- The old templates used to output \n\n after each run, with the previous changes this is no longer the case and as such the templates all must be formatted correctly.
173 lines
5.8 KiB
173 lines
5.8 KiB
{{- $tableNameSingular := .Table.Name | singular | titleCase -}}
{{- $varNameSingular := .Table.Name | singular | camelCase -}}
{{- $schemaTable := .Table.Name | .SchemaTable}}
// UpdateG a single {{$tableNameSingular}} record. See Update for
// whitelist behavior description.
func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) UpdateG(whitelist ...string) error {
return o.Update(boil.GetDB(), whitelist...)
// UpdateGP a single {{$tableNameSingular}} record.
// UpdateGP takes a whitelist of column names that should be updated.
// Panics on error. See Update for whitelist behavior description.
func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) UpdateGP(whitelist ...string) {
if err := o.Update(boil.GetDB(), whitelist...); err != nil {
// UpdateP uses an executor to update the {{$tableNameSingular}}, and panics on error.
// See Update for whitelist behavior description.
func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) UpdateP(exec boil.Executor, whitelist ... string) {
err := o.Update(exec, whitelist...)
if err != nil {
// Update uses an executor to update the {{$tableNameSingular}}.
// Whitelist behavior: If a whitelist is provided, only the columns given are updated.
// No whitelist behavior: Without a whitelist, columns are inferred by the following rules:
// - All columns are inferred to start with
// - All primary keys are subtracted from this set
// Update does not automatically update the record in case of default values. Use .Reload()
// to refresh the records.
func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) Update(exec boil.Executor, whitelist ... string) error {
{{- template "timestamp_update_helper" . -}}
var err error
{{if not .NoHooks -}}
if err = o.doBeforeUpdateHooks(exec); err != nil {
return err
{{end -}}
key := makeCacheKey(whitelist, nil)
cache, cached := {{$varNameSingular}}UpdateCache[key]
if !cached {
wl := strmangle.UpdateColumnSet({{$varNameSingular}}Columns, {{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns, whitelist)
if len(wl) == 0 {
return errors.New("{{.PkgName}}: unable to update {{.Table.Name}}, could not build whitelist")
cache.query = fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE {{$schemaTable}} SET %s WHERE %s",
strmangle.SetParamNames("{{.LQ}}", "{{.RQ}}", {{if .Dialect.IndexPlaceholders}}1{{else}}0{{end}}, wl),
strmangle.WhereClause("{{.LQ}}", "{{.RQ}}", {{if .Dialect.IndexPlaceholders}}len(wl)+1{{else}}0{{end}}, {{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns),
cache.valueMapping, err = queries.BindMapping({{$varNameSingular}}Type, {{$varNameSingular}}Mapping, append(wl, {{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns...))
if err != nil {
return err
values := queries.ValuesFromMapping(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(o)), cache.valueMapping)
if boil.DebugMode {
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, cache.query)
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, values)
_, err = exec.Exec(cache.query, values...)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "{{.PkgName}}: unable to update {{.Table.Name}} row")
if !cached {
{{$varNameSingular}}UpdateCache[key] = cache
{{if not .NoHooks -}}
return o.doAfterUpdateHooks(exec)
{{- else -}}
return nil
{{- end}}
// UpdateAllP updates all rows with matching column names, and panics on error.
func (q {{$varNameSingular}}Query) UpdateAllP(cols M) {
if err := q.UpdateAll(cols); err != nil {
// UpdateAll updates all rows with the specified column values.
func (q {{$varNameSingular}}Query) UpdateAll(cols M) error {
queries.SetUpdate(q.Query, cols)
_, err := q.Query.Exec()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "{{.PkgName}}: unable to update all for {{.Table.Name}}")
return nil
// UpdateAllG updates all rows with the specified column values.
func (o {{$tableNameSingular}}Slice) UpdateAllG(cols M) error {
return o.UpdateAll(boil.GetDB(), cols)
// UpdateAllGP updates all rows with the specified column values, and panics on error.
func (o {{$tableNameSingular}}Slice) UpdateAllGP(cols M) {
if err := o.UpdateAll(boil.GetDB(), cols); err != nil {
// UpdateAllP updates all rows with the specified column values, and panics on error.
func (o {{$tableNameSingular}}Slice) UpdateAllP(exec boil.Executor, cols M) {
if err := o.UpdateAll(exec, cols); err != nil {
// UpdateAll updates all rows with the specified column values, using an executor.
func (o {{$tableNameSingular}}Slice) UpdateAll(exec boil.Executor, cols M) error {
ln := int64(len(o))
if ln == 0 {
return nil
if len(cols) == 0 {
return errors.New("{{.PkgName}}: update all requires at least one column argument")
colNames := make([]string, len(cols))
args := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
i := 0
for name, value := range cols {
colNames[i] = name
args[i] = value
// Append all of the primary key values for each column
for _, obj := range o {
pkeyArgs := queries.ValuesFromMapping(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)), {{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyMapping)
args = append(args, pkeyArgs...)
sql := fmt.Sprintf(
"UPDATE {{$schemaTable}} SET %s WHERE ({{.LQ}}{{.Table.PKey.Columns | join (printf "%s,%s" .LQ .RQ)}}{{.RQ}}) IN (%s)",
strmangle.SetParamNames("{{.LQ}}", "{{.RQ}}", {{if .Dialect.IndexPlaceholders}}1{{else}}0{{end}}, colNames),
strmangle.Placeholders(dialect.IndexPlaceholders, len(o) * len({{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns), len(colNames)+1, len({{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns)),
if boil.DebugMode {
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, sql)
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, args...)
_, err := exec.Exec(sql, args...)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "{{.PkgName}}: unable to update all in {{$varNameSingular}} slice")
return nil