- This fix checks the query that's being prepared for any select statements, if there's none then add one so the query does what's expected. - Fix #159
46 lines
2 KiB
46 lines
2 KiB
{{- if .Table.IsJoinTable -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $dot := . -}}
{{- $table := .Table -}}
{{- range .Table.ToManyRelationships -}}
{{- $varNameSingular := .ForeignTable | singular | camelCase -}}
{{- $txt := txtsFromToMany $dot.Tables $table . -}}
{{- $schemaForeignTable := .ForeignTable | $dot.SchemaTable}}
// {{$txt.Function.Name}}G retrieves all the {{.ForeignTable | singular}}'s {{$txt.ForeignTable.NameHumanReadable}}
{{- if not (eq $txt.Function.Name $txt.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo)}} via {{.ForeignColumn}} column{{- end}}.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) {{$txt.Function.Name}}G(mods ...qm.QueryMod) {{$varNameSingular}}Query {
return o.{{$txt.Function.Name}}(boil.GetDB(), mods...)
// {{$txt.Function.Name}} retrieves all the {{.ForeignTable | singular}}'s {{$txt.ForeignTable.NameHumanReadable}} with an executor
{{- if not (eq $txt.Function.Name $txt.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo)}} via {{.ForeignColumn}} column{{- end}}.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) {{$txt.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Executor, mods ...qm.QueryMod) {{$varNameSingular}}Query {
var queryMods []qm.QueryMod
if len(mods) != 0 {
queryMods = append(queryMods, mods...)
{{if .ToJoinTable -}}
queryMods = append(queryMods,
{{$schemaJoinTable := .JoinTable | $.SchemaTable -}}
qm.InnerJoin("{{$schemaJoinTable}} on {{$schemaForeignTable}}.{{.ForeignColumn | $dot.Quotes}} = {{$schemaJoinTable}}.{{.JoinForeignColumn | $dot.Quotes}}"),
qm.Where("{{$schemaJoinTable}}.{{.JoinLocalColumn | $dot.Quotes}}=?", o.{{$txt.LocalTable.ColumnNameGo}}),
{{else -}}
queryMods = append(queryMods,
qm.Where("{{$schemaForeignTable}}.{{.ForeignColumn | $dot.Quotes}}=?", o.{{$txt.LocalTable.ColumnNameGo}}),
query := {{$txt.ForeignTable.NamePluralGo}}(exec, queryMods...)
queries.SetFrom(query.Query, "{{$schemaForeignTable}}")
if len(queries.GetSelect(query.Query)) == 0 {
queries.SetSelect(query.Query, []string{"{{$schemaForeignTable}}.*"})
return query
{{end -}}{{- /* range relationships */ -}}
{{- end -}}{{- /* if isJoinTable */ -}}