606 lines
17 KiB
606 lines
17 KiB
import 'babel-polyfill';
import winston from 'winston';
import winstonStream from 'winston-stream';
import elasticsearch from 'elasticsearch';
import rp from 'request-promise';
import pretty from 'prettysize';
import {claimSync, getStats} from '../utils/chainquery';
import crypto from 'crypto';
import got from 'got';
import {logToSlack} from '../index';
const loggerStream = winstonStream(winston, 'info');
const eclient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: process.env.ELASTIC_URL || 'http://localhost:9200',
log: {
level : 'info',
type : 'stream',
stream: loggerStream,
function getResults (input) {
if (input.size === undefined) input.size = 10;
if (input.from === undefined) input.from = 0;
// Beamer - temp fix for https://github.com/lbryio/lighthouse/issues/67
if (input.size > 10000) {
input.size = 10000;
input.from = 0;
if (input.from > 10000) {
input.from = 9999;
input.size = 1;
if (input.from + input.size > 10000) {
input.from = 10000 - input.size;
let trimmedQuery = input.s.trim();
let escapedQuery = getEscapedQuery(trimmedQuery);
let washedQuery = getEscapedQuery(getWashedQuery(trimmedQuery));
let effectiveFactor = '0.00000000001';
const dynamicFilters = () => {
let queries = [];
// Search is split up into different parts, all search parts goes under this line.
if (input.channel_id !== undefined) {
const channelidSearch = { // If we got a channel_id argument, lets filter out only that channel_id
'bool': {
'must': {
'query_string': {
'fields': ['channel_id'],
'query' : getEscapedQuery(input.channel_id.trim()),
if (input.channel !== undefined) { // If we got a channel argument, lets filter out only that channel
const channelSearch = {
'bool': {
'must': {
'query_string': {
'fields': ['channel'],
'query' : getEscapedQuery(input.channel.trim()),
return queries;
const conBoost = { // Controlling claims should get higher placement in search results.
'match': {
'bid_state': {
'query': 'Controlling',
'boost': 20,
const funcScoreClaimWeight = { // 100 LBC adds 1 point to the score
'function_score': {
'field_value_factor': {
'field' : 'effective_amount',
'factor' : effectiveFactor,
'missing': 1,
const funcScoreChannelWeight = { // 100 LBC adds 1 point to the score
'function_score': {
'field_value_factor': {
'field' : 'certificate_amount',
'factor' : effectiveFactor / 10,
'missing': 1,
const splitName = () => {
let queries = [];
let conCatTerm = '';
let phraseTerm = '';
escapedQuery.split(' ').every((term, index) => {
if (index === 4) { return false }
phraseTerm = phraseTerm + ' ' + term;
conCatTerm = conCatTerm + term;
{ // Contains an individual search term
'query_string': {
'query' : `*${term}*`,
'fields': [
'boost': 1,
{ // Contains 1..n of the terms as a phrase
'query_string': {
'query' : `*${phraseTerm}*`,
'fields': [
'boost': 1,
{ // Contains 1..n of the terms together
'query_string': {
'query' : `*${conCatTerm}*`,
'fields': [
'boost': 300,
'prefix': { 'name': { 'value': '@' + escapedQuery, 'boost': 10 } },
'prefix': { 'name': { 'value': escapedQuery, 'boost': 10 } },
return queries;
const splitATD = () => {
let queries = [];
escapedQuery.split(' ').every((term, index) => {
if (index === 4) { return false }
queries.push({ // Contains search term in Author, Title, Description
'query_string': {
'query' : `*${term}*`,
'fields': [
'boost': 1,
return queries;
const matPhraseName = { // Match search text as phrase - Name
'match_phrase': {
'name': {
'query': escapedQuery,
'boost': 10,
const matTextName = { // Match search text - Name
'match': {
'name': {
'query': escapedQuery,
'boost': 5,
const conTermName = { // Contains search term - Name
'query_string': {
'query' : `*${escapedQuery}*`,
'fields': [
'boost': 3,
const atdSearch = { // ATD search(author, title, desc)
'nested': {
'path' : 'value',
'query': {
'bool': {
'should': [
{ // Contains search term in Author, Title, Description
'query_string': {
'query' : `*${escapedQuery}*`,
'fields': [
'boost': 1,
{ // Match search term - Author
'match': {
'value.stream.metadata.author': {
'query': washedQuery,
'boost': 2,
{ // Match search text as phrase - Author
'match_phrase': {
'value.stream.metadata.author': {
'query': escapedQuery,
'boost': 3,
{ // Match search term - Title
'match': {
'value.stream.metadata.title': {
'query': washedQuery,
'boost': 2,
{ // Match search text as phrase - Title
'match_phrase': {
'value.stream.metadata.title': {
'query': escapedQuery,
'boost': 3,
{ // Match search term - Description
'match': {
'value.stream.metadata.description': {
'query': washedQuery,
'boost': 2,
{ // Match search text as phrase - Description
'match_phrase': {
'value.stream.metadata.description': {
'query': escapedQuery,
'boost': 3,
// End of search parts
let esQuery = {
index : 'claims',
_source: ['name', 'claimId'],
body : {
'query': {
'bool': {
'should': [
'must': [
'bool': {
'should': [
'filter': getFilters(input),
size: input.size,
from: input.from,
sort: {
_score: 'desc',
// console.log('QUERY: ', JSON.stringify(esQuery));
return eclient.search(esQuery);
function getIndex () {
// ideally, data is inserted into elastic search with an index that helps us query it faster/better results
// A simple start is to default queries to be within the n months, and to make a new index each month.
function getRoutingKey () {
// This is the most important field for performance. Being able to route the queries ahead of time can make typedowns insanely good.
function getAutoCompleteQuery (query) {
return {
bool: {
should: [
{ // Author, Title, Description
nested: {
path : 'value',
query: {
multi_match: {
query : query.s.trim(),
type : 'phrase_prefix',
slop : 5,
max_expansions: 50,
fields : [
{ // Name
multi_match: {
query : query.s.trim(),
type : 'phrase_prefix',
slop : 5,
max_expansions: 50,
fields : [
function getFilters (input) {
var filters = [];
var bidStateFilter = {'bool': {'must_not': {'match': { 'bid_state': 'Accepted' }}}};
if (input.nsfw === 'true' || input.nsfw === 'false') {
const nsfwFilter = {'match': {'value.stream.metadata.nsfw': input.nsfw}};
if (input.contentType !== undefined) {
const contentTypes = input.contentType.split(',');
const contentFilter = {'terms': {'value.stream.source.contentType.keyword': contentTypes}};
if (input.mediaType !== undefined) {
const mediaTypes = input.mediaType.split(',');
const possibleTypes = ['audio', 'video', 'text', 'application', 'image'];
const shouldQueries = [];
for (var i = 0; i < mediaTypes.length; i++) {
if (possibleTypes.includes(mediaTypes[i])) {
const mediaFilter = {'prefix': {'value.stream.source.contentType.keyword': mediaTypes[i] + '/'}};
} else if (mediaTypes[i] === 'cad') {
const cadTypes = ['SKP', 'simplify3d_stl'];
const cadFilter = {'terms': {'value.stream.source.contentType.keyword': cadTypes}};
if (shouldQueries.length === 0) {
const noneFilter = {'match_none': {}};
} else {
const mediaTypeFilter = {'bool': {'should': shouldQueries}};
if (input.claimType === 'channel' || input.claimType === 'file') {
var query = '';
if (input.claimType === 'channel') {
query = 'certificateType';
} else if (input.claimType === 'file') {
query = 'streamType';
const claimTypeFilter = {'match': {'value.claimType': query}};
if (filters.length > 0) {
const filterQuery = [
'nested': {
'path' : 'value',
'query': {
'bool': {
'must': filters,
return filterQuery;
} else {
return [bidStateFilter];
function getAutoComplete (query) {
return eclient.search({
index : getIndex(query) || 'claims',
routing : getRoutingKey(query),
ignore_unavailable: true, // ignore error when date index does not exist
body : {
size : query.size || 10,
from : query.from || 0,
query: {
bool: {
must : getAutoCompleteQuery(query),
filter: getFilters(query),
size: query.size,
from: query.from,
function getStatus () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(function (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
resolve({status: getStats(), spaceUsed: pretty(data._all.total.store.size_in_bytes, true), claimsInIndex: data._all.total.indexing.index_total, totSearches: data._all.total.search.query_total});
.catch(function (err) {
function getWashedQuery (query) {
// compress multiple white spaces to 1
query = query.toLowerCase().replace(/ +/g, ' ').replace('lbry://', '');
let splitBy = ['&', '$', ' '];
let regex = new RegExp(splitBy.join('|'), 'gi');
let badWords = [ 'from', 'with', 'not', 'can', 'all', 'are', 'for', 'but', 'and', 'the' ];
let words = query.split(regex);
let sentence = [];
words.forEach(w => {
if (!badWords.includes(w)) { sentence.push(w) }
query = sentence.join(' ');
// remove all words < 3 in length
return query.replace(/((\s|^)\b(\w{1,2})\b)/g, '').trim();
function getEscapedQuery (query) {
// https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html#_reserved_characters
// The reserved characters are: + - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /
let badCharacters = ['+', '-', '=', '&&', '||', '>', '<', '!', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '^', '"', '~', '*', '?', ':', '\\', '/'];
let escapedQuery = '';
for (var i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
let char1 = query.charAt(i);
if (badCharacters.includes(char1)) {
escapedQuery = escapedQuery + '\\' + char1;
} else if (i + 1 <= query.length) {
let char2 = query.charAt(i + 1);
if (badCharacters.includes(char1 + char2)) {
escapedQuery = escapedQuery + '\\' + char1 + char2;
} else {
escapedQuery = escapedQuery + char1;
} else {
escapedQuery = escapedQuery + char1;
return escapedQuery;
async function update () {
const shell = require('shelljs');
shell.exec('cd ~ && ./update.sh');
class LighthouseControllers {
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
// Start syncing blocks...
startSync () {
winston.log('info', '[Importer] Started importer, indexing claims.');
// sync(); // Old Sync
* Search API Endpoint.
* @param {ctx} Koa Context
async search (ctx) {
await getResults(ctx.query).then(function (result) {
let results = result.hits.hits;
let cResults = [];
for (let pResult of results) {
ctx.body = cResults;
* Autocomplete API Endpoint.
* @param {ctx} Koa Context
async autoComplete (ctx) {
await getAutoComplete(ctx.query).then(function (result) {
let results = result.hits.hits;
let cResults = [];
for (let pResult of results) {
var name = pResult._source.name;
if (name.toString().indexOf(ctx.query.s.trim()) > -1 && name.toString().indexOf('http') === -1) {
if (pResult._source.value &&
pResult._source.value.stream &&
pResult._source.value.stream !== undefined) {
var title = pResult._source.value.stream.metadata.title;
var author = pResult._source.value.stream.metadata.author;
if (title.indexOf(ctx.query.s.trim()) > -1 && title.indexOf('http') === -1) {
if (author.indexOf(ctx.query.s.trim()) > -1 && author.indexOf('http') === -1) {
var clean = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cResults.length; i++) {
if (cResults[i] && cResults[i].length > 3 && clean.indexOf(cResults[i]) === -1) {
ctx.body = clean;
* Info about the api here
* @param {ctx} Koa Context
async info (ctx) {
* Status of the api here
* @param {ctx} Koa Context
async status (ctx) {
ctx.body = await getStatus();
* AutoUpdate updates the application from the master branch.
* @param {ctx} Koa Context
async autoUpdate (ctx) {
let travisSignature = Buffer.from(ctx.request.headers.signature, 'base64');
let payload = ctx.request.body.payload;
let travisResponse = await got('https://api.travis-ci.com/config', {timeout: 10000});
let travisPublicKey = JSON.parse(travisResponse.body).config.notifications.webhook.public_key;
let verifier = crypto.createVerify('sha1');
let status = verifier.verify(travisPublicKey, travisSignature);
if (status) {
let notification = JSON.parse(payload);
if (notification.branch === 'master') {
if (!notification.pull_request) {
logToSlack('Auto Updating Lighthouse - ' + notification.message);
ctx.body = 'OK';
} else {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = 'skip auto update: pull request'; logToSlack(ctx.body);
} else {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = 'skip auto update: only deploys on master branch'; logToSlack(ctx.body);
} else {
ctx.status = 500;
ctx.body = 'skip auto update: could not verify webhook'; logToSlack(ctx.body);
/* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
export default new LighthouseControllers();