2017-08-15 18:24:15 -07:00
This script will update all the records in the Claim table and update the amount.
let db = require('./models');
const lbryApi = require('./helpers/lbryApi.js');
let sleep = require('sleep');
// configure logging
const config = require('config');
const logger = require('winston');
const logLevel = config.get('Logging.LogLevel');
require('./config/loggerSetup.js')(logger, logLevel);
// start the server
.sync() // sync sequelize
.then(() => { // get the download directory from the daemon
console.log('db has synced');
console.log('retrieving files');
return db.Claim.findAll({where: {amount: null}});
.then(result => {
const totalResults = result.length;
console.log('total results found:', totalResults);
console.log('starting update...');
result.forEach((record, index) => {
const uri = `${record.name}#${record.claimId}`;
setTimeout(() => {
.then(result => {
2017-08-16 00:03:26 -07:00
console.log('resolve worked! :)');
2017-08-15 18:24:15 -07:00
if (result['claim']) {
const amount = result['claim'].amount;
return record.update({ amount });
.then(() => {
if (index + 1 === totalResults) {
console.log('All done.');
.catch(error => console.log('error getting/setting amount >>', error));
}, 100 * index, uri);
.catch((error) => {
console.log('error getting record >>', error);