Add chainquery dependencies for, does not include migrations #593
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"host": "localhost",
"port": "3306",
"timeout": 30,
"database": "chainquery",
"username": "lbry",
"password": "root"
@ -2,10 +2,23 @@ import * as actions from '../constants/show_action_types';
import { CHANNEL, ASSET_LITE, ASSET_DETAILS } from '../constants/show_request_types';
// basic request parsing
export function onHandleShowPageUri (params) {
export function onHandleShowPageUri (params, url) {
return {
type: actions.HANDLE_SHOW_URI,
data: params,
data: {
export function onHandleShowHomepage (params, url) {
return {
data: {
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import Request from '../utils/request';
export function getHomepageChannelsData (host, name, id) {
const url = `${host}/api/homepage/data/channels`;
return Request(url);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// request actions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { onHandleShowPageUri } from '../../actions/show';
import { onHandleShowHomepage } from '../../actions/show';
import View from './view';
const mapStateToProps = ({ show, site, channel }) => {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const mapStateToProps = ({ show, site, channel }) => {
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(View);
@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ import PublishTool from '@containers/PublishTool';
import ContentPageWrapper from '@pages/ContentPageWrapper';
class HomePage extends React.Component {
componentDidMount () {
componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
if (nextProps.match.params !== this.props.match.params) {
render () {
const { homeChannel } = this.props;
return homeChannel ? (
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { selectSiteHost } from '../selectors/site';
function * retrieveFile (action) {
const name =;
const claimId =;
const claimId = ||;
const host = yield select(selectSiteHost);
// see if the file is available
let isAvailable;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { all } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { watchHandleShowPageUri } from './show_uri';
import { watchHandleShowPageUri, watchHandleShowHomepage } from './show_uri';
import { watchNewAssetRequest } from './show_asset';
import { watchNewChannelRequest, watchUpdateChannelClaims } from './show_channel';
import { watchFileIsRequested } from './file';
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import { watchChannelLogout } from './logoutChannel';
export function * rootSaga () {
yield all([
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ function * parseAndUpdateIdentifierAndClaim (modifier, claim) {
yield call(newAssetRequest, onNewAssetRequest(claimName, claimId, null, null, extension));
function * parseAndUpdateClaimOnly (claim) {
// this could be a request for an asset or a channel page
// claim could be an asset claim or a channel claim
@ -50,10 +51,24 @@ export function * handleShowPageUri (action) {
const { identifier, claim } =;
if (identifier) {
return yield call(parseAndUpdateIdentifierAndClaim, identifier, claim);
} else if (claim) {
yield call(parseAndUpdateClaimOnly, claim);
export function * handleShowPageHomepage (action) {
const { identifier, claim } =;
if (identifier) {
return yield call(parseAndUpdateIdentifierAndClaim, identifier, claim);
} else if (claim) {
yield call(parseAndUpdateClaimOnly, claim);
yield call(parseAndUpdateClaimOnly, claim);
export function * watchHandleShowPageUri () {
yield takeLatest(actions.HANDLE_SHOW_URI, handleShowPageUri);
export function * watchHandleShowHomepage () {
yield takeLatest(actions.HANDLE_SHOW_HOMEPAGE, handleShowPageHomepage);
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@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"prestart": "builder run bundle",
"start": "node server.js",
"start:build": "builder run start",
"chainquery:build": "rollup ./server/chainquery/index.js --file ./server/chainquery/bundle.js --format cjs",
"devtools:server": "ndb server.js",
"devtools:chainquery": "npm run devtools:chainquery:build && ndb ./server/chainquery/bundle.debug.js",
"devtools:chainquery:build": "rollup ./server/chainquery/index.debug.js --file ./server/chainquery/bundle.debug.js --format cjs",
"test": "mocha --recursive",
"test:no-lbc": "npm test -- --grep @usesLbc --invert",
"test:server": "mocha --recursive './server/**/*.test.js'",
@ -50,6 +54,7 @@
"cookie-session": "^2.0.0-beta.3",
"express": "^4.15.2",
"express-handlebars": "^3.0.0",
"express-http-context": "^1.1.0",
"get-video-dimensions": "^1.0.0",
"helmet": "^3.13.0",
"image-size": "^0.6.3",
@ -108,13 +113,16 @@
"file-loader": "^1.1.11",
"husky": "^0.14.3",
"mocha": "^5.2.0",
"ndb": "^1.0.24",
"node-sass": "^4.9.3",
"nodemon": "^1.17.5",
"redux-devtools": "^3.4.1",
"regenerator-transform": "^0.13.0",
"rollup": "^0.66.2",
"sass-loader": "^7.1.0",
"sequelize-cli": "^4.0.0",
"style-loader": "^0.21.0",
"url-loader": "^1.0.1"
"url-loader": "^1.0.1",
"wait-on": "^3.1.0"
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
console.log('Loading `chainquery`, please wait...')
import chainquery from './index'
global.chainquery = chainquery.default ? chainquery.default : chainquery;
console.log('`chainquery` has been loaded into the global context.')
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
const logger = require('winston');
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import abnormalClaimTable from './tables/abnormalClaimTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
Is this useful to you? This is for claims that were not made through the app. Claims that are not structured according to the lbry protocol. Is this useful to you? This is for claims that were not made through the app. Claims that are not structured according to the lbry protocol.
Not at the moment, retained for full functionality if this is to be split out into a separate lib Not at the moment, retained for full functionality if this is to be split out into a separate lib
import addressTable from './tables/addressTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import blockTable from './tables/blockTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import claimTable from './tables/claimTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import inputTable from './tables/inputTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import outputTable from './tables/outputTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import supportTable from './tables/supportTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import transactionAddressTable from './tables/transactionAddressTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import transactionTable from './tables/transactionTable';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import abnormalClaimQueries from './queries/abnormalClaimQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import addressQueries from './queries/addressQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import blockQueries from './queries/blockQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import claimQueries from './queries/claimQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import inputQueries from './queries/inputQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import outputQueries from './queries/outputQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import supportQueries from './queries/supportQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import transactionAddressQueries from './queries/transactionAddressQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import transactionQueries from './queries/transactionQueries';
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'abnormal_claim': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: abnormalClaimTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: abnormalClaimQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'address': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: addressTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: addressQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'block': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: blockTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: blockQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'claim': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: claimTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: claimQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'input': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: inputTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: inputQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'output': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: outputTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: outputQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'support': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: supportTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: supportQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'transaction_address': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: transactionAddressTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: transactionAddressQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
'transaction': {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
table: transactionTable,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
queries: transactionQueries,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
const {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
} = require('../../config/chainqueryConfig'); // TODO: Make '@config/siteConfig' work outside Webpack for testing/dev
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
if (!database || !username || !password) {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
logger.warn('missing database, user, or password from chainqueryConfig');
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
// set sequelize options
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
const sequelize = new Sequelize(database, username, password, {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
host : host,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
import : port,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
dialect : 'mysql',
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
dialectOptions: {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
decimalNumbers: true,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
logging: false,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
pool : {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
max : 5,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
min : 0,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
idle : 10000,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
acquire: 10000,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
operatorsAliases: false,
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
const db = {};
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
for(let i = 0; i < DATABASE_STRUCTURE_KEYS.length; i++) {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
let currentData = DATABASE_STRUCTURE[dbKey];
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
db[dbKey] = currentData.table.createModel(sequelize, Sequelize);
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
db[dbKey].queries = currentData.queries(db, db[dbKey], sequelize);
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
// run model.association for each model in the db object that has an association
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
||||'associating chainquery db models...');
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
DATABASE_STRUCTURE_KEYS.forEach(modelName => {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
if (db[modelName].associate) {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
||||'Associating chainquery model:', modelName);
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
// establish mysql connection
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
.then(() => {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
||||'Sequelize has established mysql connection for chainquery successfully.');
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
.catch(err => {
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
logger.error('Sequelize was unable to connect to the chainquery database:', err);
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
export default db;
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table. this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.
This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech. This table is used for tracking background job statuses internal to chainquery. Most likely not useful for speech.
same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech. same thing. this is an internal table of no importance to speech.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
const getterMethods = {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
export default (sequelize, {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
}) => sequelize.define(
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
id: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
primaryKey: true,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: INTEGER,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
name: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: STRING,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
claim_id: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: STRING,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
is_update: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: BOOLEAN,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
block_hash: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: STRING,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
transaction_hash: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: STRING,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
vout: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: INTEGER,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
output_id: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: INTEGER,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
value_as_hex: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: TEXT,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
value_as_json: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: TEXT,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
created_at: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: DATE(6),
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
modified_at: {
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
type: DATE(6),
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
set() { },
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
freezeTableName: true,
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer? These are timestamps, is it ok to create it as an integer?
This will work for now, I need to verify that This will work for now, I need to verify that `Sequelize.DATE(6)` is fully compatible first.
There's a few things like `INT(1)` that I'm using `INTEGER` for as well that could probably be switched to `Sequelize.BOOLEAN`. I know there's a number of `BIGINT` as well that I need to adjust.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
const getterMethods = {
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
export default (sequelize, {
}) => sequelize.define(
id: {
primaryKey: true,
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
address: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
first_seen: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
created_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
modified_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
const getterMethods = {
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
export default (sequelize, {
}) => sequelize.define(
id: {
primaryKey: true,
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
bits: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
chainwork: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
confirmations: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
difficulty: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
hash: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
height: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
merkle_root: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
name_claim_root: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
nonce: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
previous_block_hash: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
next_block_hash: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
block_size: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
block_time: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
version: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
version_hex: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
transaction_hashes: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
transactions_processed: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
created_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
modified_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
const logger = require('winston');
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
const {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
assetDefaults: { thumbnail: defaultThumbnail },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
details: { host }
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
} = require('../../config/siteConfig'); // TODO: Fix paths for rollup
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
const getterMethods = {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
generated_extension() {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
switch (this.content_type) {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
case 'image/jpeg':
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
case 'image/jpg':
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
return 'jpg';
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
case 'image/png':
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
return 'png';
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
case 'image/gif':
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
return 'gif';
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
case 'video/mp4':
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
return 'mp4';
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
logger.debug('setting unknown file type as file extension jpg');
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
Is jpg really a good default? Why not blank or unknown? Is jpg really a good default? Why not blank or unknown?
Also how do you handle nulls? A channel claim is not going to have any of the meta data fields. They will be null in the DB. Also how do you handle nulls? A channel claim is not going to have any of the meta data fields. They will be null in the DB.
This is the same implementation as existing code in; it's implemented as a generated field. This is the same implementation as existing code in; it's implemented as a generated field.
I may need to revisit this for reusability.
return 'jpg';
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
// TODO: Factor this out.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
generated_thumbnail() {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
return this.thumbnail_url || defaultThumbnail;
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
generated_channel() {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
export default (sequelize, {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
}) => sequelize.define(
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
id: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
primaryKey: true,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: INTEGER,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
transaction_hash_id: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
vout: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: INTEGER,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
name: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
claim_id: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
claim_type: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: INTEGER,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
publisher_id: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
publisher_sig: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
certificate: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
sd_hash: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
transaction_time: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: INTEGER,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
version: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
valid_at_height: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: INTEGER,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
height: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: INTEGER,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
effective_amount: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: INTEGER,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
author: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
description: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
content_type: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
is_nsfw: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: BOOLEAN,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
language: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
thumbnail_url: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
title: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
fee: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: DECIMAL(58, 8),
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
fee_currency: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
bid_state: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: ENUM('Active', 'Expired', 'Controlling', 'Spent', 'Accepted'),
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
created_at: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is an old column. I need to delete this. Not sure why it is in the schema. I will create an issue for it. This is an old column. I need to delete this. Not sure why it is in the schema. I will create an issue for it.
type: DATE(6),
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
modified_at: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: DATE(6),
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
fee_address: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
claim_address: {
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
type: STRING,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
set() { },
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
freezeTableName: true,
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
This is a boolean that is a This is a boolean that is a `TINYINT(1)` in the database.
This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? This is also an enumeration. I see that you set an enumeration above. Should this be listed as well? `Active,Expired,Controlling,Spent,Accepted` are the enumerations.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
const getterMethods = {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
export default (sequelize, {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
}) => sequelize.define(
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
id: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
primaryKey: true,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
transaction_id: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
transaction_hash: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: STRING,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
input_address_id: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
is_coinbase: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: BOOLEAN,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
coinbase: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: STRING,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
prevout_hash: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: STRING,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
prevout_n: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
prevout_spend_updated: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
sequence: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
value: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: DECIMAL(18, 8),
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
script_sig_asm: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: TEXT,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
script_sig_hex: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: TEXT,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
created: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: DATE(6),
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
modified: {
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
type: DATE(6),
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
set() { },
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
freezeTableName: true,
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
boolean boolean
this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer? this is unsigned. Does it matter that you treat it as just an integer?
Ha, alright! I didn't realize
Ha, alright! I didn't realize `TINYINT(1)` is exactly the same as `BOOL`
> These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
const getterMethods = {
boolean boolean
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
export default (sequelize, {
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
}) => sequelize.define(
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
id: {
boolean boolean
primaryKey: true,
boolean boolean
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
transaction_id: {
boolean boolean
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
transaction_hash: {
boolean boolean
type: STRING,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
value: {
boolean boolean
type: DECIMAL(18, 8),
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
vout: {
boolean boolean
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
type: {
boolean boolean
type: STRING,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
script_pub_key_asm: {
boolean boolean
type: TEXT,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
script_pub_key_hex: {
boolean boolean
type: TEXT,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
required_signatures: {
boolean boolean
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
address_list: {
boolean boolean
This is a JSON array. Not sure if you can specify that here or not. This is a JSON array. Not sure if you can specify that here or not.
Can't, not supported unless using a virtual field. I might add a custom getter method. Can't, not supported unless using a virtual field. I might add a custom getter method.
type: TEXT,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
is_spent: {
boolean boolean
type: BOOLEAN,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
spent_by_input_id: {
boolean boolean
type: INTEGER,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
created_at: {
boolean boolean
type: DATE(6),
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
modified_at: {
boolean boolean
type: DATE(6),
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
claim_id: {
boolean boolean
type: STRING,
boolean boolean
set() { },
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
freezeTableName: true,
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
boolean boolean
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
const getterMethods = {
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
export default (sequelize, {
}) => sequelize.define(
id: {
primaryKey: true,
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
supported_claim_id: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
support_amount: {
type: DECIMAL(18, 8),
set() { },
bid_state: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
transaction_hash_id: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
vout: {
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
created_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
modified_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
const getterMethods = {
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
export default (sequelize, {
}) => sequelize.define(
transaction_id: {
primaryKey: true,
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
address_id: {
primaryKey: true,
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
debit_amount: {
type: DECIMAL(18, 8),
set() { },
credit_amount: {
type: DECIMAL(18, 8),
set() { },
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
const getterMethods = {
// Add as needed, prefix all methods with `generated`
export default (sequelize, {
}) => sequelize.define(
id: {
primaryKey: true,
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
block_hash_id: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
input_count: {
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
output_count: {
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
fee: {
type: DECIMAL(18, 8),
set() { },
transaction_time: {
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
transaction_size: {
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
hash: {
type: STRING,
set() { },
version: {
type: INTEGER,
set() { },
lock_time: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
raw: {
type: TEXT,
set() { },
created_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
modified_at: {
type: DATE(6),
set() { },
created_time: {
type: DATE(6),
set() {},
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
const logger = require('winston');
const returnShortId = (claimsArray, longId) => {
Is this the canonical url? Is this the canonical url?
If so this doesn't seem right. You want the claim_name included here. Also the claim_id is a hash not based on the height. Ignore if this is not the case. @kauffj has a preference for how we do these shortened URLs. If so this doesn't seem right. You want the claim_name included here. Also the claim_id is a hash not based on the height. Ignore if this is not the case. @kauffj has a preference for how we do these shortened URLs.
This is the existing logic, I believe. I think there are some issues with it, but we're going to handle it through This is the existing logic, I believe. I think there are some issues with it, but we're going to handle it through
let claimIndex;
let shortId = longId.substring(0, 1); // default short id is the first letter
let shortIdLength = 0;
// find the index of this claim id
claimIndex = claimsArray.findIndex(element => {
return element.claim_id === longId;
if (claimIndex < 0) {
throw new Error('claim id not found in claims list');
// get an array of all claims with lower height
let possibleMatches = claimsArray.slice(0, claimIndex);
// remove certificates with the same prefixes until none are left.
while (possibleMatches.length > 0) {
shortIdLength += 1;
shortId = longId.substring(0, shortIdLength);
possibleMatches = possibleMatches.filter(element => {
return (element.claim_id && (element.claim_id.substring(0, shortIdLength) === shortId));
return shortId;
const isLongClaimId = (claimId) => {
return (claimId && (claimId.length === 40));
const isShortClaimId = (claimId) => {
return (claimId && (claimId.length < 40));
export default (db, table, sequelize) => ({
getClaimChannelName: async (publisher_id) => {
return await table.findAll({
where : { claim_id: publisher_id },
attributes: ['name'],
}).then(result => {
if(result.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`no record found for ${claimId}`);
} else if(result.length !== 1) {
logger.warn(`more than one record matches ${claimId} in db.Claim`);
return result[0].name;
getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId: async (claimId, claimName) => {
logger.debug(`claim.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId for ${claimName}#${claimId}`);
return await table.findAll({
where: { name: claimName },
order: [['height', 'ASC']],
}).then(result => {
if(result.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No claim(s) found with that claim name');
return returnShortId(result, claimId);
getAllChannelClaims: async (channelClaimId) => {
logger.debug(`claim.getAllChannelClaims for ${channelClaimId}`);
return await table.findAll({
you will want to select specific pieces of data. Otherwise you will get all of it no? The metadata is also in this table as columns, json, and as hex. You probably only want 1 of these versions for your query. you will want to select specific pieces of data. Otherwise you will get all of it no? The metadata is also in this table as columns, json, and as hex. You probably only want 1 of these versions for your query.
Good call Good call
where: { publisher_id: channelClaimId },
order: [['height', 'DESC']],
.then(channelClaimsArray => {
if(channelClaimsArray.length === 0) {
return null;
return channelClaimsArray;
getClaimIdByLongChannelId: async (channelClaimId, claimName) => {
logger.debug(`finding claim id for claim ${claimName} from channel ${channelClaimId}`);
return await table.findAll({
where: { name: claimName, publisher_id: channelClaimId },
order: [['id', 'ASC']],
any reason for ordering? any reason for ordering? `id` doesn't mean much so it may be wasteful to order the results, then again I think this is the default ordering for mysql anyway.
Retained from the old query, I'll remove. Retained from the old query, I'll remove.
.then(result => {
switch (result.length) {
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
return result[0].claim_id;
// Does this actually happen??? (from converted code)
This is a good question actually. Technically, I believe this can happen in the blockchain. In the end every claim has a bid state. So you can always have a claim for a name and you can have 100 of them. Only one can be in the This is a good question actually. Technically, I believe this can happen in the blockchain. In the end every claim has a bid state. So you can always have a claim for a name and you can have 100 of them. Only one can be in the `Controlling` state though.
logger.warn(`${result.length} records found for "${claimName}" in channel "${channelClaimId}"`);
return result[0].claim_id;
validateLongClaimId: async (name, claimId) => {
return await table.findOne({
where: {
why is name here? why is name here?
The old code validates against the name as well as the claim ID. The old code validates against the name as well as the claim ID.
I kept the existing functionality - I might remove this.
claim_id: claimId,
}).then(result => {
if (!result) {
return false;
return claimId;
getLongClaimIdFromShortClaimId: async (name, shortId) => {
return await table.findAll({
where: {
claim_id: {
[]: `${shortId}%`,
This is a very expensive call. Maybe if you really need to use this, I add this feature to Chainquery so it can simply be matched against. This is a very expensive call. Maybe if you really need to use this, I add this feature to Chainquery so it can simply be matched against.
It's an old query, these can be adjusted over time It's an old query, these can be adjusted over time
order: [['height', 'ASC']],
.then(result => {
if(result.length === 0) {
return null;
return result[0].claim_id;
getTopFreeClaimIdByClaimName: async (name) => {
return await table.findAll({
// TODO: Limit 1
where: { name },
order: [['effective_amount', 'DESC'], ['height', 'ASC']],
So not sure we should use this. The So not sure we should use this. The `bid_state` = `Controlling` is better. This information comes directly from the blockchain.
}).then(result => {
if(result.length === 0) {
return null;
return result[0].claim_id;
getLongClaimId: async (claimName, claimId) => {
// TODO: Add failure case
logger.debug(`getLongClaimId(${claimName}, ${claimId})`);
if (isLongClaimId(claimId)) {
return table.queries.validateLongClaimId(claimName, claimId);
} else if (isShortClaimId(claimId)) {
return table.queries.getLongClaimIdFromShortClaimId(claimName, claimId);
} else {
return table.queries.getTopFreeClaimIdByClaimName(claimName);
resolveClaim: async (name, claimId) => {
logger.debug(`Claim.resolveClaim: ${name} ${claimId}`);
return table.findAll({
where: { name, claim_id: claimId },
not sure why name is here like this. not sure why name is here like this.
}).then(claimArray => {
if(claimArray.length === 0) {
return null;
} else if(claimArray.length !== 1) {
logger.warn(`more than one record matches ${name}#${claimId} in db.Claim`);
return claimArray[0];
getOutpoint: async (name, claimId) => {
logger.debug(`finding outpoint for ${name}#${claimId}`);
return await table.findAll({
where : { name, claim_id: claimId },
I think I get it. You are not specifying name because they are identical. However, the claim table is unique on I think I get it. You are not specifying name because they are identical. However, the claim table is unique on `claim_id`. So you do not need to ever you both. There is no benefit that I can think of. If there is let me know.
attributes: ['transaction_hash_id'],
}).then(result => {
if(result.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`no record found for ${name}#${claimId}`);
} else if(result.length !== 1) {
logger.warn(`more than one record matches ${name}#${claimId} in db.Claim`);
return result[0].transaction_hash_id;
getCurrentHeight: async () => {
return await table
.then(result => {
return (result || 100000);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export default (db, table) => ({
example: () => table.findAll(),
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import AbnormalClaimModel from '../models/AbnormalClaimModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return AbnormalClaimModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import AddressModel from '../models/AddressModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return AddressModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import BlockModel from '../models/BlockModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return BlockModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import ClaimModel from '../models/ClaimModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return ClaimModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import InputModel from '../models/InputModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return InputModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import OutputModel from '../models/OutputModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return OutputModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import SupportModel from '../models/SupportModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return SupportModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import TransactionAddressModel from '../models/TransactionAddressModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return TransactionAddressModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import TransactionModel from '../models/TransactionModel';
export default {
createModel(...args) {
return TransactionModel(...args);
associate(db) {
// associate
@ -1,28 +1,15 @@
const db = require('../../../../models');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
const getClaimData = require('server/utils/getClaimData');
const { returnPaginatedChannelClaims } = require('./channelPagination.js');
const getChannelClaims = (channelName, channelClaimId, page) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let longChannelClaimId;
// 1. get the long channel Id (make sure channel exists)
.getLongChannelId(channelName, channelClaimId)
.then(result => {
longChannelClaimId = result;
return db
.then(channelClaimsArray => {
// 3. format the data for the view, including pagination
let paginatedChannelViewData = returnPaginatedChannelClaims(channelName, longChannelClaimId, channelClaimsArray, page);
// 4. return all the channel information and contents
.catch(error => {
const getChannelClaims = async (channelName, channelShortId, page) => {
const channelId = await chainquery.claim.queries.getLongClaimId(channelName, channelShortId);
const channelClaims = await chainquery.claim.queries.getAllChannelClaims(channelId);
const processedChannelClaims = await => getClaimData(claim));
return returnPaginatedChannelClaims(channelName, channelId, processedChannelClaims, page);
module.exports = getChannelClaims;
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
const db = require('../../../../models');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
const { publishing: { primaryClaimAddress, additionalClaimAddresses } } = require('@config/siteConfig');
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const Op = Sequelize.Op;
const claimAvailability = (name) => {
const claimAvailability = async (name) => {
const claimAddresses = additionalClaimAddresses || [];
// find any records where the name is used
return db.Claim
return await chainquery.claim
attributes: ['address'],
attributes: ['claim_address'],
where : {
address: {
claim_address: {
[Op.or]: claimAddresses,
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
const { handleErrorResponse } = require('../../../utils/errorHandlers.js');
const getClaimData = require('server/utils/getClaimData');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
const db = require('../../../../models');
@ -7,26 +9,32 @@ const db = require('../../../../models');
const claimData = ({ ip, originalUrl, body, params }, res) => {
const claimData = async ({ ip, originalUrl, body, params }, res) => {
I like the backup for now. Good for resilience for intial cutover. I like the backup for now. Good for resilience for intial cutover.
It's also, unfortunately, required since we don't wait for It's also, unfortunately, required since we don't wait for `chainquery` to have the claim before rendering the content page. We have a number of nuances that require the fallback and prevent us from fully dropping tables.
const claimName = params.claimName;
let claimId = params.claimId;
if (claimId === 'none') claimId = null;
db.Claim.resolveClaim(claimName, claimId)
.then(claimInfo => {
if (!claimInfo) {
return res.status(404).json({
success: false,
message: 'No claim could be found',
success: true,
data : claimInfo,
try {
let resolvedClaim = await chainquery.claim.queries.resolveClaim(claimName, claimId).catch(() => {});
if(!resolvedClaim) {
resolvedClaim = await db.Claim.resolveClaim(claimName, claimId);
if (!resolvedClaim) {
return res.status(404).json({
success: false,
message: 'No claim could be found',
.catch(error => {
handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res);
success: true,
data : await getClaimData(resolvedClaim),
} catch(error) {
handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res);
module.exports = claimData;
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
const { getClaim } = require('../../../../lbrynet');
const { createFileRecordDataAfterGet } = require('../../../../models/utils/createFileRecordData.js');
const { handleErrorResponse } = require('../../../utils/errorHandlers.js');
const getClaimData = require('server/utils/getClaimData');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
const db = require('../../../../models');
const waitOn = require('wait-on');
@ -9,44 +12,46 @@ const db = require('../../../../models');
const claimGet = ({ ip, originalUrl, params }, res) => {
const claimGet = async ({ ip, originalUrl, params }, res) => {
const name =;
const claimId = params.claimId;
let resolveResult;
let getResult;
db.Claim.resolveClaim(name, claimId)
.then(result => {
if (!result) {
throw new Error('No matching uri found in Claim table');
resolveResult = result;
return getClaim(`${name}#${claimId}`);
.then(result => {
if (!result) {
throw new Error(`Unable to Get ${name}#${claimId}`);
getResult = result;
if (result.completed) {
return createFileRecordDataAfterGet(resolveResult, getResult)
.then(fileData => {
const upsertCriteria = {name, claimId};
return db.upsert(db.File, fileData, upsertCriteria, 'File');
.then(() => {
const { message, completed } = getResult;
success: true,
try {
let claimData = await chainquery.claim.queries.resolveClaim(name, claimId).catch(() => {});
if(!claimData) {
claimData = await db.Claim.resolveClaim(name, claimId);
if(!claimData) {
throw new Error('No matching uri found in Claim table');
let lbrynetResult = await getClaim(`${name}#${claimId}`);
if(!lbrynetResult) {
throw new Error(`Unable to Get ${name}#${claimId}`);
let fileData = await createFileRecordDataAfterGet(await getClaimData(claimData), lbrynetResult);
const upsertCriteria = { name, claimId };
await db.upsert(db.File, fileData, upsertCriteria, 'File');
try {
await waitOn({
resources: [ lbrynetResult.file_name ],
delay: 100,
timeout: 10000, // 10 seconds
.catch(error => {
handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res);
} catch (e) {}
const { message, completed } = lbrynetResult;
success: true,
} catch(error) {
handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res);
module.exports = claimGet;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const db = require('../../../../models');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
const { handleErrorResponse } = require('../../../utils/errorHandlers.js');
@ -19,10 +20,17 @@ const claimLongId = ({ ip, originalUrl, body, params }, res) => {
const channelClaimId = body.channelClaimId;
const claimName = body.claimName;
let claimId = body.claimId;
getClaimId(channelName, channelClaimId, claimName, claimId)
.then(fullClaimId => {
claimId = fullClaimId;
return db.Claim.getOutpoint(claimName, fullClaimId);
return chainquery.claim.queries.getOutpoint(claimName, fullClaimId).catch(() => {});
.then(outpointResult => {
if (!outpointResult) {
return db.Claim.getOutpoint(claimName, claimId);
return outpointResult;
.then(outpoint => {
return db.Blocked.isNotBlocked(outpoint);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
const { handleErrorResponse } = require('../../../utils/errorHandlers.js');
const db = require('../../../../models');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
@ -7,14 +8,18 @@ const db = require('../../../../models');
const claimShortId = ({ ip, originalUrl, body, params }, res) => {
.then(shortId => {
res.status(200).json({success: true, data: shortId});
.catch(error => {
handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res);
const claimShortId = async ({ ip, originalUrl, body, params }, res) => {
try {
let shortId = await chainquery.claim.queries.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId(params.longId,;
if(shortId === null) {
shortId = await db.Claim.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId(params.longId,;
res.status(200).json({success: true, data: shortId});
} catch(error) {
handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res);
module.exports = claimShortId;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
const db = require('../../../../models');
const getChannelData = (channelName, channelClaimId) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let longChannelClaimId;
// 1. get the long channel Id (make sure channel exists)
.getLongChannelId(channelName, channelClaimId)
.then(fullClaimId => {
longChannelClaimId = fullClaimId;
return db
.getShortChannelIdFromLongChannelId(fullClaimId, channelName);
.then(shortChannelClaimId => {
.catch(error => {
module.exports = getChannelData;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
const { handleErrorResponse } = require('../../../utils/errorHandlers.js');
const getChannelData = require('./getChannelData.js');
route to get data for a channel
const channelData = ({ ip, originalUrl, body, params }, res) => {
const channelName = params.channelName;
let channelClaimId = params.channelClaimId;
if (channelClaimId === 'none') channelClaimId = null;
getChannelData(channelName, channelClaimId)
.then(data => {
success: true,
.catch(error => {
if (error === NO_CHANNEL) {
return res.status(404).json({
success: false,
message: 'No matching channel was found',
handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res);
module.exports = channelData;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const logger = require('winston');
const db = require('../../../models');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
const isApprovedChannel = require('../../../../utils/isApprovedChannel');
const getClaimId = require('../../utils/getClaimId.js');
@ -20,13 +21,20 @@ const getClaimIdAndServeAsset = (channelName, channelClaimId, claimName, claimId
getClaimId(channelName, channelClaimId, claimName, claimId)
.then(fullClaimId => {
claimId = fullClaimId;
logger.debug('Full claim id:', fullClaimId);
return db.Claim.findOne({
where: {
name : claimName,
claimId: fullClaimId,
return chainquery.claim.queries.resolveClaim(claimName, fullClaimId).catch(() => {});
.then(claim => {
if (!claim) {
logger.debug('Full claim id:', fullClaimId);
return db.Claim.findOne({
where: {
name : claimName,
claimId: fullClaimId,
return claim;
.then(claim => {
if (serveOnlyApproved && !isApprovedChannel({ longId: claim.dataValues.certificateId }, approvedChannels)) {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const handlePageRender = require('../../render/build/handlePageRender.js');
const handleShowRender = require('../../render/build/handleShowRender.js');
const sendReactApp = (req, res) => {
handlePageRender(req, res);
handleShowRender(req, res);
module.exports = sendReactApp;
@ -1,22 +1,38 @@
const logger = require('winston');
const db = require('../../models');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
const getClaimIdByChannel = (channelName, channelClaimId, claimName) => {
const getClaimIdByChannel = async (channelName, channelClaimId, claimName) => {
logger.debug(`getClaimIdByChannel(${channelName}, ${channelClaimId}, ${claimName})`);
return db.Certificate
.getLongChannelId(channelName, channelClaimId)
.then(longChannelId => {
return db.Claim.getClaimIdByLongChannelId(longChannelId, claimName);
let channelId = await chainquery.claim.queries.getLongClaimIdFromShortClaimId(channelName, channelClaimId);
if(channelId === null) {
channelId = await db.Certificate.getLongChannelId(channelName, channelClaimId);
let claimId = await chainquery.claim.queries.getClaimIdByLongChannelId(channelId, claimName);
if(claimId === null) {
claimId = db.Claim.getClaimIdByLongChannelId(longChannelId, claimName);
return claimId;
const getClaimId = (channelName, channelClaimId, name, claimId) => {
const getClaimId = async (channelName, channelClaimId, name, claimId) => {
logger.debug(`getClaimId: ${channelName}, ${channelClaimId}, ${name}, ${claimId})`);
if (channelName) {
return getClaimIdByChannel(channelName, channelClaimId, name);
return await getClaimIdByChannel(channelName, channelClaimId, name);
} else {
return db.Claim.getLongClaimId(name, claimId);
let claimIdResult = await chainquery.claim.queries.getLongClaimId(name, claimId);
if(claimIdResult === null) {
claimIdResult = await db.Claim.getLongClaimId(name, claimId);
return claimIdResult;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ const cookieSession = require('cookie-session');
const http = require('http');
const logger = require('winston');
const Path = require('path');
const httpContext = require('express-http-context');
// load local modules
const db = require('./models');
@ -26,6 +27,36 @@ const {
} = require('@config/siteConfig');
function logMetricsMiddleware(req, res, next) {
res.on('finish', () => {
const userAgent = req.get('user-agent');
const routePath = httpContext.get('routePath');
isInternal: /node\-fetch/.test(userAgent),
isChannel: res.isChannel,
claimId: res.claimId,
routePath: httpContext.get('routePath'),
params: JSON.stringify(req.params),
ip: req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress,
request: req.url,
routeData: JSON.stringify(httpContext.get('routeData')),
referrer: req.get('referrer'),
function setRouteDataInContextMiddleware(routePath, routeData) {
return function (req, res, next) {
httpContext.set('routePath', routePath);
httpContext.set('routeData', routeData);
function Server () {
this.initialize = () => {
// configure logging
@ -43,6 +74,9 @@ function Server () {
// set HTTP headers to protect against well-known web vulnerabilties
// Support per-request http-context
// 'express.static' to serve static files from public directory
const publicPath = Path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'public');
@ -66,7 +100,7 @@ function Server () {
// configure handlebars & register it with express app
const viewsPath = Path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'server/views');
const viewsPath = Path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/');
app.engine('handlebars', expressHandlebars({
async : false,
dataType : 'text',
@ -78,11 +112,20 @@ function Server () {
app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');
// set the routes on the app
const routes = require('./routes');
Object.keys(routes).map((routePath) => {
let routeData = routes[routePath];
let routeMethod = routeData.hasOwnProperty('method') ? routeData.method : 'get';
let controllers = Array.isArray(routeData.controller) ? routeData.controller : [routeData.controller];
setRouteDataInContextMiddleware(routePath, routeData),
|||| = app;
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const logger = require('winston');
const Certificate = require('./certificate.js');
const Channel = require('./channel.js');
const Claim = require('./claim.js');
const File = require('./file.js');
const User = require('./user.js');
const Blocked = require('./blocked.js');
const Tor = require('./tor.js');
const Blocked = require('./blocked');
const Certificate = require('./certificate');
const Channel = require('./channel');
const Claim = require('./claim');
const File = require('./file');
const Metrics = require('./metrics');
const Tor = require('./tor');
const User = require('./user');
const {
@ -48,13 +49,14 @@ sequelize
// manually add each model to the db object (note: make this dynamic)
const db = {};
db['Blocked'] = sequelize.import('Blocked', Blocked);
db['Certificate'] = sequelize.import('Certificate', Certificate);
db['Channel'] = sequelize.import('Channel', Channel);
db['Claim'] = sequelize.import('Claim', Claim);
db['File'] = sequelize.import('File', File);
db['User'] = sequelize.import('User', User);
db['Blocked'] = sequelize.import('Blocked', Blocked);
db['Metrics'] = sequelize.import('Metrics', Metrics);
db['Tor'] = sequelize.import('Tor', Tor);
db['User'] = sequelize.import('User', User);
// run model.association for each model in the db object that has an association
||||'associating db models...');
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
module.exports = (sequelize, { BOOLEAN, DATE, STRING }) => {
const Metrics = sequelize.define(
time: {
type: DATE(6),
defaultValue: sequelize.NOW,
isInternal: {
type: BOOLEAN,
isChannel: {
type: BOOLEAN,
defaultValue: false,
claimId: {
type: STRING,
defaultValue: null,
ip: {
type: STRING,
defaultValue: null,
request: {
type: STRING,
defaultValue: null,
userAgent: {
type: STRING,
defaultValue: null,
referrer: {
type: STRING,
defaultValue: null,
routePath: {
type: STRING,
defaultValue: null,
params: {
type: STRING,
defaultValue: null,
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false, // don't use default timestamps columns
indexes: [
fields: ['isInternal', 'isChannel', 'time', 'claimId', 'routePath'],
return Metrics;
@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ var _reactRedux = require("react-redux");
var _reactRouterDom = require("react-router-dom");
var _renderFullPage = _interopRequireDefault(require("../renderFullPage"));
var _reduxSaga = _interopRequireDefault(require("redux-saga"));
var _effects = require("redux-saga/effects");
var _reactHelmet = _interopRequireDefault(require("react-helmet"));
var _reducers = _interopRequireDefault(require("@reducers"));
@ -18,33 +24,65 @@ var _GAListener = _interopRequireDefault(require("@components/GAListener"));
var _app = _interopRequireDefault(require("@app"));
var _renderFullPage = _interopRequireDefault(require("../renderFullPage.js"));
var _sagas = _interopRequireDefault(require("@sagas"));
var _actions = _interopRequireDefault(require("@actions"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
module.exports = function (req, res) {
var context = {}; // create a new Redux store instance
var returnSagaWithParams = function returnSagaWithParams(saga, params) {
return (
regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) {
switch (_context.prev = {
case 0:
|||| = 2;
return (0,, params);
var store = (0, _redux.createStore)(_reducers.default); // render component to a string
var html = (0, _server.renderToString)(_react.default.createElement(_reactRedux.Provider, {
store: store
}, _react.default.createElement(_reactRouterDom.StaticRouter, {
location: req.url,
context: context
}, _react.default.createElement(_GAListener.default, null, _react.default.createElement(_app.default, null))))); // get head tags from helmet
var helmet = _reactHelmet.default.renderStatic(); // check for a redirect
if (context.url) {
// Somewhere a `<Redirect>` was rendered
return res.redirect(301, context.url);
} else {} // we're good, send the response
// get the initial state from our Redux store
var preloadedState = store.getState(); // send the rendered page back to the client
res.send((0, _renderFullPage.default)(helmet, html, preloadedState));
case 2:
case "end":
return _context.stop();
}, _callee, this);
module.exports = function (req, res) {
var context = {}; // create and apply middleware
var sagaMiddleware = (0, _reduxSaga.default)();
var middleware = (0, _redux.applyMiddleware)(sagaMiddleware); // create a new Redux store instance
var store = (0, _redux.createStore)(_reducers.default, middleware); // create an action to handle the given url,
// and create a the saga needed to handle that action
var action = _actions.default.onHandleShowPageUri(req.params);
var saga = returnSagaWithParams(_sagas.default.handleShowPageUri, action); // run the saga middleware with the saga call
|||| () {
// render component to a string
var html = (0, _server.renderToString)(_react.default.createElement(_reactRedux.Provider, {
store: store
}, _react.default.createElement(_reactRouterDom.StaticRouter, {
location: req.url,
context: context
}, _react.default.createElement(_GAListener.default, null, _react.default.createElement(_app.default, null))))); // get head tags from helmet
var helmet = _reactHelmet.default.renderStatic(); // check for a redirect
if (context.url) {
return res.redirect(301, context.url);
} // get the initial state from our Redux store
var preloadedState = store.getState(); // send the rendered page back to the client
res.send((0, _renderFullPage.default)(helmet, html, preloadedState));
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ var _effects = require("redux-saga/effects");
var _reactHelmet = _interopRequireDefault(require("react-helmet"));
var httpContext = _interopRequireWildcard(require("express-http-context"));
var _reducers = _interopRequireDefault(require("@reducers"));
var _GAListener = _interopRequireDefault(require("@components/GAListener"));
@ -28,6 +30,8 @@ var _sagas = _interopRequireDefault(require("@sagas"));
var _actions = _interopRequireDefault(require("@actions"));
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { var desc = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : {}; if (desc.get || desc.set) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } }
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var returnSagaWithParams = function returnSagaWithParams(saga, params) {
@ -52,20 +56,30 @@ var returnSagaWithParams = function returnSagaWithParams(saga, params) {
module.exports = function (req, res) {
var context = {}; // create and apply middleware
var context = {};
var sagaMiddleware = (0, _reduxSaga.default)();
var middleware = (0, _redux.applyMiddleware)(sagaMiddleware); // create a new Redux store instance
var _httpContext$get = httpContext.get('routeData'),
_httpContext$get$acti = _httpContext$get.action,
action = _httpContext$get$acti === void 0 ? false : _httpContext$get$acti,
_httpContext$get$saga = _httpContext$get.saga,
saga = _httpContext$get$saga === void 0 ? false : _httpContext$get$saga;
var store = (0, _redux.createStore)(_reducers.default, middleware); // create an action to handle the given url,
// and create a the saga needed to handle that action
var runSaga = action !== false && saga !== false;
var action = _actions.default.onHandleShowPageUri(req.params);
var renderPage = function renderPage(store) {
// Workaround, remove when a solution for async httpContext exists
var showState = store.getState().show;
var assetKeys = Object.keys(showState.assetList);
if (assetKeys.length !== 0) {
res.claimId = showState.assetList[assetKeys[0]].claimId;
} else {
var channelKeys = Object.keys(showState.channelList);
res.claimId = showState.channelList[channelKeys[0]].longId;
res.isChannel = true;
} // render component to a string
var saga = returnSagaWithParams(_sagas.default.handleShowPageUri, action); // run the saga middleware with the saga call
|||| () {
// render component to a string
var html = (0, _server.renderToString)(_react.default.createElement(_reactRedux.Provider, {
store: store
}, _react.default.createElement(_reactRouterDom.StaticRouter, {
@ -84,5 +98,25 @@ module.exports = function (req, res) {
var preloadedState = store.getState(); // send the rendered page back to the client
res.send((0, _renderFullPage.default)(helmet, html, preloadedState));
if (runSaga) {
// create and apply middleware
var sagaMiddleware = (0, _reduxSaga.default)();
var middleware = (0, _redux.applyMiddleware)(sagaMiddleware); // create a new Redux store instance
var store = (0, _redux.createStore)(_reducers.default, middleware); // create an action to handle the given url,
// and create a the saga needed to handle that action
var boundAction = action(req.params, req.url);
var boundSaga = returnSagaWithParams(saga, boundAction); // run the saga middleware with the saga call
|||| () {
return renderPage(store);
} else {
var _store = (0, _redux.createStore)(_reducers.default);
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import React from 'react';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { StaticRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import Helmet from 'react-helmet';
import Reducers from '@reducers';
import GAListener from '@components/GAListener';
import App from '@app';
import renderFullPage from '../renderFullPage.js';
module.exports = (req, res) => {
let context = {};
// create a new Redux store instance
const store = createStore(Reducers);
// render component to a string
const html = renderToString(
<Provider store={store}>
<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={context}>
<App />
// get head tags from helmet
const helmet = Helmet.renderStatic();
// check for a redirect
if (context.url) {
// Somewhere a `<Redirect>` was rendered
return res.redirect(301, context.url);
} else {
// we're good, send the response
// get the initial state from our Redux store
const preloadedState = store.getState();
// send the rendered page back to the client
res.send(renderFullPage(helmet, html, preloadedState));
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import renderFullPage from '../renderFullPage';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import { call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import Helmet from 'react-helmet';
import * as httpContext from 'express-http-context';
import Reducers from '@reducers';
import GAListener from '@components/GAListener';
@ -23,46 +24,72 @@ const returnSagaWithParams = (saga, params) => {
module.exports = (req, res) => {
let context = {};
// create and apply middleware
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const middleware = applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware);
const {
action = false,
saga = false,
} = httpContext.get('routeData');
// create a new Redux store instance
const store = createStore(Reducers, middleware);
const runSaga = (action !== false && saga !== false);
// create an action to handle the given url,
// and create a the saga needed to handle that action
const action = Actions.onHandleShowPageUri(req.params);
const saga = returnSagaWithParams(Sagas.handleShowPageUri, action);
const renderPage = (store) => {
// run the saga middleware with the saga call
.then(() => {
// render component to a string
const html = renderToString(
<Provider store={store}>
<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={context}>
<App />
// Workaround, remove when a solution for async httpContext exists
const showState = store.getState().show;
const assetKeys = Object.keys(showState.assetList);
if(assetKeys.length !== 0) {
res.claimId = showState.assetList[assetKeys[0]].claimId;
} else {
const channelKeys = Object.keys(showState.channelList);
res.claimId = showState.channelList[channelKeys[0]].longId;
res.isChannel = true;
// get head tags from helmet
const helmet = Helmet.renderStatic();
// render component to a string
const html = renderToString(
<Provider store={store}>
<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={context}>
<App />
// check for a redirect
if (context.url) {
return res.redirect(301, context.url);
// get head tags from helmet
const helmet = Helmet.renderStatic();
// get the initial state from our Redux store
const preloadedState = store.getState();
// check for a redirect
if (context.url) {
return res.redirect(301, context.url);
// send the rendered page back to the client
res.send(renderFullPage(helmet, html, preloadedState));
// get the initial state from our Redux store
const preloadedState = store.getState();
// send the rendered page back to the client
res.send(renderFullPage(helmet, html, preloadedState));
if (runSaga) {
// create and apply middleware
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const middleware = applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware);
// create a new Redux store instance
const store = createStore(Reducers, middleware);
// create an action to handle the given url,
// and create a the saga needed to handle that action
const boundAction = action(req.params, req.url);
const boundSaga = returnSagaWithParams(saga, boundAction);
// run the saga middleware with the saga call
.then(() => renderPage(store) );
} else {
const store = createStore(Reducers);
@ -21,31 +21,35 @@ const getTorList = require('../../controllers/api/tor');
const getBlockedList = require('../../controllers/api/blocked');
const getOEmbedData = require('../../controllers/api/oEmbed');
module.exports = (app) => {
module.exports = {
// homepage routes
'/api/homepage/data/channels': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, channelData ] },
// channel routes
app.get('/api/channel/availability/:name', torCheckMiddleware, channelAvailability);
app.get('/api/channel/short-id/:longId/:name', torCheckMiddleware, channelShortId);
app.get('/api/channel/data/:channelName/:channelClaimId', torCheckMiddleware, channelData);
app.get('/api/channel/claims/:channelName/:channelClaimId/:page', torCheckMiddleware, channelClaims);
'/api/channel/availability/:name': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, channelAvailability ] },
'/api/channel/short-id/:longId/:name': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, channelShortId ] },
'/api/channel/data/:channelName/:channelClaimId': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, channelData ] },
'/api/channel/data/:channelName/:channelClaimId': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, channelData ] },
'/api/channel/claims/:channelName/:channelClaimId/:page': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, channelClaims ] },
// claim routes
app.get('/api/claim/availability/:name', torCheckMiddleware, claimAvailability);
app.get('/api/claim/data/:claimName/:claimId', torCheckMiddleware, claimData);
app.get('/api/claim/get/:name/:claimId', torCheckMiddleware, claimGet);
app.get('/api/claim/list/:name', torCheckMiddleware, claimList);
||||'/api/claim/long-id', torCheckMiddleware, claimLongId); // note: should be a 'get'
||||'/api/claim/publish', torCheckMiddleware, multipartMiddleware, claimPublish);
app.get('/api/claim/resolve/:name/:claimId', torCheckMiddleware, claimResolve);
app.get('/api/claim/short-id/:longId/:name', torCheckMiddleware, claimShortId);
'/api/claim/availability/:name': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, claimAvailability ] },
'/api/claim/data/:claimName/:claimId': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, claimData ] },
'/api/claim/get/:name/:claimId': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, claimGet ] },
'/api/claim/list/:name': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, claimList ] },
'/api/claim/long-id': { method: 'post', controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, claimLongId ] }, // note: should be a 'get'
'/api/claim/publish': { method: 'post', controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, multipartMiddleware, claimPublish ] },
'/api/claim/resolve/:name/:claimId': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, claimResolve ] },
'/api/claim/short-id/:longId/:name': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, claimShortId ] },
// file routes
app.get('/api/file/availability/:name/:claimId', torCheckMiddleware, fileAvailability);
'/api/file/availability/:name/:claimId': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, fileAvailability ] },
// user routes
app.put('/api/user/password/', torCheckMiddleware, userPassword);
'/api/user/password/': { method: 'put', controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, userPassword ] },
// configs
app.get('/api/config/site/publishing', torCheckMiddleware, publishingConfig);
'/api/config/site/publishing': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, publishingConfig ] },
// tor
app.get('/api/tor', torCheckMiddleware, getTorList);
'/api/tor': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, getTorList ] },
// blocked
app.get('/api/blocked', torCheckMiddleware, getBlockedList);
'/api/blocked': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, getBlockedList ] },
// open embed
app.get('/api/oembed', torCheckMiddleware, getOEmbedData);
'/api/oembed': { controller: [ torCheckMiddleware, getOEmbedData ] },
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
const serveByClaim = require('../../controllers/assets/serveByClaim');
const serveByIdentifierAndClaim = require('../../controllers/assets/serveByIdentifierAndClaim');
module.exports = (app) => {
app.get('/:identifier/:claim', serveByIdentifierAndClaim);
app.get('/:claim', serveByClaim);
// TODO: Adjust build & sources to use import/export everywhere
const Actions = require('@actions').default;
const Sagas = require('@sagas').default;
module.exports = {
'/:identifier/:claim': { controller: serveByIdentifierAndClaim, action: Actions.onHandleShowPageUri, saga: Sagas.handleShowPageUri },
'/:claim': { controller: serveByClaim, action: Actions.onHandleShowPageUri, saga: Sagas.handleShowPageUri },
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ const handleLoginRequest = require('../../controllers/auth/login');
const handleLogoutRequest = require('../../controllers/auth/logout');
const handleUserRequest = require('../../controllers/auth/user');
module.exports = (app) => {
||||'/signup', speechPassport.authenticate('local-signup'), handleSignupRequest);
||||'/login', handleLoginRequest);
app.get('/logout', handleLogoutRequest);
app.get('/user', handleUserRequest);
module.exports = {
'/signup': { method: 'post', controller: [ speechPassport.authenticate('local-signup'), handleSignupRequest ] },
'/login': { method: 'post', controller: handleLoginRequest },
'/logout': { controller: handleLogoutRequest },
'/user': { controller: handleUserRequest },
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const handlePageRequest = require('../../controllers/pages/sendReactApp');
module.exports = (app) => {
app.get('*', handlePageRequest);
module.exports = {
'*': { controller: handlePageRequest, action: 'fallback' },
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
@ -2,14 +2,18 @@ const handlePageRequest = require('../../controllers/pages/sendReactApp');
const handleVideoEmbedRequest = require('../../controllers/pages/sendVideoEmbedPage');
const redirect = require('../../controllers/utils/redirect');
module.exports = (app) => {
app.get('/', handlePageRequest);
app.get('/login', handlePageRequest);
app.get('/about', handlePageRequest);
app.get('/tos', handlePageRequest);
app.get('/trending', redirect('/popular'));
app.get('/popular', handlePageRequest);
app.get('/new', handlePageRequest);
app.get('/multisite', handlePageRequest);
app.get('/video-embed/:name/:claimId', handleVideoEmbedRequest); // for twitter
// TODO: Adjust build & sources to use import/export everywhere
const Actions = require('@actions').default;
const Sagas = require('@sagas').default;
module.exports = {
'/': { controller: handlePageRequest, action: Actions.onHandleShowHomepage, saga: Sagas.handleShowHomepage },
'/login': { controller: handlePageRequest },
'/about': { controller: handlePageRequest },
'/tos': { controller: handlePageRequest },
'/trending': { controller: redirect('/popular') },
'/popular': { controller: handlePageRequest },
'/new': { controller: handlePageRequest },
'/multisite': { controller: handlePageRequest },
'/video-embed/:name/:claimId': { controller: handleVideoEmbedRequest }, // for twitter
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
const { details: { host } } = require('@config/siteConfig');
const chainquery = require('chainquery');
module.exports = async (data) => {
// TODO: Refactor getching the channel name out; requires invasive changes.
const certificateId = data.publisher_id || data.certificateId;
let channelName = data.channelName;
if(certificateId && !channelName) {
channelName = await chainquery.claim.queries.getClaimChannelName(certificateId).catch(()=>{});
return ({
title: data.title,
contentType: data.content_type || data.contentType,
claimId: data.claim_id || data.claimId,
fileExt: data.generated_extension || data.fileExt,
description: data.description,
thumbnail: data.generated_thumbnail || data.thumbnail,
outpoint: data.transaction_hash_id || data.outpoint,
@ -36,9 +36,13 @@ const addAlliasesForSCSS = (aliasObject) => { // scss
module.exports = () => {
let moduleAliases = {};
moduleAliases['chainquery'] = resolve('./server/chainquery/bundle');
moduleAliases['server'] = resolve('./server');
// aliases for configs
moduleAliases['@config'] = resolve(`config`);
moduleAliases['@devConfig'] = resolve(`devConfig`);
moduleAliases['@config'] = resolve('config');
moduleAliases['@devConfig'] = resolve('devConfig');
// create specific aliases for locally defined components in the following folders
moduleAliases = addAliasesForCustomComponentFolder('containers', moduleAliases);
this is only used for database migrations. Not of use to speech. I would ignore this table.