sje397 8fdb7e108f Added 'immature balance' for miners. Only displayed if the balance is greater than zero.
This adds a field labelled 'Immature' in the overview section under the 'unconfirmed' field, which shows mined
income that has not yet matured (which is currently not displayed anywhere, even though the transactions
exist in the transaction list). To do that I added a 'GetImmatureBalance' method to the wallet, and connected
that through to the GUI as per the 'GetBalance' and 'GetUnconfirmedBalance' methods. I did a small 'no-op'
change to make the code in adjacent functions a little more readable (imo); it was a change I had made in my
repo earlier...but I thought it wouldn't hurt so left it in. Immature balance comes from mined income that is
at least two blocks deep in the chain (same logic as displayed transactions).

My reasoning is:
- as a miner, it's a critical stat I want to see
- as a miner, and taking into account the label 'immature', the uncertainty is pretty clearly implied
- those numbers are already displayed in the transaction list
- this makes the overview numbers add up to what's in the transaction list
- it's not displayed if the immature balance is 0, so won't bother non-miners

I also 'cleaned' the overview UI a little, moving code to the XML and removing HTML.
2012-05-25 23:15:27 +10:00

350 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "walletmodel.h"
#include "guiconstants.h"
#include "optionsmodel.h"
#include "addresstablemodel.h"
#include "transactiontablemodel.h"
#include "ui_interface.h"
#include "wallet.h"
#include "walletdb.h" // for BackupWallet
#include <QSet>
WalletModel::WalletModel(CWallet *wallet, OptionsModel *optionsModel, QObject *parent) :
QObject(parent), wallet(wallet), optionsModel(optionsModel), addressTableModel(0),
cachedBalance(0), cachedUnconfirmedBalance(0), cachedImmatureBalance(0),
addressTableModel = new AddressTableModel(wallet, this);
transactionTableModel = new TransactionTableModel(wallet, this);
qint64 WalletModel::getBalance() const
return wallet->GetBalance();
qint64 WalletModel::getUnconfirmedBalance() const
return wallet->GetUnconfirmedBalance();
qint64 WalletModel::getImmatureBalance() const
return wallet->GetImmatureBalance();
int WalletModel::getNumTransactions() const
int numTransactions = 0;
numTransactions = wallet->mapWallet.size();
return numTransactions;
void WalletModel::updateStatus()
EncryptionStatus newEncryptionStatus = getEncryptionStatus();
if(cachedEncryptionStatus != newEncryptionStatus)
emit encryptionStatusChanged(newEncryptionStatus);
void WalletModel::updateTransaction(const QString &hash, int status)
transactionTableModel->updateTransaction(hash, status);
// Balance and number of transactions might have changed
qint64 newBalance = getBalance();
qint64 newUnconfirmedBalance = getUnconfirmedBalance();
qint64 newImmatureBalance = getImmatureBalance();
int newNumTransactions = getNumTransactions();
if(cachedBalance != newBalance || cachedUnconfirmedBalance != newUnconfirmedBalance || cachedImmatureBalance != newImmatureBalance)
emit balanceChanged(newBalance, newUnconfirmedBalance, newImmatureBalance);
if(cachedNumTransactions != newNumTransactions)
emit numTransactionsChanged(newNumTransactions);
cachedBalance = newBalance;
cachedUnconfirmedBalance = newUnconfirmedBalance;
cachedImmatureBalance = newImmatureBalance;
cachedNumTransactions = newNumTransactions;
void WalletModel::updateAddressBook(const QString &address, const QString &label, bool isMine, int status)
addressTableModel->updateEntry(address, label, isMine, status);
bool WalletModel::validateAddress(const QString &address)
CBitcoinAddress addressParsed(address.toStdString());
return addressParsed.IsValid();
WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn WalletModel::sendCoins(const QList<SendCoinsRecipient> &recipients)
qint64 total = 0;
QSet<QString> setAddress;
QString hex;
return OK;
// Pre-check input data for validity
foreach(const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp, recipients)
return InvalidAddress;
if(rcp.amount <= 0)
return InvalidAmount;
total += rcp.amount;
if(recipients.size() > setAddress.size())
return DuplicateAddress;
if(total > getBalance())
return AmountExceedsBalance;
if((total + nTransactionFee) > getBalance())
return SendCoinsReturn(AmountWithFeeExceedsBalance, nTransactionFee);
LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
// Sendmany
std::vector<std::pair<CScript, int64> > vecSend;
foreach(const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp, recipients)
CScript scriptPubKey;
vecSend.push_back(make_pair(scriptPubKey, rcp.amount));
CWalletTx wtx;
CReserveKey keyChange(wallet);
int64 nFeeRequired = 0;
bool fCreated = wallet->CreateTransaction(vecSend, wtx, keyChange, nFeeRequired);
if((total + nFeeRequired) > wallet->GetBalance())
return SendCoinsReturn(AmountWithFeeExceedsBalance, nFeeRequired);
return TransactionCreationFailed;
if(!uiInterface.ThreadSafeAskFee(nFeeRequired, tr("Sending...").toStdString()))
return Aborted;
if(!wallet->CommitTransaction(wtx, keyChange))
return TransactionCommitFailed;
hex = QString::fromStdString(wtx.GetHash().GetHex());
// Add addresses / update labels that we've sent to to the address book
foreach(const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp, recipients)
std::string strAddress = rcp.address.toStdString();
std::string strLabel = rcp.label.toStdString();
std::map<CBitcoinAddress, std::string>::iterator mi = wallet->mapAddressBook.find(strAddress);
// Check if we have a new address or an updated label
if (mi == wallet->mapAddressBook.end() || mi->second != strLabel)
wallet->SetAddressBookName(strAddress, strLabel);
return SendCoinsReturn(OK, 0, hex);
OptionsModel *WalletModel::getOptionsModel()
return optionsModel;
AddressTableModel *WalletModel::getAddressTableModel()
return addressTableModel;
TransactionTableModel *WalletModel::getTransactionTableModel()
return transactionTableModel;
WalletModel::EncryptionStatus WalletModel::getEncryptionStatus() const
return Unencrypted;
else if(wallet->IsLocked())
return Locked;
return Unlocked;
bool WalletModel::setWalletEncrypted(bool encrypted, const SecureString &passphrase)
// Encrypt
return wallet->EncryptWallet(passphrase);
// Decrypt -- TODO; not supported yet
return false;
bool WalletModel::setWalletLocked(bool locked, const SecureString &passPhrase)
// Lock
return wallet->Lock();
// Unlock
return wallet->Unlock(passPhrase);
bool WalletModel::changePassphrase(const SecureString &oldPass, const SecureString &newPass)
bool retval;
wallet->Lock(); // Make sure wallet is locked before attempting pass change
retval = wallet->ChangeWalletPassphrase(oldPass, newPass);
return retval;
bool WalletModel::backupWallet(const QString &filename)
return BackupWallet(*wallet, filename.toLocal8Bit().data());
// Handlers for core signals
static void NotifyKeyStoreStatusChanged(WalletModel *walletmodel, CCryptoKeyStore *wallet)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "updateStatus", Qt::QueuedConnection);
static void NotifyAddressBookChanged(WalletModel *walletmodel, CWallet *wallet, const std::string &address, const std::string &label, bool isMine, ChangeType status)
OutputDebugStringF("NotifyAddressBookChanged %s %s isMine=%i status=%i\n", address.c_str(), label.c_str(), isMine, status);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "updateAddressBook", Qt::QueuedConnection,
Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(address)),
Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(label)),
Q_ARG(bool, isMine),
Q_ARG(int, status));
static void NotifyTransactionChanged(WalletModel *walletmodel, CWallet *wallet, const uint256 &hash, ChangeType status)
OutputDebugStringF("NotifyTransactionChanged %s status=%i\n", hash.GetHex().c_str(), status);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(walletmodel, "updateTransaction", Qt::QueuedConnection,
Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(hash.GetHex())),
Q_ARG(int, status));
void WalletModel::subscribeToCoreSignals()
// Connect signals to wallet
wallet->NotifyStatusChanged.connect(boost::bind(&NotifyKeyStoreStatusChanged, this, _1));
wallet->NotifyAddressBookChanged.connect(boost::bind(NotifyAddressBookChanged, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
wallet->NotifyTransactionChanged.connect(boost::bind(NotifyTransactionChanged, this, _1, _2, _3));
void WalletModel::unsubscribeFromCoreSignals()
// Disconnect signals from wallet
wallet->NotifyStatusChanged.disconnect(boost::bind(&NotifyKeyStoreStatusChanged, this, _1));
wallet->NotifyAddressBookChanged.disconnect(boost::bind(NotifyAddressBookChanged, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
wallet->NotifyTransactionChanged.disconnect(boost::bind(NotifyTransactionChanged, this, _1, _2, _3));
// WalletModel::UnlockContext implementation
WalletModel::UnlockContext WalletModel::requestUnlock()
bool was_locked = getEncryptionStatus() == Locked;
// Request UI to unlock wallet
emit requireUnlock();
// If wallet is still locked, unlock was failed or cancelled, mark context as invalid
bool valid = getEncryptionStatus() != Locked;
return UnlockContext(this, valid, was_locked);
WalletModel::UnlockContext::UnlockContext(WalletModel *wallet, bool valid, bool relock):
if(valid && relock)
void WalletModel::UnlockContext::CopyFrom(const UnlockContext& rhs)
// Transfer context; old object no longer relocks wallet
*this = rhs;
rhs.relock = false;