Fillerino 085d099040 Edited code to be ES6, added eslint and some basic linting configuration
Edited code to be ES6, added eslint and some basic linting configuration,(also includes husky for auto eslint before push)
2017-06-17 22:51:30 +02:00

22 lines
870 B

const errorHandlers = require('../helpers/libraries/errorHandlers.js')
const showController = require('../controllers/showController.js')
module.exports = (app, ua, googleAnalyticsId) => {
// route to fetch all free public claims
app.get('/:name/all', ({ params }, res) => {
console.log(`>> GET request on /${params.name}/all`)
// google analytics
ua(googleAnalyticsId, { https: true }).event('Show Routes', '/name/all', `${params.name}/all`).send()
// fetch all free public claims
.then(orderedFreePublicClaims => {
console.log('/:name/all success.')
res.status(200).render('allClaims', { claims: orderedFreePublicClaims })
.catch(error => {
console.log('/:name/all error:', error)
errorHandlers.handleRequestError(error, res)