-Added travis support -updated travis to analyze code beneath the root. -refactored upload.go to fix travis errors. -gocyclo should ignore test files. $GOFILES needed to be adjusted. -fix rows.Close() ignoring error. Created func to handle so defer can be used when needed also. -fixed ignored errors. -fixed unit test that was not passing correctly to anonymous function. -fixed govet error for passing param inside go func. -removed returned error, in favor of logging instead. -added error logging for ignored error. -fixed potential race conditions. -removed unused append -fixed time usage to align with go standards. -removed unused variables -made changes for code review. -code comments for exported functions. -Documented bitmap.go and insert into contact list. -Documented dht, message, bootstrap -Fixed comment typos -Documented message,node, routing_table, testing in DHT package. -Documented server, client, prism, server and shared in peer and reflector packages. -Documented the stores in Store package. -made defer adjustments inline and deleted the separate function. -adjusted method in upload to take the only parameter it requires.
171 lines
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171 lines
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package dht
import (
func TestNodeFinder_FindNodes(t *testing.T) {
bs, dhts := TestingCreateDHT(t, 3, true, false)
defer func() {
for i := range dhts {
nf := newContactFinder(dhts[2].node, RandomBitmapP(), false)
res, err := nf.Find()
if err != nil {
foundNodes, found := res.Contacts, res.Found
if found {
t.Fatal("something was found, but it should not have been")
if len(foundNodes) != 3 {
t.Errorf("expected 3 node, found %d", len(foundNodes))
foundBootstrap := false
foundOne := false
foundTwo := false
for _, n := range foundNodes {
if n.ID.Equals(bs.id) {
foundBootstrap = true
if n.ID.Equals(dhts[0].node.id) {
foundOne = true
if n.ID.Equals(dhts[1].node.id) {
foundTwo = true
if !foundBootstrap {
t.Errorf("did not find bootstrap node %s", bs.id.Hex())
if !foundOne {
t.Errorf("did not find first node %s", dhts[0].node.id.Hex())
if !foundTwo {
t.Errorf("did not find second node %s", dhts[1].node.id.Hex())
func TestNodeFinder_FindNodes_NoBootstrap(t *testing.T) {
_, dhts := TestingCreateDHT(t, 3, false, false)
defer func() {
for i := range dhts {
nf := newContactFinder(dhts[2].node, RandomBitmapP(), false)
_, err := nf.Find()
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("contact finder should have errored saying that there are no contacts in the routing table")
func TestNodeFinder_FindValue(t *testing.T) {
bs, dhts := TestingCreateDHT(t, 3, true, false)
defer func() {
for i := range dhts {
blobHashToFind := RandomBitmapP()
nodeToFind := Contact{ID: RandomBitmapP(), IP: net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4), Port: 5678}
dhts[0].node.store.Upsert(blobHashToFind, nodeToFind)
nf := newContactFinder(dhts[2].node, blobHashToFind, true)
res, err := nf.Find()
if err != nil {
foundNodes, found := res.Contacts, res.Found
if !found {
t.Fatal("node was not found")
if len(foundNodes) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected one node, found %d", len(foundNodes))
if !foundNodes[0].ID.Equals(nodeToFind.ID) {
t.Fatalf("found node id %s, expected %s", foundNodes[0].ID.Hex(), nodeToFind.ID.Hex())
func TestDHT_LargeDHT(t *testing.T) {
nodes := 100
bs, dhts := TestingCreateDHT(t, nodes, true, true)
defer func() {
for _, d := range dhts {
go d.Shutdown()
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
ids := make([]Bitmap, nodes)
for i := range ids {
ids[i] = RandomBitmapP()
go func(index int) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := dhts[index].Announce(ids[index]); err != nil {
t.Error("error announcing random bitmap - ", err)
// check that each node is in at learst 1 other routing table
rtCounts := make(map[Bitmap]int)
for _, d := range dhts {
for _, d2 := range dhts {
if d.node.id.Equals(d2.node.id) {
c := d2.node.rt.GetClosest(d.node.id, 1)
if len(c) > 1 {
t.Error("rt returned more than one node when only one requested")
} else if len(c) == 1 && c[0].ID.Equals(d.node.id) {
for k, v := range rtCounts {
if v == 0 {
t.Errorf("%s was not in any routing tables", k.HexShort())
// check that each ID is stored by at least 3 nodes
storeCounts := make(map[Bitmap]int)
for _, d := range dhts {
for _, id := range ids {
if len(d.node.store.Get(id)) > 0 {
for k, v := range storeCounts {
if v == 0 {
t.Errorf("%s was not stored by any nodes", k.HexShort())