
147 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-09-18 11:13:11 -07:00
{{- if .Table.IsJoinTable -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $dot := . -}}
2016-09-18 16:49:18 -07:00
{{- range .Table.ToOneRelationships -}}
{{- $txt := txtsFromOneToOne $dot.Tables $dot.Table . -}}
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
{{- $varNameSingular := .Table | singular | camelCase -}}
{{- $foreignVarNameSingular := .ForeignTable | singular | camelCase -}}
{{- $foreignPKeyCols := (getTable $dot.Tables .ForeignTable).PKey.Columns -}}
{{- $foreignSchemaTable := .ForeignTable | $dot.SchemaTable}}
// Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}G of the {{.Table | singular}} to the related item.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to related.
// Adds o to related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}.
// Uses the global database handle.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}G(insert bool, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) error {
return o.Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}(boil.GetDB(), insert, related)
// Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}P of the {{.Table | singular}} to the related item.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to related.
// Adds o to related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}.
// Panics on error.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}P(exec boil.Executor, insert bool, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) {
if err := o.Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}(exec, insert, related); err != nil {
// Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}GP of the {{.Table | singular}} to the related item.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to related.
// Adds o to related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}.
// Uses the global database handle and panics on error.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}GP(insert bool, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) {
if err := o.Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}(boil.GetDB(), insert, related); err != nil {
2016-09-18 16:02:08 -07:00
// Set{{$txt.Function.Name}} of the {{.Table | singular}} to the related item.
2016-09-21 13:37:28 +10:00
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to related.
// Adds o to related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Executor, insert bool, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) error {
var err error
if insert {
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
related.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}} = o.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}}
{{if .ForeignColumnNullable -}}
related.{{$txt.ForeignTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = true
{{- end}}
if err = related.Insert(exec); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to insert into foreign table")
} else {
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
updateQuery := fmt.Sprintf(
"UPDATE {{$foreignSchemaTable}} SET %s WHERE %s",
strmangle.SetParamNames("{{$dot.LQ}}", "{{$dot.RQ}}", {{if $dot.Dialect.IndexPlaceholders}}1{{else}}0{{end}}, []string{{"{"}}"{{.ForeignColumn}}"{{"}"}}),
strmangle.WhereClause("{{$dot.LQ}}", "{{$dot.RQ}}", {{if $dot.Dialect.IndexPlaceholders}}2{{else}}0{{end}}, {{$foreignVarNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns),
values := []interface{}{o.{{$txt.LocalTable.ColumnNameGo}}, related.{{$foreignPKeyCols | stringMap $dot.StringFuncs.titleCase | join ", related."}}{{"}"}}
if boil.DebugMode {
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, updateQuery)
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, values)
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
if _, err = exec.Exec(updateQuery, values...); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update foreign table")
2016-09-18 17:43:44 -07:00
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
related.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}} = o.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}}
{{if .ForeignColumnNullable -}}
related.{{$txt.ForeignTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = true
{{- end}}
2016-08-26 22:43:50 -07:00
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
2016-09-21 13:37:28 +10:00
if o.R == nil {
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
o.R = &{{$varNameSingular}}R{
2016-09-18 11:13:11 -07:00
{{$txt.Function.Name}}: related,
} else {
2016-09-21 13:37:28 +10:00
o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} = related
2016-08-26 22:43:50 -07:00
if related.R == nil {
2016-09-24 14:34:31 -07:00
related.R = &{{$foreignVarNameSingular}}R{
2016-09-21 13:37:28 +10:00
{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}: o,
} else {
2016-09-21 13:37:28 +10:00
related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}} = o
return nil
2016-08-25 23:50:45 -07:00
2016-09-18 17:43:44 -07:00
{{- if .ForeignColumnNullable}}
// Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}G relationship.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to nil.
// Removes o from all passed in related items' relationships struct (Optional).
// Uses the global database handle.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}G(related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) error {
return o.Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}(boil.GetDB(), related)
// Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}P relationship.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to nil.
// Removes o from all passed in related items' relationships struct (Optional).
// Panics on error.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}P(exec boil.Executor, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) {
if err := o.Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}(exec, related); err != nil {
// Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}GP relationship.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to nil.
// Removes o from all passed in related items' relationships struct (Optional).
// Uses the global database handle and panics on error.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}GP(related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) {
if err := o.Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}(boil.GetDB(), related); err != nil {
2016-09-18 11:13:11 -07:00
// Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}} relationship.
2016-09-21 13:37:28 +10:00
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to nil.
// Removes o from all passed in related items' relationships struct (Optional).
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Executor, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) error {
var err error
2016-09-18 17:43:44 -07:00
related.{{$txt.ForeignTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = false
if err = related.Update(exec, "{{.ForeignColumn}}"); err != nil {
related.{{$txt.ForeignTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = true
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update local table")
2016-09-21 13:37:28 +10:00
o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} = nil
if related == nil || related.R == nil {
return nil
2016-08-31 21:38:25 -07:00
2016-09-18 11:13:11 -07:00
related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}} = nil
return nil
2016-08-25 23:50:45 -07:00
{{end -}}{{/* if foreignkey nullable */}}
2016-09-18 11:13:11 -07:00
{{- end -}}{{/* range */}}
{{- end -}}{{/* join table */}}