Change text helpers to use refactored func naming

- This cleans up the function naming so it's easier to follow in all
  cases. Provides better tests for the same.
This commit is contained in:
Aaron L 2016-09-21 23:36:29 -07:00
parent 14c5e5f149
commit 093db148e3
3 changed files with 193 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ func (o *{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Set{{$rel.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Executo
{{if .ToJoinTable -}}
remove{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}From{{$rel.ForeignTable.NameGo}}Slice(o, related)
remove{{$rel.Function.Name}}From{{$rel.Function.ForeignName}}Slice(o, related)
o.R.{{$rel.Function.Name}} = nil
{{else -}}
if o.R != nil {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (o *{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Remove{{$rel.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Exec
{{end -}}
{{if .ToJoinTable -}}
remove{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}From{{$rel.ForeignTable.NameGo}}Slice(o, related)
remove{{$rel.Function.Name}}From{{$rel.Function.ForeignName}}Slice(o, related)
{{end -}}
if o.R == nil {
return nil
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (o *{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Remove{{$rel.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Exec
{{if .ToJoinTable -}}
func remove{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}From{{$rel.ForeignTable.NameGo}}Slice(o *{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}, related []*{{$rel.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) {
func remove{{$rel.Function.Name}}From{{$rel.Function.ForeignName}}Slice(o *{{$rel.LocalTable.NameGo}}, related []*{{$rel.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) {
for _, rel := range related {
if rel.R == nil {

View file

@ -50,12 +50,7 @@ func txtsFromFKey(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, fkey bdb.ForeignKey) TxtT
r.ForeignTable.ColumnName = fkey.ForeignColumn
r.ForeignTable.ColumnNameGo = strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Singular(fkey.ForeignColumn))
r.Function.Name = strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Singular(trimSuffixes(fkey.Column)))
plurality := strmangle.Plural
if fkey.Unique {
plurality = strmangle.Singular
r.Function.ForeignName = mkFunctionName(strmangle.Singular(fkey.ForeignTable), strmangle.TitleCase(plurality(fkey.Table)), fkey.Column, false)
r.Function.Name, r.Function.ForeignName = txtNameToOne(fkey)
r.Function.Varname = strmangle.CamelCase(strmangle.Singular(fkey.ForeignTable))
if fkey.Nullable {
@ -102,8 +97,7 @@ func txtsFromOneToOne(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, oneToOne bdb.ToOneRel
rel.ForeignKey.Nullable, rel.ForeignKey.ForeignColumnNullable = rel.ForeignKey.ForeignColumnNullable, rel.ForeignKey.Nullable
rel.ForeignKey.Unique, rel.ForeignKey.ForeignColumnUnique = rel.ForeignKey.ForeignColumnUnique, rel.ForeignKey.Unique
rel.Function.Name = strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Singular(oneToOne.ForeignTable))
rel.Function.ForeignName = mkFunctionName(strmangle.Singular(oneToOne.Table), strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Singular(oneToOne.Table)), oneToOne.ForeignColumn, false)
rel.Function.Name, rel.Function.ForeignName = rel.Function.ForeignName, rel.Function.Name
rel.Function.UsesBytes = col.Type == "[]byte"
return rel
@ -151,14 +145,7 @@ func txtsFromToMany(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, rel bdb.ToManyRelations
r.ForeignTable.Slice = fmt.Sprintf("%sSlice", strmangle.TitleCase(r.ForeignTable.NameSingular))
r.ForeignTable.NameHumanReadable = strings.Replace(rel.ForeignTable, "_", " ", -1)
r.Function.Name = mkFunctionName(r.LocalTable.NameSingular, r.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo, rel.ForeignColumn, rel.ToJoinTable)
plurality := strmangle.Singular
foreignNamingColumn := rel.ForeignColumn
if rel.ToJoinTable {
plurality = strmangle.Plural
foreignNamingColumn = rel.JoinLocalColumn
r.Function.ForeignName = strmangle.TitleCase(plurality(trimSuffixes(foreignNamingColumn)))
r.Function.Name, r.Function.ForeignName = txtNameToMany(rel)
col := table.GetColumn(rel.Column)
if rel.Nullable {
@ -180,6 +167,99 @@ func txtsFromToMany(tables []bdb.Table, table bdb.Table, rel bdb.ToManyRelations
return r
// txtNameToOne creates the local and foreign function names for
// one-to-many and one-to-one relationships, where local == lhs (one).
// = many-to-one
// users - videos : user_id
// users - videos : producer_id
// fk == table = user.Videos | video.User
// fk != table = user.ProducerVideos | video.Producer
// = many-to-one
// industries - industries : parent_id
// fk == table = industry.Industries | industry.Industry
// fk != table = industry.ParentIndustries | industry.Parent
// = one-to-one
// users - videos : user_id
// users - videos : producer_id
// fk == table = user.Video | video.User
// fk != table = user.ProducerVideo | video.Producer
// = one-to-one
// industries - industries : parent_id
// fk == table = industry.Industry | industry.Industry
// fk != table = industry.ParentIndustry | industry.Industry
func txtNameToOne(fk bdb.ForeignKey) (localFn, foreignFn string) {
localFn = trimSuffixes(fk.Column)
fkeyIsTableName := localFn != strmangle.Singular(fk.ForeignTable)
localFn = strmangle.TitleCase(localFn)
if fkeyIsTableName {
foreignFn = localFn
plurality := strmangle.Plural
if fk.Unique {
plurality = strmangle.Singular
foreignFn += strmangle.TitleCase(plurality(fk.Table))
return localFn, foreignFn
// txtNameToMany creates the local and foreign function names for
// many-to-one and many-to-many relationship, where local == lhs (many)
// cases:
// = many-to-many
// sponsors - constests
// sponsor_id contest_id
// fk == table = sponsor.Contests | contest.Sponsors
// = many-to-many
// sponsors - constests
// wiggle_id jiggle_id
// fk != table = sponsor.JiggleSponsors | contest.WiggleContests
// = many-to-many
// industries - industries
// industry_id mapped_industry_id
// fk == table = industry.Industries
// fk != table = industry.MappedIndustryIndustry
func txtNameToMany(toMany bdb.ToManyRelationship) (localFn, foreignFn string) {
if toMany.ToJoinTable {
localFkey := trimSuffixes(toMany.JoinLocalColumn)
foreignFkey := trimSuffixes(toMany.JoinForeignColumn)
if localFkey != strmangle.Singular(toMany.Table) {
foreignFn = strmangle.TitleCase(localFkey)
foreignFn += strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Plural(toMany.Table))
if foreignFkey != strmangle.Singular(toMany.ForeignTable) {
localFn = strmangle.TitleCase(foreignFkey)
localFn += strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Plural(toMany.ForeignTable))
return localFn, foreignFn
fkeyName := trimSuffixes(toMany.ForeignColumn)
if fkeyName != strmangle.Singular(toMany.Table) {
localFn = strmangle.TitleCase(fkeyName)
localFn += strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Plural(toMany.ForeignTable))
foreignFn = strmangle.TitleCase(strmangle.Singular(fkeyName))
return localFn, foreignFn
// mkFunctionName checks to see if the foreign key name is the same as the local table name (minus _id suffix)
// Simple case: yes - we can name the function the same as the plural table name
// Not simple case: We have to name the function based off the foreign key and the foreign table name

View file

@ -170,6 +170,100 @@ func TestTxtsFromMany(t *testing.T) {
func TestTxtNameToOne(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Table string
Column string
Unique bool
ForeignTable string
ForeignColumn string
ForeignColumnUnique bool
LocalFn string
ForeignFn string
{"jets", "airport_id", false, "airports", "id", true, "Airport", "Jets"},
{"jets", "airport_id", true, "airports", "id", true, "Airport", "Jet"},
{"jets", "holiday_id", false, "airports", "id", true, "Holiday", "HolidayJets"},
{"jets", "holiday_id", true, "airports", "id", true, "Holiday", "HolidayJet"},
{"jets", "holiday_airport_id", false, "airports", "id", true, "HolidayAirport", "HolidayAirportJets"},
{"jets", "holiday_airport_id", true, "airports", "id", true, "HolidayAirport", "HolidayAirportJet"},
{"jets", "jet_id", false, "jets", "id", true, "Jet", "Jets"},
{"jets", "jet_id", true, "jets", "id", true, "Jet", "Jet"},
{"jets", "plane_id", false, "jets", "id", true, "Plane", "PlaneJets"},
{"jets", "plane_id", true, "jets", "id", true, "Plane", "PlaneJet"},
for i, test := range tests {
fk := bdb.ForeignKey{
Table: test.Table, Column: test.Column, Unique: test.Unique,
ForeignTable: test.ForeignTable, ForeignColumn: test.ForeignColumn, ForeignColumnUnique: test.ForeignColumnUnique,
local, foreign := txtNameToOne(fk)
if local != test.LocalFn {
t.Error(i, "local wrong:", local, "want:", test.LocalFn)
if foreign != test.ForeignFn {
t.Error(i, "foreign wrong:", foreign, "want:", test.ForeignFn)
func TestTxtNameToMany(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Table string
Column string
ForeignTable string
ForeignColumn string
ToJoinTable bool
JoinLocalColumn string
JoinForeignColumn string
LocalFn string
ForeignFn string
{"airports", "id", "jets", "airport_id", false, "", "", "Jets", "Airport"},
{"airports", "id", "jets", "holiday_airport_id", false, "", "", "HolidayAirportJets", "HolidayAirport"},
{"jets", "id", "jets", "jet_id", false, "", "", "Jets", "Jet"},
{"jets", "id", "jets", "plane_id", false, "", "", "PlaneJets", "Plane"},
{"pilots", "id", "languages", "id", true, "pilot_id", "language_id", "Languages", "Pilots"},
{"pilots", "id", "languages", "id", true, "captain_id", "lingo_id", "LingoLanguages", "CaptainPilots"},
{"pilots", "id", "pilots", "id", true, "pilot_id", "mentor_id", "MentorPilots", "Pilots"},
{"pilots", "id", "pilots", "id", true, "mentor_id", "pilot_id", "Pilots", "MentorPilots"},
{"pilots", "id", "pilots", "id", true, "captain_id", "mentor_id", "MentorPilots", "CaptainPilots"},
for i, test := range tests {
fk := bdb.ToManyRelationship{
Table: test.Table, Column: test.Column,
ForeignTable: test.ForeignTable, ForeignColumn: test.ForeignColumn,
ToJoinTable: test.ToJoinTable,
JoinLocalColumn: test.JoinLocalColumn, JoinForeignColumn: test.JoinForeignColumn,
local, foreign := txtNameToMany(fk)
if local != test.LocalFn {
t.Error(i, "local wrong:", local, "want:", test.LocalFn)
if foreign != test.ForeignFn {
t.Error(i, "foreign wrong:", foreign, "want:", test.ForeignFn)
func TestTrimSuffixes(t *testing.T) {