LFUDA changes #47
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func peerCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
err = db.Connect(globalConfig.DBConn)
combo := store.NewDBBackedStore(s3, db)
combo := store.NewDBBackedStore(s3, db, false)
peerServer = peer.NewServer(combo)
@ -16,25 +16,28 @@ import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var (
tcpPeerPort int
http3PeerPort int
receiverPort int
metricsPort int
disableUploads bool
disableBlocklist bool
proxyAddress string
proxyPort string
proxyProtocol string
useDB bool
cloudFrontEndpoint string
reflectorCmdDiskCache string
reflectorCmdMemCache int
tcpPeerPort int
http3PeerPort int
receiverPort int
metricsPort int
disableUploads bool
disableBlocklist bool
proxyAddress string
proxyPort string
proxyProtocol string
useDB bool
cloudFrontEndpoint string
reflectorCmdDiskCache string
bufferReflectorCmdDiskCache string
reflectorCmdMemCache int
func init() {
@ -55,7 +58,9 @@ func init() {
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&disableBlocklist, "disable-blocklist", false, "Disable blocklist watching/updating")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&useDB, "use-db", true, "whether to connect to the reflector db or not")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&reflectorCmdDiskCache, "disk-cache", "",
"enable disk cache, setting max size and path where to store blobs. format is 'MAX_BLOBS:CACHE_PATH'")
"enable disk cache, setting max size and path where to store blobs. format is 'sizeGB:CACHE_PATH'")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&bufferReflectorCmdDiskCache, "buffer-disk-cache", "",
"enable buffer disk cache, setting max size and path where to store blobs. format is 'sizeGB:CACHE_PATH'")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&reflectorCmdMemCache, "mem-cache", 0, "enable in-memory cache with a max size of this many blobs")
@ -122,11 +127,21 @@ func setupStore() store.BlobStore {
log.Fatalf("protocol is not recognized: %s", proxyProtocol)
} else {
s3Store := store.NewS3Store(globalConfig.AwsID, globalConfig.AwsSecret, globalConfig.BucketRegion, globalConfig.BucketName)
var s3Store *store.S3Store
if conf != "none" {
s3Store = store.NewS3Store(globalConfig.AwsID, globalConfig.AwsSecret, globalConfig.BucketRegion, globalConfig.BucketName)
if cloudFrontEndpoint != "" {
s = store.NewCloudFrontRWStore(store.NewCloudFrontROStore(cloudFrontEndpoint), s3Store)
} else {
cfs := store.NewCloudFrontROStore(cloudFrontEndpoint)
if s3Store != nil {
s = store.NewCloudFrontRWStore(cfs, s3Store)
} else {
s = cfs
} else if s3Store != nil {
s = s3Store
} else {
log.Fatalf("this configuration does not include a valid upstream source")
@ -138,7 +153,7 @@ func setupStore() store.BlobStore {
s = store.NewDBBackedStore(s, db)
s = store.NewDBBackedStore(s, db, false)
return s
@ -147,7 +162,10 @@ func setupStore() store.BlobStore {
func wrapWithCache(s store.BlobStore) store.BlobStore {
wrapped := s
diskCacheMaxSize, diskCachePath := diskCacheParams()
diskCacheMaxSize, diskCachePath := diskCacheParams(reflectorCmdDiskCache)
//we are tracking blobs in memory with a 1 byte long boolean, which means that for each 2MB (a blob) we need 1Byte
// so if the underlying cache holds 10MB, 10MB/2MB=5Bytes which is also the exact count of objects to restore on startup
realCacheSize := float64(diskCacheMaxSize) / float64(stream.MaxBlobSize)
if diskCacheMaxSize > 0 {
err := os.MkdirAll(diskCachePath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
@ -156,7 +174,21 @@ func wrapWithCache(s store.BlobStore) store.BlobStore {
wrapped = store.NewCachingStore(
store.NewLRUStore("peer_server", store.NewDiskStore(diskCachePath, 2), diskCacheMaxSize),
store.NewLFUDAStore("hdd", store.NewDiskStore(diskCachePath, 2), realCacheSize),
diskCacheMaxSize, diskCachePath = diskCacheParams(bufferReflectorCmdDiskCache)
realCacheSize = float64(diskCacheMaxSize) / float64(stream.MaxBlobSize)
if diskCacheMaxSize > 0 {
err := os.MkdirAll(diskCachePath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
wrapped = store.NewCachingStore(
store.NewLFUDAStore("nvme", store.NewDiskStore(diskCachePath, 2), realCacheSize),
@ -164,32 +196,36 @@ func wrapWithCache(s store.BlobStore) store.BlobStore {
wrapped = store.NewCachingStore(
store.NewLRUStore("peer_server", store.NewMemStore(), reflectorCmdMemCache),
store.NewLRUStore("mem", store.NewMemStore(), reflectorCmdMemCache),
return wrapped
func diskCacheParams() (int, string) {
if reflectorCmdDiskCache == "" {
func diskCacheParams(diskParams string) (int, string) {
if diskParams == "" {
return 0, ""
parts := strings.Split(reflectorCmdDiskCache, ":")
parts := strings.Split(diskParams, ":")
if len(parts) != 2 {
log.Fatalf("--disk-cache must be a number, followed by ':', followed by a string")
maxSize := cast.ToInt(parts[0])
if maxSize <= 0 {
log.Fatalf("--disk-cache max size must be more than 0")
diskCacheSize := parts[0]
path := parts[1]
if len(path) == 0 || path[0] != '/' {
log.Fatalf("--disk-cache path must start with '/'")
return maxSize, path
var maxSize datasize.ByteSize
err := maxSize.UnmarshalText([]byte(diskCacheSize))
if err != nil {
if maxSize <= 0 {
log.Fatal("--disk-cache size must be more than 0")
return int(maxSize), path
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func startCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
err := db.Connect(globalConfig.DBConn)
s3 := store.NewS3Store(globalConfig.AwsID, globalConfig.AwsSecret, globalConfig.BucketRegion, globalConfig.BucketName)
comboStore := store.NewDBBackedStore(s3, db)
comboStore := store.NewDBBackedStore(s3, db, false)
conf := prism.DefaultConf()
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func uploadCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
st := store.NewDBBackedStore(
store.NewS3Store(globalConfig.AwsID, globalConfig.AwsSecret, globalConfig.BucketRegion, globalConfig.BucketName),
db, false)
uploader := reflector.NewUploader(db, st, uploadWorkers, uploadSkipExistsCheck, uploadDeleteBlobsAfterUpload)
@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ replace github.com/btcsuite/btcd => github.com/lbryio/lbrycrd.go v0.0.0-20200203
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gopkg.in/resty.v1 v1.12.0/go.mod h1:mDo4pnntr5jdWRML875a/NmxYqAlA73dVijT2AXvQQo=
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.4 h1:/eiJrUcujPVeJ3xlSWaiNi3uSVmDGBK1pDHUHAnao1I=
@ -561,7 +710,10 @@ grpc.go4.org v0.0.0-20170609214715-11d0a25b4919/go.mod h1:77eQGdRu53HpSqPFJFmuJd
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20180728063816-88497007e858/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190418001031-e561f6794a2a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2019.2.3/go.mod h1:a3bituU0lyd329TUQxRnasdCoJDkEUEAqEt0JzvZhAg=
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=
rsc.io/goversion v1.0.0/go.mod h1:Eih9y/uIBS3ulggl7KNJ09xGSLcuNaLgmvvqa07sgfo=
rsc.io/quote/v3 v3.1.0/go.mod h1:yEA65RcK8LyAZtP9Kv3t0HmxON59tX3rD+tICJqUlj0=
rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0/go.mod h1:T1hPZKmBbMNahiBKFy5HrXp6adAjACjK9JXDnKaTXpA=
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func (s *Server) Start(address string) error {
log.Println("HTTP3 peer listening on " + address)
quicConf := &quic.Config{
HandshakeTimeout: 4 * time.Second,
MaxIdleTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
MaxIdleTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/get/{hash}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func NewStore(opts StoreOpts) *Store {
func (p *Store) getClient() (*Client, error) {
var qconf quic.Config
qconf.HandshakeTimeout = 4 * time.Second
qconf.MaxIdleTimeout = 10 * time.Second
qconf.MaxIdleTimeout = 20 * time.Second
pool, err := x509.SystemCertPool()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
@ -62,9 +63,15 @@ func (c *CachingStore) Get(hash string) (stream.Blob, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = c.cache.Put(hash, blob)
return blob, err
// there is no need to wait for the blob to be stored before we return it
// TODO: however this should be refactored to limit the amount of routines that the process can spawn to avoid a possible DoS
go func() {
err = c.cache.Put(hash, blob)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error saving blob to underlying cache: %s", err.Error())
return blob, nil
// Put stores the blob in the origin and the cache
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ func TestCachingStore_CacheMiss(t *testing.T) {
if !bytes.Equal(b, res) {
t.Errorf("expected Get() to return %s, got %s", string(b), string(res))
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) //storing to cache is done async so let's give it some time
has, err := cache.Has(hash)
if err != nil {
@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ import (
// DBBackedStore is a store that's backed by a DB. The DB contains data about what's in the store.
type DBBackedStore struct {
blobs BlobStore
db *db.SQL
blockedMu sync.RWMutex
blocked map[string]bool
blobs BlobStore
db *db.SQL
blockedMu sync.RWMutex
blocked map[string]bool
deleteOnMiss bool
// NewDBBackedStore returns an initialized store pointer.
func NewDBBackedStore(blobs BlobStore, db *db.SQL) *DBBackedStore {
return &DBBackedStore{blobs: blobs, db: db}
func NewDBBackedStore(blobs BlobStore, db *db.SQL, deleteOnMiss bool) *DBBackedStore {
return &DBBackedStore{blobs: blobs, db: db, deleteOnMiss: deleteOnMiss}
const nameDBBacked = "db-backed"
@ -44,6 +45,16 @@ func (d *DBBackedStore) Get(hash string) (stream.Blob, error) {
if !has {
return nil, ErrBlobNotFound
if d.deleteOnMiss {
b, err := d.blobs.Get(hash)
if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrBlobNotFound) {
e2 := d.Delete(hash)
if e2 != nil {
log.Errorf("error while deleting blob from db: %s", errors.FullTrace(err))
return b, err
return d.blobs.Get(hash)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
package store
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
import (
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// LRUStore adds a max cache size and LRU eviction to a BlobStore
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
type LFUDAStore struct {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() if this is very similar to LRUStore, maybe we need a generic EvictionStrategy struct of some sort if this is very similar to LRUStore, maybe we need a generic EvictionStrategy struct of some sort
// underlying store
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
store BlobStore
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// lfuda implementation
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
lfuda *lfuda.Cache
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// NewLRUStore initialize a new LRUStore
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
func NewLFUDAStore(component string, store BlobStore, maxSize float64) *LFUDAStore {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
lfuda := lfuda.NewGDSFWithEvict(maxSize, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
metrics.CacheLRUEvictCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(store.Name(), component)).Inc()
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
_ = store.Delete(key.(string)) // TODO: log this error. may happen if underlying entry is gone but cache entry still there
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
l := &LFUDAStore{
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
store: store,
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
lfuda: lfuda,
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
go func() {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if lstr, ok := store.(lister); ok {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
err := l.loadExisting(lstr, int(maxSize))
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if err != nil {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
panic(err) // TODO: what should happen here? panic? return nil? just keep going?
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return l
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
const nameLFUDA = "lfuda"
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// Name is the cache type name
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
func (l *LFUDAStore) Name() string { return nameLFUDA }
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// Has returns whether the blob is in the store, without updating the recent-ness.
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
func (l *LFUDAStore) Has(hash string) (bool, error) {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return l.lfuda.Contains(hash), nil
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// Get returns the blob or an error if the blob doesn't exist.
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
func (l *LFUDAStore) Get(hash string) (stream.Blob, error) {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
_, has := l.lfuda.Get(hash)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if !has {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return nil, errors.Err(ErrBlobNotFound)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
blob, err := l.store.Get(hash)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if errors.Is(err, ErrBlobNotFound) {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// Blob disappeared from underlying store
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return blob, err
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// Put stores the blob. Following LFUDA rules it's not guaranteed that a SET will store the value!!!
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() 👍 for the comment :+1: for the comment
func (l *LFUDAStore) Put(hash string, blob stream.Blob) error {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
l.lfuda.Set(hash, true)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
has, _ := l.Has(hash)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if has {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
err := l.store.Put(hash, blob)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if err != nil {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return err
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return nil
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// PutSD stores the sd blob. Following LFUDA rules it's not guaranteed that a SET will store the value!!!
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
func (l *LFUDAStore) PutSD(hash string, blob stream.Blob) error {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() why are Put and PutSD implemented differently? why are Put and PutSD implemented differently?
l.lfuda.Set(hash, true)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
has, _ := l.Has(hash)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if has {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
err := l.store.PutSD(hash, blob)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if err != nil {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return err
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return nil
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// Delete deletes the blob from the store
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
func (l *LFUDAStore) Delete(hash string) error {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
err := l.store.Delete(hash)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if err != nil {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return err
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// This must come after store.Delete()
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// Remove triggers onEvict function, which also tries to delete blob from store
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// We need to delete it manually first so any errors can be propagated up
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return nil
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
// loadExisting imports existing blobs from the underlying store into the LRU cache
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
func (l *LFUDAStore) loadExisting(store lister, maxItems int) error {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() stuff like this makes me even more confident that LRU and LFUDA should be less copy-pasted and more the same object with an eviction strategy selector stuff like this makes me even more confident that LRU and LFUDA should be less copy-pasted and more the same object with an eviction strategy selector
logrus.Infof("loading at most %d items", maxItems)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
existing, err := store.list()
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if err != nil {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return err
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
logrus.Infof("read %d files from disk", len(existing))
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
added := 0
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
for _, h := range existing {
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
l.lfuda.Set(h, true)
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
if maxItems > 0 && added >= maxItems { // underlying cache is bigger than the cache
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
return nil
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
![]() seems weird to do this. why not an actual seems weird to do this. why not an actual `bool`, or an empty struct?
![]() the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM. I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool the reason I did this was because the library wasn't treating a bool as a 1byte type and it would waste a lot of RAM.
I since worked with the developer of the library to address this so i believe we can go back to using a bool
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
package store
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
import (
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
const cacheMaxSize = 3
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
func getTestLFUDAStore() (*LFUDAStore, *MemStore) {
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
m := NewMemStore()
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
return NewLFUDAStore("test", m, cacheMaxSize), m
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
func TestFUDAStore_Eviction(t *testing.T) {
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
lfuda, mem := getTestLFUDAStore()
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
b := []byte("x")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err := lfuda.Put("one", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Put("two", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Put("three", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Put("four", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Put("five", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Put("five", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Put("four", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Put("two", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
_, err = lfuda.Get("five")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() check the blob value too? check the blob value too?
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
_, err = lfuda.Get("four")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
_, err = lfuda.Get("two")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.Equal(t, cacheMaxBlobs, len(mem.Debug()))
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
for k, v := range map[string]bool{
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"one": false,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"two": true,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"three": false,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"four": true,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"five": true,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"six": false,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
} {
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
has, err := lfuda.Has(k)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.Equal(t, v, has)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
lfuda.Get("two") // touch so it stays in cache
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
lfuda.Get("five") // touch so it stays in cache
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
lfuda.Put("six", b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.Equal(t, cacheMaxBlobs, len(mem.Debug()))
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
for k, v := range map[string]bool{
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"one": false,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"two": true,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"three": false,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"four": false,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"five": true,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
"six": true,
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
} {
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
has, err := lfuda.Has(k)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.Equal(t, v, has)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Delete("six")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Delete("five")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = lfuda.Delete("two")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(mem.Debug()))
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
func TestFUDAStore_UnderlyingBlobMissing(t *testing.T) {
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
lfuda, mem := getTestLFUDAStore()
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
hash := "hash"
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
b := []byte("this is a blob of stuff")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err := lfuda.Put(hash, b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = mem.Delete(hash)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
// hash still exists in lru
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.True(t, lfuda.lfuda.Contains(hash))
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
blob, err := lfuda.Get(hash)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.Nil(t, blob)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.True(t, errors.Is(err, ErrBlobNotFound), "expected (%s) %s, got (%s) %s",
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
reflect.TypeOf(ErrBlobNotFound).String(), ErrBlobNotFound.Error(),
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
reflect.TypeOf(err).String(), err.Error())
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
// lru.Get() removes hash if underlying store doesn't have it
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.False(t, lfuda.lfuda.Contains(hash))
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
func TestFUDAStore_loadExisting(t *testing.T) {
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "reflector_test_*")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
d := NewDiskStore(tmpDir, 2)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
hash := "hash"
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
b := []byte("this is a blob of stuff")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
err = d.Put(hash, b)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
existing, err := d.list()
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.Equal(t, 1, len(existing), "blob should exist in cache")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.Equal(t, hash, existing[0])
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
lfuda := NewLFUDAStore("test", d, 3) // lru should load existing blobs when it's created
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // async load so let's wait...
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
has, err := lfuda.Has(hash)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
require.NoError(t, err)
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
assert.True(t, has, "hash should be loaded from disk store but it's not")
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
![]() use use `t.Log()` insteade
![]() ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement ah right, this can actually be removed. it was a debug statement
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
golru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
// LRUStore adds a max cache size and LRU eviction to a BlobStore
@ -18,33 +19,36 @@ type LRUStore struct {
// NewLRUStore initialize a new LRUStore
func NewLRUStore(component string, store BlobStore, maxItems int) *LRUStore {
l := &LRUStore{
store: store,
lru, err := golru.NewWithEvict(maxItems, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
metrics.CacheLRUEvictCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(store.Name(), component)).Inc()
metrics.CacheLRUEvictCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(l.Name(), component)).Inc()
_ = store.Delete(key.(string)) // TODO: log this error. may happen if underlying entry is gone but cache entry still there
if err != nil {
l := &LRUStore{
store: store,
lru: lru,
l.lru = lru
if lstr, ok := store.(lister); ok {
err = l.loadExisting(lstr, maxItems)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: what should happen here? panic? return nil? just keep going?
go func() {
if lstr, ok := store.(lister); ok {
err = l.loadExisting(lstr, maxItems)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: what should happen here? panic? return nil? just keep going?
return l
const nameLRU = "lru"
// Name is the cache type name
func (l *LRUStore) Name() string { return nameLRU }
func (l *LRUStore) Name() string {
return "lru_" + l.store.Name()
![]() this should at least be an option, and ideally should have a way to notify that load finished. also needs clean shutdown this should at least be an option, and ideally should have a way to notify that load finished.
also needs clean shutdown
![]() can I argue that a clean shutdown here doesn't matter? or is it just bad? can I argue that a clean shutdown here doesn't matter? or is it just bad?
![]() If you have a big cache, start this and immediately press If you have a big cache, start this and immediately press `Ctrl+C`, what will happen? My guess is it probably won't shut down and will annoyingly keep running in the foreground.
![]() YES! this was in the back of my mind but i forgot about it. i think there's even a TODO in the code. thanks for catching it YES! this was in the back of my mind but i forgot about it. i think there's even a TODO in the code. thanks for catching it
![]() @andybeletsky IIRC as long as the main thread returns, all routines are automatically killed in GO. I'll have to test that but I think a ctrl+c would kill it right away @andybeletsky IIRC as long as the main thread returns, all routines are automatically killed in GO. I'll have to test that but I think a ctrl+c would kill it right away
// Has returns whether the blob is in the store, without updating the recent-ness.
func (l *LRUStore) Has(hash string) (bool, error) {
@ -103,11 +107,12 @@ func (l *LRUStore) Delete(hash string) error {
// loadExisting imports existing blobs from the underlying store into the LRU cache
func (l *LRUStore) loadExisting(store lister, maxItems int) error {
logrus.Infof("loading at most %d items", maxItems)
existing, err := store.list()
if err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("read %d files from disk", len(existing))
added := 0
for _, h := range existing {
l.lru.Add(h, true)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ func TestLRUStore_loadExisting(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, 1, len(existing), "blob should exist in cache")
assert.Equal(t, hash, existing[0])
lru := NewLRUStore("test", d, 3) // lru should load existing blobs when it's created
lru := NewLRUStore("test", d, 3) // lru should load existing blobs when it's created
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // async load so let's wait...
has, err := lru.Has(hash)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, has, "hash should be loaded from disk store but it's not")
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ func (s *singleflightStore) Name() string {
// Get ensures that only one request per hash is sent to the origin at a time,
// thereby protecting against https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thundering_herd_problem
func (s *singleflightStore) Get(hash string) (stream.Blob, error) {
metrics.CacheWaitingRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.BlobStore.Name(), s.component)).Inc()
defer metrics.CacheWaitingRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.BlobStore.Name(), s.component)).Dec()
metrics.CacheWaitingRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.Name(), s.component)).Inc()
defer metrics.CacheWaitingRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.Name(), s.component)).Dec()
blob, err, _ := s.sf.Do(hash, s.getter(hash))
if err != nil {
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ func (s *singleflightStore) Get(hash string) (stream.Blob, error) {
// only one getter per hash will be executing at a time
func (s *singleflightStore) getter(hash string) func() (interface{}, error) {
return func() (interface{}, error) {
metrics.CacheOriginRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.BlobStore.Name(), s.component)).Inc()
defer metrics.CacheOriginRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.BlobStore.Name(), s.component)).Dec()
metrics.CacheOriginRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.Name(), s.component)).Inc()
defer metrics.CacheOriginRequestsCount.With(metrics.CacheLabels(s.Name(), s.component)).Dec()
start := time.Now()
blob, err := s.BlobStore.Get(hash)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (s *singleflightStore) getter(hash string) func() (interface{}, error) {
rate := float64(len(blob)) / 1024 / 1024 / time.Since(start).Seconds()
metrics.LabelCacheType: s.BlobStore.Name(),
metrics.LabelCacheType: s.Name(),
metrics.LabelComponent: s.component,
metrics.LabelSource: "origin",
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ func AllFiles(startDir string, basename bool) ([]string, error) {
goroutineLimiter <- struct{}{}
err = godirwalk.Walk(filepath.Join(startDir, dir), &godirwalk.Options{
Unsorted: true, // faster this way
Callback: func(osPathname string, de *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
@ -84,6 +83,5 @@ func AllFiles(startDir string, basename bool) ([]string, error) {
return paths, nil
need a way to do these sync or async. at the very least, an option for the cache. ideally, some process of notifying when writes finish.