marcdeb1 70415626c5
Added content type filter
Added claim type filter
Improved filtering and return no results when wrong input
List of types as input for mediaType and contentType
2019-02-09 16:54:29 -05:00

122 lines
3.9 KiB

import 'babel-polyfill';
import Router from 'koa-router';
import LighthouseControllers from '../controllers/lighthouse';
const router = new Router();
// GET /api/lighthouse
* @oas [get] /search
* description: "Returns all the searches matching the search query."
* tags:
* - Search API
* parameters:
* - (query) s* {String} The search text
* - (query) channel {String} The channel to search, if none, will return all search results
* - (query) size {Integer} The amount of results to return at max
* - (query) from {Integer} The number to start from, good for pagination
* - (query) nsfw {Boolean} If search should return nsfw content or not.
* - (query) contentType {String} Filter by MIME type.
* - (query) mediaType {String} Filter by media type, can be audio, video, image, application, text or cad.
* - (query) claimType {String} Return channels or files only, value can be 'channel' or 'file'.
* responses:
* 200:
* description: The search API returns an array of the found matching search items.
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* type: array
* items:
* type: object
* required:
* - name
* - claimId
* properties:
* name:
* type: integer
* description: The name of the claim.
* example: "LBRY"
* claimId:
* type: string
* description: The claimId of the claim.
* example: "3db81c073f82fd1bb670c65f526faea3b8546720"
* value:
* type: object
* description: Here is the decoded claimdata/metadata from the claim in an object.
* @oas [get] /autocomplete
* tags:
* - Autocomplete API
* description: "Returns an array of autocompleted strings."
* parameters:
* - (query) s* {String} The string to be autocompleted.
* responses:
* 200:
* description: The autocomplete API returns an array of the found matching autocompleted strings.
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* type: array
* items:
* type: string
* description: A autocompleted string
* example: "lbryisawesome"
router.get('/autocomplete', LighthouseControllers.autoComplete);
* @oas [get] /status
* tags:
* - Status API
* description: "Returns the current status of the lighthouse instance."
* responses:
* 200:
* description: Returns the current status of the lighthouse instance.
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* type: object
* required:
* - spaceUsed
* - claimsInIndex
* - totSearches
* properties:
* spaceUsed:
* type: string
* description: The size of the elasticsearch database.
* example: "632.3MB"
* claimsInIndex:
* type: integer
* description: The amount of claims in the search index.
* example: 97615085
* totSearches:
* type: integer
* description: The amount of searches since the start of the lighthouse instance.
* example: 100000
router.get('/status', LighthouseControllers.status);
* @oas [get] /autoupdate
* tags:
* - Auto Update API
* description: "Checks signature of travis webhook and calls deploy script to get the latest master branch to deploy."
* responses:
* 200:
* description: Successful if script called.
*/'/autoupdate', LighthouseControllers.autoUpdate);
export default router;