var percent = event.bytesLoaded / event.file.size * 100;
updatePublishStatus('File is ' + percent.toFixed(2) + '% loaded to the server');
/* message listeners */
socket.on('publish-status', function(msg){
socket.on('publish-failure', function(msg){
document.getElementById('publish-active-area').innerHTML = '<p> --(✖╭╮✖)→ </p><p>' + JSON.stringify(msg) + '</p><strong>For help, post the above error text in the #speech channel on the <a href="" target="_blank">lbry slack</a></strong>';
socket.on('publish-complete', function(msg){
var publishResults;
var showUrl = '/show/' + + '/' + msg.result.claim_id;
// build new publish area
publishResults = '<p>Your publish is complete! You are being redirected to it now.</p>';
publishResults += '<p><a target="_blank" href="' + showUrl + '">If you do not get redirected, click here.</a></p>';