == name && itSpent->second == claimId)
if (itSpent != spentClaims.end())
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), claimId, txout.nValue, pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong updating the claim\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
if (!trieCache.addSupport(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), txout.nValue, supportedClaimId, pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the support\n", __func__);
CTxUndo undoDummy;
CTxUndo undoDummy;
if (i > 0) {
if (i > 0)
UpdateCoins(tx, state, view, i == 0 ? undoDummy : blockundo.vtxundo.back(), pindex->nHeight);
UpdateCoins(tx, state, view, i == 0 ? undoDummy : blockundo.vtxundo.back(), pindex->nHeight);
if (i > 0 && !mClaimUndoHeights.empty())
std::vector<CTxInUndo>& txinUndos = blockundo.vtxundo.back().vprevout;
for (std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator itHeight = mClaimUndoHeights.begin(); itHeight != mClaimUndoHeights.end(); ++itHeight)
txinUndos[itHeight->first].nClaimValidHeight = itHeight->second;
txinUndos[itHeight->first].fIsClaim = true;
// The CTxUndo vector contains the heights at which claims should be put into the trie.
// This is necessary because some claims are inserted immediately into the trie, and
// others are inserted after a delay, depending on the state of the claim trie at the time
// that the claim was originally inserted into the blockchain. That state will not be
// available when and if this block is disconnected.
// It also contains whether or not any given txin represents a claim that should
// be put back into the trie. If we didn't find a claim or support in the trie
// or cache when trying to spend it, we shouldn't try to put a claim or support back
// in. Some OP_UPDATE_CLAIM's, for example, may be invalid, and so may never have been
// inserted into the trie in the first place.
vPos.push_back(std::make_pair(tx.GetHash(), pos));
vPos.push_back(std::make_pair(tx.GetHash(), pos));
pos.nTxOffset += ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
pos.nTxOffset += ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
assert(trieCache.incrementBlock(blockundo.insertUndo, blockundo.expireUndo, blockundo.insertSupportUndo, blockundo.expireSupportUndo, blockundo.takeoverHeightUndo));
if (trieCache.getMerkleHash() != block.hashClaimTrie)
return state.DoS(100,
error("ConnectBlock() : the merkle root of the claim trie does not match "
"(actual=%s vs block=%s)", trieCache.getMerkleHash().GetHex(),
block.hashClaimTrie.GetHex()), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-claim-merkle-hash");
int64_t nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnect += nTime3 - nTime2;
int64_t nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnect += nTime3 - nTime2;
LogPrint("bench", " - Connect %u transactions: %.2fms (%.3fms/tx, %.3fms/txin) [%.2fs]\n", (unsigned)block.vtx.size(), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / block.vtx.size(), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / (nInputs-1), nTimeConnect * 0.000001);
LogPrint("bench", " - Connect %u transactions: %.2fms (%.3fms/tx, %.3fms/txin) [%.2fs]\n", (unsigned)block.vtx.size(), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2), 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / block.vtx.size(), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : 0.001 * (nTime3 - nTime2) / (nInputs-1), nTimeConnect * 0.000001);
CAmount blockReward = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(pindex->nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus());
CAmount blockReward = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(pindex->nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus());
if (block.vtx[0].GetValueOut() > blockReward)
if (block.vtx[0].GetValueOut() > blockReward)
return state.DoS(100,
return state.DoS(100,
error("ConnectBlock(): coinbase pays too much (actual=%d vs limit=%d)",
error("ConnectBlock(): coinbase pays too much (actual=%d vs limit=%d)",
block.vtx[0].GetValueOut(), blockReward),
block.vtx[0].GetValueOut(), blockReward),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-amount");
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-amount");
if (!control.Wait())
if (!control.Wait())
return state.DoS(100, false);
return state.DoS(100, false);
@ -2409,7 +2760,7 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
return true;
return true;
// Write undo information to disk
// Write undo information to disk
if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull() || !pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS))
if (!(block.GetHash() == Params().GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) && (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull() || !pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS)))
if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull()) {
if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull()) {
CDiskBlockPos pos;
CDiskBlockPos pos;
@ -2433,6 +2784,7 @@ bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pin
// add this block to the view's block chain
// add this block to the view's block chain
int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeIndex += nTime5 - nTime4;
int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeIndex += nTime5 - nTime4;
LogPrint("bench", " - Index writing: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime5 - nTime4), nTimeIndex * 0.000001);
LogPrint("bench", " - Index writing: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", 0.001 * (nTime5 - nTime4), nTimeIndex * 0.000001);
@ -2543,6 +2895,8 @@ bool static FlushStateToDisk(CValidationState &state, FlushStateMode mode) {
if (!CheckDiskSpace(128 * 2 * 2 * pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize()))
if (!CheckDiskSpace(128 * 2 * 2 * pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize()))
return state.Error("out of disk space");
return state.Error("out of disk space");
// Flush the chainstate (which may refer to block index entries).
// Flush the chainstate (which may refer to block index entries).
if (!pclaimTrie->WriteToDisk())
return AbortNode("Failed to write to claim trie database");
if (!pcoinsTip->Flush())
if (!pcoinsTip->Flush())
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to coin database");
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to coin database");
nLastFlush = nNow;
nLastFlush = nNow;
@ -2641,9 +2995,12 @@ bool static DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& cons
int64_t nStart = GetTimeMicros();
int64_t nStart = GetTimeMicros();
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
if (!DisconnectBlock(block, state, pindexDelete, view))
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
if (!DisconnectBlock(block, state, pindexDelete, view, trieCache))
return error("DisconnectTip(): DisconnectBlock %s failed", pindexDelete->GetBlockHash().ToString());
return error("DisconnectTip(): DisconnectBlock %s failed", pindexDelete->GetBlockHash().ToString());
assert(pindexDelete->pprev->hashClaimTrie == trieCache.getMerkleHash());
LogPrint("bench", "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * 0.001);
LogPrint("bench", "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * 0.001);
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.
@ -2704,7 +3061,8 @@ bool static ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams,
LogPrint("bench", " - Load block from disk: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime2 - nTime1) * 0.001, nTimeReadFromDisk * 0.000001);
LogPrint("bench", " - Load block from disk: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime2 - nTime1) * 0.001, nTimeReadFromDisk * 0.000001);
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
bool rv = ConnectBlock(*pblock, state, pindexNew, view);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
bool rv = ConnectBlock(*pblock, state, pindexNew, view, trieCache);
GetMainSignals().BlockChecked(*pblock, state);
GetMainSignals().BlockChecked(*pblock, state);
if (!rv) {
if (!rv) {
if (state.IsInvalid())
if (state.IsInvalid())
@ -2715,6 +3073,7 @@ bool static ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams,
nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnectTotal += nTime3 - nTime2;
nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnectTotal += nTime3 - nTime2;
LogPrint("bench", " - Connect total: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime3 - nTime2) * 0.001, nTimeConnectTotal * 0.000001);
LogPrint("bench", " - Connect total: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime3 - nTime2) * 0.001, nTimeConnectTotal * 0.000001);
int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeFlush += nTime4 - nTime3;
int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeFlush += nTime4 - nTime3;
LogPrint("bench", " - Flush: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime4 - nTime3) * 0.001, nTimeFlush * 0.000001);
LogPrint("bench", " - Flush: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime4 - nTime3) * 0.001, nTimeFlush * 0.000001);
@ -3216,7 +3575,7 @@ bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos, unsigne
bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, bool fCheckPOW)
bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, bool fCheckPOW)
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, Params().GetConsensus()))
if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(block.GetPoWHash(), block.nBits, Params().GetConsensus()))
return state.DoS(50, false, REJECT_INVALID, "high-hash", false, "proof of work failed");
return state.DoS(50, false, REJECT_INVALID, "high-hash", false, "proof of work failed");
// Check timestamp
// Check timestamp
@ -3513,6 +3872,7 @@ bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams,
return error("%s: CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(): %s", __func__, state.GetRejectReason().c_str());
return error("%s: CheckIndexAgainstCheckpoint(): %s", __func__, state.GetRejectReason().c_str());
CCoinsViewCache viewNew(pcoinsTip);
CCoinsViewCache viewNew(pcoinsTip);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
CBlockIndex indexDummy(block);
CBlockIndex indexDummy(block);
indexDummy.pprev = pindexPrev;
indexDummy.pprev = pindexPrev;
indexDummy.nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
indexDummy.nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
@ -3524,7 +3884,7 @@ bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams,
return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
if (!ContextualCheckBlock(block, state, pindexPrev))
if (!ContextualCheckBlock(block, state, pindexPrev))
return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
if (!ConnectBlock(block, state, &indexDummy, viewNew, true))
if (!ConnectBlock(block, state, &indexDummy, viewNew, trieCache, true))
return false;
return false;
@ -3837,6 +4197,7 @@ bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview,
nCheckLevel = std::max(0, std::min(4, nCheckLevel));
nCheckLevel = std::max(0, std::min(4, nCheckLevel));
LogPrintf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel);
LogPrintf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel);
CCoinsViewCache coins(coinsview);
CCoinsViewCache coins(coinsview);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
CBlockIndex* pindexState = chainActive.Tip();
CBlockIndex* pindexState = chainActive.Tip();
CBlockIndex* pindexFailure = NULL;
CBlockIndex* pindexFailure = NULL;
int nGoodTransactions = 0;
int nGoodTransactions = 0;
@ -3867,7 +4228,7 @@ bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview,
// check level 3: check for inconsistencies during memory-only disconnect of tip blocks
// check level 3: check for inconsistencies during memory-only disconnect of tip blocks
if (nCheckLevel >= 3 && pindex == pindexState && (coins.DynamicMemoryUsage() + pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage()) <= nCoinCacheUsage) {
if (nCheckLevel >= 3 && pindex == pindexState && (coins.DynamicMemoryUsage() + pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage()) <= nCoinCacheUsage) {
bool fClean = true;
bool fClean = true;
if (!DisconnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, &fClean))
if (!DisconnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, trieCache, &fClean))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** irrecoverable inconsistency in block data at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
return error("VerifyDB(): *** irrecoverable inconsistency in block data at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
pindexState = pindex->pprev;
pindexState = pindex->pprev;
if (!fClean) {
if (!fClean) {
@ -3892,7 +4253,7 @@ bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview,
CBlock block;
CBlock block;
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
return error("VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
if (!ConnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins))
if (!ConnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, trieCache))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** found unconnectable block at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
return error("VerifyDB(): *** found unconnectable block at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
@ -3902,6 +4263,42 @@ bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview,
return true;
return true;
bool GetProofForName(const CBlockIndex* pindexProof, const std::string& name, CClaimTrieProof& proof)
if (!chainActive.Contains(pindexProof))
return false;
CCoinsViewCache coins(pcoinsTip);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
CBlockIndex* pindexState = chainActive.Tip();
CValidationState state;
for (CBlockIndex *pindex = chainActive.Tip(); pindex && pindex->pprev && pindexState != pindexProof; pindex=pindex->pprev)
CBlock block;
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, Params().GetConsensus()))
return false;
if (pindex == pindexState && (coins.DynamicMemoryUsage() + pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage()) <= nCoinCacheUsage)
bool fClean = true;
if (!DisconnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, trieCache, &fClean))
return false;
pindexState = pindex->pprev;
if (ShutdownRequested())
return false;
assert(pindexState == pindexProof);
proof = trieCache.getProofForName(name);
return true;
void UnloadBlockIndex()
void UnloadBlockIndex()
@ -4043,7 +4440,7 @@ bool LoadExternalBlockFile(const CChainParams& chainparams, FILE* fileIn, CDiskB
// process in case the block isn't known yet
// process in case the block isn't known yet
if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0 || (mapBlockIndex[hash]->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) == 0) {
if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock && (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0 || (mapBlockIndex[hash]->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) == 0)) {
CValidationState state;
CValidationState state;
if (ProcessNewBlock(state, chainparams, NULL, &block, true, dbp))
if (ProcessNewBlock(state, chainparams, NULL, &block, true, dbp))
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "chain.h"
#include "chain.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "claimtrie.h"
#include "script/script_error.h"
#include "script/script_error.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "versionbits.h"
#include "versionbits.h"
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ static const bool DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY = true;
/** Default for -minrelaytxfee, minimum relay fee for transactions */
/** Default for -minrelaytxfee, minimum relay fee for transactions */
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE = 1000;
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE = 1000;
//! -maxtxfee default
//! -maxtxfee default
static const CAmount DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_MAXFEE = 0.1 * COIN;
//! Discourage users to set fees higher than this amount (in satoshis) per kB
//! Discourage users to set fees higher than this amount (in satoshis) per kB
static const CAmount HIGH_TX_FEE_PER_KB = 0.01 * COIN;
static const CAmount HIGH_TX_FEE_PER_KB = 0.01 * COIN;
//! -maxtxfee will warn if called with a higher fee than this amount (in satoshis)
//! -maxtxfee will warn if called with a higher fee than this amount (in satoshis)
@ -162,6 +163,9 @@ extern size_t nCoinCacheUsage;
extern CFeeRate minRelayTxFee;
extern CFeeRate minRelayTxFee;
/** Absolute maximum transaction fee (in satoshis) used by wallet and mempool (rejects high fee in sendrawtransaction) */
/** Absolute maximum transaction fee (in satoshis) used by wallet and mempool (rejects high fee in sendrawtransaction) */
extern CAmount maxTxFee;
extern CAmount maxTxFee;
/** Used to calculate minimum fee for claim trie transactions **/
extern CAmount minFeePerNameClaimChar;
/** If the tip is older than this (in seconds), the node is considered to be in initial block download. */
/** If the tip is older than this (in seconds), the node is considered to be in initial block download. */
extern int64_t nMaxTipAge;
extern int64_t nMaxTipAge;
extern bool fEnableReplacement;
extern bool fEnableReplacement;
@ -221,6 +225,8 @@ FILE* OpenBlockFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly = false);
FILE* OpenUndoFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly = false);
FILE* OpenUndoFile(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, bool fReadOnly = false);
/** Translation to a filesystem path */
/** Translation to a filesystem path */
boost::filesystem::path GetBlockPosFilename(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix);
boost::filesystem::path GetBlockPosFilename(const CDiskBlockPos &pos, const char *prefix);
/** Get a cryptographic proof that a name maps to a value **/
bool GetProofForName(const CBlockIndex* pindexProof, const std::string& name, CClaimTrieProof& proof);
/** Import blocks from an external file */
/** Import blocks from an external file */
bool LoadExternalBlockFile(const CChainParams& chainparams, FILE* fileIn, CDiskBlockPos *dbp = NULL);
bool LoadExternalBlockFile(const CChainParams& chainparams, FILE* fileIn, CDiskBlockPos *dbp = NULL);
/** Initialize a new block tree database + block data on disk */
/** Initialize a new block tree database + block data on disk */
@ -458,13 +464,13 @@ bool ContextualCheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIn
/** Apply the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
/** Apply the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
* Validity checks that depend on the UTXO set are also done; ConnectBlock()
* Validity checks that depend on the UTXO set are also done; ConnectBlock()
* can fail if those validity checks fail (among other reasons). */
* can fail if those validity checks fail (among other reasons). */
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& coins, bool fJustCheck = false);
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& coins, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, bool fJustCheck = false);
/** Undo the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
/** Undo the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
* In case pfClean is provided, operation will try to be tolerant about errors, and *pfClean
* In case pfClean is provided, operation will try to be tolerant about errors, and *pfClean
* will be true if no problems were found. Otherwise, the return value will be false in case
* will be true if no problems were found. Otherwise, the return value will be false in case
* of problems. Note that in any case, coins may be modified. */
* of problems. Note that in any case, coins may be modified. */
bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& coins, bool* pfClean = NULL);
bool DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& coins, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, bool* pfClean = NULL);
/** Check a block is completely valid from start to finish (only works on top of our current best block, with cs_main held) */
/** Check a block is completely valid from start to finish (only works on top of our current best block, with cs_main held) */
bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW = true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot = true);
bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, bool fCheckPOW = true, bool fCheckMerkleRoot = true);
@ -547,6 +553,9 @@ extern CChain chainActive;
/** Global variable that points to the active CCoinsView (protected by cs_main) */
/** Global variable that points to the active CCoinsView (protected by cs_main) */
extern CCoinsViewCache *pcoinsTip;
extern CCoinsViewCache *pcoinsTip;
/** Global variable that points to the active CClaimTrie (protected by cs_main) */
extern CClaimTrie *pclaimTrie;
/** Global variable that points to the active block tree (protected by cs_main) */
/** Global variable that points to the active block tree (protected by cs_main) */
extern CBlockTreeDB *pblocktree;
extern CBlockTreeDB *pblocktree;
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include "consensus/validation.h"
#include "consensus/validation.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "claimtrie.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "pow.h"
#include "pow.h"
@ -130,6 +132,12 @@ CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& s
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
const int nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
const int nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
pblock->nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
pblock->nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
if (!pclaimTrie)
return NULL;
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
const int64_t nMedianTimePast = pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast();
const int64_t nMedianTimePast = pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast();
pblock->nVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus());
pblock->nVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus());
@ -179,7 +187,9 @@ CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& s
if (inBlock.count(iter))
if (inBlock.count(iter))
continue; // could have been added to the priorityBlock
continue; // could have been added to the priorityBlock
const CTransaction& tx = iter->GetTx();
const CTransaction& tx = iter->GetTx();
@ -224,6 +234,146 @@ CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& s
if (!IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff))
if (!IsFinalTx(tx, nHeight, nLockTimeCutoff))
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint160> > spentClaimsType;
spentClaimsType spentClaims;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin,
const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash);
int nTxinHeight = 0;
CScript scriptPubKey;
bool fGotCoins = false;
if (coins)
if (txin.prevout.n < coins->vout.size())
nTxinHeight = coins->nHeight;
scriptPubKey = coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey;
fGotCoins = true;
else // must be in block or else
BOOST_FOREACH(CTxMemPool::txiter inBlockEntry, inBlock)
CTransaction inBlockTx = inBlockEntry->GetTx();
if (inBlockTx.GetHash() == txin.prevout.hash)
if (inBlockTx.vout.size() >= txin.prevout.n)
nTxinHeight = nHeight;
scriptPubKey = inBlockTx.vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey;
fGotCoins = true;
if (!fGotCoins)
LogPrintf("Tried to include a transaction but could not find the txout it was spending. This is bad. Please send this log file to the maintainers of this program.\n");
throw std::runtime_error("Tried to include a transaction but could not find the txout it was spending.");
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
int op;
if (DecodeClaimScript(scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId;
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
claimId = ClaimIdHash(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
int throwaway;
if (trieCache.spendClaim(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), nTxinHeight, throwaway))
std::pair<std::string, uint160> entry(name, claimId);
LogPrintf("%s(): The claim was not found in the trie or queue and therefore can't be updated\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
int throwaway;
if (!trieCache.spendSupport(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), nTxinHeight, throwaway))
LogPrintf("%s(): The support was not found in the trie or queue\n", __func__);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[i];
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
int op;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), ClaimIdHash(tx.GetHash(), i), txout.nValue, nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the name\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 claimId(vvchParams[1]);
spentClaimsType::iterator itSpent;
for (itSpent = spentClaims.begin(); itSpent != spentClaims.end(); ++itSpent)
if (itSpent->first == name && itSpent->second == claimId)
if (itSpent != spentClaims.end())
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), claimId, txout.nValue, nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong updating a claim\n", __func__);
LogPrintf("%s(): This update refers to a claim that was not found in the trie or queue, and therefore cannot be updated. The claim may have expired or it may have never existed.\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
if (!trieCache.addSupport(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), txout.nValue, supportedClaimId, nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the claim support\n", __func__);
CValidationState state;
unsigned int nTxSigOps = iter->GetSigOpCount();
unsigned int nTxSigOps = iter->GetSigOpCount();
if (nBlockSigOps + nTxSigOps >= MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS) {
if (nBlockSigOps + nTxSigOps >= MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS) {
if (nBlockSigOps > MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS - 2) {
if (nBlockSigOps > MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS - 2) {
@ -288,6 +438,13 @@ CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& s
pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus());
pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus());
pblock->nNonce = 0;
pblock->nNonce = 0;
pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps[0] = GetLegacySigOpCount(pblock->vtx[0]);
pblocktemplate->vTxSigOps[0] = GetLegacySigOpCount(pblock->vtx[0]);
insertUndoType dummyInsertUndo;
claimQueueRowType dummyExpireUndo;
insertUndoType dummyInsertSupportUndo;
supportQueueRowType dummyExpireSupportUndo;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > dummyTakeoverHeightUndo;
trieCache.incrementBlock(dummyInsertUndo, dummyExpireUndo, dummyInsertSupportUndo, dummyExpireSupportUndo, dummyTakeoverHeightUndo);
pblock->hashClaimTrie = trieCache.getMerkleHash();
CValidationState state;
CValidationState state;
if (!TestBlockValidity(state, chainparams, *pblock, pindexPrev, false, false)) {
if (!TestBlockValidity(state, chainparams, *pblock, pindexPrev, false, false)) {
@ -316,3 +473,216 @@ void IncrementExtraNonce(CBlock* pblock, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, unsigned
pblock->vtx[0] = txCoinbase;
pblock->vtx[0] = txCoinbase;
pblock->hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(*pblock);
pblock->hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(*pblock);
// Internal miner
double dHashesPerSec = 0.0;
int64_t nHPSTimerStart = 0;
static bool ProcessBlockFound(const CBlock* pblock, const CChainParams& chainparams)
LogPrintf("%s\n", pblock->ToString());
LogPrintf("generated %s\n", FormatMoney(pblock->vtx[0].vout[0].nValue));
// Found a solution
if (pblock->hashPrevBlock != chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash())
return error("BitcoinMiner: generated block is stale");
// Inform about the new block
// Process this block the same as if we had received it from another node
CValidationState state;
if (!ProcessNewBlock(state, Params(), NULL, pblock, true, NULL))
return error("BitcoinMiner: ProcessNewBlock, block not accepted");
return true;
void static BitcoinMiner(const CChainParams& chainparams)
LogPrintf("LBRYcrdMiner started\n");
unsigned int nExtraNonce = 0;
boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript;
try {
// Throw an error if no script was provided. This can happen
// due to some internal error but also if the keypool is empty.
// In the latter case, already the pointer is NULL.
if (!coinbaseScript || coinbaseScript->reserveScript.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("No coinbase script available (mining requires a wallet)");
while (true) {
if (chainparams.MiningRequiresPeers()) {
// Busy-wait for the network to come online so we don't waste time mining
// on an obsolete chain. In regtest mode we expect to fly solo.
do {
bool fvNodesEmpty;
fvNodesEmpty = vNodes.empty();
if (!fvNodesEmpty && !IsInitialBlockDownload())
} while (true);
// Create new block
unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast = mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated();
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
auto_ptr<CBlockTemplate> pblocktemplate(CreateNewBlock(Params(), coinbaseScript->reserveScript));
if (!pblocktemplate.get())
LogPrintf("Error in BitcoinMiner: Keypool ran out, please call keypoolrefill before restarting the mining thread\n");
CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block;
IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, pindexPrev, nExtraNonce);
LogPrintf("Running BitcoinMiner with %u transactions in block (%u bytes)\n", pblock->vtx.size(),
::GetSerializeSize(*pblock, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION));
// Search
int64_t nStart = GetTime();
arith_uint256 hashTarget = arith_uint256().SetCompact(pblock->nBits);
uint256 hash;
pblock->nNonce = 0;
bool found = false;
while (true)
unsigned int nHashesDone = 0;
// Check if something found
while (true)
hash = pblock->GetPoWHash();
if (((uint16_t*)&hash)[15] == 0 && UintToArith256(hash) <= hashTarget)
found = true;
// Found a solution
LogPrintf("proof-of-work found \n hash: %s \ntarget: %s\n", hash.GetHex(), hashTarget.GetHex());
ProcessBlockFound(pblock, chainparams);
// In regression test mode, stop mining after a block is found.
if (chainparams.MineBlocksOnDemand())
throw boost::thread_interrupted();
pblock->nNonce += 1;
if ((pblock->nNonce & 0xFF) == 0)
nHashesDone = 0xFF+1;
if (found)
// Meter hashes/sec
static int64_t nHashCounter;
if (nHPSTimerStart == 0)
nHPSTimerStart = GetTimeMillis();
nHashCounter = 0;
nHashCounter += nHashesDone;
if (GetTimeMillis() - nHPSTimerStart > 4000)
static CCriticalSection cs;
if (GetTimeMillis() - nHPSTimerStart > 4000)
dHashesPerSec = 1000.0 * nHashCounter / (GetTimeMillis() - nHPSTimerStart);
nHPSTimerStart = GetTimeMillis();
nHashCounter = 0;
static int64_t nLogTime;
if (GetTime() - nLogTime > 30 * 60)
nLogTime = GetTime();
LogPrintf("hashmeter %6.0f khash/s\n", dHashesPerSec/1000.0);
// Check for stop or if block needs to be rebuilt
// Regtest mode doesn't require peers
if (vNodes.empty() && chainparams.MiningRequiresPeers())
if (pblock->nNonce >= 0xffff0000)
if (mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated() != nTransactionsUpdatedLast && GetTime() - nStart > 60)
if (pindexPrev != chainActive.Tip())
// Update nTime every few seconds
if (UpdateTime(pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev) < 0)
break; // Recreate the block if the clock has run backwards,
// so that we can use the correct time.
if (chainparams.GetConsensus().fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks)
// Changing pblock->nTime can change work required on testnet:
catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&)
LogPrintf("LBRYcrdMiner terminated\n");
catch (const std::runtime_error &e)
LogPrintf("LBRYcrdMiner runtime error: %s\n", e.what());
void GenerateBitcoins(bool fGenerate, int nThreads, const CChainParams& chainparams)
static boost::thread_group* minerThreads = NULL;
if (nThreads < 0)
nThreads = GetNumCores();
if (minerThreads != NULL)
delete minerThreads;
minerThreads = NULL;
if (nThreads == 0 || !fGenerate)
minerThreads = new boost::thread_group();
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++)
minerThreads->create_thread(boost::bind(&BitcoinMiner, boost::cref(chainparams)));
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ class CScript;
class CWallet;
class CWallet;
namespace Consensus { struct Params; };
namespace Consensus { struct Params; };
static const bool DEFAULT_GENERATE = false;
static const int DEFAULT_GENERATE_THREADS = 1;
static const bool DEFAULT_PRINTPRIORITY = false;
static const bool DEFAULT_PRINTPRIORITY = false;
struct CBlockTemplate
struct CBlockTemplate
@ -26,10 +29,15 @@ struct CBlockTemplate
std::vector<int64_t> vTxSigOps;
std::vector<int64_t> vTxSigOps;
/** Run the miner threads */
void GenerateBitcoins(bool fGenerate, int nThreads, const CChainParams& chainparams);
/** Generate a new block, without valid proof-of-work */
/** Generate a new block, without valid proof-of-work */
CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn);
CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn);
/** Modify the extranonce in a block */
/** Modify the extranonce in a block */
void IncrementExtraNonce(CBlock* pblock, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, unsigned int& nExtraNonce);
void IncrementExtraNonce(CBlock* pblock, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, unsigned int& nExtraNonce);
int64_t UpdateTime(CBlockHeader* pblock, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev);
int64_t UpdateTime(CBlockHeader* pblock, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev);
extern double dHashesPerSec;
extern int64_t nHPSTimerStart;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "util.h"
std::vector<unsigned char> uint32_t_to_vch(uint32_t n)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchN;
vchN[0] = n >> 24;
vchN[1] = n >> 16;
vchN[2] = n >> 8;
vchN[3] = n;
return vchN;
uint32_t vch_to_uint32_t(std::vector<unsigned char>& vchN)
uint32_t n;
if (vchN.size() != 4)
LogPrintf("%s() : a vector<unsigned char> with size other than 4 has been given", __func__);
return 0;
n = vchN[0] << 24 | vchN[1] << 16 | vchN[2] << 8 | vchN[3];
return n;
CScript ClaimNameScript(std::string name, std::string value)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(name.begin(), name.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchValue(value.begin(), value.end());
return CScript() << OP_CLAIM_NAME << vchName << vchValue << OP_2DROP << OP_DROP << OP_TRUE;
CScript SupportClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(name.begin(), name.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchClaimId(claimId.begin(),claimId.end());
return CScript() << OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM << vchName << vchClaimId << OP_2DROP << OP_DROP << OP_TRUE;
CScript UpdateClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId, std::string value)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(name.begin(), name.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchClaimId(claimId.begin(),claimId.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchValue(value.begin(), value.end());
return CScript() << OP_UPDATE_CLAIM << vchName << vchClaimId << vchValue << OP_2DROP << OP_2DROP << OP_TRUE;
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams)
CScript::const_iterator pc = scriptIn.begin();
return DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, vvchParams, pc);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, CScript::const_iterator& pc)
opcodetype opcode;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode))
return false;
if (opcode != OP_CLAIM_NAME && opcode != OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM && opcode != OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
return false;
op = opcode;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchParam1;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchParam2;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchParam3;
// Valid formats:
// OP_CLAIM_NAME vchName vchValue OP_2DROP OP_DROP pubkeyscript
// OP_UPDATE_CLAIM vchName vchClaimId vchValue OP_2DROP OP_2DROP pubkeyscript
// OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM vchName vchClaimId OP_2DROP OP_DROP pubkeyscript
// All others are invalid.
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode, vchParam1) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode, vchParam2) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
if (vchParam2.size() != 160/8)
return false;
if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode, vchParam3) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode) || opcode != OP_2DROP)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode))
return false;
if ((op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM) && opcode != OP_DROP)
return false;
else if ((op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM) && opcode != OP_2DROP)
return false;
if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
return true;
uint160 ClaimIdHash(const uint256& txhash, uint32_t nOut)
std::vector<unsigned char> claimToHash(txhash.begin(), txhash.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchnOut = uint32_t_to_vch(nOut);
claimToHash.insert(claimToHash.end(), vchnOut.begin(), vchnOut.end());
return Hash160(claimToHash);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn)
int op;
return StripClaimScriptPrefix(scriptIn, op);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
CScript::const_iterator pc = scriptIn.begin();
if (!DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, vvchParams, pc))
return scriptIn;
return CScript(pc, scriptIn.end());
size_t ClaimScriptSize(const CScript& scriptIn)
CScript strippedScript = StripClaimScriptPrefix(scriptIn);
return scriptIn.size() - strippedScript.size();
size_t ClaimNameSize(const CScript& scriptIn)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
CScript::const_iterator pc = scriptIn.begin();
int op;
if (!DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, vvchParams, pc))
return 0;
return vvchParams[0].size();
CAmount CalcMinClaimTrieFee(const CTransaction& tx, const CAmount &minFeePerNameClaimChar)
if (minFeePerNameClaimChar == 0)
return 0;
CAmount min_fee = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
int claim_name_size = vvchParams[0].size();
min_fee += claim_name_size*minFeePerNameClaimChar;
return min_fee;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include "amount.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include <vector>
// This is the minimum claim fee per character in the name of an OP_CLAIM_NAME command that must
// be attached to transactions for it to be accepted into the memory pool.
// Rationale: current implementation of the claim trie uses more memory for longer name claims
// due to the fact that each chracater is assigned a trie node regardless of whether it contains
// any claims or not. In the future, we can switch to a radix tree implementation where
// empty nodes do not take up any memory and the minimum fee can be priced on a per claim
// basis.
// This is the max claim script size in bytes, not including the script pubkey part of the script.
// Scripts exceeding this size are rejected in CheckTransaction in main.cpp
// This is the max claim name size in bytes, for all claim trie transactions.
// Scripts exceeding this size are rejected in CheckTransaction in main.cpp
CScript ClaimNameScript(std::string name, std::string value);
CScript SupportClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId);
CScript UpdateClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId, std::string value);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, CScript::const_iterator& pc);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op);
uint160 ClaimIdHash(const uint256& txhash, uint32_t nOut);
std::vector<unsigned char> uint32_t_to_vch(uint32_t n);
uint32_t vch_to_uint32_t(std::vector<unsigned char>& vchN);
// get size of the claim script, minus the script pubkey part
size_t ClaimScriptSize(const CScript& scriptIn);
// get size of the name in a claim script, returns 0 if scriptin is not a claimetrie transaction
size_t ClaimNameSize(const CScript& scriptIn);
// calculate the minimum fee (mempool rule) required for transaction
CAmount CalcMinClaimTrieFee(const CTransaction& tx, const CAmount &minFeePerNameClaimChar);
@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ void ThreadMapPort()
string strDesc = "Bitcoin " + FormatFullVersion();
string strDesc = "LBRYcrd " + FormatFullVersion();
try {
try {
while (true) {
while (true) {
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "tinyformat.h"
#include "tinyformat.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
@ -92,7 +93,10 @@ bool IsStandardTx(const CTransaction& tx, std::string& reason)
unsigned int nDataOut = 0;
unsigned int nDataOut = 0;
txnouttype whichType;
txnouttype whichType;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout) {
if (!::IsStandard(txout.scriptPubKey, whichType)) {
const CScript& scriptPubKey = StripClaimScriptPrefix(txout.scriptPubKey);
if (!::IsStandard(scriptPubKey, whichType)) {
reason = "scriptpubkey";
reason = "scriptpubkey";
return false;
return false;
@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ bool AreInputsStandard(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& mapInputs)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vSolutions;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vSolutions;
txnouttype whichType;
txnouttype whichType;
// get the scriptPubKey corresponding to this input:
// get the scriptPubKey corresponding to this input:
const CScript& prevScript = prev.scriptPubKey;
const CScript& prevScript = StripClaimScriptPrefix(prev.scriptPubKey);
if (!Solver(prevScript, whichType, vSolutions))
if (!Solver(prevScript, whichType, vSolutions))
return false;
return false;
@ -9,44 +9,39 @@
#include "chain.h"
#include "chain.h"
#include "primitives/block.h"
#include "primitives/block.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "lbry.h"
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params& params)
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params& params)
unsigned int nProofOfWorkLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit).GetCompact();
unsigned int nProofOfWorkLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit).GetCompact();
// Genesis block
// Genesis block
if (pindexLast == NULL)
if (pindexLast == NULL)
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
// Only change once per difficulty adjustment interval
if (params.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks && pindexLast->nHeight >= 277299)
if ((pindexLast->nHeight+1) % params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() != 0)
if (params.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks)
// Special difficulty rule for testnet:
// If the new block's timestamp is twice the target block time
// Special difficulty rule for testnet:
// then allow mining of a min-difficulty block.
// If the new block's timestamp is more than 2* 10 minutes
// This is to prevent the testnet from gettig stuck when a large amount
// then allow mining of a min-difficulty block.
// of hashrate drops off the network.
if (pblock->GetBlockTime() > pindexLast->GetBlockTime() + params.nPowTargetSpacing*2)
// This rule was not implemented properly until testnet block 277299.
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
if (pblock->GetBlockTime() > pindexLast->GetBlockTime() + params.nPowTargetSpacing*2){
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
// Return the last non-special-min-difficulty-rules-block
const CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexLast;
while (pindex->pprev && pindex->nHeight % params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() != 0 && pindex->nBits == nProofOfWorkLimit)
pindex = pindex->pprev;
return pindex->nBits;
return pindexLast->nBits;
// Go back by what we want to be 14 days worth of blocks
// Go back the full period unless it's the first retarget after genesis.
int nHeightFirst = pindexLast->nHeight - (params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval()-1);
int blockstogoback = params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval()-1;
if ((pindexLast->nHeight+1) != params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval())
blockstogoback = params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval();
int nHeightFirst = pindexLast->nHeight - blockstogoback;
assert(nHeightFirst >= 0);
assert(nHeightFirst >= 0);
const CBlockIndex* pindexFirst = pindexLast->GetAncestor(nHeightFirst);
const CBlockIndex* pindexFirst = pindexLast->GetAncestor(nHeightFirst);
return CalculateNextWorkRequired(pindexLast, pindexFirst->GetBlockTime(), params);
return CalculateLbryNextWorkRequired(pindexLast, pindexFirst->GetBlockTime(), params);
unsigned int CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params& params)
unsigned int CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params& params)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class uint256;
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params&);
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params&);
unsigned int CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params&);
unsigned int CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params&);
/** Check whether a block hash satisfies the proof-of-work requirement specified by nBits */
/** Check whether a block hash satisfies the proof-of-work requirement specified by nBits */
bool CheckProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params&);
bool CheckProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params&);
@ -9,20 +9,30 @@
#include "tinyformat.h"
#include "tinyformat.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
#include "crypto/common.h"
#include "crypto/common.h"
#include "streams.h"
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetHash() const
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetHash() const
return SerializeHash(*this);
return SerializeHash(*this);
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetPoWHash() const
ds << *this;
std::vector<unsigned char> input(ds.begin(), ds.end());
return PoWHash(input);
std::string CBlock::ToString() const
std::string CBlock::ToString() const
std::stringstream s;
std::stringstream s;
s << strprintf("CBlock(hash=%s, ver=0x%08x, hashPrevBlock=%s, hashMerkleRoot=%s, nTime=%u, nBits=%08x, nNonce=%u, vtx=%u)\n",
s << strprintf("CBlock(hash=%s, ver=0x%08x, hashPrevBlock=%s, hashMerkleRoot=%s, hashClaimTrie=%s, nTime=%u, nBits=%08x, nNonce=%u, vtx=%u)\n",
nTime, nBits, nNonce,
nTime, nBits, nNonce,
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vtx.size(); i++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vtx.size(); i++)
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ public:
int32_t nVersion;
int32_t nVersion;
uint256 hashPrevBlock;
uint256 hashPrevBlock;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint256 hashClaimTrie;
uint32_t nTime;
uint32_t nTime;
uint32_t nBits;
uint32_t nBits;
uint32_t nNonce;
uint32_t nNonce;
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ public:
nVersion = this->nVersion;
nVersion = this->nVersion;
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ public:
nVersion = 0;
nVersion = 0;
nTime = 0;
nTime = 0;
nBits = 0;
nBits = 0;
nNonce = 0;
nNonce = 0;
@ -63,6 +66,8 @@ public:
uint256 GetHash() const;
uint256 GetHash() const;
uint256 GetPoWHash() const;
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
return (int64_t)nTime;
return (int64_t)nTime;
@ -111,6 +116,7 @@ public:
block.nVersion = nVersion;
block.nVersion = nVersion;
block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock;
block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashClaimTrie = hashClaimTrie;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
@ -171,8 +171,13 @@ public:
if (scriptPubKey.IsUnspendable())
if (scriptPubKey.IsUnspendable())
return 0;
return 0;
size_t nSize = GetSerializeSize(SER_DISK,0)+148u;
// for lbrycrd this is mainly to prevent 0 value claims
return 3*minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize);
// and some spam protection without limiting small
// lbrynet transactions
return 1;
// below is original bitcoin core code
//size_t nSize = GetSerializeSize(SER_DISK,0)+dd148u;
//return 3*minRelayTxFee.GetFee(nSize);
bool IsDust(const CFeeRate &minRelayTxFee) const
bool IsDust(const CFeeRate &minRelayTxFee) const
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ QString BitcoinUnits::name(int unit)
case BTC: return QString("BTC");
case BTC: return QString("LBC");
case mBTC: return QString("mBTC");
case mBTC: return QString("mLBC");
case uBTC: return QString::fromUtf8("μBTC");
case uBTC: return QString::fromUtf8("μLBC");
default: return QString("???");
default: return QString("???");
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ static const struct {
const char *titleAddText;
const char *titleAddText;
} network_styles[] = {
} network_styles[] = {
{"main", QAPP_APP_NAME_DEFAULT, 0, 0, ""},
{"main", QAPP_APP_NAME_DEFAULT, 0, 0, ""},
{"lbrycrd", QAPP_APP_NAME_DEFAULT, 0, 0, ""},
{"test", QAPP_APP_NAME_TESTNET, 70, 30, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SplashScreen", "[testnet]")},
{"test", QAPP_APP_NAME_TESTNET, 70, 30, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SplashScreen", "[testnet]")},
{"regtest", QAPP_APP_NAME_TESTNET, 160, 30, "[regtest]"}
{"regtest", QAPP_APP_NAME_TESTNET, 160, 30, "[regtest]"}
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ double GetDifficulty(const CBlockIndex* blockindex)
double dDiff =
double dDiff =
(double)0x0000ffff / (double)(blockindex->nBits & 0x00ffffff);
(double)0x0000ffff / (double)(blockindex->nBits & 0x00ffffff);
while (nShift < 29)
while (nShift < 31)
dDiff *= 256.0;
dDiff *= 256.0;
while (nShift > 29)
while (nShift > 31)
dDiff /= 256.0;
dDiff /= 256.0;
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ UniValue blockheaderToJSON(const CBlockIndex* blockindex)
result.push_back(Pair("version", blockindex->nVersion));
result.push_back(Pair("version", blockindex->nVersion));
result.push_back(Pair("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nVersion)));
result.push_back(Pair("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nVersion)));
result.push_back(Pair("merkleroot", blockindex->hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("merkleroot", blockindex->hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("nameclaimroot", blockindex->hashClaimTrie.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("time", (int64_t)blockindex->nTime));
result.push_back(Pair("time", (int64_t)blockindex->nTime));
result.push_back(Pair("mediantime", (int64_t)blockindex->GetMedianTimePast()));
result.push_back(Pair("mediantime", (int64_t)blockindex->GetMedianTimePast()));
result.push_back(Pair("nonce", (uint64_t)blockindex->nNonce));
result.push_back(Pair("nonce", (uint64_t)blockindex->nNonce));
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ UniValue blockToJSON(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* blockindex, bool tx
result.push_back(Pair("version", block.nVersion));
result.push_back(Pair("version", block.nVersion));
result.push_back(Pair("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", block.nVersion)));
result.push_back(Pair("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", block.nVersion)));
result.push_back(Pair("merkleroot", block.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("merkleroot", block.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("nameclaimroot", block.hashClaimTrie.GetHex()));
UniValue txs(UniValue::VARR);
UniValue txs(UniValue::VARR);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction&tx, block.vtx)
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction&tx, block.vtx)
@ -122,6 +124,11 @@ UniValue blockToJSON(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* blockindex, bool tx
result.push_back(Pair("nonce", (uint64_t)block.nNonce));
result.push_back(Pair("nonce", (uint64_t)block.nNonce));
result.push_back(Pair("bits", strprintf("%08x", block.nBits)));
result.push_back(Pair("bits", strprintf("%08x", block.nBits)));
result.push_back(Pair("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex)));
result.push_back(Pair("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex)));
bool fNegative;
bool fOverflow;
arith_uint256 target;
target.SetCompact(block.nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);
result.push_back(Pair("target", target.ToString()));
result.push_back(Pair("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex()));
if (blockindex->pprev)
if (blockindex->pprev)
@ -383,6 +390,7 @@ UniValue getblock(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n"
" \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n"
" \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version formatted in hexadecimal\n"
" \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version formatted in hexadecimal\n"
" \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n"
" \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n"
" \"nameclaimroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The hash of the root of the name claim trie\n"
" \"tx\" : [ (array of string) The transaction ids\n"
" \"tx\" : [ (array of string) The transaction ids\n"
" \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id\n"
" \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id\n"
" ,...\n"
" ,...\n"
@ -547,8 +555,8 @@ UniValue gettxout(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) \n"
" \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) \n"
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) Number of required signatures\n"
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) Number of required signatures\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg pubkeyhash\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg pubkeyhash\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (array of string) array of bitcoin addresses\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (array of string) array of lbrycrd addresses\n"
" \"bitcoinaddress\" (string) bitcoin address\n"
" \"lbrycrdaddress\" (string) lbrycrd address\n"
" ,...\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
" ]\n"
" },\n"
" },\n"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
#include "main.h"
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "rpc/server.h"
#include "univalue.h"
#include "txmempool.h"
// Maximum block decrement that is allowed from rpc calls
uint160 ParseClaimtrieId(const UniValue& v, std::string strName)
std::string strHex;
if (v.isStr())
strHex = v.get_str();
if (!IsHex(strHex)) // Note: IsHex("") is false
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strName + " must be a 20-character hexadecimal string (not '" + strHex + "')");
if (40 != strHex.length())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("%s must be of length %d (not %d)", strName, 40, strHex.length()));
uint160 result;
return result;
UniValue getclaimsintrie(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return all claims in the name trie.\n"
"Result: \n"
" {\n"
" \"name\" (string) the name claimed\n"
" \"claims\": [ (array of object) the claims for this name\n"
" {\n"
" \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of the claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the claim\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the vout value of the claim\n"
" \"amount\" (numeric) txout amount\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) the height of the block in which this transaction is located\n"
" \"value\" (string) the value of this claim\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
std::vector<namedNodeType> nodes = pclaimTrie->flattenTrie();
for (std::vector<namedNodeType>::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it)
if (!it->
UniValue node(UniValue::VOBJ);
node.push_back(Pair("name", it->first));
UniValue claims(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<CClaimValue>::iterator itClaims = it->; itClaims != it->; ++itClaims)
UniValue claim(UniValue::VOBJ);
claim.push_back(Pair("claimId", itClaims->claimId.GetHex()));
claim.push_back(Pair("txid", itClaims->outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
claim.push_back(Pair("n", (int)itClaims->outPoint.n));
claim.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(itClaims->nAmount)));
claim.push_back(Pair("height", itClaims->nHeight));
const CCoins* coin = view.AccessCoins(itClaims->outPoint.hash);
if (!coin)
LogPrintf("%s: %s does not exist in the coins view, despite being associated with a name\n",
__func__, itClaims->outPoint.hash.GetHex());
claim.push_back(Pair("error", "No value found for claim"));
else if (!coin->IsAvailable(itClaims->outPoint.n))
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s appears to have been spent\n", __func__, itClaims->outPoint.hash.GetHex());
claim.push_back(Pair("error", "Txout spent"));
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (!DecodeClaimScript(coin->vout[itClaims->outPoint.n].scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s does not have an claim command\n", __func__, itClaims->outPoint.hash.GetHex());
std::string sValue(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
claim.push_back(Pair("value", sValue));
node.push_back(Pair("claims", claims));
return ret;
UniValue getclaimtrie(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the entire name trie.\n"
"Result: \n"
" \"name\" (string) the name of the node\n"
" \"hash\" (string) the hash of the node\n"
" \"txid\" (string) (if value exists) the hash of the transaction which has successfully claimed this name\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) (if value exists) vout value\n"
" \"value\" (numeric) (if value exists) txout value\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) (if value exists) the height of the block in which this transaction is located\n"
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
std::vector<namedNodeType> nodes = pclaimTrie->flattenTrie();
for (std::vector<namedNodeType>::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it)
UniValue node(UniValue::VOBJ);
node.push_back(Pair("name", it->first));
node.push_back(Pair("hash", it->second.hash.GetHex()));
CClaimValue claim;
if (it->second.getBestClaim(claim))
node.push_back(Pair("txid", claim.outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
node.push_back(Pair("n", (int)claim.outPoint.n));
node.push_back(Pair("value", ValueFromAmount(claim.nAmount)));
node.push_back(Pair("height", claim.nHeight));
return ret;
bool getValueForClaim(const COutPoint& out, std::string& sValue)
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
const CCoins* coin = view.AccessCoins(out.hash);
if (!coin)
LogPrintf("%s: %s does not exist in the coins view, despite being associated with a name\n",
__func__, out.hash.GetHex());
return true;
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s appears to have been spent\n", __func__, out.hash.GetHex());
return true;
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (!DecodeClaimScript(coin->vout[out.n].scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s does not have a name claim command\n", __func__, out.hash.GetHex());
return false;
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
sValue = std::string(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
sValue = std::string(vvchParams[2].begin(), vvchParams[2].end());
return true;
UniValue getvalueforname(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"getvalueforname \"name\"\n"
"Return the value associated with a name, if one exists\n"
"1. \"name\" (string) the name to look up\n"
"Result: \n"
"\"value\" (string) the value of the name, if it exists\n"
"\"claimId\" (string) the claimId for this name claim\n"
"\"txid\" (string) the hash of the transaction which successfully claimed the name\n"
"\"n\" (numeric) vout value\n"
"\"amount\" (numeric) txout amount\n"
"\"effective amount\" (numeric) txout amount plus amount from all supports associated with the claim\n"
"\"height\" (numeric) the height of the block in which this transaction is located\n"
std::string name = params[0].get_str();
CClaimValue claim;
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (!pclaimTrie->getInfoForName(name, claim))
return ret;
std::string sValue;
if (!getValueForClaim(claim.outPoint, sValue))
return ret;
ret.push_back(Pair("value", sValue));
ret.push_back(Pair("claimId", claim.claimId.GetHex()));
ret.push_back(Pair("txid", claim.outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
ret.push_back(Pair("n", (int)claim.outPoint.n));
ret.push_back(Pair("amount", claim.nAmount));
ret.push_back(Pair("effective amount", pclaimTrie->getEffectiveAmountForClaim(name, claim.claimId)));
ret.push_back(Pair("height", claim.nHeight));
return ret;
typedef std::pair<CClaimValue, std::vector<CSupportValue> > claimAndSupportsType;
typedef std::map<uint160, claimAndSupportsType> claimSupportMapType;
typedef std::map<uint160, std::vector<CSupportValue> > supportsWithoutClaimsMapType;
UniValue claimsAndSupportsToJSON(claimSupportMapType::const_iterator itClaimsAndSupports, int nCurrentHeight)
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
const CClaimValue claim = itClaimsAndSupports->second.first;
const std::vector<CSupportValue> supports = itClaimsAndSupports->second.second;
CAmount nEffectiveAmount = 0;
UniValue supportObjs(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<CSupportValue>::const_iterator itSupports = supports.begin(); itSupports != supports.end(); ++itSupports)
UniValue supportObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
supportObj.push_back(Pair("txid", itSupports->outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
supportObj.push_back(Pair("n", (int)itSupports->outPoint.n));
supportObj.push_back(Pair("nHeight", itSupports->nHeight));
supportObj.push_back(Pair("nValidAtHeight", itSupports->nValidAtHeight));
if (itSupports->nValidAtHeight < nCurrentHeight)
nEffectiveAmount += itSupports->nAmount;
supportObj.push_back(Pair("nAmount", itSupports->nAmount));
ret.push_back(Pair("claimId", itClaimsAndSupports->first.GetHex()));
ret.push_back(Pair("txid", claim.outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
ret.push_back(Pair("n", (int)claim.outPoint.n));
ret.push_back(Pair("nHeight", claim.nHeight));
ret.push_back(Pair("nValidAtHeight", claim.nValidAtHeight));
if (claim.nValidAtHeight < nCurrentHeight)
nEffectiveAmount += claim.nAmount;
ret.push_back(Pair("nAmount", claim.nAmount));
std::string sValue;
if (getValueForClaim(claim.outPoint, sValue))
ret.push_back(Pair("value", sValue));
ret.push_back(Pair("nEffectiveAmount", nEffectiveAmount));
ret.push_back(Pair("supports", supportObjs));
return ret;
UniValue supportsWithoutClaimsToJSON(supportsWithoutClaimsMapType::const_iterator itSupportsWithoutClaims, int nCurrentHeight)
const std::vector<CSupportValue> supports = itSupportsWithoutClaims->second;
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue supportObjs(UniValue::VARR);
ret.push_back(Pair("claimId (no matching claim)", itSupportsWithoutClaims->first.GetHex()));
for (std::vector<CSupportValue>::const_iterator itSupports = supports.begin(); itSupports != supports.end(); ++itSupports)
UniValue supportObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
supportObj.push_back(Pair("txid", itSupports->outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
supportObj.push_back(Pair("n", (int)itSupports->outPoint.n));
supportObj.push_back(Pair("nHeight", itSupports->nHeight));
supportObj.push_back(Pair("nValidAtHeight", itSupports->nValidAtHeight));
supportObj.push_back(Pair("nAmount", itSupports->nAmount));
ret.push_back(Pair("supports", supportObjs));
return ret;
UniValue getclaimsforname(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return all claims and supports for a name\n"
"Arguments: \n"
"1. \"name\" (string) the name for which to get claims and supports\n"
" \"nLastTakeoverheight\" (numeric) the last height at which ownership of the name changed\n"
" \"claims\": [ (array of object) claims for this name\n"
" {\n"
" \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of this claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of this claim\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the claim in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"nHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the claim was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"nValidAtHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the claim became/becomes valid\n"
" \"nAmount\" (numeric) the amount of the claim\n"
" \"nEffectiveAmount\" (numeric) the total effective amount of the claim, taking into effect whether the claim or support has reached its nValidAtHeight\n"
" \"supports\" : [ (array of object) supports for this claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the support\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the support in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"nHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"nValidAtHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support became/becomes valid\n"
" \"nAmount\" (numeric) the amount of the support\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
" ],\n"
" \"unmatched supports\": [ (array of object) supports that did not match a claim for this name\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the support\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the support in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"nHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"nValidAtHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support became/becomes valid\n"
" \"nAmount\" (numeric) the amount of the support\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
std::string name = params[0].get_str();
claimsForNameType claimsForName = pclaimTrie->getClaimsForName(name);
int nCurrentHeight = chainActive.Height();
claimSupportMapType claimSupportMap;
supportsWithoutClaimsMapType supportsWithoutClaims;
for (std::vector<CClaimValue>::const_iterator itClaims =; itClaims !=; ++itClaims)
claimAndSupportsType claimAndSupports = std::make_pair(*itClaims, std::vector<CSupportValue>());
claimSupportMap.insert(std::pair<uint160, claimAndSupportsType>(itClaims->claimId, claimAndSupports));
for (std::vector<CSupportValue>::const_iterator itSupports = claimsForName.supports.begin(); itSupports != claimsForName.supports.end(); ++itSupports)
claimSupportMapType::iterator itClaimAndSupports = claimSupportMap.find(itSupports->supportedClaimId);
if (itClaimAndSupports == claimSupportMap.end())
std::pair<supportsWithoutClaimsMapType::iterator, bool> ret = supportsWithoutClaims.insert(std::pair<uint160, std::vector<CSupportValue> >(itSupports->supportedClaimId, std::vector<CSupportValue>()));
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue claimObjs(UniValue::VARR);
ret.push_back(Pair("nLastTakeoverHeight", claimsForName.nLastTakeoverHeight));
for (claimSupportMapType::const_iterator itClaimsAndSupports = claimSupportMap.begin(); itClaimsAndSupports != claimSupportMap.end(); ++itClaimsAndSupports)
UniValue claimAndSupportsObj = claimsAndSupportsToJSON(itClaimsAndSupports, nCurrentHeight);
ret.push_back(Pair("claims", claimObjs));
UniValue unmatchedSupports(UniValue::VARR);
for (supportsWithoutClaimsMapType::const_iterator itSupportsWithoutClaims = supportsWithoutClaims.begin(); itSupportsWithoutClaims != supportsWithoutClaims.end(); ++itSupportsWithoutClaims)
UniValue supportsObj = supportsWithoutClaimsToJSON(itSupportsWithoutClaims, nCurrentHeight);
ret.push_back(Pair("supports without claims", unmatchedSupports));
return ret;
UniValue getclaimbyid(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Get a claim by claim id\n"
"Arguments: \n"
"1. \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of this claim\n"
" \"name\" (string) the name of the claim\n"
" \"value\" (string) claim metadata\n"
" \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of this claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the hash of the transaction which has successfully claimed this name\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) vout value\n"
" \"amount\" (numeric) txout value\n"
" \"effective amount\" (numeric) txout amount plus amount from all supports associated with the claim\n"
" \"supports\" (array of object) supports for this claim\n"
" [\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the support\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the support in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) the height at which the support was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"valid at height\" (numeric) the height at which the support is valid\n"
" \"amount\" (numeric) the amount of the support\n"
" ]\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) the height of the block in which this claim transaction is located\n"
" \"valid at height\" (numeric) the height at which the claim is valid\n"
uint160 claimId = ParseClaimtrieId(params[0], "Claim-id (parameter 1)");
UniValue claim(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::string name;
CClaimValue claimValue;
pclaimTrie->getClaimById(claimId, name, claimValue);
if (claimValue.claimId == claimId)
std::vector<CSupportValue> supports;
CAmount effectiveAmount = pclaimTrie->getEffectiveAmountForClaimWithSupports(
name, claimValue.claimId, supports);
std::string sValue;
getValueForClaim(claimValue.outPoint, sValue);
claim.push_back(Pair("name", name));
claim.push_back(Pair("value", sValue));
claim.push_back(Pair("claimId", claimValue.claimId.GetHex()));
claim.push_back(Pair("txid", claimValue.outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
claim.push_back(Pair("n", (int) claimValue.outPoint.n));
claim.push_back(Pair("amount", claimValue.nAmount));
claim.push_back(Pair("effective amount", effectiveAmount));
UniValue supportList(UniValue::VARR);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CSupportValue& support, supports) {
UniValue supportEntry(UniValue::VOBJ);
supportEntry.push_back(Pair("txid", support.outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
supportEntry.push_back(Pair("n", (int)support.outPoint.n));
supportEntry.push_back(Pair("height", support.nHeight));
supportEntry.push_back(Pair("valid at height", support.nValidAtHeight));
supportEntry.push_back(Pair("amount", support.nAmount));
claim.push_back(Pair("supports", supportList));
claim.push_back(Pair("height", claimValue.nHeight));
claim.push_back(Pair("valid at height", claimValue.nValidAtHeight));
return claim;
UniValue gettotalclaimednames(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the total number of names that have been\n"
"successfully claimed, and therefore exist in the trie\n"
"\"total names\" (numeric) the total number of\n"
" names in the trie\n"
if (!pclaimTrie)
return -1;
unsigned int num_names = pclaimTrie->getTotalNamesInTrie();
return int(num_names);
UniValue gettotalclaims(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the total number of active claims in the trie\n"
"\"total claims\" (numeric) the total number\n"
" of active claims\n"
if (!pclaimTrie)
return -1;
unsigned int num_claims = pclaimTrie->getTotalClaimsInTrie();
return int(num_claims);
UniValue gettotalvalueofclaims(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the total value of the claims in the trie\n"
"1. \"controlling_only\" (boolean) only include the value\n"
" of controlling claims\n"
"\"total value\" (numeric) the total value of the\n"
" claims in the trie\n"
if (!pclaimTrie)
return -1;
bool controlling_only = false;
if (params.size() == 1)
controlling_only = params[0].get_bool();
CAmount total_amount = pclaimTrie->getTotalValueOfClaimsInTrie(controlling_only);
return ValueFromAmount(total_amount);
UniValue getclaimsfortx(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return any claims or supports found in a transaction\n"
"1. \"txid\" (string) the txid of the transaction to check for unspent claims\n"
" {\n"
" \"nOut\" (numeric) the index of the claim or support in the transaction's list out outputs\n"
" \"claim type\" (string) 'claim' or 'support'\n"
" \"name\" (string) the name claimed or supported\n"
" \"value\" (string) if a name claim, the value of the claim\n"
" \"supported txid\" (string) if a support, the txid of the supported claim\n"
" \"supported nout\" (numeric) if a support, the index of the supported claim in its transaction\n"
" \"depth\" (numeric) the depth of the transaction in the main chain\n"
" \"in claim trie\" (boolean) if a name claim, whether the claim is active, i.e. has made it into the trie\n"
" \"is controlling\" (boolean) if a name claim, whether the claim is the current controlling claim for the name\n"
" \"in support map\" (boolean) if a support, whether the support is active, i.e. has made it into the support map\n"
" \"in queue\" (boolean) whether the claim is in a queue waiting to be inserted into the trie or support map\n"
" \"blocks to valid\" (numeric) if in a queue, the number of blocks until it's inserted into the trie or support map\n"
" }\n"
uint256 hash = ParseHashV(params[0], "txid (parameter 1)");
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip);
const CCoins* coin = view.AccessCoins(hash);
std::vector<CTxOut> txouts;
int nHeight = 0;
if (!coin)
CTransaction tx;
if (!mempool.lookup(hash, tx))
return NullUniValue;
txouts = tx.vout;
txouts = coin->vout;
nHeight = coin->nHeight;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < txouts.size(); ++i)
if (!txouts[i].IsNull())
const CTxOut& txout = txouts[i];
UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
o.push_back(Pair("nOut", (int64_t)i));
std::string sName(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
o.push_back(Pair("name", sName));
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
std::string sValue(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
uint160 claimId = ClaimIdHash(hash, i);
o.push_back(Pair("claimId", claimId.GetHex()));
o.push_back(Pair("value", sValue));
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId(vvchParams[1]);
std::string sValue(vvchParams[2].begin(), vvchParams[2].end());
o.push_back(Pair("claimId", claimId.GetHex()));
o.push_back(Pair("value", sValue));
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
o.push_back(Pair("supported claimId", supportedClaimId.GetHex()));
if (nHeight > 0)
o.push_back(Pair("depth", chainActive.Height() - nHeight));
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
bool inClaimTrie = pclaimTrie->haveClaim(sName, COutPoint(hash, i));
o.push_back(Pair("in claim trie", inClaimTrie));
if (inClaimTrie)
CClaimValue claim;
if (!pclaimTrie->getInfoForName(sName, claim))
LogPrintf("HaveClaim was true but getInfoForName returned false.");
o.push_back(Pair("is controlling", (claim.outPoint.hash == hash && claim.outPoint.n == i)));
int nValidAtHeight;
if (pclaimTrie->haveClaimInQueue(sName, COutPoint(hash, i), nValidAtHeight))
o.push_back(Pair("in queue", true));
o.push_back(Pair("blocks to valid", nValidAtHeight - chainActive.Height()));
o.push_back(Pair("in queue", false));
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
bool inSupportMap = pclaimTrie->haveSupport(sName, COutPoint(hash, i));
o.push_back(Pair("in support map", inSupportMap));
if (!inSupportMap)
int nValidAtHeight;
if (pclaimTrie->haveSupportInQueue(sName, COutPoint(hash, i), nValidAtHeight))
o.push_back(Pair("in queue", true));
o.push_back(Pair("blocks to valid", nValidAtHeight - chainActive.Height()));
o.push_back(Pair("in queue", false));
o.push_back(Pair("depth", 0));
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
o.push_back(Pair("in claim trie", false));
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
o.push_back(Pair("in support map", false));
o.push_back(Pair("in queue", false));
return ret;
UniValue proofToJSON(const CClaimTrieProof& proof)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue nodes(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<CClaimTrieProofNode>::const_iterator itNode = proof.nodes.begin(); itNode != proof.nodes.end(); ++itNode)
UniValue node(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue children(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, uint256> >::const_iterator itChildren = itNode->children.begin(); itChildren != itNode->children.end(); ++itChildren)
UniValue child(UniValue::VOBJ);
child.push_back(Pair("character", itChildren->first));
if (!itChildren->second.IsNull())
child.push_back(Pair("nodeHash", itChildren->second.GetHex()));
node.push_back(Pair("children", children));
if (itNode->hasValue && !itNode->valHash.IsNull())
node.push_back(Pair("valueHash", itNode->valHash.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("nodes", nodes));
if (proof.hasValue)
result.push_back(Pair("txhash", proof.outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("nOut", (int)proof.outPoint.n));
result.push_back(Pair("last takeover height", (int)proof.nHeightOfLastTakeover));
return result;
UniValue getnameproof(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1 && params.size() != 2))
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the cryptographic proof that a name maps to a value\n"
"or doesn't.\n"
"1. \"name\" (string) the name to get a proof for\n"
"2. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) the hash of the block\n"
" which is the basis\n"
" of the proof. If\n"
" none is given, \n"
" the latest block\n"
" will be used.\n"
"Result: \n"
" \"nodes\" : [ (array of object) full nodes (i.e.\n"
" those which lead to\n"
" the requested name)\n"
" \"children\" : [ (array of object) the children of\n"
" this node\n"
" \"child\" : { (object) a child node, either leaf or\n"
" reference to a full node\n"
" \"character\" : \"char\" (string) the character which\n"
" leads from the parent\n"
" to this child node\n"
" \"nodeHash\" : \"hash\" (string, if exists) the hash of\n"
" the node if\n"
" this is a \n"
" leaf node\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
" \"valueHash\" (string, if exists) the hash of this\n"
" node's value, if\n"
" it has one. If \n"
" this is the\n"
" requested name\n"
" this will not\n"
" exist whether\n"
" the node has a\n"
" value or not\n"
" ]\n"
" \"txhash\" : \"hash\" (string, if exists) the txid of the\n"
" claim which controls\n"
" this name, if there\n"
" is one.\n"
" \"nOut\" : n, (numeric) the nOut of the claim which\n"
" controls this name, if there\n"
" is one.\n"
" \"last takeover height\" (numeric) the most recent height at\n"
" which the value of a name\n"
" changed other than through\n"
" an update to the winning\n"
" bid\n"
" }\n"
std::string strName = params[0].get_str();
uint256 blockHash;
if (params.size() == 2)
blockHash = ParseHashV(params[1], "blockhash (optional parameter 2)");
blockHash = chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash();
if (mapBlockIndex.count(blockHash) == 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found");
CBlockIndex* pblockIndex = mapBlockIndex[blockHash];
if (!chainActive.Contains(pblockIndex))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Block not in main chain");
if (chainActive.Tip()->nHeight > (pblockIndex->nHeight + MAX_RPC_BLOCK_DECREMENTS))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Block too deep to generate proof");
CClaimTrieProof proof;
if (!GetProofForName(pblockIndex, strName, proof))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to generate proof");
return proofToJSON(proof);
static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) okSafeMode
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimsintrie", &getclaimsintrie, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimtrie", &getclaimtrie, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "getvalueforname", &getvalueforname, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimsforname", &getclaimsforname, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "gettotalclaimednames", &gettotalclaimednames, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "gettotalclaims", &gettotalclaims, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "gettotalvalueofclaims", &gettotalvalueofclaims, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimsfortx", &getclaimsfortx, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "getnameproof", &getnameproof, true },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimbyid", &getclaimbyid, true },
void RegisterClaimTrieRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++)
tableRPC.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]);
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ static const CRPCConvertParam vRPCConvertParams[] =
{ "stop", 0 },
{ "stop", 0 },
{ "setmocktime", 0 },
{ "setmocktime", 0 },
{ "getaddednodeinfo", 0 },
{ "getaddednodeinfo", 0 },
{ "setgenerate", 0 },
{ "setgenerate", 1 },
{ "generate", 0 },
{ "generate", 0 },
{ "generate", 1 },
{ "generate", 1 },
{ "generatetoaddress", 0 },
{ "generatetoaddress", 0 },
@ -100,6 +102,16 @@ static const CRPCConvertParam vRPCConvertParams[] =
{ "estimatesmartpriority", 0 },
{ "estimatesmartpriority", 0 },
{ "prioritisetransaction", 1 },
{ "prioritisetransaction", 1 },
{ "prioritisetransaction", 2 },
{ "prioritisetransaction", 2 },
{ "claimname", 2},
{ "updateclaim", 2},
{ "abandonclaim", 2},
{ "listnameclaims", 0},
{ "listnameclaims", 1},
{ "listnameclaims", 2},
{ "supportclaim", 2},
{ "supportclaim", 3},
{ "abandonsupport", 2},
{ "gettotalvalueofclaims", 0},
{ "setban", 2 },
{ "setban", 2 },
{ "setban", 3 },
{ "setban", 3 },
@ -72,6 +72,26 @@ UniValue GetNetworkHashPS(int lookup, int height) {
return workDiff.getdouble() / timeDiff;
return workDiff.getdouble() / timeDiff;
UniValue gethashespersec(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw runtime_error(
"\nReturns a recent hashes per second performance measurement while generating.\n"
"See the getgenerate and setgenerate calls to turn generation on and off.\n"
"n (numeric) The recent hashes per second when generation is on (will return 0 if generation is off)\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("gethashespersec", "")
+ HelpExampleRpc("gethashespersec", "")
if (GetTimeMillis() - nHPSTimerStart > 8000)
return (int64_t)0;
return (int64_t)dHashesPerSec;
UniValue getnetworkhashps(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue getnetworkhashps(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
@ -94,6 +114,25 @@ UniValue getnetworkhashps(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
return GetNetworkHashPS(params.size() > 0 ? params[0].get_int() : 120, params.size() > 1 ? params[1].get_int() : -1);
return GetNetworkHashPS(params.size() > 0 ? params[0].get_int() : 120, params.size() > 1 ? params[1].get_int() : -1);
UniValue getgenerate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw runtime_error(
"\nReturn if the server is set to generate coins or not. The default is false.\n"
"It is set with the command line argument -gen (or " + std::string(BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME) + " setting gen)\n"
"It can also be set with the setgenerate call.\n"
"true|false (boolean) If the server is set to generate coins or not\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("getgenerate", "")
+ HelpExampleRpc("getgenerate", "")
return GetBoolArg("-gen", DEFAULT_GENERATE);
UniValue generateBlocks(boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript, int nGenerate, uint64_t nMaxTries, bool keepScript)
UniValue generateBlocks(boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript, int nGenerate, uint64_t nMaxTries, bool keepScript)
static const int nInnerLoopCount = 0x10000;
static const int nInnerLoopCount = 0x10000;
@ -119,7 +158,7 @@ UniValue generateBlocks(boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript, int nG
IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, chainActive.Tip(), nExtraNonce);
IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, chainActive.Tip(), nExtraNonce);
while (nMaxTries > 0 && pblock->nNonce < nInnerLoopCount && !CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {
while (nMaxTries > 0 && pblock->nNonce < nInnerLoopCount && !CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetPoWHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {
@ -144,6 +183,50 @@ UniValue generateBlocks(boost::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript, int nG
return blockHashes;
return blockHashes;
UniValue setgenerate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"setgenerate generate ( genproclimit )\n"
"\nSet 'generate' true or false to turn generation on or off.\n"
"Generation is limited to 'genproclimit' processors, -1 is unlimited.\n"
"See the getgenerate call for the current setting.\n"
"1. generate (boolean, required) Set to true to turn on generation, off to turn off.\n"
"2. genproclimit (numeric, optional) Set the processor limit for when generation is on. Can be -1 for unlimited.\n"
"\nSet the generation on with a limit of one processor\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("setgenerate", "true 1") +
"\nCheck the setting\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("getgenerate", "") +
"\nTurn off generation\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("setgenerate", "false") +
"\nUsing json rpc\n"
+ HelpExampleRpc("setgenerate", "true, 1")
if (Params().MineBlocksOnDemand())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "Use the generate method instead of setgenerate on this network");
bool fGenerate = true;
if (params.size() > 0)
fGenerate = params[0].get_bool();
int nGenProcLimit = GetArg("-genproclimit", DEFAULT_GENERATE_THREADS);
if (params.size() > 1)
nGenProcLimit = params[1].get_int();
if (nGenProcLimit == 0)
fGenerate = false;
mapArgs["-gen"] = (fGenerate ? "1" : "0");
mapArgs ["-genproclimit"] = itostr(nGenProcLimit);
GenerateBitcoins(fGenerate, nGenProcLimit, Params());
return NullUniValue;
UniValue generate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue generate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
@ -226,6 +309,9 @@ UniValue getmininginfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"currentblocktx\": nnn, (numeric) The last block transaction\n"
" \"currentblocktx\": nnn, (numeric) The last block transaction\n"
" \"difficulty\": xxx.xxxxx (numeric) The current difficulty\n"
" \"difficulty\": xxx.xxxxx (numeric) The current difficulty\n"
" \"errors\": \"...\" (string) Current errors\n"
" \"errors\": \"...\" (string) Current errors\n"
" \"generate\": true|false (boolean) If the generation is on or off (see getgenerate or setgenerate calls)\n"
" \"genproclimit\": n (numeric) The processor limit for generation. -1 if no generation. (see getgenerate or setgenerate calls)\n"
" \"hashespersec\": n (numeric) The hashes per second of the generation, or 0 if no generation.\n"
" \"pooledtx\": n (numeric) The size of the mem pool\n"
" \"pooledtx\": n (numeric) The size of the mem pool\n"
" \"testnet\": true|false (boolean) If using testnet or not\n"
" \"testnet\": true|false (boolean) If using testnet or not\n"
" \"chain\": \"xxxx\", (string) current network name as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)\n"
" \"chain\": \"xxxx\", (string) current network name as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)\n"
@ -244,10 +330,13 @@ UniValue getmininginfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
obj.push_back(Pair("currentblocktx", (uint64_t)nLastBlockTx));
obj.push_back(Pair("currentblocktx", (uint64_t)nLastBlockTx));
obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty", (double)GetDifficulty()));
obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty", (double)GetDifficulty()));
obj.push_back(Pair("errors", GetWarnings("statusbar")));
obj.push_back(Pair("errors", GetWarnings("statusbar")));
obj.push_back(Pair("genproclimit", (int)GetArg("-genproclimit", -1)));
obj.push_back(Pair("networkhashps", getnetworkhashps(params, false)));
obj.push_back(Pair("networkhashps", getnetworkhashps(params, false)));
obj.push_back(Pair("pooledtx", (uint64_t)mempool.size()));
obj.push_back(Pair("pooledtx", (uint64_t)mempool.size()));
obj.push_back(Pair("testnet", Params().TestnetToBeDeprecatedFieldRPC()));
obj.push_back(Pair("testnet", Params().TestnetToBeDeprecatedFieldRPC()));
obj.push_back(Pair("chain", Params().NetworkIDString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("chain", Params().NetworkIDString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("generate", getgenerate(params, false)));
obj.push_back(Pair("hashespersec", gethashespersec(params, false)));
return obj;
return obj;
@ -417,11 +506,11 @@ UniValue getblocktemplate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (strMode != "template")
if (strMode != "template")
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid mode");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid mode");
if (vNodes.empty())
//if (vNodes.empty())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "Bitcoin is not connected!");
// throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED, "Bitcoin is not connected!");
if (IsInitialBlockDownload())
if (IsInitialBlockDownload())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "Bitcoin is downloading blocks...");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD, "LBRYcrd is downloading blocks...");
static unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast;
static unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast;
@ -569,6 +658,7 @@ UniValue getblocktemplate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
result.push_back(Pair("curtime", pblock->GetBlockTime()));
result.push_back(Pair("curtime", pblock->GetBlockTime()));
result.push_back(Pair("bits", strprintf("%08x", pblock->nBits)));
result.push_back(Pair("bits", strprintf("%08x", pblock->nBits)));
result.push_back(Pair("height", (int64_t)(pindexPrev->nHeight+1)));
result.push_back(Pair("height", (int64_t)(pindexPrev->nHeight+1)));
result.push_back(Pair("claimtrie", pblock->hashClaimTrie.GetHex()));
return result;
return result;
@ -786,10 +876,13 @@ static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) okSafeMode
{ // category name actor (function) okSafeMode
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
{ "mining", "getnetworkhashps", &getnetworkhashps, true },
{ "mining", "getnetworkhashps", &getnetworkhashps, true },
{ "mining", "gethashespersec", &gethashespersec, true },
{ "mining", "getmininginfo", &getmininginfo, true },
{ "mining", "getmininginfo", &getmininginfo, true },
{ "mining", "prioritisetransaction", &prioritisetransaction, true },
{ "mining", "prioritisetransaction", &prioritisetransaction, true },
{ "mining", "getblocktemplate", &getblocktemplate, true },
{ "mining", "getblocktemplate", &getblocktemplate, true },
{ "mining", "submitblock", &submitblock, true },
{ "mining", "submitblock", &submitblock, true },
{ "mining", "setgenerate", &setgenerate, true },
{ "mining", "getgenerate", &getgenerate, true },
{ "generating", "generate", &generate, true },
{ "generating", "generate", &generate, true },
{ "generating", "generatetoaddress", &generatetoaddress, true },
{ "generating", "generatetoaddress", &generatetoaddress, true },
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ UniValue getinfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"version\": xxxxx, (numeric) the server version\n"
" \"version\": xxxxx, (numeric) the server version\n"
" \"protocolversion\": xxxxx, (numeric) the protocol version\n"
" \"protocolversion\": xxxxx, (numeric) the protocol version\n"
" \"walletversion\": xxxxx, (numeric) the wallet version\n"
" \"walletversion\": xxxxx, (numeric) the wallet version\n"
" \"balance\": xxxxxxx, (numeric) the total bitcoin balance of the wallet\n"
" \"balance\": xxxxxxx, (numeric) the total lbrycrd balance of the wallet\n"
" \"blocks\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server\n"
" \"blocks\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server\n"
" \"timeoffset\": xxxxx, (numeric) the time offset\n"
" \"timeoffset\": xxxxx, (numeric) the time offset\n"
" \"connections\": xxxxx, (numeric) the number of connections\n"
" \"connections\": xxxxx, (numeric) the number of connections\n"
@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ UniValue validateaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
throw runtime_error(
"validateaddress \"bitcoinaddress\"\n"
"validateaddress \"lbrycrdaddress\"\n"
"\nReturn information about the given bitcoin address.\n"
"\nReturn information about the given lbrycrd address.\n"
"1. \"bitcoinaddress\" (string, required) The bitcoin address to validate\n"
"1. \"lbrycrdaddress\" (string, required) The lbrycrd address to validate\n"
" \"isvalid\" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is valid or not. If not, this is the only property returned.\n"
" \"isvalid\" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is valid or not. If not, this is the only property returned.\n"
" \"address\" : \"bitcoinaddress\", (string) The bitcoin address validated\n"
" \"address\" : \"lbrycrdaddress\", (string) The lbrycrd address validated\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex encoded scriptPubKey generated by the address\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex encoded scriptPubKey generated by the address\n"
" \"ismine\" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is yours or not\n"
" \"ismine\" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is yours or not\n"
" \"iswatchonly\" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is watchonly\n"
" \"iswatchonly\" : true|false, (boolean) If the address is watchonly\n"
@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ UniValue createmultisig(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
"1. nrequired (numeric, required) The number of required signatures out of the n keys or addresses.\n"
"1. nrequired (numeric, required) The number of required signatures out of the n keys or addresses.\n"
"2. \"keys\" (string, required) A json array of keys which are bitcoin addresses or hex-encoded public keys\n"
"2. \"keys\" (string, required) A json array of keys which are lbrycrd addresses or hex-encoded public keys\n"
" [\n"
" [\n"
" \"key\" (string) bitcoin address or hex-encoded public key\n"
" \"key\" (string) lbrycrd address or hex-encoded public key\n"
" ,...\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
" ]\n"
@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ UniValue verifymessage(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 3)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 3)
throw runtime_error(
throw runtime_error(
"verifymessage \"bitcoinaddress\" \"signature\" \"message\"\n"
"verifymessage \"lbrycrdaddress\" \"signature\" \"message\"\n"
"\nVerify a signed message\n"
"\nVerify a signed message\n"
"1. \"bitcoinaddress\" (string, required) The bitcoin address to use for the signature.\n"
"1. \"lbrycrdaddress\" (string, required) The lbrycrd address to use for the signature.\n"
"2. \"signature\" (string, required) The signature provided by the signer in base 64 encoding (see signmessage).\n"
"2. \"signature\" (string, required) The signature provided by the signer in base 64 encoding (see signmessage).\n"
"3. \"message\" (string, required) The message that was signed.\n"
"3. \"message\" (string, required) The message that was signed.\n"
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ UniValue getaddednodeinfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"connected\" : true|false, (boolean) If connected\n"
" \"connected\" : true|false, (boolean) If connected\n"
" \"addresses\" : [\n"
" \"addresses\" : [\n"
" {\n"
" {\n"
" \"address\" : \"\", (string) The bitcoin server host and port\n"
" \"address\" : \"\", (string) The lbrycrd server host and port\n"
" \"connected\" : \"outbound\" (string) connection, inbound or outbound\n"
" \"connected\" : \"outbound\" (string) connection, inbound or outbound\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ,...\n"
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ UniValue getrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) The required sigs\n"
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) The required sigs\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"bitcoinaddress\" (string) bitcoin address\n"
" \"lbrycrdaddress\" (string) lbrycrd address\n"
" ,...\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ UniValue createrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" ]\n"
" ]\n"
"2. \"outputs\" (string, required) a json object with outputs\n"
"2. \"outputs\" (string, required) a json object with outputs\n"
" {\n"
" {\n"
" \"address\": (numeric or string, required) The key is the bitcoin address, the numeric value (can be string) is the " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " amount\n"
" \"address\": (numeric or string, required) The key is the lbrycrd address, the numeric value (can be string) is the " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " amount\n"
" \"data\": \"hex\", (string, required) The key is \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
" \"data\": \"hex\", (string, required) The key is \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
" ...\n"
" ...\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ UniValue decoderawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) The required sigs\n"
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) The required sigs\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"12tvKAXCxZjSmdNbao16dKXC8tRWfcF5oc\" (string) bitcoin address\n"
" \"12tvKAXCxZjSmdNbao16dKXC8tRWfcF5oc\" (string) lbrycrd address\n"
" ,...\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ UniValue decodescript(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
" \"type\":\"type\", (string) The output type\n"
" \"type\":\"type\", (string) The output type\n"
" \"reqSigs\": n, (numeric) The required signatures\n"
" \"reqSigs\": n, (numeric) The required signatures\n"
" \"addresses\": [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"addresses\": [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"address\" (string) bitcoin address\n"
" \"address\" (string) lbrycrd address\n"
" ,...\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" ],\n"
" \"p2sh\",\"address\" (string) script address\n"
" \"p2sh\",\"address\" (string) script address\n"
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ void RegisterMiscRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
void RegisterMiningRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
void RegisterMiningRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
/** Register raw transaction RPC commands */
/** Register raw transaction RPC commands */
void RegisterRawTransactionRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
void RegisterRawTransactionRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
/** Register claim trie RPC commands */
void RegisterClaimTrieRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
static inline void RegisterAllCoreRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
static inline void RegisterAllCoreRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ static inline void RegisterAllCoreRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ UniValue stop(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw runtime_error(
throw runtime_error(
"\nStop Bitcoin server.");
"\nStop LBRYcrd server.");
// Event loop will exit after current HTTP requests have been handled, so
// Event loop will exit after current HTTP requests have been handled, so
// this reply will get back to the client.
// this reply will get back to the client.
return "Bitcoin server stopping";
return "LBRYcrd server stopping";
@ -460,13 +460,13 @@ std::vector<std::string> CRPCTable::listCommands() const
std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
return "> bitcoin-cli " + methodname + " " + args + "\n";
return "> lbrycrd-cli " + methodname + " " + args + "\n";
std::string HelpExampleRpc(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
std::string HelpExampleRpc(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
return "> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\":\"curltest\", "
return "> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\":\"curltest\", "
"\"method\": \"" + methodname + "\", \"params\": [" + args + "] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'\n";
"\"method\": \"" + methodname + "\", \"params\": [" + args + "] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'\n";
void RPCSetTimerInterfaceIfUnset(RPCTimerInterface *iface)
void RPCSetTimerInterfaceIfUnset(RPCTimerInterface *iface)
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "pubkey.h"
#include "pubkey.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ bool EvalScript(vector<vector<unsigned char> >& stack, const CScript& script, un
vector<bool> vfExec;
vector<bool> vfExec;
vector<valtype> altstack;
vector<valtype> altstack;
set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
if (script.size() > 10000)
if (script.size() > 20005)
return set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_SCRIPT_SIZE);
return set_error(serror, SCRIPT_ERR_SCRIPT_SIZE);
int nOpCount = 0;
int nOpCount = 0;
bool fRequireMinimal = (flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA) != 0;
bool fRequireMinimal = (flags & SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA) != 0;
@ -373,6 +374,13 @@ bool EvalScript(vector<vector<unsigned char> >& stack, const CScript& script, un
CScriptNum n(OP_0);
@ -411,7 +419,7 @@ bool EvalScript(vector<vector<unsigned char> >& stack, const CScript& script, un
case OP_NOP1: case OP_NOP4: case OP_NOP5:
case OP_NOP1: case OP_NOP4: case OP_NOP5:
case OP_NOP6: case OP_NOP7: case OP_NOP8: case OP_NOP9: case OP_NOP10:
case OP_NOP9: case OP_NOP10:
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ const char* GetOpName(opcodetype opcode)
case OP_NOP3 : return "OP_NOP3";
case OP_NOP3 : return "OP_NOP3";
case OP_NOP4 : return "OP_NOP4";
case OP_NOP4 : return "OP_NOP4";
case OP_NOP5 : return "OP_NOP5";
case OP_NOP5 : return "OP_NOP5";
case OP_NOP6 : return "OP_NOP6";
case OP_CLAIM_NAME : return "OP_CLAIM_NAME";
case OP_NOP7 : return "OP_NOP7";
case OP_NOP8 : return "OP_NOP8";
case OP_NOP9 : return "OP_NOP9";
case OP_NOP9 : return "OP_NOP9";
case OP_NOP10 : return "OP_NOP10";
case OP_NOP10 : return "OP_NOP10";
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include <vector>
// Maximum number of bytes pushable to the stack
// Maximum number of bytes pushable to the stack
static const unsigned int MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE = 520;
static const unsigned int MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE = 20000; // bytes
// Maximum number of non-push operations per script
// Maximum number of non-push operations per script
static const int MAX_OPS_PER_SCRIPT = 201;
static const int MAX_OPS_PER_SCRIPT = 201;
@ -169,8 +169,11 @@ enum opcodetype
OP_NOP4 = 0xb3,
OP_NOP4 = 0xb3,
OP_NOP5 = 0xb4,
OP_NOP5 = 0xb4,
OP_NOP6 = 0xb5,
OP_NOP6 = 0xb5,
OP_NOP7 = 0xb6,
OP_NOP7 = 0xb6,
OP_NOP8 = 0xb7,
OP_NOP8 = 0xb7,
OP_NOP9 = 0xb8,
OP_NOP9 = 0xb8,
OP_NOP10 = 0xb9,
OP_NOP10 = 0xb9,
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "script/standard.h"
#include "script/standard.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
@ -67,8 +67,10 @@ static bool SignStep(const BaseSignatureCreator& creator, const CScript& scriptP
const CScript& strippedScriptPubKey = StripClaimScriptPrefix(scriptPubKey);
vector<valtype> vSolutions;
vector<valtype> vSolutions;
if (!Solver(scriptPubKey, whichTypeRet, vSolutions))
if (!Solver(strippedScriptPubKey, whichTypeRet, vSolutions))
return false;
return false;
CKeyID keyID;
CKeyID keyID;
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(Checkpoints_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
const CCheckpointData& checkpoints = Params(CBaseChainParams::MAIN).Checkpoints();
//const CCheckpointData& checkpoints = Params(CBaseChainParams::MAIN).Checkpoints();
BOOST_CHECK(Checkpoints::GetTotalBlocksEstimate(checkpoints) >= 134444);
//BOOST_CHECK(Checkpoints::GetTotalBlocksEstimate(checkpoints) >= 134444);
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(PartitionAlert)
// Test PartitionCheck
// Test PartitionCheck
CCriticalSection csDummy;
CCriticalSection csDummy;
CBlockIndex indexDummy[100];
CBlockIndex indexDummy[2000];
CChainParams& params = Params(CBaseChainParams::MAIN);
CChainParams& params = Params(CBaseChainParams::MAIN);
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing = params.GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing;
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing = params.GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing;
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(PartitionAlert)
// an arbitrary time:
// an arbitrary time:
int64_t now = 1427379054;
int64_t now = 1427379054;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
indexDummy[i].phashBlock = NULL;
indexDummy[i].phashBlock = NULL;
if (i == 0) indexDummy[i].pprev = NULL;
if (i == 0) indexDummy[i].pprev = NULL;
else indexDummy[i].pprev = &indexDummy[i-1];
else indexDummy[i].pprev = &indexDummy[i-1];
indexDummy[i].nHeight = i;
indexDummy[i].nHeight = i;
indexDummy[i].nTime = now - (100-i)*nPowTargetSpacing;
indexDummy[i].nTime = now - (2000-i)*nPowTargetSpacing;
// Other members don't matter, the partition check code doesn't
// Other members don't matter, the partition check code doesn't
// use them
// use them
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(PartitionAlert)
// Test 1: chain with blocks every nPowTargetSpacing seconds,
// Test 1: chain with blocks every nPowTargetSpacing seconds,
// as normal, no worries:
// as normal, no worries:
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[99], nPowTargetSpacing);
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[1999], nPowTargetSpacing);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(strMiscWarning.empty(), strMiscWarning);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(strMiscWarning.empty(), strMiscWarning);
// Test 2: go 3.5 hours without a block, expect a warning:
// Test 2: go 3.5 hours without a block, expect a warning:
now += 3*60*60+30*60;
now += 3*60*60+30*60;
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[99], nPowTargetSpacing);
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[1999], nPowTargetSpacing);
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(std::string("Got alert text: ")+strMiscWarning);
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(std::string("Got alert text: ")+strMiscWarning);
strMiscWarning = "";
strMiscWarning = "";
@ -59,16 +59,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(PartitionAlert)
// code:
// code:
now += 60*10;
now += 60*10;
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[99], nPowTargetSpacing);
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[1999], nPowTargetSpacing);
// Test 4: get 2.5 times as many blocks as expected:
// Test 4: get 2.5 times as many blocks as expected:
now += 60*60*24; // Pretend it is a day later
now += 60*60*24; // Pretend it is a day later
int64_t quickSpacing = nPowTargetSpacing*2/5;
int64_t quickSpacing = nPowTargetSpacing*2/5;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) // Tweak chain timestamps:
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) // Tweak chain timestamps:
indexDummy[i].nTime = now - (100-i)*quickSpacing;
indexDummy[i].nTime = now - (2000-i)*quickSpacing;
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[99], nPowTargetSpacing);
PartitionCheck(falseFunc, csDummy, &indexDummy[1999], nPowTargetSpacing);
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(std::string("Got alert text: ")+strMiscWarning);
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(std::string("Got alert text: ")+strMiscWarning);
strMiscWarning = "";
strMiscWarning = "";
@ -38,44 +38,44 @@ struct TestVector {
TestVector test1 =
TestVector test1 =
TestVector test2 =
TestVector test2 =
void RunTest(const TestVector &test) {
void RunTest(const TestVector &test) {
Why not an unordered_map? (or map if ordering matters). It appears from the method below that we commonly need to find by key. I suppose changing to a dictionary structure is not the intent of this story.