2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
"use strict" ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . default = void 0 ;
var _react = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "react" ) ) ;
var _reactRouterDom = require ( "react-router-dom" ) ;
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
var _Label = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "@components/Label" ) ) ;
var _RowLabeled = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "@components/RowLabeled" ) ) ;
var _Row = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "@components/Row" ) ) ;
var _SpaceBetween = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "@components/SpaceBetween" ) ) ;
2018-07-03 10:48:37 -07:00
var _AssetShareButtons = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "@components/AssetShareButtons" ) ) ;
2018-07-03 10:56:00 -07:00
var _ClickToCopy = _interopRequireDefault ( require ( "@components/ClickToCopy" ) ) ;
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
function _interopRequireDefault ( obj ) { return obj && obj . _ _esModule ? obj : { default : obj } ; }
function _typeof ( obj ) { if ( typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol . iterator === "symbol" ) { _typeof = function _typeof ( obj ) { return typeof obj ; } ; } else { _typeof = function _typeof ( obj ) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj . constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol . prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj ; } ; } return _typeof ( obj ) ; }
function _classCallCheck ( instance , Constructor ) { if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) { throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) ; } }
function _inherits ( subClass , superClass ) { if ( typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null ) { throw new TypeError ( "Super expression must either be null or a function" ) ; } _setPrototypeOf ( subClass . prototype , superClass && superClass . prototype ) ; if ( superClass ) _setPrototypeOf ( subClass , superClass ) ; }
function _setPrototypeOf ( o , p ) { _setPrototypeOf = Object . setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf ( o , p ) { o . _ _proto _ _ = p ; return o ; } ; return _setPrototypeOf ( o , p ) ; }
function _defineProperties ( target , props ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) { var descriptor = props [ i ] ; descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ; descriptor . configurable = true ; if ( "value" in descriptor ) descriptor . writable = true ; Object . defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ; } }
function _createClass ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) { if ( protoProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ; if ( staticProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ; return Constructor ; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn ( self , call ) { if ( call && ( _typeof ( call ) === "object" || typeof call === "function" ) ) { return call ; } return _assertThisInitialized ( self ) ; }
function _assertThisInitialized ( self ) { if ( self === void 0 ) { throw new ReferenceError ( "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" ) ; } return self ; }
2018-07-03 11:02:24 -07:00
function _getPrototypeOf ( o ) { _getPrototypeOf = Object . getPrototypeOf || function _getPrototypeOf ( o ) { return o . _ _proto _ _ ; } ; return _getPrototypeOf ( o ) ; }
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
var AssetInfo =
function ( _React$Component ) {
2018-07-03 11:02:24 -07:00
function AssetInfo ( ) {
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
_classCallCheck ( this , AssetInfo ) ;
2018-07-03 11:02:24 -07:00
return _possibleConstructorReturn ( this , _getPrototypeOf ( AssetInfo ) . apply ( this , arguments ) ) ;
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
_createClass ( AssetInfo , [ {
key : "render" ,
value : function render ( ) {
var _this$props$asset = this . props . asset ,
shortId = _this$props$asset . shortId ,
_this$props$asset$cla = _this$props$asset . claimData ,
channelName = _this$props$asset$cla . channelName ,
certificateId = _this$props$asset$cla . certificateId ,
description = _this$props$asset$cla . description ,
name = _this$props$asset$cla . name ,
claimId = _this$props$asset$cla . claimId ,
fileExt = _this$props$asset$cla . fileExt ,
contentType = _this$props$asset$cla . contentType ,
thumbnail = _this$props$asset$cla . thumbnail ,
host = _this$props$asset$cla . host ;
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
return _react . default . createElement ( "div" , null , channelName && _react . default . createElement ( _Row . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( _RowLabeled . default , {
label : _react . default . createElement ( _Label . default , {
value : 'Channel:'
} ) ,
content : _react . default . createElement ( "span" , {
className : "text"
} , _react . default . createElement ( _reactRouterDom . Link , {
to : "/" . concat ( channelName , ":" ) . concat ( certificateId )
} , channelName ) )
} ) ) , _react . default . createElement ( _Row . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( _RowLabeled . default , {
label : _react . default . createElement ( _Label . default , {
value : 'Share:'
} ) ,
2018-07-03 10:48:37 -07:00
content : _react . default . createElement ( _AssetShareButtons . default , {
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
host : host ,
2018-07-03 10:42:59 -07:00
name : name ,
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
shortId : shortId
} )
} ) ) , _react . default . createElement ( _Row . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( _RowLabeled . default , {
label : _react . default . createElement ( _Label . default , {
value : 'Link:'
} ) ,
2018-07-03 10:56:00 -07:00
content : _react . default . createElement ( _ClickToCopy . default , {
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
id : 'short-link' ,
2018-07-17 16:55:03 -07:00
value : "" . concat ( host , "/" ) . concat ( shortId , "/" ) . concat ( name )
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
} )
} ) ) , _react . default . createElement ( _Row . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( _RowLabeled . default , {
label : _react . default . createElement ( _Label . default , {
value : 'Embed:'
} ) ,
2018-07-03 10:56:00 -07:00
content : _react . default . createElement ( "div" , null , contentType === 'video/mp4' ? _react . default . createElement ( _ClickToCopy . default , {
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
id : 'embed-text-video' ,
2018-07-03 10:56:00 -07:00
value : "<video width=\"100%\" controls poster=\"" . concat ( thumbnail , "\" src=\"" ) . concat ( host , "/" ) . concat ( claimId , "/" ) . concat ( name , "." ) . concat ( fileExt , "\"/></video>" )
} ) : _react . default . createElement ( _ClickToCopy . default , {
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
id : 'embed-text-image' ,
2018-07-03 10:56:00 -07:00
value : "<img src=\"" . concat ( host , "/" ) . concat ( claimId , "/" ) . concat ( name , "." ) . concat ( fileExt , "\"/>" )
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
} ) )
2018-07-17 16:55:03 -07:00
} ) ) , _react . default . createElement ( _Row . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( _SpaceBetween . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( "a" , {
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
className : "link--primary" ,
2018-07-17 16:55:03 -07:00
href : "" . concat ( host , "/" ) . concat ( claimId , "/" ) . concat ( name , "." ) . concat ( fileExt )
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
} , "Direct Link" ) , _react . default . createElement ( "a" , {
className : 'link--primary' ,
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
href : "" . concat ( host , "/" ) . concat ( claimId , "/" ) . concat ( name , "." ) . concat ( fileExt ) ,
download : name
} , "Download" ) , _react . default . createElement ( "a" , {
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
className : 'link--primary' ,
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
target : "_blank" ,
href : "https://lbry.io/dmca"
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
} , "Report" ) ) ) , description && _react . default . createElement ( _Row . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( "p" , null , description ) ) , _react . default . createElement ( _Row . default , null , _react . default . createElement ( "p" , null , "Hosted via the " , _react . default . createElement ( "a" , {
className : 'link--primary' ,
2018-05-25 10:58:25 -07:00
href : 'https://lbry.io/get' ,
target : '_blank'
2018-06-08 08:50:25 -07:00
} , "LBRY" ) , " blockchain" ) ) ) ;
2018-05-22 19:06:37 -07:00
} ] ) ;
_inherits ( AssetInfo , _React$Component ) ;
return AssetInfo ;
} ( _react . default . Component ) ;
var _default = AssetInfo ;
exports . default = _default ;