- function variations, query mods, query building sections - remove useless toml tags
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 106 additions and 28 deletions
@ -162,10 +162,13 @@ not to pass them through the command line or environment variables:
| Name | Default |
| --- | --- |
| base_dir | none |
| pkg_name | "models" |
| out_folder| "models" |
| exclude | [ ] |
| basedir | none |
| pkgname | "models" |
| output | "models" |
| exclude | [ ] |
| debug | false |
| no-hooks | false |
| no-auto-timestamps | false |
@ -238,7 +241,7 @@ If you're still stuck and/or you think you've found a bug, feel free to leave an
## Features & Examples
All examples in this section will be demonstrated using the following schema, structs and variables:
Most examples in this section will be demonstrated using the following schema, structs and variables:
@ -276,17 +279,19 @@ ALTER TABLE pilot_languages ADD CONSTRAINT pilots_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pilot_id) RE
ALTER TABLE pilot_languages ADD CONSTRAINT languages_fkey FOREIGN KEY (language_id) REFERENCES languages(id);
The generated model structs for this schema look like the following:
The generated model structs for this schema look like the following. Note that I've included the relationship
structs as well so you can see how it all pieces together, but these are unexported and not something you should
ever need to touch directly:
type Pilot struct {
ID int `boil:"id" json:"id" toml:"id" yaml:"id"`
Name string `boil:"name" json:"name" toml:"name" yaml:"name"`
R *PilotR `boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
R *pilotR `boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
type PilotR struct {
type pilotR struct {
Licenses LicenseSlice
Languages LanguageSlice
Jets JetSlice
@ -297,10 +302,10 @@ type Jet struct {
PilotID int `boil:"pilot_id" json:"pilot_id" toml:"pilot_id" yaml:"pilot_id"`
Name string `boil:"name" json:"name" toml:"name" yaml:"name"`
R *JetR `boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
R *jetR `boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
type JetR struct {
type jetR struct {
Pilot *Pilot
@ -308,10 +313,10 @@ type Language struct {
ID int `boil:"id" json:"id" toml:"id" yaml:"id"`
Language string `boil:"language" json:"language" toml:"language" yaml:"language"`
R *LanguageR `boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
R *languageR `boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
type LanguageR struct {
type languageR struct {
Pilots PilotSlice
@ -326,9 +331,82 @@ if err != nil {
### Query Building
We generate "Opener" methods for you ( in the form Videos())
We generate "Starter" methods for you. These methods are named as the plural versions of your model,
for example: `models.Jets()`. Starter methods are used to build queries using our
[Query Mod System](#query-mod-system). They take a collection of [Query Mods](#query-mod-system)
as parameters, and end with a call to a [Finisher](#finishers) method.
Here are a few examples:
// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pilots;
count, err := models.Pilots().Count()
// SELECT * FROM "pilots" LIMIT 5;
pilots, err := models.Pilots(qm.Limit(5)).All()
// DELETE FROM "pilots" WHERE "id"=$1;
err := models.Pilots(qm.Where("id=?", 1)).DeleteAll()
As you can see, [Query Mods](#query-mods) allow you to modify your queries, and [Finishers](#finishers)
allow you to execute the final action.
### Query Mod System
The query mod system allows you to modify queries created with [Starter](#query-building) methods
when performing query building. Here is a list of all of your generated query mods using examples:
// Dot import so we can access query mods directly instead of prefixing with "qm."
import . ""
// Use a raw query against a generated struct (Pilot in this example)
// If this query mod exists in your call, it will override the others.
// "?" placeholders are not supported here, use "$1, $2" etc.
SQL("select * from pilots where id=$1", 10)
models.Pilots(SQL("select * from pilots where id=$1", 10)).All()
Select("id", "name") // Select specific columns.
From("pilots as p") // Specify the FROM table manually, can be useful for doing complex queries.
// WHERE clause building
Where("name=?", "John")
And("age=?", 24)
Or("height=?", 183)
// WHERE IN clause building
WhereIn("name, age in ?", "John" 24, "Tim", 33) // Generates: WHERE ("name","age") IN (($1,$2),($3,$4))
AndIn("weight in ?", 84)
OrIn("height in ?", 183, 177, 204)
InnerJoin("pilots p on jets.pilot_id=?", 10)
OrderBy("age, height")
Having("count(jets) > 2")
// Explicit locking
For("update nowait")
// Eager Loading -- Load takes the relationship name, ie the struct field name of the
// Relationship struct field you want to load.
Load("Languages") // If it's a ToOne relationship it's in singular form, ToMany is plural.
Note: We don't force you to break queries apart like this if you don't want to, the following
is also valid and supported by query mods that take a clause:
Where("(name=? OR age=?) AND height=?", "John", 24, 183)
### Function Variations
You will find that most functions have the following variations. We've used the
@ -346,7 +424,7 @@ err := pilot.DeleteG() // Global variant, uses the globally set db handle (boil
pilot.DeleteGP() // Global&Panic variant, combines the global db handle and panic on error.
Note that it's slightly different for the query building openers----...
Note that it's slightly different for the query building starters----...
### Automatic CreatedAt/UpdatedAt
@ -2,23 +2,23 @@ package main
// Config for the running of the commands
type Config struct {
DriverName string `toml:"driver_name"`
PkgName string `toml:"pkg_name"`
OutFolder string `toml:"out_folder"`
BaseDir string `toml:"base_dir"`
ExcludeTables []string `toml:"exclude"`
NoHooks bool `toml:"no_hooks"`
NoAutoTimestamps bool `toml:"no_auto_timestamps"`
DriverName string
PkgName string
OutFolder string
BaseDir string
ExcludeTables []string
NoHooks bool
NoAutoTimestamps bool
Postgres PostgresConfig `toml:"postgres"`
Postgres PostgresConfig
// PostgresConfig configures a postgres database
type PostgresConfig struct {
User string `toml:"user"`
Pass string `toml:"pass"`
Host string `toml:"host"`
Port int `toml:"port"`
DBName string `toml:"dbname"`
SSLMode string `toml:"sslmode"`
User string
Pass string
Host string
Port int
DBName string
SSLMode string
Add table
Reference in a new issue