2018-02-22 13:41:05 -05:00

633 lines
17 KiB

// Package randomize has helpers for randomization of structs and fields
package randomize
import (
null "github.com/lbryio/lbry.go/null"
var (
typeNullFloat32 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Float32{})
typeNullFloat64 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Float64{})
typeNullInt = reflect.TypeOf(null.Int{})
typeNullInt8 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Int8{})
typeNullInt16 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Int16{})
typeNullInt32 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Int32{})
typeNullInt64 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Int64{})
typeNullUint = reflect.TypeOf(null.Uint{})
typeNullUint8 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Uint8{})
typeNullUint16 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Uint16{})
typeNullUint32 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Uint32{})
typeNullUint64 = reflect.TypeOf(null.Uint64{})
typeNullString = reflect.TypeOf(null.String{})
typeNullByte = reflect.TypeOf(null.Byte{})
typeNullBool = reflect.TypeOf(null.Bool{})
typeNullTime = reflect.TypeOf(null.Time{})
typeNullBytes = reflect.TypeOf(null.Bytes{})
typeNullJSON = reflect.TypeOf(null.JSON{})
typeTime = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
typeJSON = reflect.TypeOf(types.JSON{})
typeInt64Array = reflect.TypeOf(types.Int64Array{})
typeBytesArray = reflect.TypeOf(types.BytesArray{})
typeBoolArray = reflect.TypeOf(types.BoolArray{})
typeFloat64Array = reflect.TypeOf(types.Float64Array{})
typeStringArray = reflect.TypeOf(types.StringArray{})
typeHStore = reflect.TypeOf(types.HStore{})
rgxValidTime = regexp.MustCompile(`[2-9]+`)
validatedTypes = []string{
"inet", "line", "uuid", "interval", "mediumint",
"json", "jsonb", "box", "cidr", "circle",
"lseg", "macaddr", "path", "pg_lsn", "point",
"polygon", "txid_snapshot", "money", "hstore",
// Seed is an atomic counter for pseudo-randomization structs. Using full
// randomization leads to collisions in a domain where uniqueness is an
// important factor.
type Seed int64
// NewSeed creates a new seed for pseudo-randomization.
func NewSeed() *Seed {
s := new(int64)
*s = time.Now().Unix()
return (*Seed)(s)
func (s *Seed) nextInt() int {
return int(atomic.AddInt64((*int64)(s), 1) % math.MaxInt32)
// Struct gets its fields filled with random data based on the seed.
// It will ignore the fields in the blacklist.
// It will ignore fields that have the struct tag boil:"-"
func Struct(s *Seed, str interface{}, colTypes map[string]string, canBeNull bool, blacklist ...string) error {
// Don't modify blacklist
copyBlacklist := make([]string, len(blacklist))
copy(copyBlacklist, blacklist)
blacklist = copyBlacklist
// Check if it's pointer
value := reflect.ValueOf(str)
kind := value.Kind()
if kind != reflect.Ptr {
return errors.Errorf("Outer element should be a pointer, given a non-pointer: %T", str)
// Check if it's a struct
value = value.Elem()
kind = value.Kind()
if kind != reflect.Struct {
return errors.Errorf("Inner element should be a struct, given a non-struct: %T", str)
typ := value.Type()
nFields := value.NumField()
// Iterate through fields, randomizing
for i := 0; i < nFields; i++ {
fieldVal := value.Field(i)
fieldTyp := typ.Field(i)
var found bool
for _, v := range blacklist {
if strmangle.TitleCase(v) == fieldTyp.Name {
found = true
if found {
if fieldTyp.Tag.Get("boil") == "-" {
fieldDBType := colTypes[fieldTyp.Name]
if err := randomizeField(s, fieldVal, fieldDBType, canBeNull); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// randDate generates a random time.Time between 1850 and 2050.
// Only the Day/Month/Year columns are set so that Dates and DateTimes do
// not cause mismatches in the test data comparisons.
func randDate(s *Seed) time.Time {
t := time.Date(
return t
// randomizeField changes the value at field to a "randomized" value.
// If canBeNull is false:
// The value will always be a non-null and non-zero value.
// If canBeNull is true:
// The value has the possibility of being null or non-zero at random.
func randomizeField(s *Seed, field reflect.Value, fieldType string, canBeNull bool) error {
kind := field.Kind()
typ := field.Type()
if strings.HasPrefix(fieldType, "enum") {
enum, err := randEnumValue(fieldType)
if err != nil {
return err
if kind == reflect.Struct {
val := null.NewString(enum, rand.Intn(1) == 0)
} else {
return nil
var value interface{}
var isNull bool
// Validated columns always need to be set regardless of canBeNull,
// and they have to adhere to a strict value format.
foundValidated := strmangle.SetInclude(fieldType, validatedTypes)
if foundValidated {
if kind == reflect.Struct {
switch typ {
case typeNullString:
if fieldType == "interval" {
value = null.NewString(strconv.Itoa((s.nextInt()%26)+2)+" days", true)
return nil
if fieldType == "uuid" {
value = null.NewString(uuid.NewV4().String(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "box" || fieldType == "line" || fieldType == "lseg" ||
fieldType == "path" || fieldType == "polygon" {
value = null.NewString(randBox(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "cidr" || fieldType == "inet" {
value = null.NewString(randNetAddr(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "macaddr" {
value = null.NewString(randMacAddr(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "circle" {
value = null.NewString(randCircle(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "pg_lsn" {
value = null.NewString(randLsn(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "point" {
value = null.NewString(randPoint(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "txid_snapshot" {
value = null.NewString(randTxID(), true)
return nil
if fieldType == "money" {
value = null.NewString(randMoney(s), true)
return nil
case typeNullInt32:
if fieldType == "mediumint" {
// 8388607 is the max for 3 byte int
value = null.NewInt32(int32(s.nextInt())%8388607, true)
return nil
case typeNullJSON:
value = null.NewJSON([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, randStr(s, 1))), true)
return nil
case typeHStore:
value := types.HStore{}
value[randStr(s, 3)] = sql.NullString{String: randStr(s, 3), Valid: s.nextInt()%3 == 0}
value[randStr(s, 3)] = sql.NullString{String: randStr(s, 3), Valid: s.nextInt()%3 == 0}
return nil
} else {
switch kind {
case reflect.String:
if fieldType == "interval" {
value = strconv.Itoa((s.nextInt()%26)+2) + " days"
return nil
if fieldType == "uuid" {
value = uuid.NewV4().String()
return nil
if fieldType == "box" || fieldType == "line" || fieldType == "lseg" ||
fieldType == "path" || fieldType == "polygon" {
value = randBox()
return nil
if fieldType == "cidr" || fieldType == "inet" {
value = randNetAddr()
return nil
if fieldType == "macaddr" {
value = randMacAddr()
return nil
if fieldType == "circle" {
value = randCircle()
return nil
if fieldType == "pg_lsn" {
value = randLsn()
return nil
if fieldType == "point" {
value = randPoint()
return nil
if fieldType == "txid_snapshot" {
value = randTxID()
return nil
if fieldType == "money" {
value = randMoney(s)
return nil
case reflect.Int32:
if fieldType == "mediumint" {
// 8388607 is the max for 3 byte int
value = int32(s.nextInt()) % 8388607
return nil
switch typ {
case typeJSON:
value = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, randStr(s, 1)))
return nil
case typeHStore:
value := types.HStore{}
value[randStr(s, 3)] = sql.NullString{String: randStr(s, 3), Valid: s.nextInt()%3 == 0}
value[randStr(s, 3)] = sql.NullString{String: randStr(s, 3), Valid: s.nextInt()%3 == 0}
return nil
// Check the regular columns, these can be set or not set
// depending on the canBeNull flag.
if canBeNull {
// 1 in 3 chance of being null or zero value
isNull = s.nextInt()%3 == 0
} else {
// if canBeNull is false, then never return null values.
isNull = false
// If it's a Postgres array, treat it like one
if strings.HasPrefix(fieldType, "ARRAY") {
value = getArrayRandValue(s, typ, fieldType)
// Retrieve the value to be returned
} else if kind == reflect.Struct {
if isNull {
value = getStructNullValue(s, typ)
} else {
value = getStructRandValue(s, typ)
} else {
// only get zero values for non byte slices
// to stop mysql from being a jerk
if isNull && kind != reflect.Slice {
value = getVariableZeroValue(s, kind, typ)
} else {
value = getVariableRandValue(s, kind, typ)
if value == nil {
return errors.Errorf("unsupported type: %s", typ.String())
return nil
func getArrayRandValue(s *Seed, typ reflect.Type, fieldType string) interface{} {
fieldType = strings.TrimLeft(fieldType, "ARRAY")
switch typ {
case typeInt64Array:
return types.Int64Array{int64(s.nextInt()), int64(s.nextInt())}
case typeFloat64Array:
return types.Float64Array{float64(s.nextInt()), float64(s.nextInt())}
case typeBoolArray:
return types.BoolArray{s.nextInt()%2 == 0, s.nextInt()%2 == 0, s.nextInt()%2 == 0}
case typeStringArray:
if fieldType == "interval" {
value := strconv.Itoa((s.nextInt()%26)+2) + " days"
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "uuid" {
value := uuid.NewV4().String()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "box" || fieldType == "line" || fieldType == "lseg" ||
fieldType == "path" || fieldType == "polygon" {
value := randBox()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "cidr" || fieldType == "inet" {
value := randNetAddr()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "macaddr" {
value := randMacAddr()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "circle" {
value := randCircle()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "pg_lsn" {
value := randLsn()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "point" {
value := randPoint()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "txid_snapshot" {
value := randTxID()
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "money" {
value := randMoney(s)
return types.StringArray{value, value}
if fieldType == "json" || fieldType == "jsonb" {
value := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, randStr(s, 1)))
return types.StringArray{string(value)}
return types.StringArray{randStr(s, 4), randStr(s, 4), randStr(s, 4)}
case typeBytesArray:
return types.BytesArray{randByteSlice(s, 4), randByteSlice(s, 4), randByteSlice(s, 4)}
return nil
// getStructNullValue for the matching type.
func getStructNullValue(s *Seed, typ reflect.Type) interface{} {
switch typ {
case typeTime:
// MySQL does not support 0 value time.Time, so use rand
return randDate(s)
case typeNullBool:
return null.NewBool(false, false)
case typeNullString:
return null.NewString("", false)
case typeNullTime:
return null.NewTime(time.Time{}, false)
case typeNullFloat32:
return null.NewFloat32(0.0, false)
case typeNullFloat64:
return null.NewFloat64(0.0, false)
case typeNullInt:
return null.NewInt(0, false)
case typeNullInt8:
return null.NewInt8(0, false)
case typeNullInt16:
return null.NewInt16(0, false)
case typeNullInt32:
return null.NewInt32(0, false)
case typeNullInt64:
return null.NewInt64(0, false)
case typeNullUint:
return null.NewUint(0, false)
case typeNullUint8:
return null.NewUint8(0, false)
case typeNullUint16:
return null.NewUint16(0, false)
case typeNullUint32:
return null.NewUint32(0, false)
case typeNullUint64:
return null.NewUint64(0, false)
case typeNullBytes:
return null.NewBytes(nil, false)
case typeNullByte:
return null.NewByte(byte(0), false)
return nil
// getStructRandValue returns a "random" value for the matching type.
// The randomness is really an incrementation of the global seed,
// this is done to avoid duplicate key violations.
func getStructRandValue(s *Seed, typ reflect.Type) interface{} {
switch typ {
case typeTime:
return randDate(s)
case typeNullBool:
return null.NewBool(s.nextInt()%2 == 0, true)
case typeNullString:
return null.NewString(randStr(s, 1), true)
case typeNullTime:
return null.NewTime(randDate(s), true)
case typeNullFloat32:
return null.NewFloat32(float32(s.nextInt()%10)/10.0+float32(s.nextInt()%10), true)
case typeNullFloat64:
return null.NewFloat64(float64(s.nextInt()%10)/10.0+float64(s.nextInt()%10), true)
case typeNullInt:
return null.NewInt(int(int32(s.nextInt()%math.MaxInt32)), true)
case typeNullInt8:
return null.NewInt8(int8(s.nextInt()%math.MaxInt8), true)
case typeNullInt16:
return null.NewInt16(int16(s.nextInt()%math.MaxInt16), true)
case typeNullInt32:
return null.NewInt32(int32(s.nextInt()%math.MaxInt32), true)
case typeNullInt64:
return null.NewInt64(int64(s.nextInt()), true)
case typeNullUint:
return null.NewUint(uint(s.nextInt()), true)
case typeNullUint8:
return null.NewUint8(uint8(s.nextInt()%math.MaxUint8), true)
case typeNullUint16:
return null.NewUint16(uint16(s.nextInt()%math.MaxUint16), true)
case typeNullUint32:
return null.NewUint32(uint32(s.nextInt()%math.MaxUint32), true)
case typeNullUint64:
return null.NewUint64(uint64(s.nextInt()), true)
case typeNullBytes:
return null.NewBytes(randByteSlice(s, 1), true)
case typeNullByte:
return null.NewByte(byte(rand.Intn(125-65)+65), true)
return nil
// getVariableZeroValue for the matching type.
func getVariableZeroValue(s *Seed, kind reflect.Kind, typ reflect.Type) interface{} {
switch typ.String() {
case "types.Byte":
// Decimal 65 is 'A'. 0 is not a valid UTF8, so cannot use a zero value here.
return types.Byte(65)
switch kind {
case reflect.Float32:
return float32(0)
case reflect.Float64:
return float64(0)
case reflect.Int:
return int(0)
case reflect.Int8:
return int8(0)
case reflect.Int16:
return int16(0)
case reflect.Int32:
return int32(0)
case reflect.Int64:
return int64(0)
case reflect.Uint:
return uint(0)
case reflect.Uint8:
return uint8(0)
case reflect.Uint16:
return uint16(0)
case reflect.Uint32:
return uint32(0)
case reflect.Uint64:
return uint64(0)
case reflect.Bool:
return false
case reflect.String:
return ""
case reflect.Slice:
return []byte{}
return nil
// getVariableRandValue returns a "random" value for the matching kind.
// The randomness is really an incrementation of the global seed,
// this is done to avoid duplicate key violations.
func getVariableRandValue(s *Seed, kind reflect.Kind, typ reflect.Type) interface{} {
switch typ.String() {
case "types.Byte":
return types.Byte(rand.Intn(125-65) + 65)
switch kind {
case reflect.Float32:
return float32(float32(s.nextInt()%10)/10.0 + float32(s.nextInt()%10))
case reflect.Float64:
return float64(float64(s.nextInt()%10)/10.0 + float64(s.nextInt()%10))
case reflect.Int:
return s.nextInt()
case reflect.Int8:
return int8(s.nextInt() % math.MaxInt8)
case reflect.Int16:
return int16(s.nextInt() % math.MaxInt16)
case reflect.Int32:
return int32(s.nextInt() % math.MaxInt32)
case reflect.Int64:
return int64(s.nextInt())
case reflect.Uint:
return uint(s.nextInt())
case reflect.Uint8:
return uint8(s.nextInt() % math.MaxUint8)
case reflect.Uint16:
return uint16(s.nextInt() % math.MaxUint16)
case reflect.Uint32:
return uint32(s.nextInt() % math.MaxUint32)
case reflect.Uint64:
return uint64(s.nextInt())
case reflect.Bool:
return true
case reflect.String:
return randStr(s, 1)
case reflect.Slice:
sliceVal := typ.Elem()
if sliceVal.Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
return errors.Errorf("unsupported slice type: %T, was expecting byte slice.", typ.String())
return randByteSlice(s, 1)
return nil
func randEnumValue(enum string) (string, error) {
vals := strmangle.ParseEnumVals(enum)
if vals == nil || len(vals) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to parse enum string: %s", enum)
return vals[rand.Intn(len(vals)-1)], nil