* for development, `npm run start-dev` will start the server and continue to listen for changes, restarting the server again whenever a change is made.
* for production, [pm2](http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/quick-start/) is a great tool for starting and managing node processes
* visit [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) and check out your spee.ch app!
* Note: this tool will decode blocks from the `lbry` blockchain and update the Claim and Certificate tables in mysql with all the claims from the blockchain. This is not necessary if you only want to host and resolve content published through your version of spee.ch, but it is required if you want to retrieve and host other content from the lbry network.
* install and run this [`speech-sync`](https://github.com/billbitt/spee.ch-sync) tool
*`server.js` is the entry point for the server. It creates the [express app](https://expressjs.com/), requires the routes, syncs the database, and starts the server listening on the `PORT` designated in the config file. This file is the entry point for webpack to build the server bundle.
* the `/routes` folder contains all of the routes for the express app
* the `/models` folder contains all of the models which the app uses to interact with the `mysql` database. Note: this app uses the [sequelize](http://docs.sequelizejs.com/) orm.
* webpack
* During the build process, webpack creates two bundles for this project:
* (1) a client-side app bundle which will be located at `public/bundle/bundle.js`
* the `config/` folder contains all of the required config files. The project contains `.example` files which can be copied to create the necessary `.js` files
* the `devConfig/` folder contains optional config files. Updating these files is not necessary. If you update these files, make sure to add them to your `.gitignore` file so they are not included in source control.