gubatron 8969828d06 [Qt] New status bar Unit Display Control and related changes.
- New status bar control shows the current Unit of Display.
  When clicked (left,or right button) it shows a context menu
  that allows the user to switch the current Unit of Display (BTC, mBTC, uBTC)
- Recent Requests and Transaction Table headers are now updated when
  unit of display is changed, because their "Amount" column now displays the
  current unit of display.
- Takes care of issue #3970 Units in transaction export csv file.
- Small refactors for reusability.
- Demo Video
- changes after Diapolo's feedback. Have not been able to build after last pool, issues with boost on MacOSX, will test on Ubuntu these changes.
- removed return statement on switch
- renamed onDisplayUnitsChanged(int) to updateDisplayUnit(int)
- now getAmountColumnTitle(int unit) takes a simple unit parameter. moved to BitcoinUnits.
2014-06-25 14:53:05 -04:00

207 lines
4.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "bitcoinunits.h"
#include <QStringList>
BitcoinUnits::BitcoinUnits(QObject *parent):
QList<BitcoinUnits::Unit> BitcoinUnits::availableUnits()
QList<BitcoinUnits::Unit> unitlist;
return unitlist;
bool BitcoinUnits::valid(int unit)
case BTC:
case mBTC:
case uBTC:
return true;
return false;
QString BitcoinUnits::name(int unit)
case BTC: return QString("BTC");
case mBTC: return QString("mBTC");
case uBTC: return QString::fromUtf8("μBTC");
default: return QString("???");
QString BitcoinUnits::description(int unit)
case BTC: return QString("Bitcoins");
case mBTC: return QString("Milli-Bitcoins (1 / 1,000)");
case uBTC: return QString("Micro-Bitcoins (1 / 1,000,000)");
default: return QString("???");
qint64 BitcoinUnits::factor(int unit)
case BTC: return 100000000;
case mBTC: return 100000;
case uBTC: return 100;
default: return 100000000;
qint64 BitcoinUnits::maxAmount(int unit)
case BTC: return Q_INT64_C(21000000);
case mBTC: return Q_INT64_C(21000000000);
case uBTC: return Q_INT64_C(21000000000000);
default: return 0;
int BitcoinUnits::amountDigits(int unit)
case BTC: return 8; // 21,000,000 (# digits, without commas)
case mBTC: return 11; // 21,000,000,000
case uBTC: return 14; // 21,000,000,000,000
default: return 0;
int BitcoinUnits::decimals(int unit)
case BTC: return 8;
case mBTC: return 5;
case uBTC: return 2;
default: return 0;
QString BitcoinUnits::format(int unit, qint64 n, bool fPlus)
// Note: not using straight sprintf here because we do NOT want
// localized number formatting.
return QString(); // Refuse to format invalid unit
qint64 coin = factor(unit);
int num_decimals = decimals(unit);
qint64 n_abs = (n > 0 ? n : -n);
qint64 quotient = n_abs / coin;
qint64 remainder = n_abs % coin;
QString quotient_str = QString::number(quotient);
QString remainder_str = QString::number(remainder).rightJustified(num_decimals, '0');
// Right-trim excess zeros after the decimal point
int nTrim = 0;
for (int i = remainder_str.size()-1; i>=2 && ( == '0'); --i)
if (n < 0)
quotient_str.insert(0, '-');
else if (fPlus && n > 0)
quotient_str.insert(0, '+');
return quotient_str + QString(".") + remainder_str;
QString BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(int unit, qint64 amount, bool plussign)
return format(unit, amount, plussign) + QString(" ") + name(unit);
bool BitcoinUnits::parse(int unit, const QString &value, qint64 *val_out)
if(!valid(unit) || value.isEmpty())
return false; // Refuse to parse invalid unit or empty string
int num_decimals = decimals(unit);
QStringList parts = value.split(".");
if(parts.size() > 2)
return false; // More than one dot
QString whole = parts[0];
QString decimals;
if(parts.size() > 1)
decimals = parts[1];
if(decimals.size() > num_decimals)
return false; // Exceeds max precision
bool ok = false;
QString str = whole + decimals.leftJustified(num_decimals, '0');
if(str.size() > 18)
return false; // Longer numbers will exceed 63 bits
qint64 retvalue = str.toLongLong(&ok);
*val_out = retvalue;
return ok;
QString BitcoinUnits::getAmountColumnTitle(int unit)
QString amountTitle = QObject::tr("Amount");
if (BitcoinUnits::valid(unit))
amountTitle += " ("+BitcoinUnits::name(unit) + ")";
return amountTitle;
int BitcoinUnits::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return unitlist.size();
QVariant BitcoinUnits::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
int row = index.row();
if(row >= 0 && row < unitlist.size())
Unit unit =;
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::DisplayRole:
return QVariant(name(unit));
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
return QVariant(description(unit));
case UnitRole:
return QVariant(static_cast<int>(unit));
return QVariant();