Alex Morcos d825838e64 Always update fee estimates on new blocks.
All decisions about whether the transactions are valid data points are made at the time the transaction arrives. Updating on blocks all the time will now cause stale fee estimates to decay quickly when we restart a node.
2017-01-04 12:09:34 -05:00

491 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "policy/fees.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "amount.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "streams.h"
#include "txmempool.h"
#include "util.h"
void TxConfirmStats::Initialize(std::vector<double>& defaultBuckets,
unsigned int maxConfirms, double _decay)
decay = _decay;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defaultBuckets.size(); i++) {
bucketMap[defaultBuckets[i]] = i;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxConfirms; i++) {
// Zero out the data for the current block
void TxConfirmStats::ClearCurrent(unsigned int nBlockHeight)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < buckets.size(); j++) {
oldUnconfTxs[j] += unconfTxs[nBlockHeight%unconfTxs.size()][j];
unconfTxs[nBlockHeight%unconfTxs.size()][j] = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < curBlockConf.size(); i++)
curBlockConf[i][j] = 0;
curBlockTxCt[j] = 0;
curBlockVal[j] = 0;
void TxConfirmStats::Record(int blocksToConfirm, double val)
// blocksToConfirm is 1-based
if (blocksToConfirm < 1)
unsigned int bucketindex = bucketMap.lower_bound(val)->second;
for (size_t i = blocksToConfirm; i <= curBlockConf.size(); i++) {
curBlockConf[i - 1][bucketindex]++;
curBlockVal[bucketindex] += val;
void TxConfirmStats::UpdateMovingAverages()
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < buckets.size(); j++) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < confAvg.size(); i++)
confAvg[i][j] = confAvg[i][j] * decay + curBlockConf[i][j];
avg[j] = avg[j] * decay + curBlockVal[j];
txCtAvg[j] = txCtAvg[j] * decay + curBlockTxCt[j];
// returns -1 on error conditions
double TxConfirmStats::EstimateMedianVal(int confTarget, double sufficientTxVal,
double successBreakPoint, bool requireGreater,
unsigned int nBlockHeight)
// Counters for a bucket (or range of buckets)
double nConf = 0; // Number of tx's confirmed within the confTarget
double totalNum = 0; // Total number of tx's that were ever confirmed
int extraNum = 0; // Number of tx's still in mempool for confTarget or longer
int maxbucketindex = buckets.size() - 1;
// requireGreater means we are looking for the lowest feerate such that all higher
// values pass, so we start at maxbucketindex (highest feerate) and look at successively
// smaller buckets until we reach failure. Otherwise, we are looking for the highest
// feerate such that all lower values fail, and we go in the opposite direction.
unsigned int startbucket = requireGreater ? maxbucketindex : 0;
int step = requireGreater ? -1 : 1;
// We'll combine buckets until we have enough samples.
// The near and far variables will define the range we've combined
// The best variables are the last range we saw which still had a high
// enough confirmation rate to count as success.
// The cur variables are the current range we're counting.
unsigned int curNearBucket = startbucket;
unsigned int bestNearBucket = startbucket;
unsigned int curFarBucket = startbucket;
unsigned int bestFarBucket = startbucket;
bool foundAnswer = false;
unsigned int bins = unconfTxs.size();
// Start counting from highest(default) or lowest feerate transactions
for (int bucket = startbucket; bucket >= 0 && bucket <= maxbucketindex; bucket += step) {
curFarBucket = bucket;
nConf += confAvg[confTarget - 1][bucket];
totalNum += txCtAvg[bucket];
for (unsigned int confct = confTarget; confct < GetMaxConfirms(); confct++)
extraNum += unconfTxs[(nBlockHeight - confct)%bins][bucket];
extraNum += oldUnconfTxs[bucket];
// If we have enough transaction data points in this range of buckets,
// we can test for success
// (Only count the confirmed data points, so that each confirmation count
// will be looking at the same amount of data and same bucket breaks)
if (totalNum >= sufficientTxVal / (1 - decay)) {
double curPct = nConf / (totalNum + extraNum);
// Check to see if we are no longer getting confirmed at the success rate
if (requireGreater && curPct < successBreakPoint)
if (!requireGreater && curPct > successBreakPoint)
// Otherwise update the cumulative stats, and the bucket variables
// and reset the counters
else {
foundAnswer = true;
nConf = 0;
totalNum = 0;
extraNum = 0;
bestNearBucket = curNearBucket;
bestFarBucket = curFarBucket;
curNearBucket = bucket + step;
double median = -1;
double txSum = 0;
// Calculate the "average" feerate of the best bucket range that met success conditions
// Find the bucket with the median transaction and then report the average feerate from that bucket
// This is a compromise between finding the median which we can't since we don't save all tx's
// and reporting the average which is less accurate
unsigned int minBucket = bestNearBucket < bestFarBucket ? bestNearBucket : bestFarBucket;
unsigned int maxBucket = bestNearBucket > bestFarBucket ? bestNearBucket : bestFarBucket;
for (unsigned int j = minBucket; j <= maxBucket; j++) {
txSum += txCtAvg[j];
if (foundAnswer && txSum != 0) {
txSum = txSum / 2;
for (unsigned int j = minBucket; j <= maxBucket; j++) {
if (txCtAvg[j] < txSum)
txSum -= txCtAvg[j];
else { // we're in the right bucket
median = avg[j] / txCtAvg[j];
LogPrint("estimatefee", "%3d: For conf success %s %4.2f need feerate %s: %12.5g from buckets %8g - %8g Cur Bucket stats %6.2f%% %8.1f/(%.1f+%d mempool)\n",
confTarget, requireGreater ? ">" : "<", successBreakPoint,
requireGreater ? ">" : "<", median, buckets[minBucket], buckets[maxBucket],
100 * nConf / (totalNum + extraNum), nConf, totalNum, extraNum);
return median;
void TxConfirmStats::Write(CAutoFile& fileout)
fileout << decay;
fileout << buckets;
fileout << avg;
fileout << txCtAvg;
fileout << confAvg;
void TxConfirmStats::Read(CAutoFile& filein)
// Read data file into temporary variables and do some very basic sanity checking
std::vector<double> fileBuckets;
std::vector<double> fileAvg;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > fileConfAvg;
std::vector<double> fileTxCtAvg;
double fileDecay;
size_t maxConfirms;
size_t numBuckets;
filein >> fileDecay;
if (fileDecay <= 0 || fileDecay >= 1)
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupt estimates file. Decay must be between 0 and 1 (non-inclusive)");
filein >> fileBuckets;
numBuckets = fileBuckets.size();
if (numBuckets <= 1 || numBuckets > 1000)
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupt estimates file. Must have between 2 and 1000 feerate buckets");
filein >> fileAvg;
if (fileAvg.size() != numBuckets)
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupt estimates file. Mismatch in feerate average bucket count");
filein >> fileTxCtAvg;
if (fileTxCtAvg.size() != numBuckets)
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupt estimates file. Mismatch in tx count bucket count");
filein >> fileConfAvg;
maxConfirms = fileConfAvg.size();
if (maxConfirms <= 0 || maxConfirms > 6 * 24 * 7) // one week
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupt estimates file. Must maintain estimates for between 1 and 1008 (one week) confirms");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxConfirms; i++) {
if (fileConfAvg[i].size() != numBuckets)
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupt estimates file. Mismatch in feerate conf average bucket count");
// Now that we've processed the entire feerate estimate data file and not
// thrown any errors, we can copy it to our data structures
decay = fileDecay;
buckets = fileBuckets;
avg = fileAvg;
confAvg = fileConfAvg;
txCtAvg = fileTxCtAvg;
// Resize the current block variables which aren't stored in the data file
// to match the number of confirms and buckets
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxConfirms; i++) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxConfirms; i++) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buckets.size(); i++)
bucketMap[buckets[i]] = i;
LogPrint("estimatefee", "Reading estimates: %u buckets counting confirms up to %u blocks\n",
numBuckets, maxConfirms);
unsigned int TxConfirmStats::NewTx(unsigned int nBlockHeight, double val)
unsigned int bucketindex = bucketMap.lower_bound(val)->second;
unsigned int blockIndex = nBlockHeight % unconfTxs.size();
return bucketindex;
void TxConfirmStats::removeTx(unsigned int entryHeight, unsigned int nBestSeenHeight, unsigned int bucketindex)
//nBestSeenHeight is not updated yet for the new block
int blocksAgo = nBestSeenHeight - entryHeight;
if (nBestSeenHeight == 0) // the BlockPolicyEstimator hasn't seen any blocks yet
blocksAgo = 0;
if (blocksAgo < 0) {
LogPrint("estimatefee", "Blockpolicy error, blocks ago is negative for mempool tx\n");
return; //This can't happen because we call this with our best seen height, no entries can have higher
if (blocksAgo >= (int)unconfTxs.size()) {
if (oldUnconfTxs[bucketindex] > 0)
LogPrint("estimatefee", "Blockpolicy error, mempool tx removed from >25 blocks,bucketIndex=%u already\n",
else {
unsigned int blockIndex = entryHeight % unconfTxs.size();
if (unconfTxs[blockIndex][bucketindex] > 0)
LogPrint("estimatefee", "Blockpolicy error, mempool tx removed from blockIndex=%u,bucketIndex=%u already\n",
blockIndex, bucketindex);
bool CBlockPolicyEstimator::removeTx(uint256 hash)
std::map<uint256, TxStatsInfo>::iterator pos = mapMemPoolTxs.find(hash);
if (pos != mapMemPoolTxs.end()) {
feeStats.removeTx(pos->second.blockHeight, nBestSeenHeight, pos->second.bucketIndex);
return true;
} else {
return false;
CBlockPolicyEstimator::CBlockPolicyEstimator(const CFeeRate& _minRelayFee)
: nBestSeenHeight(0)
static_assert(MIN_FEERATE > 0, "Min feerate must be nonzero");
minTrackedFee = _minRelayFee < CFeeRate(MIN_FEERATE) ? CFeeRate(MIN_FEERATE) : _minRelayFee;
std::vector<double> vfeelist;
for (double bucketBoundary = minTrackedFee.GetFeePerK(); bucketBoundary <= MAX_FEERATE; bucketBoundary *= FEE_SPACING) {
feeStats.Initialize(vfeelist, MAX_BLOCK_CONFIRMS, DEFAULT_DECAY);
void CBlockPolicyEstimator::processTransaction(const CTxMemPoolEntry& entry, bool validFeeEstimate)
unsigned int txHeight = entry.GetHeight();
uint256 hash = entry.GetTx().GetHash();
if (mapMemPoolTxs.count(hash)) {
LogPrint("estimatefee", "Blockpolicy error mempool tx %s already being tracked\n",
if (txHeight < nBestSeenHeight) {
// Ignore side chains and re-orgs; assuming they are random they don't
// affect the estimate. We'll potentially double count transactions in 1-block reorgs.
// Only want to be updating estimates when our blockchain is synced,
// otherwise we'll miscalculate how many blocks its taking to get included.
if (!validFeeEstimate)
// Feerates are stored and reported as BTC-per-kb:
CFeeRate feeRate(entry.GetFee(), entry.GetTxSize());
mapMemPoolTxs[hash].blockHeight = txHeight;
mapMemPoolTxs[hash].bucketIndex = feeStats.NewTx(txHeight, (double)feeRate.GetFeePerK());
void CBlockPolicyEstimator::processBlockTx(unsigned int nBlockHeight, const CTxMemPoolEntry& entry)
if (!removeTx(entry.GetTx().GetHash())) {
// This transaction wasn't being tracked for fee estimation
// How many blocks did it take for miners to include this transaction?
// blocksToConfirm is 1-based, so a transaction included in the earliest
// possible block has confirmation count of 1
int blocksToConfirm = nBlockHeight - entry.GetHeight();
if (blocksToConfirm <= 0) {
// This can't happen because we don't process transactions from a block with a height
// lower than our greatest seen height
LogPrint("estimatefee", "Blockpolicy error Transaction had negative blocksToConfirm\n");
// Feerates are stored and reported as BTC-per-kb:
CFeeRate feeRate(entry.GetFee(), entry.GetTxSize());
feeStats.Record(blocksToConfirm, (double)feeRate.GetFeePerK());
void CBlockPolicyEstimator::processBlock(unsigned int nBlockHeight,
std::vector<CTxMemPoolEntry>& entries)
if (nBlockHeight <= nBestSeenHeight) {
// Ignore side chains and re-orgs; assuming they are random
// they don't affect the estimate.
// And if an attacker can re-org the chain at will, then
// you've got much bigger problems than "attacker can influence
// transaction fees."
// Must update nBestSeenHeight in sync with ClearCurrent so that
// calls to removeTx (via processBlockTx) correctly calculate age
// of unconfirmed txs to remove from tracking.
nBestSeenHeight = nBlockHeight;
// Clear the current block state and update unconfirmed circular buffer
// Repopulate the current block states
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
processBlockTx(nBlockHeight, entries[i]);
// Update all exponential averages with the current block state
LogPrint("estimatefee", "Blockpolicy after updating estimates for %u confirmed entries, new mempool map size %u\n",
entries.size(), mapMemPoolTxs.size());
CFeeRate CBlockPolicyEstimator::estimateFee(int confTarget)
// Return failure if trying to analyze a target we're not tracking
// It's not possible to get reasonable estimates for confTarget of 1
if (confTarget <= 1 || (unsigned int)confTarget > feeStats.GetMaxConfirms())
return CFeeRate(0);
double median = feeStats.EstimateMedianVal(confTarget, SUFFICIENT_FEETXS, MIN_SUCCESS_PCT, true, nBestSeenHeight);
if (median < 0)
return CFeeRate(0);
return CFeeRate(median);
CFeeRate CBlockPolicyEstimator::estimateSmartFee(int confTarget, int *answerFoundAtTarget, const CTxMemPool& pool)
if (answerFoundAtTarget)
*answerFoundAtTarget = confTarget;
// Return failure if trying to analyze a target we're not tracking
if (confTarget <= 0 || (unsigned int)confTarget > feeStats.GetMaxConfirms())
return CFeeRate(0);
// It's not possible to get reasonable estimates for confTarget of 1
if (confTarget == 1)
confTarget = 2;
double median = -1;
while (median < 0 && (unsigned int)confTarget <= feeStats.GetMaxConfirms()) {
median = feeStats.EstimateMedianVal(confTarget++, SUFFICIENT_FEETXS, MIN_SUCCESS_PCT, true, nBestSeenHeight);
if (answerFoundAtTarget)
*answerFoundAtTarget = confTarget - 1;
// If mempool is limiting txs , return at least the min feerate from the mempool
CAmount minPoolFee = pool.GetMinFee(GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFeePerK();
if (minPoolFee > 0 && minPoolFee > median)
return CFeeRate(minPoolFee);
if (median < 0)
return CFeeRate(0);
return CFeeRate(median);
double CBlockPolicyEstimator::estimatePriority(int confTarget)
return -1;
double CBlockPolicyEstimator::estimateSmartPriority(int confTarget, int *answerFoundAtTarget, const CTxMemPool& pool)
if (answerFoundAtTarget)
*answerFoundAtTarget = confTarget;
// If mempool is limiting txs, no priority txs are allowed
CAmount minPoolFee = pool.GetMinFee(GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000).GetFeePerK();
if (minPoolFee > 0)
return -1;
void CBlockPolicyEstimator::Write(CAutoFile& fileout)
fileout << nBestSeenHeight;
void CBlockPolicyEstimator::Read(CAutoFile& filein, int nFileVersion)
int nFileBestSeenHeight;
filein >> nFileBestSeenHeight;
nBestSeenHeight = nFileBestSeenHeight;
if (nFileVersion < 139900) {
TxConfirmStats priStats;
FeeFilterRounder::FeeFilterRounder(const CFeeRate& minIncrementalFee)
CAmount minFeeLimit = std::max(CAmount(1), minIncrementalFee.GetFeePerK() / 2);
for (double bucketBoundary = minFeeLimit; bucketBoundary <= MAX_FEERATE; bucketBoundary *= FEE_SPACING) {
CAmount FeeFilterRounder::round(CAmount currentMinFee)
std::set<double>::iterator it = feeset.lower_bound(currentMinFee);
if ((it != feeset.begin() && insecure_rand.rand32() % 3 != 0) || it == feeset.end()) {
return *it;