65 lines
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65 lines
2.6 KiB
import { call, put, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import * as actions from 'constants/show_action_types';
import { onRequestError, onNewChannelRequest, onNewAssetRequest } from 'actions/show';
import { newAssetRequest } from 'sagas/show_asset';
import { newChannelRequest } from 'sagas/show_channel';
import lbryUri from 'utils/lbryUri';
function * parseAndUpdateIdentifierAndClaim (modifier, claim) {
console.log('modifier:', modifier);
console.log('claim:', claim);
// this is a request for an asset
// claim will be an asset claim
// the identifier could be a channel or a claim id
let isChannel, channelName, channelClaimId, claimId, claimName, extension;
try {
({ isChannel, channelName, channelClaimId, claimId } = lbryUri.parseIdentifier(modifier));
({ claimName, extension } = lbryUri.parseClaim(claim));
} catch (error) {
return yield put(onRequestError(error.message));
// trigger an new action to update the store
if (isChannel) {
return yield call(newAssetRequest, onNewAssetRequest(claimName, null, channelName, channelClaimId, extension));
yield call(newAssetRequest, onNewAssetRequest(claimName, claimId, null, null, extension));
function * parseAndUpdateClaimOnly (claim) {
// this could be a request for an asset or a channel page
// claim could be an asset claim or a channel claim
let isChannel, channelName, channelClaimId;
try {
({ isChannel, channelName, channelClaimId } = lbryUri.parseIdentifier(claim));
} catch (error) {
return yield put(onRequestError(error.message));
// trigger an new action to update the store
// return early if this request is for a channel
if (isChannel) {
return yield call(newChannelRequest, onNewChannelRequest(channelName, channelClaimId));
// if not for a channel, parse the claim request
let claimName, extension;
try {
({claimName, extension} = lbryUri.parseClaim(claim));
} catch (error) {
return yield put(onRequestError(error.message));
yield call(newAssetRequest, onNewAssetRequest(claimName, null, null, null, extension));
export function * handleShowPageUri (action) {
console.log('action:', action);
const { identifier, claim } = action.data;
if (identifier) {
return yield call(parseAndUpdateIdentifierAndClaim, identifier, claim);
yield call(parseAndUpdateClaimOnly, claim);
export function * watchHandleShowPageUri () {
yield takeLatest(actions.HANDLE_SHOW_URI, handleShowPageUri);