Add to_many relationships as a first class citizen
- to_many relationships are now cached on the table data structure - to_many relationships now know if any columns involved are nullable
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 319 additions and 62 deletions
@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ func Tables(db Interface, names ...string) ([]Table, error) {
tables = append(tables, t)
for i := range tables {
tbl := &tables[i]
setRelationships(tbl, tables)
return tables, nil
@ -102,3 +107,7 @@ func setForeignKeyNullability(t *Table) {
t.FKeys[i].Nullable = t.Columns[found].Nullable
func setRelationships(t *Table, tables []Table) {
t.ToManyRelationships = toManyRelationships(*t, tables)
@ -11,32 +11,38 @@ func (t testInterface) TableNames() ([]string, error) {
return []string{"table1", "table2"}, nil
func (t testInterface) Columns(tableName string) ([]Column, error) {
return []Column{
var testCols = []Column{
Column{Name: "col1", Type: "character varying"},
Column{Name: "col2", Type: "character varying", Nullable: true},
}, nil
func (t testInterface) Columns(tableName string) ([]Column, error) {
return testCols, nil
var testPkey = &PrimaryKey{Name: "pkey1", Columns: []string{"col1", "col2"}}
func (t testInterface) PrimaryKeyInfo(tableName string) (*PrimaryKey, error) {
return &PrimaryKey{Name: "pkey1", Columns: []string{"col1", "col2"}}, nil
return testPkey, nil
func (t testInterface) ForeignKeyInfo(tableName string) ([]ForeignKey, error) {
return []ForeignKey{
var testFkeys = []ForeignKey{
Name: "fkey1",
Column: "col1",
ForeignTable: "table3",
ForeignColumn: "col3",
ForeignTable: "table2",
ForeignColumn: "col2",
Name: "fkey2",
Column: "col2",
ForeignTable: "table3",
ForeignColumn: "col3",
ForeignTable: "table1",
ForeignColumn: "col1",
}, nil
func (t testInterface) ForeignKeyInfo(tableName string) ([]ForeignKey, error) {
return testFkeys, nil
func (t testInterface) TranslateColumnType(column Column) Column {
@ -62,42 +68,27 @@ func TestTables(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Expected len 2, got: %d\n", len(tables))
expectCols := []Column{
Column{Name: "col1", Type: "string"},
Column{Name: "col2", Type: "string", Nullable: true},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tables[0].Columns, expectCols) {
t.Errorf("Did not get expected columns, got:\n%#v\n%#v", tables[0].Columns, expectCols)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tables[0].Columns, testCols) {
t.Errorf("Did not get expected columns, got:\n%#v\n%#v", tables[0].Columns, testCols)
if !tables[0].IsJoinTable || !tables[1].IsJoinTable {
t.Errorf("Expected IsJoinTable to be true")
expectPkey := &PrimaryKey{Name: "pkey1", Columns: []string{"col1", "col2"}}
expectFkey := []ForeignKey{
Name: "fkey1",
Column: "col1",
ForeignTable: "table3",
ForeignColumn: "col3",
Name: "fkey2",
Column: "col2",
ForeignTable: "table3",
ForeignColumn: "col3",
Nullable: true,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tables[0].PKey, testPkey) {
t.Errorf("Did not get expected PKey, got:\n#%v\n%#v", tables[0].PKey, testPkey)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tables[0].FKeys, expectFkey) {
t.Errorf("Did not get expected Fkey, got:\n%#v\n%#v", tables[0].FKeys, expectFkey)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tables[0].FKeys, testFkeys) {
t.Errorf("Did not get expected Fkey, got:\n%#v\n%#v", tables[0].FKeys, testFkeys)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tables[0].PKey, expectPkey) {
t.Errorf("Did not get expected PKey, got:\n#%v\n%#v", tables[0].PKey, expectPkey)
if len(tables[0].ToManyRelationships) != 1 {
t.Error("wanted a to many relationship")
if len(tables[1].ToManyRelationships) != 1 {
t.Error("wanted a to many relationship")
@ -161,3 +152,47 @@ func TestSetForeignKeyNullability(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("should be nullable")
func TestSetRelationships(t *testing.T) {
tables := []Table{
Name: "one",
Columns: []Column{
Column{Name: "id", Type: "string"},
Name: "other",
Columns: []Column{
Column{Name: "other_id", Type: "string"},
FKeys: []ForeignKey{{Column: "other_id", ForeignTable: "one", ForeignColumn: "id", Nullable: true}},
setRelationships(&tables[0], tables)
setRelationships(&tables[1], tables)
if got := len(tables[0].ToManyRelationships); got != 1 {
t.Error("should have a relationship:", got)
if got := len(tables[1].ToManyRelationships); got != 0 {
t.Error("should have no to many relationships:", got)
rel := tables[0].ToManyRelationships[0]
if rel.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong column:", rel.Column)
if rel.ForeignTable != "other" {
t.Error("wrong table:", rel.ForeignTable)
if rel.ForeignColumn != "other_id" {
t.Error("wrong column:", rel.ForeignColumn)
if rel.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("should not be a join table")
@ -5,60 +5,82 @@ package bdb
// in the local table.
type ToManyRelationship struct {
Column string
Nullable bool
ForeignTable string
ForeignColumn string
ForeignColumnNullable bool
ToJoinTable bool
JoinTable string
JoinLocalColumn string
JoinLocalColumnNullable bool
JoinForeignColumn string
JoinForeignColumnNullable bool
// ToManyRelationships relationship lookups
// Input should be the sql name of a table like: videos
func ToManyRelationships(table string, tables []Table) []ToManyRelationship {
localTable := GetTable(tables, table)
return toManyRelationships(localTable, tables)
func toManyRelationships(table Table, tables []Table) []ToManyRelationship {
var relationships []ToManyRelationship
for _, t := range tables {
if t.Name == table {
if t.Name == table.Name {
for _, f := range t.FKeys {
if f.ForeignTable != table {
if f.ForeignTable != table.Name {
relationships = append(relationships, buildRelationship(table, f, t))
relationships = append(relationships, buildRelationship(table, f, t, tables))
return relationships
func buildRelationship(localTable string, foreignKey ForeignKey, foreignTable Table) ToManyRelationship {
func buildRelationship(localTable Table, foreignKey ForeignKey, foreignTable Table, tables []Table) ToManyRelationship {
if !foreignTable.IsJoinTable {
col := localTable.GetColumn(foreignKey.ForeignColumn)
return ToManyRelationship{
Column: foreignKey.ForeignColumn,
Nullable: col.Nullable,
ForeignTable: foreignTable.Name,
ForeignColumn: foreignKey.Column,
ToJoinTable: foreignTable.IsJoinTable,
ForeignColumnNullable: foreignKey.Nullable,
ToJoinTable: false,
col := foreignTable.GetColumn(foreignKey.Column)
relationship := ToManyRelationship{
Column: foreignKey.ForeignColumn,
Nullable: col.Nullable,
ToJoinTable: true,
JoinTable: foreignTable.Name,
for _, fk := range foreignTable.FKeys {
if fk.ForeignTable != localTable {
if fk.ForeignTable != localTable.Name {
relationship.JoinForeignColumn = fk.Column
relationship.JoinForeignColumnNullable = fk.Nullable
foreignTable := GetTable(tables, fk.ForeignTable)
foreignCol := foreignTable.GetColumn(fk.ForeignColumn)
relationship.ForeignTable = fk.ForeignTable
relationship.ForeignColumn = fk.ForeignColumn
relationship.ForeignColumnNullable = foreignCol.Nullable
} else {
relationship.JoinLocalColumn = fk.Column
relationship.JoinLocalColumnNullable = fk.Nullable
@ -6,8 +6,15 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
tables := []Table{
Table{Name: "users", Columns: []Column{{Name: "id"}}},
Table{Name: "contests", Columns: []Column{{Name: "id"}}},
Name: "videos",
Columns: []Column{
{Name: "id"},
{Name: "user_id"},
{Name: "contest_id"},
FKeys: []ForeignKey{
{Name: "videos_user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id"},
{Name: "videos_contest_id_fk", Column: "contest_id", ForeignTable: "contests", ForeignColumn: "id"},
@ -15,6 +22,10 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
Name: "notifications",
Columns: []Column{
{Name: "user_id"},
{Name: "source_id"},
FKeys: []ForeignKey{
{Name: "notifications_user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id"},
{Name: "notifications_source_id_fk", Column: "source_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id"},
@ -23,6 +34,10 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
Name: "users_video_tags",
IsJoinTable: true,
Columns: []Column{
{Name: "user_id"},
{Name: "video_id"},
FKeys: []ForeignKey{
{Name: "user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id"},
{Name: "video_id_fk", Column: "video_id", ForeignTable: "videos", ForeignColumn: "id"},
@ -39,12 +54,18 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if r.Nullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "videos" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.ForeignColumn != "user_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.ForeignColumn)
if r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("not a join table")
@ -53,12 +74,18 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if r.Nullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "notifications" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.ForeignColumn != "user_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.ForeignColumn)
if r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("not a join table")
@ -67,12 +94,18 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if r.Nullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "notifications" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.ForeignColumn != "source_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.ForeignColumn)
if r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("not a join table")
@ -81,9 +114,15 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if r.Nullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ForeignColumn != "id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.Column)
if r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "videos" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
@ -93,9 +132,159 @@ func TestToManyRelationships(t *testing.T) {
if r.JoinLocalColumn != "user_id" {
t.Error("wrong local join column:", r.JoinLocalColumn)
if r.JoinLocalColumnNullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if r.JoinForeignColumn != "video_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign join column:", r.JoinForeignColumn)
if r.JoinForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should not be nullable")
if !r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("expected a join table")
func TestToManyRelationshipsNull(t *testing.T) {
tables := []Table{
Table{Name: "users", Columns: []Column{{Name: "id", Nullable: true}}},
Table{Name: "contests", Columns: []Column{{Name: "id", Nullable: true}}},
Name: "videos",
Columns: []Column{
{Name: "id", Nullable: true},
{Name: "user_id", Nullable: true},
{Name: "contest_id", Nullable: true},
FKeys: []ForeignKey{
{Name: "videos_user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id", Nullable: true},
{Name: "videos_contest_id_fk", Column: "contest_id", ForeignTable: "contests", ForeignColumn: "id", Nullable: true},
Name: "notifications",
Columns: []Column{
{Name: "user_id", Nullable: true},
{Name: "source_id", Nullable: true},
FKeys: []ForeignKey{
{Name: "notifications_user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id", Nullable: true},
{Name: "notifications_source_id_fk", Column: "source_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id", Nullable: true},
Name: "users_video_tags",
IsJoinTable: true,
Columns: []Column{
{Name: "user_id", Nullable: true},
{Name: "video_id", Nullable: true},
FKeys: []ForeignKey{
{Name: "user_id_fk", Column: "user_id", ForeignTable: "users", ForeignColumn: "id", Nullable: true},
{Name: "video_id_fk", Column: "video_id", ForeignTable: "videos", ForeignColumn: "id", Nullable: true},
relationships := ToManyRelationships("users", tables)
if len(relationships) != 4 {
t.Error("wrong # of relationships:", len(relationships))
r := relationships[0]
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if !r.Nullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "videos" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.ForeignColumn != "user_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.ForeignColumn)
if !r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("not a join table")
r = relationships[1]
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if !r.Nullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "notifications" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.ForeignColumn != "user_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.ForeignColumn)
if !r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("not a join table")
r = relationships[2]
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if !r.Nullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "notifications" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.ForeignColumn != "source_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.ForeignColumn)
if !r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("not a join table")
r = relationships[3]
if r.Column != "id" {
t.Error("wrong local column:", r.Column)
if !r.Nullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ForeignColumn != "id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign column:", r.Column)
if !r.ForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.ForeignTable != "videos" {
t.Error("wrong foreign table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.JoinTable != "users_video_tags" {
t.Error("wrong join table:", r.ForeignTable)
if r.JoinLocalColumn != "user_id" {
t.Error("wrong local join column:", r.JoinLocalColumn)
if !r.JoinLocalColumnNullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if r.JoinForeignColumn != "video_id" {
t.Error("wrong foreign join column:", r.JoinForeignColumn)
if !r.JoinForeignColumnNullable {
t.Error("should be nullable")
if !r.ToJoinTable {
t.Error("expected a join table")
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ type Table struct {
FKeys []ForeignKey
IsJoinTable bool
ToManyRelationships []ToManyRelationship
// GetTable by name. Panics if not found (for use in templates mostly).
Add table
Reference in a new issue