59 lines
2.2 KiB
59 lines
2.2 KiB
{{- define "relationship_to_one_struct_helper" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $dot := . -}}
{{- $tableNameSingular := .Table.Name | singular -}}
{{- $modelName := $tableNameSingular | titleCase -}}
{{- $modelNameCamel := $tableNameSingular | camelCase -}}
// {{$modelName}} is an object representing the database table.
type {{$modelName}} struct {
{{range $column := .Table.Columns -}}
{{titleCase $column.Name}} {{$column.Type}} `{{generateTags $dot.Tags $column.Name}}boil:"{{$column.Name}}" json:"{{$column.Name}}{{if $column.Nullable}},omitempty{{end}}" toml:"{{$column.Name}}" yaml:"{{$column.Name}}{{if $column.Nullable}},omitempty{{end}}"`
{{end -}}
{{- if .Table.IsJoinTable -}}
{{- else}}
R *{{$modelNameCamel}}R `{{generateIgnoreTags $dot.Tags}}boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
L {{$modelNameCamel}}L `{{generateIgnoreTags $dot.Tags}}boil:"-" json:"-" toml:"-" yaml:"-"`
{{end -}}
var {{$modelName}}Columns = struct {
{{range $column := .Table.Columns -}}
{{titleCase $column.Name}} string
{{end -}}
{{range $column := .Table.Columns -}}
{{titleCase $column.Name}}: "{{$column.Name}}",
{{end -}}
// {{$modelName}}Filter allows you to filter on any columns by making them all pointers.
type {{$modelName}}Filter struct {
{{range $column := .Table.Columns -}}
{{titleCase $column.Name}} *{{$column.Type}} `{{generateTags $dot.Tags $column.Name}}boil:"{{$column.Name}}" json:"{{$column.Name}},omitempty" toml:"{{$column.Name}}" yaml:"{{$column.Name}},omitempty"`
{{end -}}
{{- if .Table.IsJoinTable -}}
{{- else}}
// {{$modelNameCamel}}R is where relationships are stored.
type {{$modelNameCamel}}R struct {
{{range .Table.FKeys -}}
{{- $txt := txtsFromFKey $dot.Tables $dot.Table . -}}
{{$txt.Function.Name}} *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}
{{end -}}
{{range .Table.ToOneRelationships -}}
{{- $txt := txtsFromOneToOne $dot.Tables $dot.Table . -}}
{{$txt.Function.Name}} *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}
{{end -}}
{{range .Table.ToManyRelationships -}}
{{- $txt := txtsFromToMany $dot.Tables $dot.Table . -}}
{{$txt.Function.Name}} {{$txt.ForeignTable.Slice}}
{{end -}}{{/* range tomany */}}
// {{$modelNameCamel}}L is where Load methods for each relationship are stored.
type {{$modelNameCamel}}L struct{}
{{end -}}