2017-05-31 16:44:45 -07:00

106 lines
3.2 KiB

module.exports = function(app) {
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('socket.io')(http);
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var lbryApi = require('../helpers/lbryApi.js');
var files = {}; // for the socket uploader
// functions to create a publishing object
function createPublishObject(fileInfo, filePath){
var publishObject = {
"params": {
"name": fileInfo.name,
"file_path": filePath,
"bid": 0.1,
"metadata": {
"description": fileInfo.description,
"title": fileInfo.title,
"author": fileInfo.author,
"language": fileInfo.language,
"license": fileInfo.license,
"nsfw": (fileInfo.nsfw.toLowerCase() === "true")
return publishObject;
// publish an image to lbry
function publish(data, filePath){
// 1. receive the file
// 2. create the publish object
var publishObject = createPublishObject(data, filePath);
// 3. post the task to the que
type: 'publish',
data: publishObject
io.on('connection', function(socket){
console.log('a user connected');
console.log("files", files)
// socket listener for starting an upload
socket.on('upload-start', function(data){ // data contains the variables that we passed from the client
console.log("files", files)
var name = data['name'];
files[name] = { // create a new entry in the files object
fileSize: data['size'],
data: '',
downloaded: 0
var place = 0;
try { // if its a file we already tried
var stat = fs.statSync('Temp/' + name);
if (stat.isFile()) {
files[name]['downloaded'] = stat.size;
place = stat.size / 524288;
} catch(er) {}; // if it's a new file
fs.open("Temp/" + name, "a", 0755, function(err, fd){
if (err) {
console.log("err:", err);
} else {
files[name]['handler'] = fd; // store the handler so we can write to it later
socket.emit('moreData', {'place': place, percent: 0 });
socket.on('upload', function(data){
console.log("files", files)
var name = data['name'];
files[name]['downloaded'] += data['data'].length;
files[name]['data'] += data['data'];
if (files[name]['downloaded'] == files[name]['fileSize']) {
fs.write(files[name]['handler'], files[name]['data'], null, 'binary', function(err, writen){
// get thumnail here
} else if (files[name]['data'].length > 10485760) { // if data buffer reaches 10mb
fs.write(files[name]['handler'], files[name]['data'], null, 'Binary', function(err, writen){
files[name]['data'] = "" // reset the buffer
var place = files[name]['donwladed'] / 524288;
var percent = (files[name]['downloaded'] / files[Name]['fileSize']) * 100;
socket.emit('moreData', {'place': place, 'percent': percent});
} else {
var place = file[name]['downloaded'] / 524288;
var percent = (files[name]['downloaded'] / files[name]['fileSize']) * 100;
socket.emit('moreData', {'place': place, 'percent': percent});
// handle disconnect
socket.on('disconnect', function(){
console.log('user disconnected');
return http;