An image hosting service on top of the LBRY protocol.
Find a file
2018-03-19 18:36:31 -07:00
client updated server file and webpacks 2018-03-19 14:11:05 -07:00
config updated the readme and moved server.js into server folder 2018-03-19 18:18:52 -07:00
devConfig removed non-sensitive config vars from .gitignore 2018-03-19 16:58:15 -07:00
FAQ Create 2018-03-13 20:25:32 +01:00
public Delete 2018-03-19 14:28:19 -07:00
server updated the readme and moved server.js into server folder 2018-03-19 18:18:52 -07:00
test reorganized file system 2018-03-16 10:34:26 -07:00
.eslintignore created public bundle 2018-03-08 13:21:13 -08:00
.eslintrc added standard-jsx to eslint and fixed issues 2018-02-21 17:02:57 -08:00
.gitignore removed non-sensitive config vars from .gitignore 2018-03-19 16:58:15 -07:00
.sequelizerc updated site config files 2018-03-12 19:26:03 -07:00
LICENSE create initial LICENSE file 2018-02-05 12:43:14 -08:00
package-lock.json Edited code to be ES6, added eslint and some basic linting configuration 2017-06-17 22:51:30 +02:00
package.json added server and client production build scripts 2018-03-19 18:28:36 -07:00 fixed readme 2018-03-19 18:36:31 -07:00
webpack.client.common.js updated server file and webpacks 2018-03-19 14:11:05 -07:00
webpack.config.js created build 2018-03-16 13:03:54 -07:00 updated server file and webpacks 2018-03-19 14:11:05 -07:00 created build 2018-03-16 13:03:54 -07:00 updated server file and webpacks 2018-03-19 14:11:05 -07:00 added server and client production build scripts 2018-03-19 18:28:36 -07:00 created build 2018-03-16 13:03:54 -07:00 added server and client production build scripts 2018-03-19 18:28:36 -07:00
webpack.server.common.js added server and client production build scripts 2018-03-19 18:28:36 -07:00 is a web app that reads and publishes images and videos to and from the LBRY blockchain.


  • start mysql
    • install mysql
    • create a database called lbry
    • save your connection username and password someplace handy
  • start lbrynet daemon
    • install the lbry daemon
    • start the lbry daemon
  • start
    • clone this repo
    • run npm install
    • create your own config files in /config
      • copy mysqlConfig.js.example, name it mysqlConfig.js, and update its contents.
      • copy siteConfig.js.example, name it siteConfig.js, and update its contents.
    • build the app by running npm run build
      • for development, npm run build-dev will build the app and continue to listen for changes, building again when a change is made.
    • to start the server, run npm run start
      • for development, npm run start-dev will start the server and continue to listen for changes, restarting the server again whenever a change is made.
      • for production, pm2 is a great tool for starting and managing node processes
  • visit localhost:3000 and check out your app!
  • start (optional, recommended)
    • Note: this tool will decode blocks from the lbry blockchain and update the Claim and Certificate tables in mysql with all the claims from the blockchain. This is not necessary if you only want to host and resolve content published through your version of, but it is required if you want to retrieve and host other content from the lbry network.
    • install and run this speech-sync tool

Development & App Structure

  • the client/ folder houses all of the react and redux code
    • client.js is the entry point for the react app
    • react components are located in client/components, client/containers, and client/pages
      • /components contains the 'dumb' components that receive props (if any) from their parents
      • /containers contains the 'smart' redux-connected components that receive props from the redux-store
      • /pages contains the components which act as the main pages of the app
    • actions are located in the client/actions folder
    • reducers are located in the client/reducers folder
    • sagas are located in the client/sagas folder
  • the server/ folder contains all of server code
    • server.js is the entry point for the server. It creates the express app, requires the routes, syncs the database, and starts the server listening on the PORT designated in the config file. This file is the entry point for webpack to build the server bundle.
    • the /routes folder contains all of the routes for the express app
    • the /models folder contains all of the models which the app uses to interact with the mysql database. Note: this app uses the sequelize orm.
  • webpack
    • During the build process, webpack creates two bundles for this project:
      • (1) a client-side app bundle which will be located at public/bundle/bundle.js
      • (2) a server bundle which will be located at index.js
  • configuration
    • the config/ folder contains all of the required config files. The project contains .example files which can be copied to create the necessary .js files
    • the devConfig/ folder contains optional config files. Updating these files is not necessary. If you update these files, make sure to add them to your .gitignore file so they are not included in source control.


  • uses mocha with chai for testing.
  • To run all tests that do not require LBC, run npm test -- --grep @usesLbc --invert
  • To run all tests, including those that require LBC (like publishing), simply run npm test



  • /api/claim/resolve/:name/:claimId
    • example: curl
  • /api/claim/list/:name
    • example: curl
  • /api/claim/availability/:name
    • returns the name if it is available
    • example: curl
  • /api/channel/availability/:name
    • returns the name if it is available
    • example: curl


  • /api/claim/publish
    • example: curl -F 'name=MyPictureName' -F 'file=@/path/to/myPicture.jpeg'
    • Parameters:
      • name (required)
      • file (required) (must be type .mp4, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, or .png)
      • nsfw (optional)
      • license (optional)
      • title (optional)
      • description (optional)
      • thumbnail url to thumbnail image, for .mp4 uploads only (optional)
      • channelName(optional)
      • channelPassword (optional,; required if channelName is provided)


If you find a bug or experience a problem, please report your issue here on github and find us in the lbry discord!